
Started by Kamimaia, 19-09-2011

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My steam has been utterly screwed lately, making it impossible to go on Terraria. I'll be on as soon as I can, but until then consider me AWOL.


You know, if you install a texture pack you can run Terraria through the Texture Pack application and don't have to deal with steam at all.

:P  Plus you get to apply badass player-created textures.

It's a win-win situation!

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


velspara, wanna share the link? my internet sucks at times and i can't get on.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Sure thing! 

Here's the link to the main Terraria Texture Pack program on the official forums --->

It's extremely simple to install.   If you don't want to use any texture packs, no worries.  You can run the program without installing any and it won't change a thing.

For those who want to try a new pack, however, here are a few great ones:

The Zelda Pack (My favorite and the one I'm currently running) --->

Autumn Terraria --->

Fallout 3 --->

Terraria East --->

Mind you, not ALL of the textures have been redone in all of these packs and the creators are probably still working on them.  Out of all of them, I -think- the Zelda pack is the most complete, but there are still things that need work (For instance, the NPC sprites haven't been changed).

Also, make sure you back up everything in your content folder before you save new texture pack files into it!  Sometimes a new .wav file is included (as in the zelda pack) that overrides the original music.  :3  But, I'm sure all of you know about backing things up, right?

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna