Re: Caphori: Whitelist Application Thread

Started by stormcat2248, 26-02-2012

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Real Name: Steven
Roleplay Name: Raze
Age: 14
Players you already know on the on the server:sorry i dont know any

Previous roleplay experience: Eylsain kingdoms faction play, Naruto role play, Forsaken world, DDO online,

What servers you play on: i mostly play on my friends private servers and just build but i do minecraft servers as well

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Sorry i dont :(

Why would you like to join our server: I have been looking for an extreme roleplay server for a while. except all the ones i find that look good are just shut down. this server
Seems to be up to date,friendly and just playing to escape the world and have a good time. thats what im looking for

Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread: Yes they all are resonable

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your Reaction (rp it) An old man walks up to Raze who is waiting to meet up with a friend. The old man has gray hair and casually greets raze offering him an enchanted scroll.Raze remains weary for the old man may be a spy. "what does the scroll do?" Raze asks. the old man hands raze the scroll and says in an old raspy voice that sounded like he had been shouting too much "its just a simple fire scroll, I'm trying to make a living so i can buy a gift for my sons birthday. Razes faces lifts a little "so this man isent trying to scam me." he thinks to himself. Then Raze Smiles and flips him 1 platuim and 2 silver coins. "go make your son happy man, sounds like you've earned it." The man grins from ear to ear, thanks raze for his giving and rushes away. Then raze looks at the scroll and realized that the scroll was a fake. He sighed and thought to himself "well... i fell for probably the easiest trick, *sigh* oh well it'll be easier just to earn back the money then tracking him back down." Raze slaps himself on the face for acting like an idiot, sits down and resumes waiting for his friend

this should be a better in depth roleplay


The issue was in your name I believe not the RP, also please do not post applications outside of the application thread. This will probably be locked down and deleted soon.

Anyway please only edit your old post, don't make a new one!

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Quote from: JRParadox on 26-02-2012
The issue was in your name I believe not the RP, also please do not post applications outside of the application thread. This will probably be locked down and deleted soon.

Anyway please only edit your old post, don't make a new one!

the name is fine, Hex.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.