My modship.

Started by Syl, 21-06-2012

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Apparently, I have lost (or am losing/going to lose, considering the color of my name.) my modship.
I realize that I'm not the most active on the forums, have gotten into some disputes with other mods (mostly misunderstandings.), and just got  back from a few months of inactivity a few weeks ago, but am I really that bad of a mod? I would just like to know, and please, only vote if you know the answer to the question, and are generally active on the server when I am.
By the way, this is Syl. :P


1: In your own words, you are 'unstable'. Unstable people should not be mods.
2: You have no idea what a mod does.
3: We had a surplus of mods. Now we do not.
4: You used your mod powers solely to hand out HM items to those who endeared themselves to you. Case in point would be a mythril repeater to Sevall. I have yet to find an occurrence of you doing anything else even remotely related to moderator duties (Letting people out of Spawn and checking their names is something anyone can do, mod or not).

It isn't personal, Syl. You just shouldn't be a mod, IMO- nor do we really need any more.


ACTUALLY... I have handed out... three? hardmode items in my time as a mod. And I asked permission from Leo to give the first two to people, I just gave Sevall one because it seemed to fit his character.


Quote from: Sxasxuxkxe on 21-06-2012
ACTUALLY... I have handed out... three? hardmode items in my time as a mod. And I asked permission from Leo to give the first two to people, I just gave Sevall one because it seemed to fit his character.


I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I can't say what I think about you as I haven't been on at the same time as you to witness you doing anything as a mod.

So, I'm remaining neutral in this.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 21-06-2012
You may have handed out HM items to 3 people, but you definitely gave more then 3 HM items out.
I don't understand the difference, and no, I didn't.
Remember, a set of HM armor counts as one item.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 21-06-2012
You definitely handed out HM items to at least 3 people and each of those people at least had 1 HM weapon and HM armor
They all got 1. Max. I never gave someone a weapon AND armor. One or the other.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 21-06-2012
You definitely handed out HM items to at least 3 people and each of those people at least had 1 HM weapon and HM armor

would you like to tell everyone the items I gave you? like that Ice rod you so love?

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I propose what I believe to be a legitimate argument.

What has Sxasxuxkxe done wrong as a mod, as to be removed? If it's not personal, then we should be using personal reasons to demod him. As far as I know, he's used his mod powers correctly when he has needed to. If we have a surplus, then we should take down those who haven't been moderating as long, for the sake of fairness. As for the items, I rarely see him giving any out. All he gave me was a halberd, I believe. Hard earned, might I add.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


Curious on my Modship as well...


I'm not concerned about time spent, Von, I'm concerned over quality and quantity.


Quote from: Kamimaia on 21-06-2012
I'm not concerned about time spent, Von, I'm concerned over quality and quantity.
What have I done not to deserve the trust I was given as a mod? I, personally, don't think I did TOO bad of a job.


Quote from: Crow793 on 21-06-2012
Curious on my Modship as well...

Do you know how long you've been inactive?

Quote from: Kamimaia on 21-06-2012
I'm not concerned about time spent, Von, I'm concerned over quality and quantity.

Time spent means more experience, so if you're concerned about quality, then you'd best be concerned about how long they've been a mod.

After talking around with some of the mods, I find this demotion to be a bit too personal, and in poor judgement. We don't need more problems than we already have, and I petition for Sxasxuxkxe to regain his moderator status,
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


Quote from: VonXeno on 22-06-2012
Time spent means more experience, so if you're concerned about quality, then you'd best be concerned about how long they've been a mod.

Not true. I've known plenty of mods over the years I've spent roleplaying (On Guild Wars, Forums, Chatrooms, and other games) that have been 'moderating' for upwards of three years or longer who had absolutely no idea what to do in their specific mediums. Syl has stated himself  that he is both inexperienced and needs training. Conversely, I have known mods that have only moderated for *five days* at the time I got to know them, who were both admirable and respected. *My* experience contradicts your statement.

A better option, if Syl wished to regain his full mod status, would be to prove in-game and on-forums that he deserves the position and title (and cement the idea that we cannot do without him) rather than put it up to a poll.



I'll acknowledge that reason, then. But,

The feeling remains that this is a personal issue. One between a big fish and a little fish.

And as even if you say it is not, I remain unconvinced.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


If it was personal, neither Crow nor Bastidon would have been demoted either. Regardless; I cannot convince you. Its always the shark's fault, isn't it? The school of little fish will band together to confuse and delay the feeding.

But someone needs to be eaten.


Quote from: Kamimaia on 22-06-2012
If it was personal, neither Crow nor Bastidon would have been demoted either. Regardless; I cannot convince you. Its always the shark's fault, isn't it? The school of little fish will band together to confuse and delay the feeding.

