
Started by vatovie, 12-07-2012

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He is a 7 and a half foot tall orc with a battle axe on his back and some rings on his fingers.

He has three rules.
1:Don't ask his real name
2:Don't ask about his past
3:Don't touch the axe

Stats:20 best 1 worst 10 average
sterengh:18(how strong he is)
consitution:17(how tough he is)
dexterity:13(how agile he is)
intelgence:9(how book smart he is)
wisdom:8 how street smart he is)
charisma:3(how pretty he is or how good he is at persuasion)

Weaknesses: ranged attacks, magic, and poison
special ability: the rings can coat his hands in metal and creates a blue flame on them that burns your very soul
however meatl hands weigh alot and he can only use it for four rolls without being winded.