Matt's third arm.

Started by RoyRoger05, 12-11-2011

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   It is whispered in the oldest tales of the Ascended Knights, the third arm.  The most evil, sinful thing in the known universe, the arm is a manifestation of a Knight's sins, a Knight's hate, everything they were raised and trained to resist manifested on their person, in short it is an evil out-growth of their spirit. When all has been taken from them and they are left to rot, it grows out from where their heart used to be. It can only process one thing the want to feed on those that have wronged the Knight.  The arm is composed purely of shadow, merely touching it drives mortals to insanity, the finger nails are sharper than any blade, and can cut through any material in the known universe, but worst of all, in the palm of the hand is a mouth.  It's teeth are like a shark's, white as pearls and ready to feed.  How it feeds is brutal, it rips out the still beating hearts of it's victims, and devours them like candy, absorbing the essence and spirit of the person's heart.

  Luckily, there have only been two recorded cases of the third arm ever appearing on a Ascended, for only the most powerful Knight's spirits could be able to manifest such a demon and support it.  The first recorded case was on the Matron of the Ascended, Annie Wrathbringer, due to her immense power she was able to fight off the temptation of the arm, and slay it.  Her daughter however, was not so lucky.  Marian Wrathbringer was the second knight in history to fall to it's dark temptations, her mother struck her down when she tried to devour the heart of her new-born son, Matthew Wrathbringer.  To this day, it is not known how Marian fell to the temptation of the arm.. but there are whispers and rumors among the ascended, could Matthew, the first male ever born into the clan of female knights fight off the powerful evil of the third arm? His sister was more powerful than he was in every way.  How could he possibly resist the power the third arm can give to him?

The plan was simply, while Caphori's strongest warriors and mages took the short route to the coast, distracting the bulk of the demon force, Matt and Aurellia would escort those that were too weak to fight would take the long way through the mountains and too the northern coast, a second larger cargo boat was there. The terrain of the mountain pass gave them enough cover, and the trail was pretty straight forward.  A cry rose out from the small crowd "I can see it!" Matt and Aurellia both breathed a sigh of relief, this had gone off without a hitch.  Then a girl screamed and pointed "Grandma- Grandma! What is that?"   Matt sighed "And we were so.. fucking.. close.." He then turned around slowly, standing on a cliff was a demon.  It rose a finger to point at the group and screeched "MORE HUMANS!" the call echoed throughout the mountains as several screeches responded, they could hear the pounding of hooves coming Matt and Aurellia gripped their swords as several more demons rose over the cliffs  screeching at them, the people began to panic as the two yelled at them "QUICKLY! GET TO THE BOAT!" those that were still calm began to herd the group towards the dock as Matt and Aurellia backed up, deflecting chaos bolts with their swords as the demons rushed forward. 

   The demons rushed upon them like a tidal wave, they could barley hold back the first offensive, he looked at Aurellia she was exhausted, luckily his years of intense training from his mother gave him a seemingly infinite stamina.  He knew they couldn't hold them off unless.. I know what your thinking.. Hope's voice chimed in his head, he looked over his shoulder.  The group of women, children, and merchants were half way to the boat, he knew they wouldn't make it in time going at that pace, the only people that could actually fight stayed behind to help them, but he knew they wouldn't be enough, he knew what he had to do, and he was going to do it.  "Aure.. " he said she turned to look at him, and she knew, she could tell from the look in his eyes and the calm smile on his face. "NO!" she screamed "NO! NO! NO! You are NOT going to do it! I know what your thinking, and if your going to stay SO AM I, We are in this together- " she continues to yell and scream at him her eyes tearing up. He simply sighed and walked up to her, laying a hand on her shoulder and running his other hand down the side of her face.  She blinked "M-matt.. wha-wha-" His knee came flying to up hit her right in the stomach, the sheer force of the knee knocked the wind out of her, she was able to gasp out "W-why?" as she crumbled to the ground, un-concious.  He turned to the two men that stayed behind to help and actually survived the onslaught "I want you to take her to the boat.. and keep her there, do you understand?" They both nodded solemnly, knowing that if he stayed behind to hold off the demons they could actually have a chance of escaping.  He simply turned towards the amassing group of demons, took a deep breath... and then he began to walk towards them.


