Project: The Guild

Started by Hyperionwolf, 02-08-2011

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Hello, Its me =D
No one knows me yet, I think, but i've tried to be acknowledged. Maybe someday.

So, I built some sort of house right next to the Bed & Breakfast. Its a Grey Brick bunker right after the door.
(Feel free to come in, but leave my junk chest alone!)

One of these days i got banned  by mistake (I think it will be solved by today), and was thinking about growing that Ol` Bunker of mine to make lots of rooms (There is certainly the space for it, and i can arrange a really nice entrance) and call it The Guild.

There is already two fellas near me, One its Khal, who is a Squire, and Edorn Anyth, who is a Alchemist. If they accept, i would like to build up to connect them to The Guild, for the first Two Stalls: Alchemist and Smith, probably.

After some work, i would create more stalls for people to rent, and put signs, For example:
"Robin Willem's Mining Stall" With a couple chairs and chests, for selling his goods and searching for employers.

Me,as the organizer, would live at the top of the building (Near to the surface, i plan it to be an underground facility)  and profit from rent and my own stall (Hyperion Wolf's Henchmen And Building Stall: The Aether Build & Secure ).

I Also plan to build a mercenary hall and even an Underground Arena (With lots of spikes :D)

What do you guys think? Do I Have your support? I really could use a team of demolishers,Miners and builders. I will need SO MUCH STONE...


I was actually thinking of getting premission to make that region a village under my watch. But I dunno how that'll go. We'll see.


Well, Makes me sad, I Really liked that place, but I suppose I could try to find a better suitable place. Just liked there because there was some pretty neat tunnels there already, and Bed & Breakfast already helped up with the acommodation. 
Well, If I Can find some miners and/or a handfull of Stone stacks, I could place it anywhere , I guess.


but...i already have an epic house that i could just throw people could make a guild thare i guess. You could even build out, its a big place.


Quote from: Hyperionwolf on 02-08-2011
Hello, Its me =D
No one knows me yet, I think, but i've tried to be acknowledged. Maybe someday.

So, I built some sort of house right next to the Bed & Breakfast. Its a Grey Brick bunker right after the door.
(Feel free to come in, but leave my junk chest alone!)

One of these days i got banned  by mistake (I think it will be solved by today), and was thinking about growing that Ol` Bunker of mine to make lots of rooms (There is certainly the space for it, and i can arrange a really nice entrance) and call it The Guild.

There is already two fellas near me, One its Khal, who is a Squire, and Edorn Anyth, who is a Alchemist. If they accept, i would like to build up to connect them to The Guild, for the first Two Stalls: Alchemist and Smith, probably.

After some work, i would create more stalls for people to rent, and put signs, For example:
"Robin Willem's Mining Stall" With a couple chairs and chests, for selling his goods and searching for employers.

Me,as the organizer, would live at the top of the building (Near to the surface, i plan it to be an underground facility)  and profit from rent and my own stall (Hyperion Wolf's Henchmen And Building Stall: The Aether Build & Secure ).

I Also plan to build a mercenary hall and even an Underground Arena (With lots of spikes :D )

What do you guys think? Do I Have your support? I really could use a team of demolishers,Miners and builders. I will need SO MUCH STONE...
Unopped people can't build with spikes, I suggest hellstone.


Why,Thanks Blair. I wil think about it

Well, Since its mostly an Economical facility, I dont think Max's place will be "rivalizing" or anything. Once i get Debanned i will seek for a better place than near the Bed & Breakfast, since Uknowme is trying to make a Village (well, maybe we can work this out, The Guild can be settled in the village =D) I will be recruting people, and probably paying them.


Quote from: Hyperionwolf on 02-08-2011
Why,Thanks Blair. I wil think about it

Well, Since its mostly an Economical facility, I dont think Max's place will be "rivalizing" or anything. Once i get Debanned i will seek for a better place than near the Bed & Breakfast, since Uknowme is trying to make a Village (well, maybe we can work this out, The Guild can be settled in the village =D) I will be recruting people, and probably paying them.
Your IP dosen't work, for the unbanning. If its dynamic, I need the IP you got banned with, I think.


if you dont want to, its fine. Its just a good location for.....anything, really. And nobody can really destroy the main of it, since it is the spawn. I would join if it's just mercenary stuff, but other than that, Kain dosent like being stationary and stuck down for long.