Replacing the Fates

Started by Crow793, 20-07-2012

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With Kami gone, the temple of the fates is now holding a big part of land with little use. However VonXeno and I were talking and came up with another idea.

We believe in bringing in a concept similar to the Daedric Princes in the Elder Scrolls. Gods with an orb of influence who directly and/or indirectly influence the lives of mortals, similar to what Kami did with the fates.

What this could allow:

- Players could worship their deity of choice
- Would allow RP stories such as quests or trials
- Would replace the Fate's original intention of gifting players HM or powerful items.
- Mods would have something fun to do

Basically, each operator would create a keeper character. Similar to what Kami did with Keeper whatshisherface. This keeper would meet select peoples at the Temple (Formerly temple of the fates), tell them about the deity they represent, and how to summon them. This would, instead of making mods actually PLAY as the gods, allow them to simply create mortal characters who represent their higher power, without actually being all-powerful.

As a moderator, they would be allowed to name their own deity, and say what their deity represents, similar to Daedric Princes. Ex. Sheogorath was the Prince of Madness. Let's say James wanted to make a deity named Gruwitz, who was the god of the Mind, represented by Keeper Jarim. (Random names). And people who worshiped this god, or just wanted to hold audience, would go to this keeper, summon Gruwitz, and be put on a task or quest, and if succeeded, be rewarded with an artifact, such as Eternal Flames, or something odd like a Santa Suit.

I just feel like this would give Operators something fun to do, and give more opportunities for RP, while removing the former problem we had of having operators actually play as gods. (Syl, Dio, Etc.)


Seems like a scheme to let mods use their power to give good items to players they like.


This is just an idea extending on Kami's concept of the Fates, which gifted based on RPR. Not mod favorability.


Quote from: Crow793 on 20-07-2012
This is just an idea extending on Kami's concept of the Fates, which gifted based on RPR. Not mod favorability.

rapid plasma reagin?


RolePlayRating. See stickied threads.


That system seems really easy to abuse.
Everyone roleplays differently, nobody should get rewards out of the mods just saying, "This person roleplays well, lets give them an advantage," instead of making them work for the advantage ICly.


It's just a way to stop everybody running around with 400 HP, Hallowed Gear, Angel Wings, Excaliburs, etc.

It rewards general good RP.


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 20-07-2012
"This person roleplays well, lets give them an advantage," instead of making them work for the advantage ICly.

A bit redundant.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


A thing to keep in mind:

It doesn't matter WHAT your RPR was, you were able to request a boon from the Fates- its just that the higher your RPR is, the less the price was. A person with low RPR can still get their item, they'd just have to do more for it (pay a higher price, do a harder quest, etc).


RPR is a great system, but the only fall of it is that it will only work if a mod is on the server at all times paying attention to all rps. I'm sure none of the mods on this server presume random dawdling in character to not be roleplaying, but if you do think that way then your immediately going to make the RPR system less accurate because, while some of us have great rps to do with other players 24/7 others may not have that luxury and will have to sit in their house doing menial tasks as they wait for rp to come to them or luckily fall into rp while traveling.

Also the being able to roleplay gods again thing to replace fates. No. Just No. Seriously we set up a new server and specifically vote against that. Don't try to bring it back and even if it is different at first it will get abused later on.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 20-07-2012
Also the being able to roleplay gods again thing to replace fates. No. Just No. Seriously we set up a new server and specifically vote against that. Don't try to bring it back and even if it is different at first it will get abused later on.
You've clearly misread what has been posted here.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


dungeon it's not gods it's preists of gods.


Having a bunch of gods would take up space with a crap ton of temples.


Quote from: Noidness on 20-07-2012
Having a bunch of gods would take up space with a crap ton of temples.
Not if they were on sky islands or they were all in one big temple.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


that just doesn't feel as right, in my opinion.


Each god would only have a small shrine. Mostly within the temple.


dunno. just have someone roleplay a blind seer or something.

I don't mind diety worship, but playing a god got boring. sure, i enjoyed it, but it really was pointless.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I think that if were going to change something about the Fates we should just get rid of them. If were going to go ahead and make something pretty much the same then there is no point to changing it. Now if you were to just change the name and stuff I wouldn't care, but adding in multiple priests of gods or whatever you want just seems like a lot more work then need to be done. Really do we need an almighty force? If you want to restrict HM items then simple make events every now and then where a boss or some legendary merchant comes to town and we can do quests or kill the beast for a chance at an HM item. If your not getting rid of the Fates and are just planning to make it more complicated then theres no point to this.

Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.