Questions About This Terraria Roleplay Server...

Started by Inlaa, 29-11-2011

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I didn't see a subforum to post this topic in, so, slap me if I'm in the wrong place.

I have an interest in joining this roleplaying community on Terraria.  However, my brief look here has left me with some questions.  If it's not too big of a bother, I'd like to receive an answer, either on here or via e-mail.

Before I continue with my questions, I'd just like to say that I apologize if I'm doing something that I'm not supposed to.  I am entirely new to this forum, and merely found this website by Googling "Terraria RP Server" and searching for valid results.


Firstly, is there some set lore on the world of Caphori?  If so, where can I find it, and how much of it should I feel obligated to read before diving into roleplay?

Is there any 'unset' lore for the world, such as playable 'races'?  (I ask because I noticed someone added 'Race' to their character sheet in the applications thread and chose the race 'gnome'.)

What times do people on this server typically play in Central U.S. time?

Am I absolutely, positively forced to provide my 'real name' when making my character application?  (Note: I don't mind providing my first name, but my last name is precious.  Like candy.)

When RPing on the server, how does one use OOC chat and emotes?  Are emotes even used?  (For instance, are quotation marks used to note speech, or are asteriks used to note emotes?  Both?)

Is there anything I should know about this community and its RP before making an application?

Has anything I've done offended you? ...Do I smell bad?


Those are my questions.  Again, tell me if I've done anything silly that I haven't realized, such as posting this in the wrong place.  Feel free to lay scornful word upon scornful word on me in most merciless ways, and otherwise to wave a stick at me most ferociously.  It's okay.  I'm used to it.


For the question of OOC. Use ( ) around the quote. Also for emotes or stuff like explaining thoughts and such it would be * *. There is a lore, but it isn't to heavy. Races consist of basically anything fantasy, but you should ask a moderator or admin about that since there may be some that don't exsist in caphori.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


So, typical fantasy races apply.  I suppose the same goes for half-races?  (I'm toying with a half-gnome concept in my head at this very moment.)

So, thoughts and actions use asteriks, and In-Character chat does not use quotation marks.  I'll keep that in mind.

Thanks for the information thus far!


I'll be brief so I don't waste your time.

Any race that fits with in the perimeter of fantasy are allowed.

I am entertaining the idea of making a Caphori timeline, is still in the planning phase though.  Other than that I am the newest moderator, and haven't really heard of 'major' lore since Ophilia was chosen to be Queen. 

Honestly, when it comes to people being online, the time frame is ABSURDLY random.  I've been on at 8 AM Pacific and there were like, eight people on, same day at 3 PM nobody was on.  I usually do spot checks where I jump online to see if anyone is on, if not, I just sit there for like.. ten minutes? Waiting for people, and if nobody comes on I just log out.

OOC was already explained, just use parenthesis when you talk OOC. Emotes are /me.

The community here has its ups and downs, while most people are nice we do have some people that shouldn't be on this server. I won't say names but some of them are very active.  The RP here really depends on who is online at the time.  Some people are REALLY good at role play and have a lot of experience.  Some people just suck.  Most people I see come here are usually new role players looking to start out, which I encourage wholeheartedly (as long as they're willing to learn.)

No, you smell fine.

(Edit: Derpd' on spacing.)


While this is up (and some questions still unanswered), I figure I might as well ask another question that's come up since I've read some of the rules and such:

The password application thread asks for the prospective player to give their 'roleplay name,' which I assume is the name of the character they/we plan to use.  Does this mean I should post in the character sheet system thread and get approved there so that I'll have a character I KNOW will be used in-game?

Also, I saw that we start playing with only a single character to use.  If I have multiple concepts in my head, is there a good place on this forum to pretty much ask for the mods / someone with a solid plot in mind to pick one of them for me, so that the character I pick will 'fit' the themes of the world / of an organization in Caphoria?

I apologize for all the questions I'm asking.  However, I want to make sure I make a good impression so that people don't suspect me of secretly wanting to eat their intestines, however true that may be.

Wait, what?

EDIT: Oh, and are all firearms to be roleplayed as crossbows or something besides firearms?  I want to make sure I don't make a mistake when drawing up character concepts.  (This is especially important since I was going to make a character that would use a handgun or flintlock pistol frequently in RP...)


Just pick a name which you want to use and stick with it and if your going to change your mind then (sooner rather than later) pm an admin that you changed your name just so they can make sure who is signing in and all of that stuff.

There is little over-ruling lore for Caphori but of course you cannot just instantly say that you are the god of the entire world and therefore the most important person ever or that you are the devil himself in human form or anything else OTT. Also try to stay away from making up TONNES of new lore and inventing entirely new continents because it will make things a lot harder for you than they need to be and may confuse people. As well as that just remember not to go away from the medieval style.

Thanks for the heads up on the lack of intestine eating.

I have a similar character who uses stuff such as the modified crossbow (space gun) and skyfall armour (meteorite armor) so yes please RP future tech so to keep within the style, just justify and give a good RP version of that item.

Trust me just relax, apply for the password, play on the server and get to know people while you think up a character or decide on the right one and then do the character sheet and maybe even start a lore thread on your character if you want to get into it.

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Alright.  I went ahead and made a post in the password application thread.

Thanks for the advice and answers, everyone.  I apologize for having had to make a thread specifically for this, but I'm glad I did.  (Of course, I wonder if an FAQ might help with situations like mine...)

I'm going to brainstorm a bit more and wait to see if I get approved.  Once more, thanks!


Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.