Ive been thinking

Started by darkshinyprincess, 15-02-2012

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All right, i've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, dont make lemonade. You told me that you are offended by my atheism. But think about this: Everyone here is christian, and believe in god/gods. They speak loudly about them constantly. Im a non-believer. Must I be offended by that? If I can't say "there's no god", why you all can say "there's a god"?

I'm not offended by your religions. I dont care about them. Why are you offended by my non-religion?

Sometimes I make debates, polite discussions, about god existence (and IC, about gods existence). Its funny to talk about this. But some people are offended by this. Too hot tempered.


Are you on about people IC going on about god, or in ooc or what....it's not very clear tbh

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: darkshinyprincess on 15-02-2012
All right, i've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, dont make lemonade. You told me that you are offended by my atheism. But think about this: Everyone here is christian, and believe in god/gods. They speak loudly about them constantly. Im a non-believer. Must I be offended by that? If I can't say "there's no god", why you all can say "there's a god"?

I'm not offended by your religions. I dont care about them. Why are you offended by my non-religion?

Sometimes I make debates, polite discussions, about god existence (and IC, about gods existence). Its funny to talk about this. But some people are offended by this. Too hot tempered.

1. I am an atheist/semi-atheist (too much explaining) so I understand what you feel and believe in, also not everyone is Christian here
2. Nobody has thrust religion on me so I do not force them to join atheism and I do not offend them or make them feel uncomfortable about their faith
3. To my knowledge no-one has ever talked about religion without you starting the whole thing so just leave out all beliefs and ideas which are OOC
4. People are not offended by your lack of religion, they are offended by you trying to thrust atheism down their throats
5. As I said leave out any OOC stuff about religion when talking in game
6. Feel free to state that you do not believe in IC gods, that is what your character thinks. Just don't go on about it, don't try to bring it out of character and talk about real life religion and watch out as the gods might smite you :3

I hope that has answered all of your issues and worries. If you want a debate on religion create or look for a thread in GVC (gay vampire castle), just be willing to take some flaming.

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Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Never say everyone one else is a christian or you're bound to piss a lot of people off. Its better to say a large group of people here are Christians.

Also my fucking issue is that when people say there is god and tell you why or say that you're wrong to be an atheist nothing happens to them. But as soon as an atheist says no there isn't a god in tell I get proof or something about the logic of there being a big man in the sky. They get banned or punished in some sort of way. I personally think it is worse to tell them there is this and that and they're wrong then to just say ones beliefs of another's views on religion.

Now I haven't soon to much of this bullshit on Caphori, but if one guy says there is god and another says there isn't they should both be banned. Moderator or not because its complete bullshit that just the nu sayer should be banned.

I'm not an atheist. I'm not a Christian. I'm not any fucking label. I'm just a guy who wants evidence and proof. Once upon a fucking time a guy came up to me and said "Do you believe in god." I said "Not at this moment, but I might some day if evidence is proven." He says "My faith is evidence enough and now you are a Christian because I do bless you my child." I said "Heh, no you can't just dub me Christian without evidence to prove." He says "Do you love your mother?" I say "Yes" He says "Prove it." I say "... You know what I didn't want to go psychology major on you, but you left me no choice."

Lets just say that his argument got the shit kicked out of it. This is a situation where someone trys to force their religion on me and then I tell them to fuck off without saying those exact words. I've also done this on a different server and guess what fucking happened. I got perma-banned by a religious moderator and then he went around telling all the servers he knew that I was a hater.

Now that situation was different, but forcing religion on someone is easy and can be very sneaky. So next time this happens either ban both of the people who brought it up ooc or don't ban anyone because I don't think its fair that Abby should get banned for speaking her mind when the other person did the same thing.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.

Silver Knight

Protip: Respect other peoples opinions. If someone tells you there is a god of [insert religion here] accept it as their opinion then decide if the person will respect your opinion of the matter of religion if you don't think they are capable of considering your opinion then avoid the subject, tell them you respect their idea's and ideology but that you are there to roleplay\have fun and not debate religious topics.

We have a serious debates forum on this forum if you are interested in talking about [insert religion here].

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 15-02-2012
Never say everyone one else is a christian or you're bound to piss a lot of people off. Its better to say a large group of people here are Christians.

Also my fucking issue is that when people say there is god and tell you why or say that you're wrong to be an atheist nothing happens to them. But as soon as an atheist says no there isn't a god in tell I get proof or something about the logic of there being a big man in the sky. They get banned or punished in some sort of way. I personally think it is worse to tell them there is this and that and they're wrong then to just say ones beliefs of another's views on religion.

Now I haven't soon to much of this bullshit on Caphori, but if one guy says there is god and another says there isn't they should both be banned. Moderator or not because its complete bullshit that just the nu sayer should be banned.

I'm not an atheist. I'm not a Christian. I'm not any fucking label. I'm just a guy who wants evidence and proof. Once upon a fucking time a guy came up to me and said "Do you believe in god." I said "Not at this moment, but I might some day if evidence is proven." He says "My faith is evidence enough and now you are a Christian because I do bless you my child." I said "Heh, no you can't just dub me Christian without evidence to prove." He says "Do you love your mother?" I say "Yes" He says "Prove it." I say "... You know what I didn't want to go psychology major on you, but you left me no choice."

Lets just say that his argument got the shit kicked out of it. This is a situation where someone trys to force their religion on me and then I tell them to fuck off without saying those exact words. I've also done this on a different server and guess what fucking happened. I got perma-banned by a religious moderator and then he went around telling all the servers he knew that I was a hater.

Now that situation was different, but forcing religion on someone is easy and can be very sneaky. So next time this happens either ban both of the people who brought it up ooc or don't ban anyone because I don't think its fair that Abby should get banned for speaking her mind when the other person did the same thing.
No one has tried to force religion, the subject has not arose other than when Abby tries to force Atheism. There was not a single or multiple other person/people who tried to force religion on her, the incident was that she randomly brought it up and offended some people by repeatedly stating her opinions and beliefs. If the event was the other way round then yes a temporary ban would be put in place for the person shouting on about religion.

In regards to your hypothetical situation nothing has arose which suits those conditions but if it did then the person who begun the confrontation and was being a dick about the whole thing (Mr. Religion) would get temp-banned.

Please calm down, accept that other people have different ideas and move along. Abby did what you said some Christians do which is not only say their state of mind but force it upon others and she got the treatment any person would get.


Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Ok if that is the case then thats fine that only she got banned. To me it sounded a bit like Christian bags on Atheist. Atheist gets in trouble for returning the bagging.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Last.Exile on 15-02-2012
Protip: Respect other peoples opinions. If someone tells you there is a god of [insert religion here] accept it as their opinion then decide if the person will respect your opinion of the matter of religion if you don't think they are capable of considering your opinion then avoid the subject, tell them you respect their idea's and ideology but that you are there to roleplay\have fun and not debate religious topics.

We have a serious debates forum on this forum if you are interested in talking about [insert religion here].

{This Post has My Support}

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Locked because this is totally not the time nor place for this.


Quote from: Ragolution on 15-02-2012
Locked because this is totally not the time nor place for this.

Should just move it out of here then. Same as the Other Locked one.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.