Lizton Alexandria Thunder

Started by Kamimaia, 02-06-2012

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Name: Lizton Alexandria Thunder
Nicknames: Blue Thunder, Liz, Thunder Goddess, Fucking Bitch
Race: Human (1/4th Gnome, 1/4th Dwarf)
Subrace: Undead
Undead Subtype: Lych
Age: Visually 18, actually 31
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 139 lbs
Hair Color: Naturally brunette, dyed cyan.
Accent: Nerfoth Ghettos (British chav)
Favored Weapon:  'Fifth Horseman', a gnomish heavy weapon- combination minigun (Massive Minishark), flamethrower (Flamethrower), chainsaw (Cobalt Chainsaw) and grenade launcher (Cobalt Repeater /w Hellfire Arrows). Only Liz seems to know how to use this terrifying mess of twisted metal and tubes long enough to successfully kill anything with it.
(Picture shows only Launcher mode: Other modes have different appearances. When not in use, is simply a big metal box (rectangular) with backpack straps.)

Secondary Weapon: Handgun, named 'Whore'.

Favored Ammunition: Silver Bullets. Lizton refuses to use anything but said bullets.

(Ranked 1-5, 5 being phenomenal and 1 being utter crap. 3 is average.)

Racial Strengths: As a Lych, Lizton cannot be slain save by total destruction to the brain, separation of the head or removal of the stomach (must be removed- not destroyed). Unlike most other zombies, however, she does not rot unless regenerating flesh or limbs. Lizton does not suffer from blood loss (though she will still lose blood, no ill effects are felt). Eating protein-rich food of any nature (raw or cooked) restores any rot that Lizton has suffered. In a pinch, she can feed from the corpses of her fallen enemies- or even other undead. Lizton is resistant to cold. Lizton cannot suffocate, and is immune to most diseases, save flesh-eating bacteria or viruses.

Racial Weaknesses: 'Holy' objects brandished with the intent to destroy undead cause Lizton to rot uncontrollably and quickly if she is targeted with the energy. Area-based holy attacks that do not focus on Liz specifically will not cause physical harm, though it can paralyze her for indefinite periods, rendering her harmless. If Lizton is rotted in any way shape or form, she must constantly battle her hunger when in the presence of others. Lizton is able to feel pain, unlike most zombies. Lizton is heavily susceptible to magic, and takes double effects from any and all spells.

Racial Powers: When rotted or injured to the point in which her brain can no longer control her limbs or body, Lizton's only power comes to bear- turning her into a mindless, unstoppable killing and eating machine. Her strength is increased by an additional 50%, her speed is multiplied and she can no longer differentiate between friend and foe- viewing them all as a food source. This 'Fever Hunger' as it is called only ends when Lizton is dead, or she has eaten.

Alive and kicking.

Zombie- Family Force 5

Name: Cyan
Race: Miniature Gigantic Space Bunny
Age: 123912345324 yrs.

Cyan has a long and action-packed life, full of blood and love. During his long life, Cyan has:
-Chewed a Werewolf to death
-Become the leader of a vampire coven which he promptly destroyed out of spite
-Beated 234783 zombies with both teeth tied behind his back
-Had a brief romantic interest with a table leg
-Gained ultimate cosmic power after saving the god of chipmunks from an untimely death
-Eaten of lettuce
-Saved Liz from the Walking Gardens of Thu'thu-thu'thu, by eating the entirety

Cyan is the subject of many rumors, and a few of them are detailed here:
-While the White Rabbit is always late, the Blue Rabbit knows that time is early.
-The Blue Rabbit does not sleep, it gives the Moon an opportunity to flee before it eats it.
-The Blue Rabbit does not defy death; Death is fucking scared of the Blue Rabbit.
-The Blue Rabbit plays the Game, and never loses (like you just did).
-The Blue Rabbit may or may not eat lettuce.


Wow real nice.
Now we have to deal with a lynch. Sounds like fun.

Make me...


From what I read, if we dont fuck with her, shes a pleasant person to be around  ;D


Quote from: Minion on 02-06-2012
From what I read, if we dont fuck with her, shes a pleasant person to be around  ;D

Probably. XD


are we going we dnd rules that all gods hate liches especially death?


I would think a gun user would have at least decent dexterity.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


Liz isn't a speed-draw cowboy, or a precision pistoleer. She prefers to put a lot of lead in the air, and see what (if anything) falls over- usually with more property damage than casualties.