
Started by Pink!, 16-03-2011

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What the fuck is this?

I honestly cannot put into words how absolutely... disgusted I am.

I was polite, I was private, and discreet, and you continued to ignore my requests to stop a roleplay I was completely uncomfortable with, until I felt forced to go along with your cannibalistic torture, to the point of having to disconnect because I'm in tears. And then, you go and post my request to stop in a public forum.


I have absolutely nothing to say, but you'd better have a fucking good explanation.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


Well you could of just said I do not want to carry on this roleplay to me and I adcept your leaveing of it. I was simply just makeing a joke of it so I posted in the quotes thread brah. This is just the way I roleplay bro, didnt meant to offened you deeply. If you have further anger/discussion I will talk to you sf and I wont put it in quotes thread. Don't worry I had worse than this happen to me when I was on sf.

Sorry pinkie.. I am just sadistic in nature.


If thats what I think it is, then don't you need both parties to come to an agreement to.. cyber?

By the way, my condolences, sounds like it was bad.
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


It wasent a cyber, it was a torture much like what I did with krazner to people.


Quote from: Ravanger on 16-03-2011
Well you could of just said I do not want to carry on this roleplay to me and I adcept your leaveing of it. I was simply just makeing a joke of it so I posted in the quotes thread brah. This is just the way I roleplay bro, didnt meant to offened you deeply. If you have further anger/discussion I will talk to you sf and I wont put it in quotes thread. Don't worry I had worse than this happen to me when I was on sf.

Sorry pinkie.. I am just sadistic in nature.

Ravanger, do I need to spell out, "I don't want to roleplay this?"

It wasn't rape, but it was a forced cannibalism combined with sexual assault. The people spectating didn't help either.

Honestly... I'd tried to put it behind me, but the fact you posted my request, and even now are making light of and saying, "Oh, I'm just sadistic," really shows your ignorance in the issue.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


As well I dont want to show any ic information but I gues I will. You murdered a Frankie I simply took action and inturn they allowed me to deal with you for murdering one of there comrades.

Again sorry bud.


Well, this can always be solved by simply agreeing to void the RP done.

Quote from: Ravanger on 16-03-2011
Well you could of just said I do not want to carry on this roleplay to me and I adcept your leaveing of it.

Also, if I see correctly, Pink requested a 'Fade to Black' atleast.
From what I am reading, it seems you carried on regardless, despite the fact you said 'All she had to do was say I dont want to roleplay this.'
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


Yeah I pretty much did. I felti t was somewhat of avoiding roleplay.

Sorry my responces are gonna be a bit lame since I am in shogun total war with ace atm.

I was being pretty obnoxious to post that in qutoes thread though. (Shogun type lag.)


At the risk of sounding like a humongous asshole...

Am I the only one who finds it hypocritical of Pink to be complaining about being forced into an uncomfortable situation when numerous people on these forums have expressed discomfort due to her sig?


Quote from: Paintcheck on 16-03-2011
At the risk of sounding like a humongous asshole...

Am I the only one who finds it hypocritical of Pink to be complaining about being forced into an uncomfortable situation when numerous people on these forums have expressed discomfort due to her sig?
I'm glad to see someone pointed out the elephant in the room.


Pink, suck up, it's a video game not real life. Who cares what he does, your "Uncomfortable" with this RP? Thats just dumb. Your kind of a hypocrite because you are the one with a sig of two men kissing which is really annoying and gay.

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Quote from: andrewhatesyou on 16-03-2011
Pink, suck up, it's a video game not real life. Who cares what he does, your "Uncomfortable" with this RP? Thats just dumb. Your kind of a hypocrite because you are the one with a sig of two men kissing which is really annoying and gay.

Well its more of outright in your face which could offend or "discomfort" some people.


Step 1) Right click signature
Step 2) Block the image.

I also found it funny because "Wow, some one actually went out of their way to draw this...."

As for what I read, if we're talking hypocrisy here:

"Well you could of just said I do not want to carry on this roleplay to me "

And they did, and you continued. Why saying something if it isn't true just to make you look worse?

