More on the Tariel

Started by Velspera, 31-05-2012

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Information on the Tariel, Vaillaro's people, just in case a few people are interested.


Tariel (Elven) - Strict Alignment: Light/Fire

History: The winged Tariel are an elusive race of elves that disappeared from the surface world several millennia ago.  During the time of the corruption's conception, The Tariel held a seat upon the Great Council to decide the world's face in removing it from the land and, being a light-oriented people, their proposals were as drastic as their aversion to the blight.  They suggested a great purging: Removing all living things from the affected area and, in one fell swoop, obliterating the corruption from the empty lands with an attack upon its core.  The land could be healed, the people, and creatures, could rebuild: but the corruption must be removed.  Over time, however, they became impatient as decisions concerning the corruption's removal were repeatedly stalled and when some even began to argue that perhaps it should not be removed at all.  In the end, the Tariel decided to cut themselves off from the surface.  They isolated a small continent, sending Deep Runners and mages into the earth to lace the foundation with their magic.  In 50 years time, the Tariel managed to lift the continent from the surface world before the corruption reached it and took their people, and their secrets, into the sky.  This continent, named Al'Tatha, constantly moves and is protected fiercely by an army of winged scouts, magicians, knights, and a fleet of modified airships.  Nowadays, one generally hears of the Tariel only through old stories or a rare tome found hidden deep within a dungeon library.  Occasionally, one may even happen across one of the Wingless: a Deep Runner, a fugitive, or a High One on a pilgrimage.  Most, however, are mistaken for High Elves and the Tariel are not quick to correct them.

Culture: When interacting with land-dwellers, Tariel are generally defensive, impatient, yet curious enough to remain polite unless they have been wronged.  When interacting with other Tariel, some other elves, or those that have gained their trust, they can be very warm.  They are a race not afraid of showing affection to those that are special to them and can be highly protective of their loved ones.  Tariel society is separated into two groups: Winged and 'Wingless'.  The average Tariel is born with wings and is usually part of the middle or lower class.  Those who are wingless, however, are actually considered special and either become Deep Runners or High Ones.  Deep Runners are born wingless and remain that way.  They are used for reconnaissance missions on the surface or as retrieval specialists in finding ores, stone, food, and other materials that can be taken back to Al'Tatha.  Deep Runners are usually paired with a winged Tariel that acts as their messenger. High Ones are born wingless but with one of three crests upon their brow:

1) The Crest of the Seen - nobility
2) The Crest of The Annointed - The next in line for the throne.
3) The Crest of the Maiden - vessel/messenger for The Watcher, the Tariel god.  Always female.
If a High One has not received their wings by their Ascension (passage into adulthood, usually on 50th birthday), they are taken to see The Maiden to receive instructions from The Watcher and must embark upon a pilgrimage to complete a certain task before their wings will sprout.
There are a few born wingless and without crests that do eventually grow wings, but these are very rare cases.

Features: Tariel are tall and lithe with white hair (either silver, white, or cream), gold eyes, and skin that can range from very pale to a deep tan.

Other: Tariel have a highly adverse reaction to corruption and highly positive reaction to hallow.  They are generally two times as strong within the hallow and at normal strength in corruption.  However, corruption causes their body to overreact.  They are far more agitated when around it and do not think as clearly, making them prone to overreacting to negative stimuli.  If around it for too long, they can start to go into a 'purge state', bent on destroying any corruption around them unless they are taken out of the area or away from the corrupted individual.

This purge state causes their body to erupt into flames and allows the possibility of spreading hallow wherever they walk.  Because of this, Tariel CANNOT utilize any shadow-based weaponry or tools. 

Also, ingesting corruption such as deathweed or inhaling vile powder causes an allergic reaction that involves either violently coughing or breathing fire depending how the item was ingested.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


This'd be good for a post in a Character Profiles thread, particularly for Vai.


:) Mostly did it in case anyone else is interested in playing one, especially since I'm replacing Aure as a main char with a new Tariel.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


I would make Moonstar a Tariel and actually RP with her. BUUUUT... The wings.


Quote from: Redbark on 01-06-2012
I would make Moonstar a Tariel and actually RP with her. BUUUUT... The wings.

I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


Quote from: VonXeno on 01-06-2012
Quote from: Redbark on 01-06-2012
I would make Moonstar a Tariel and actually RP with her. BUUUUT... The wings.


Tomorrow is. I am drinking some beer because it is 2 minutes away form 12 A.M. Sorta drunk XD


Quote from: Redbark on 01-06-2012
I would make Moonstar a Tariel and actually RP with her. BUUUUT... The wings.


Play a wingless with a Crest of the Seen ---> Earn wings legitimately IC with approval from a mod


Play a deep runner ---> No need for wings because you don't have any

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna