K'Avar Al-Ataf

Started by Crow793, 30-06-2012

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(Decided to finally make character sheets. I like how Khyris formats his, so here goes nothing.)

Name: K'Avar Al-Ataf
Nicknames: Lord Al-Ataf
Race: Human
Age: 32
Height: 6'7
Accent: (Think of Legate Lanius from Fallout: NV)

(Following TES style stat system from 1-10)

Strength: 6 (10 with volcanic arm)
Intelligence: 9
Willpower: 10
Endurance: 9
Luck: 6

Backstory: K'Avar was raised in a desert civilization many miles from Caphori. They ruled their lands with great power, and all feared their rule. They were known then, as the Norik'Bol. K'Avar was raised by his father to learn the art of Arcana, and his mother taught him much about combat. K'Avar lived a life full of study and training; he had little time for leisure.

Once K'Avar reached adulthood, he was selected by the Norik'Bol High King to marry his daughter, Serena Norik'Bol. The wedding went through without problems, and the night of consummation was K'Avar's real first time in his life in which he gave his vulnerability to another.

Then, tragedy struck.

The Great Kingdoms of the Norik'Bol were attacked by hoardes of Goblins. Norik'Bol Warriors fought many off, although with such large forces, the battle was tipped 50/50. Eventually after many nights of fighting, torment, death, and fire, the Norik'Bol were reduced to few, and the Goblins retreated with only a few generals left standing. K'Avar emerged from the ruins of the old kingdom throne-room, the king's body being dragged by the collar. He cried out in anguish at the fall of the kingdom, and fell to his knees.

The survivors of the Norik'Bol decided to join K'Avar in a conquest to restore his kingdom. Under his surname, the Al-Ataf were born. They migrated East to search for new lands, until they were brought to what is now Caphori. Almost immediately K'Avar learned the rumors of an old king seeking to restore his kingdom. This baffled K'Avar, as he walked through the ruins of Caphori. "A king lets his kingdom fall, and now he seeks redemption when he didn't die for his people?" he would say, shaking his head. This is when he proclaimed this man, Leonardo, the "False-King". He knew in order to begin the Al-Ataf uprising, he would have to die.

Present Day Events: One day, K'Avar was told by one of his wizards of a nearby temple he had heard mentioned in rumor. He didn't know many details, but that they may be able to grant K'Avar great power in order to overthrow the King. K'Avar smiled at the opportunity, and ventured West to find this temple.

Upon his first entrance, ascending the staircase, and peering into the Prayer Chamber, he would call to the fates, with no answer. This frustrated him, but on his return, his disciples insisted he should try again. They knew he may need this power to destroy the king. K'Avar returned days later, placing his hands on the altar of the chamber, and he lifted his head to speak.

"I call to you, Fates. I am K'Avar Al-Ataf, Child of the Sands. I seek the power to overthrow false powers. Will you grant me the ability to harness fire, so that I may destroy my foes, and lead my followers to greatness?"

At first, the fates laughed at him. They spoke to eachother, in many ways he did not understand. Once K'Avar accused them of mockery, they finally spoke to him. They demanded a price. His arm, and his eye.

"I will not tarnish my soul in such a foul manner. It goes against my belief. I would not be whole. I will not fall for deception from spirits!"

This angered the fates. Immediately the room filled with fire, engulfing K'Avar in pain as boulders seemed to crash into him. Later, K'Avar awoke again in the chamber, dead silence, and no light other than the blue candles of the room. K'Avar stormed out in anger, until a mirror seemed to catch his eye.

It depicted K'Avar, although differently than his true reflection. His left arm was that of a pure volcanic rock gauntlet, all down to his fingers. As he turned, his eye glowed a bright red with fire. And upon his brow, rested a charred, ebony crown. K'Avar checked to see this was not indeed his true form...yet.

K'Avar returned to the chamber, pleading to the Fates for forgiveness. He now believed that, being spirits of the future, they had just predicted his future as ruler. However, the fates were not pleased with his past insult. As they began the process to his harness of power, pure torment and anguish struck K'Avar. The process turned his veins to magma, replaced his eye with red-hot volcanic rock, and K'Avar was struck into silence through it all.

K'Avar exploded in fire at the end of this ordeal, although he remained standing (If you can call it that), as he looked up at the eye, and nodded. K'Avar later left the temple, struggling and shaking.

K'Avar hasn't been seen much since, although rumors tell of a man burning all in his path, with an arm of black, and an eye of fire. Many who support Leonardo, may now fear for their lives.

Strengths: Harnesses Fire and absolute power, backed by his followers of the Al-Ataf

Weaknesses: Susceptible to Water, can temporarily weaken his powers to where he must use blunt force.