Haha, your dead.


   It is still unknown what caused the third arm to seek out Annie or Marian, however, it is known what kind of power the arm can give. Several Ascended witnessed it first hand, however there was a large difference between the arms form of combat style on the two royals.  The first hand ever recorded, the one on Annie, appeared to be more of a hunter.  It only attacked at night and when it was seen, it chose to flight rather than fight.  The second arm, the one that appeared on Marian, was a straight up brawler, it was more muscular and bulky than the first arm and chose the more direct assault when she attempted to murder her brother.  It ripped through several knights on it's rampage to the capital.  The second major difference was in what they were yelling when they claimed victims, or when they entered combat.  Annie appeared to be having delusions of the childhood she always wanted, Marian was screaming orders like a commander. In truth, the arm forces them into a dream state, allowing full control of the body and totally obliterating any physiological response from the host when it is assisting in the massacres.

   The host body is the most important asset to the third arm.  It allows them to move freely, hunt, and evade capture.  To do to this, the arm takes special precautions in protecting the host body.  The first and most important defense is the protection of the outer skin, when Annie was finally forced into a corner the third arm appeared to reinforce what was left of her armor with a form of psychic veil, making convectional weapons useless against her.  Marian's armor was left shattered after she ripped through the first few Ascended, the arm appeared to repair her armor enough to the veil could take effect again, effectively making her unstoppable.  The second and last defense the arm gives the host body is the ability to teleport, allowing the arm and the host to effectively escape or get into close range, several Ascended reported that Marian would be on you in "The blink of an eye" this term is literal, for the teleport is instant. 

   These defenses give the arm seemingly infinite power when attached to a host body.  Due to this, Matt was always under a constant eye by his peers, his instructors, and even his own mother, all living in fear that one day he may too succumb to the third arm.

  LEFT SHOULDER! Matt twirled around, bringing Hope to guard against the blade, bringing up his foot to kick the demon in the chestHe had been at it for hours, his armor soaked in the blood of demons and, for the first time in his life, he was tired. BEHIND YOU! He twirled around, bringing Hope up to severe the new adversary's head.  He couldn't keep this up much longer, in the midst of the fighting he glanced at the boat, sails drawn, anchor up, and heading for freedom.  He sighed, and then it happened, a crushing force came down on his hand. MATT QUIC- the connect between Hope and his mind was instantly severed as she went flying out of his hand, swatted by a massive iron gauntlet. A blunt force hit him on the head, a bell sounded in his ears as his vision shook, bringing him to his knees. Demons jumped on him and began to ruthlessly beat him, clawing away at his armor, ripping at his hair and biting his flesh. A little girl's voice chimed eerily "Stop eatin' him, kay'?" the demons backed off solemnly, depressed they had been denied a meal. Matt fell to the ground and coughed up blood, he inched his head up to see a hulking mass of armor standing over him and what appeared to be a little girl on the things shoulder... and then Matt blacked out.


   The arms greatest asset is also it's greatest weakness, the dream state it forces the host into can be temporarily disrupted by the host 'Real dream' people or things the host consider to be dreams come true.  This can be a lover, an old toy, a landscape the host dreams about, and even a favorite food.  Annie's dream come true was her ONLY childhood friend and now High Priestess of the Ascended Lady Gustavia, she was the first to catch Annie, the first too dodge the 'Heart snatch' and first too engage her in combat.  The very unusual thing is that the arm seemed to know that this was the dream of the host, and then attempted to devour her heart, however, due to her natural reflexes and agility Lady Gustavia was able to dodge the snatch, and then the arm showed a very peculiar behavior.  It seemed to be clutching air and staying in that position blankely for several seconds, it is obviously not accustom to MISSING its target, this opened it up to her first attack.  How the arm actually TAKES damage is also peculiar, for her spirit blade seemingly passed through the arm with no physical effect visible to the naked eye, but, the arm started to flail and screech in pain, it is still unknown exactly how the arm takes damage but it DOES take damage when hit, obviously using too much physic energy to veil its host.  Hitting it while it's not stunned however is extremely difficult, the arm (Depending on the form) is either extremely agile, or will catch the blade with its mouth, either eating it or biting it to shreds.  Back onto the subject of the 'reality shock' the host will become aware of everything around them.  This can be a double-edged blade, Annie was able to regain enough energy to literally BURN it off her, it is unknown how this effected Marian however, nobody saw what happened to her when she entered her brother's room.

   He knew that she was aware of the arm.  Every day she would torture him physically and physiologically, turning him into a shell of the great being he once was.  He could feel it, as much as he wanted to resist, he could feel that empty void getting bigger and bigger, the pain, the suffering and the horrible agony he was forced to endure was making him loose it, and he did't know how much longer he could last.  The only thing that kept him from going over the edge was Hope, thrown into a corner she was forced to watch him suffer.  She tried her hardest to extend the hope aura to him when the girl wasn't in the room, which was a very slim time window, he got a quick breath of courage and peace before the girl returned to resume her sadistic punishment.

  It was during one of these rare lapses in pain that he was finally broken.  It was after a torture period, he had blacked out during the process of her shoving a hot iron rod through the palms of his hands to viciously bind them together.  He took a deep breath, and then the door was violently kicked open.  He inched his head up slowly to see his host, the girl.  She was young, at least eight or nine years of age, brown hair bunched up in two pony tails.  Wearing what appears to be a small nun outfit without the hood and the cross she have a relatively simple appearance.  The two things that make her different are the noose she had tightly strung around her neck, and the piercing blue eyes, Matt could always feel them piercing into his very soul every time she simply looked at him.  "Finally awake are we?" she asked with a smile, Matt simply lifted his head and managed to let out a pathetic grunt in defiance.  She giggled, grabbed a hot iron poker from the coal bed, skipped over to him and jabbed it in his shoulder.  Matt wailed in pain as she continued to stab him in the stomach giggling like a school girl who just got a present. She stopped suddenly, her eyes lighting up with a new idea of torture, she set the poker back in the coals and spoke over her shoulder "I bet you're wondering why I haven't killed you yet"  he managed to let out a weak groan, she laughed and skipped to up to him "You know why?" she covered her mouth and laughed "When i'm done with you.. you the very man who gave -hope- to those people will be sent to them in a box as an example to those who will try to defy me." She giggled and went over to hope, picking her up and sizing up the blade. "She's got quite the vocabulary.." she laughed and began too clang the tip of the blade on the floor, "Do you know what the first thing they're going to yank out of your lifeless corpse is?"  she giggled and ran her small hand down the side of his face and whispered into his ear "It's going to be a dead, hopeless, sword." she than ran Hope right through his stomach and out the other end.


Do to the amount of sex joke PMs I've been getting involving me, a third arm, and not having one, and the general need for an authority figure for when Ophilia is not on I shall be cancelling the even I had planned with Matt and retcon it so he killed all the demons (like a boss) and got onto the ship. 


Quote from: RoyRoger05 on 17-12-2011
Do to the amount of sex joke PMs I've been getting involving me, a third arm, and not having one, and the general need for an authority figure for when Ophilia is not on I shall be cancelling the even I had planned with Matt and retcon it so he killed all the demons (like a boss) and got onto the ship. 

what? omg, that actually sounded hilarious.
care to share?

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.



Ya sex joke PMs get old fast. I've had my share on different servers >.>
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.