Also, I like how people are bringing forum signatures and avatars into a discussion about IC events. This is pretty much like when people argue IC over OOC events. Keep everything on the level they should be on.

Lastly, that is an argument against the man, one of the most common (especially here) logical fallacies known.
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I am surprised nobody can understand the issues I had with the roleplay, which involved cannibalism and sexual assault.

I must also admit my surprise that nobody can notice the difference between a socially acceptable romantic image between two consenting adults, as an image, and a violent and disturbing piece of roleplay that involved me being forced into an unpleasant situation.

They are two completely different issues. To put it in another context, if I had Cuddy and House kissing in my signature, nobody would mind, at all. In fact, homosexual relationships are, shockingly, socially acceptable.

If Ravanger's character was a female, the roleplay, and constant requests for rape and sexual violence and licking and sucking at my character would still have been unacceptable. Rape and violence are, shockingly, not socially acceptable.

Quote from: Lucidius on 17-03-2011I also found it funny because "Wow, some one actually went out of their way to draw this...."

Just to add, HousexWilson is one of the biggest ships in yaoi.

There is a lot more material out there than this.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


Quote from: Lucidius on 17-03-2011
Step 1) Right click signature
Step 2) Block the image.

That does not work. What OS are you using?

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Quote from: Pink! on 17-03-2011
I am surprised nobody can understand the issues I had with the roleplay, which involved cannibalism and sexual assault.

I must also admit my surprise that nobody can notice the difference between a socially acceptable romantic image between two consenting adults, as an image, and a violent and disturbing piece of roleplay that involved me being forced into an unpleasant situation.

They are two completely different issues. To put it in another context, if I had Cuddy and House kissing in my signature, nobody would mind, at all. In fact, homosexual relationships are, shockingly, socially acceptable.

If Ravanger's character was a female, the roleplay, and constant requests for rape and sexual violence and licking and sucking at my character would still have been unacceptable. Rape and violence are, shockingly, not socially acceptable.

Quote from: Lucidius on 17-03-2011I also found it funny because "Wow, some one actually went out of their way to draw this...."

Just to add, HousexWilson is one of the biggest ships in yaoi.

There is a lot more material out there than this.

That's your opinion. It does not necessarily mean you are right. In Rav's opinion he wasn't doing anything wrong at the time. Yes he has since apologized (because he realizes he offended you, something you seem to think you are above despite several people stating they don't like your sig and would rather not see it) For you to say "I am right because I say I am" when numerous people have stated their concerns is rather stubborn of you and hypocritical.

As for your Yaoi and whatnot glad you enjoy that but these forums aren't the place to be spreading it. Yeah it's not pornagraphic but this is a case of "Can do/should do". Are you breaking rules with that? Not really. Does that mean you should do it? Well if people are finding it offensive you should probably remove it since that would be the considerate thing to do. Just like Rav apologized to you because it was the considerate thing to do. For you to expect, no, demand an apology from Rav for a similar situation and then refuse to see the parallels between that and your sig is rather ignorant of you.


As well I dont see why people are so worried about that sig. I mean I see people with all sorts of sigs sometimes like Rag has a Nazi in his(Sorry Rag.)

Really I think it just matters how much it offends who and what.

Pink this is roleplay people are often gonna push boundries as well this is the wasteland of fallout. Many people werent taught proper morales.


Quote from: Ravanger on 17-03-2011
As well I dont see why people are so worried about that sig. I mean I see people with all sorts of sigs sometimes like Rag has a Nazi in his(Sorry Rag.

And I would also agree that he should remove that as well. But the hypocrisy present made this a tempting target for my ire. God forbid people actually show some courtesy and respect towards one another instead of playing the "I am technically within the rules even if I am offending people so nyanyanya" card.

For 2 years respect has been HGN's biggest issue and the complete and utter lack of it amongst the admins and player base as a whole was a huge component in the death of SRP. It is also why HGN has such a shit reputation in most Gmod circles. It would be really nice to see that improve but given how selfish it seems most of the players in this community are I really doubt it.


