Kael Arcanghel

Started by Kael, 25-03-2013

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Biography / Statistics:
Name: Kael Arcanghel (Pronounced as: Ark-Ang-Hel)
Aliases: Kid
Height / Weight: 5'8" / 128lbs
Hair / Eye color: Black
Race: Human
Job: Freelance
Weapon Preference: Swords and Bows. With his Breaker Blade in his hand and a Molten Bow when things went out of reach, Kael's ready to face anyone, excluding death of course.

Skills: (1-10. 1 = Terrible / 10 = Mastered) Based on D&D attributes.

Wis: 8
Dex: 6
Str: 6
Int: 6
Con: 4
Cha: 5


Weapon Proficiency: He manage to grab hold and use assorted weaponry. From Bows to Muskets, Swords to Spears.

Optimism: "If there's a way in, there's always a way out" he says. He'll only stop believing when hell froze, which will probably never happen.

Combat Reflex: He can see every little detail in the battlefield. When you are trained in the jungle, every sound or movement is a threat. Disregarding a single chirp is proven fatal.

Natural Tactician: When you are unarmed, the only weapon you have is your mind and strategy. He once took down three bandits by poking them in their eyes...


Temper Flare: If you measure Kael's temper, it will be exactly 4 and half inches. He sometime can be a git when his temper went kaboom... When that happens, he's like an unstoppable rolling boulder.

Stubborn: Once he made up his mind, it's final. End of story.

Fear of Darkness: When travelling underground, and the light suddenly went out. He'll quickly find something that can give him light. If all else fails, he quickly scrambles to find the nearest exit.

Reckless Devotion: When one of his close friends are in danger, or when temper flares, he'll charge in without thinking. It was once proven fatal.

Character's Lore:

Once in a stormy night, where thunder pounds the ground and wind blows hard, a child was born in a small hut under the cover of trees. It was a boy. Before his mother rest in peace, she used her last breath to name her one and only child. "Kael. Name him Kael. In memory of your mentor, and his father." he whispered to a man in a battered black armor who helped her bore the child. Kael's mother drew her last breath and finally closed her eyes. The man's tear dropped, covered the woman's face in blanket and took the child. Years passed, Leon, the man who adopted Kael, trained him in the wilds where monsters live peacefully in day but vigorous in dark. He gave Kael a iron broadsword, and taught him how to swing it. Gave him a bow, and taught him how to draw an arrow. Handed him a musket, and taught him how to shoot it. Leon also taught him how to survive and build with a pickaxe and a hammer. Everything seems to be fine, until the first of the Eater of Souls appeared in the skies of  their land. To prevent the threat, they built the walls that divides their pure land from the corrupted. Leon didn't want Kael to join as their land's vanguard, but he insisted and volunteered to become a scout. Since Leon can't change his mind, he instead, joined him. One night on their expeditions, the sky grew purple, the grass became corrupted, the stone became ebonstone, the sand became ebonsands. This only means one thing, the corruption reached their land. With the rest of the vanguard struck down by Eater of Souls and Devourers, it comes down to Leon and Kael to protect the menfolks of their town until they can evacuate to safety. They fought bravely, Leon with his Breaker Blade and Kael with his Iron Broadsword. Exhausted and Battered, Kael dropped his sword and let his guard down. But then, an Eater of Worlds appeared from the sky and dashed into Kael for a fatal strike. Just an inch from death, Leon pushed Kael and took the fatal blow. He dropped to his knees with eyes staring into the sky. Kael caught his father-like mentor and put him in his knees.
"Kael... are you.. alright?" Leon asked weakly.
"Why.. why did you do that?!" Kael asked angrily. He's angry at the world, at the Corruption, at Leon, at himself...
"I.. I did that.. because..." Leon stopped abruptly.
"Because...?" Kael asked, like prompting him...
"Because you will be... my living.. legacy... Like me, to your father.." Leon said while pushing his Breaker Blade toward Kael.
"I...I...I will be... your living... legacy..." Kael said, with his tears slowly streaking down to his face. Accepting the blade's hilt.
"Always... remember... I'm always... with you.. Kael.." Leon said, with his eyes gazing in the night's sky.
Kael closed his mentor's eyes. He stood up, grabbed the Breaker's hilt with this two hands and faced the Eater of Worlds.
"I... will be.. your living legacy... my friend." Wiping the tear in his eyes. "I will be your living legacy!!" Kael shouted, and charged the monster. Three Eater of Soul surrounded him and hit him square in the chest. He was knocked down on the ground. He stood up with difficulty and held the blade in his hand. It's soft hilt matches with the heavy metal blade. The Eaters of Soul turned around and prepared another sweep. This time, he's ready. He jump upward and swung the blade in an arc, three monsters evaporated on contact with the sharp metal. He landed and spun his blade in a 360 degrees motion. Direct impact on 8 zombies. The Eater of Worlds charged at him, Kael met it with an side-ward slash from the blade, the monster was cut into two. It's tail disintegrated upon contact, but it's upper body still alive and fighting. The monster flew again and launches itself into Kael. Every hair in his body screamed to deflect the impact, but his gut-instinct tells him to wait for the right timing. He followed his mighty gut. A split second before the monster crashes into Kael, he side-stepped and slashed the monster's head into two. It disintegrated. Kael collapsed in exhaustion, dropped into his knees and fell into his back spread-eagle. There's still monsters looming overhead, and he can fight no more. His eyes felt heavy and closed voluntarily. The last sensation he felt is the heavy wind lifting him into the sky....

The next thing that happened, is now under the hands of the fates.


grate bckstrory grate charcter wuld lov 2 see him in rp
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