But someone needs to be eaten.

Fish are friends.

Not food.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


I don't think this is an personal issue at all.

Caphori's a place that needs a lot of work right now and doing the bare minimum isn't going to put us in the direction that we need to be heading in. 

I've known people who were mods in other roleplay communities that only really did what they had to do and nothing else, and believe me when I say that there are TONS of things (editing sticky posts to make them easier to understand, finding rules/regulations/etc that make no sense and getting them removed, creating events, etc...), here AND on the server, that still need to be done and could have been taken up without one of the older mods having to ask. 

If you're a Super Op, it's your responsibility to find those things on your own and do them without being asked.
If you're a Trial Op, that's exactly how you work your way up to being a Super Op.

And those things have absolutely nothing to do with processing applications, resolving disputes, or letting new players out of the protected spawn zone because those are things we're expected to do in the first place.

Now, I don't know Syl so I can't say whether or not he did these things because I haven't been back as a mod as long as Kami has.

But, so far I haven't seen a post from any of the OTHER Super Ops or above stating clearly that they think what she did is a bad decision and that he should be reinstated immediately.

Syl, Crow, and whoever else was removed (I really have no idea) - If you really disagree with being taken off the list as mods, then it's up to YOU to prove us wrong, both on the forums and on the server, and work to getting yourself reinstated again.  No one said you could never be mods again.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Quote from: Velspera on 22-06-2012
Syl, Crow, and whoever else was removed (I really have no idea) - If you really disagree with being taken off the list as mods, then it's up to YOU to prove us wrong, both on the forums and on the server, and work to getting yourself reinstated again.  No one said you could never be mods again.

Fair enough. I still need the password though. I've sent you a message you never replied to.  :'(


Quote from: Crow793 on 22-06-2012
Quote from: Velspera on 22-06-2012
Syl, Crow, and whoever else was removed (I really have no idea) - If you really disagree with being taken off the list as mods, then it's up to YOU to prove us wrong, both on the forums and on the server, and work to getting yourself reinstated again.  No one said you could never be mods again.

Fair enough. I still need the password though. I've sent you a message you never replied to.  :'(

:< I don't have anything from you, try sending me another PM.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Quote from: Velspera on 21-06-2012
So, I'm remaining neutral in this.


Poking fun aside, I seem to be the minority here. Just getting the input from the other mods in private chats, I feel some of the reasons for Syl's demotion were weighted with emotion.

Crow's and bastidon's I understand. Syl's, I do not, and would like to.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


Quote from: VonXeno on 22-06-2012
Quote from: Velspera on 21-06-2012
So, I'm remaining neutral in this.


I never said I approved of their removal, but neither can I just raise my hand and say "Sure, bring them back".  I'm giving both sides the benefit of the doubt. 

My opinions on what a mod's responsibilities are apply to ALL mods, not just Trial Ops.  After the issues with Blair, I'd say that's only fair.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Quote from: Velspera on 22-06-2012
My opinions on what a mod's responsibilities are apply to ALL mods, not just Trial Ops.  After the issues with Blair, I'd say that's only fair.

To clarify, he was not a trial mod, he was a basic mod. Meaning he earned his position, to a degree.

I have said my piece, and made my stance is well known, all I ask now is a bit of a fair explanation.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


Quote from: VonXeno on 22-06-2012
Meaning he earned his position, to a degree.
Doing what?

Quote from: VonXeno on 22-06-2012
I have said my piece, and made my stance is well known, all I ask now is a bit of a fair explanation.
I think that's been given.

Let's take into account his actions right now.
During this entire reboot, most mods at LEAST gave their two cents worth of thoughts to this process, debating and questioning. You ushered me to do this faster, and acted as a Seraph's/Devil's Advocate. James came up with half the ideas to change. Vels has taken over the Roster, and improved it/updated the character thread. Paradox helped (or tried to help, one of the two, debatable) keep drama in the forums to a minimum during this time, of which there was a fair amount (some in thanks to me). Crow, who was *still* inactive for too long a time, did vent his concerns and place some good points despite his overall tone. Steven has put up with my constant pestering him over the map, and bore it like a champ. Bastidon was absent for most of it, so the only reason he's going is because he's A: not around and B: doesn't do mod-related things asaik.

Syl has been pretty much silent (and useless) this entire time, aside from his vote- only suddenly piping up when his modship was removed. Why wonder? He's dead weight. End of story.


Quote from: Kamimaia on 22-06-2012
Doing what?

IDFK, he was a mod before I got here.

Quote from: Kamimaia on 22-06-2012
I think that's been given.

Emphasis on fair explanation.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.