Quote from: Ravanger on 17-03-2011
As well I dont see why people are so worried about that sig. I mean I see people with all sorts of sigs sometimes like Rag has a Nazi in his(Sorry Rag.)

Really I think it just matters how much it offends who and what.

Pink this is roleplay people are often gonna push boundries as well this is the wasteland of fallout. Many people werent taught proper morales.

I represent my heritage in a certain way. Others may do so in similar or different ways.
I may express, maintain or abstain from popular opinions from such a group.
I may not.
Sorry Painty.
It is not up to you to decide what my grounds are and why I can't have a picture of myself as my avatar.

Sadface, Rov, sadface.

It's not a matter of being within the rules, it's the matter of the United States constitution, wherein all Americans are granted "Freedom of speech, dissent and truth"

I'm not about to start a flamewar, but there's no need to bring me into this when not one person has directly complained to me about my avatar. Should significant complaints amass, I would consider removing it.

No one expressed issue with my current avatar.
No one expressed issue with my previous avatar.

This is all.


And another perfect example of "Fuck your feelings I do what I want".

You guys are such children.


I forgot that homosexuality was such a vehemently despised notion.

Might I add, Paintcheck, that I am right. Sexually assaulting another player's character without their permission is against the rules.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


I was just useing you as a explain of which people could take offense too. I think if the majority dislikes it I think you should change it is all I am saying.

Hgn is our little country.

I think if enough people dislike a Sig or so forth that it should be change.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 17-03-2011
And another perfect example of "Fuck your feelings I do what I want".

You guys are such children.

Love you too, paint, but I don't want to be brought into the fucking crossfire when no one has brought this shit up to me, at all.

Quote from: Ravanger on 17-03-2011
I was just useing you as a explain of which people could take offense too. I think if the majority dislikes it I think you should change it is all I am saying.

Quoteno one has brought this shit up to me, at all.


Well if no one dislikes it or has brought up a major problem then it is fine in HGN land.

Also Pink I wasent going to rape which I tried to tell you, I might of went over that line somewhat but it was hard not to for my character to continue his roleplay properly. I tried to make it just somewhat of a torture along to mix with his cannibalistic ways. This is why my character licked yours to see for your flavor of skin which I talked about in IC. I didnt directly want to rape your char I leaned away from that and inturn I moved to my cannibalistic roleplay in cutting you and tasteing for flavors much like on a animal.

I did not want to directly sexually assault you in which I was just trying to move it to a more torturistic and cannibalistic way.

Essiental my character was showing how to cook and prepare a person. To bad Pink left before I could show further what I meant in my roleplay as a whole...

Again I apologize if I apeared to have sexual assaulted you Pink.


Quote from: Pink! on 17-03-2011
I forgot that homosexuality was such a vehemently despised notion.

Might I add, Paintcheck, that I am right. Sexually assaulting another player's character without their permission is against the rules.

If you would read my posts I don't recall ever saying "Oh Rav was perfectly all right in doing this." I stated that I found it hypocritical of you to complain about this. Yes what Rav did was against the rules and he did the courteous thing and apologized. What I am getting at is that you are making other people uncomfortable and yet refuse to acknowledge their complaints or discomfort. And then you complain about how you were put in an uncomfortable situation and expect people to sympathize. If you can't see the hypocrisy there then I really don't know how to make that any more clear to you.

This isn't about your RP scenario, no one disagrees that Rav broke the rules (hell Rav even agrees he broke the rules). This is about respect and courtesy to members of the community who have asked you numerous times to change your sig (because not every browser has a "block image" function) only to be ignored by you.

Locked because if you choose to misinterpret this post Pink as you apparently have my other posts then you either are going out of your way to ignore the issue or you are too arrogant to admit that your sig might be offensive to some people and either way it seems no further discussion will teach you courtesy or respect for other people's beliefs. If you would like to debate this further you are welcome to SF or PM me.