Started by D33tly, 14-05-2011

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Hey, i was just wondering, does anyone else miss half life 2 RP? vote on it, thanks.


I really don't.. I mean, it was rather boring for the civilians. You only had some fun if you roleplayed as either a MPF or a rebel. Next to that, there's thousands of HL2RP servers. It isn't some special, the fun you could find on HGN's HL2RP all the others also have because it's all the same.

So really HL2RP should only come back if other members want to put their own time and money into it.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


*sigh* I guess your right, but P.S. it was a blast for me usually. I could passive RP, + if you were a rebel and wanted to talk plans you had to go somewhere way out of the way, even there it might not be safe, combine have spies etc. But i really liked HL2 RP. But i guess I'm the only one who liked it then.

Bl★ck Star

I also liked Hl2 RP I was about to give HGN server's a try and then it was the exact day when it got shut down D:


Well then black star, i guess we are the only two that miss HL2 RP on HGN, im gonna shut down and lock the topic once it reaches ten votes *sigh*


I have had quite fun times but as Recreas pointed out. There is lots of others but a HGN one would be fairly enojyable. It's a bit different when it's a server that was created when you were part of the community (It's been at HGN before but still, you get My point) and that it is from the community you are in.

And also, Everything costs money now.


one more no and i close poll
one more yes and i keep poll open for another 10 votes.

Ok, 50/50 so 10 more votes then i close if it isnt a tie.


I've done a lot of HL2RP's in my 4 years of RP'ing. I had a BLAST at ALL of them. I don't know why, but it was always fun for me. I don't see why other people had such a problem with it. In all my time, I've seen almost exactly why things go wrong when people say they dislike HL2RP, and have had ideas to remedy them, but never got the chance to.


Content wise, HL2RP is easy. Not sure about how the economy works compared to SRP and FRP.


Hl2RP was dumb. All I saw was (Not to be rasict) Black people punch whoring.

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Your vote means nothing, Silver has said about 50 times that he's never doing HL2RP again given that the past 3 times it has ended in failure and butthurt members on all sides.



Also, Sharrock was a fool. Despite the fact I often disagreed with him, he did have a fantastic, canonical server. Particularly at the start.

But then, it changed. I saw a player authorized to be an enormous, 6'6 Russian, former soldier, who allegedly was a member of the Spetznatz... and then the elite forces of the Israeli Army... before joining the Spetznatz, again. (This is, of course, ignoring the fact that Israel only accepts Jews into its higher ranks.)

It could have been good, but it failed. (As I predicted. ;3)

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...

Silver Knight

It failed because i let a jumped up power hungry kid lead it. I considered it would be a nice sub server for HGN to just play on in their free time and ultimately target new players and a new audience but instead what i get is them wanting to change it because it was not working because they were not putting the effort in.

I spent a fair amount of time on the script. Making it one of the more unique ones out there. But ultimately the roleplay is dull, it's overdone, and although a popular theme it's not worth doing anymore. If you liked hl2rp you will love Star Wars Roleplay which is a mix of several different kinds of roleplay into one.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period