Latii Greene, The Demented Seer

Started by Kamimaia, 06-06-2012

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Name: Latii Greene
Nicknames: Lady, Late, The Seer, The Nutcase, Dollface
Race: Human
Subrace: None
Age: 15-17, maybe a little younger.
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Brown
Accent: Kilmalour (East American)
Favored Weapon:  Dementia. Dementia is not a weapon or skill- it is a power, a side-effect of her unique 'insight' into the future. This knowledge has given her the ability to psychically infiltrate a mind and re-wire certain things to achieve the effect she wants. To accomplish this, she must maintain eye contact with said person, and they must be able to hear her voice. Dementia lasts until the task they were given is completed, or until the next time the afflicted character sleeps (and wakes) if no task is assigned. Dementia can be resisted through superior strength of mind, but few are as strong of intellect as Latii (Think about it. Could YOUR character have survived waking up one day and knowing the futures?). Dementia cannot affect characters she is actively in combat with. Dementia is considered a Dark magic.

Secondary weapon: Steel dagger (Normal silver shortsword (thrust), Tiny silver broadsword (swing)) A pity she isn't really skilled in its use.

(Ranked 1-5, 5 being phenomenal and 1 being utter crap. 3 is average.)


Strengths: Latii Greene is indomitable in the mental battlefields. In a contest of words, few can hold sway over her. While nonviolent, Latii nevertheless makes for an excellent spy- able to cause witnesses to her deeds to forget she was ever there. In addition to this, Latii possesses some precognitive skills that continually allow her to see five minutes into the potential futures- and sometimes up to years depending upon her current situation. This second power is both a blessing and a curse, as sometimes the 'visions' she gains are too vivid to be ignored. It is entirely possible for her to, say, drown before ever being submersed in water. She also, somehow, always knows where to get invisibility and gravitation potions for some odd reason...

Weaknesses: Latii might as well be a straw doll for as well as she holds together. A pommel blow to the back of her head might knock her out- but it might also simply kill her. Latii was cursed with brittle-ish bones and slow healing, making her more careful than most. Other than Dementia, Latii possesses no weapons or spells. Latii also has so many bats in her belfry that pest control sends her leaflets. The slightest wrong suggestion can bring unexpected (and potentially disastrous) consequences.

Still Alive, Still Batnuts.

LifeForce - Further - Everything Eternal


Video contains Saving private Ryan, must be good

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Added a vid that fits her fucking perfectly.


Quote from: INA7HAN on 06-06-2012
Video contains Saving private Ryan, must be good

Returning Caphori member. Some of you may remember me as Alexander Fornet, or Kilin Goldbeard.