Elan Jackdaw - Background

Started by octopodesrex, 27-03-2012

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Elan Tanner never truly planned to become an adventurer. Blood, luck and fate have a way of conspiring against you to pull you toward the life. Of course that push sometimes comes knocking at your door.

There are few visitors to the small village in the mountian pass where Elan was born, tranquil and serene, placid to the point of monotony, to the point of madness. His mother never spoke of his father, of whom he was or why he left. The only words given to him by his mother were a curse followed by a spit. He learned to leave well enough alone.

Wandering home with skinned knees and a bounty of freshly stolen berries, Elan discovers a stranger in his home. This stranger is quite stolid, sharp-eyed and possessing a gigantic beak nose, a nose just like Elans. He demands Hart Jackdaw, and when his mother informs the young hooligan that he hasn't been there for years his eyes fall on Elan himself. The harsh words on his mother's honor by this stranger bristle Elan and before he could think better of it he lunges at the stranger.

The thrashing of Elan was brief and brutal, but no lasting damage was done. The man, Martin Jackdaw, is Elan's half brother and searching for the man who is their father. Apparently the man is a known rogue and scoundrel whom starts a family with a barmaid in every town he visits. Unsatisfied with his findings here, Martin leaves and warns Elan to not stray far from his village, and to leave the old man to him.

Finally the tale spills from his mother's mouth: Hart Jackdaw had come to the town after finding his fortune and fell in love with her when she was a young barmaid. Hoping to settle down he joined the town guard and began his family. Sadly the love of the roads and the wild called to him, and he whittled away his fortune in drink and despair. One day she found a silver coin with a crow upon it, and no husband.

Though it pains him to leave his aging mother, she is well in the care of her brother. Needing answers, needing change, he packs his clothes in the middle of the night and begins his trek across the land. It takes only two days to be robbed by highwaymen and found cold and starving along the road by a local nobleman. He takes pity on the boy and escorts him to the local fiefdom to find shelter.

Elan immediately finds friendship with the local warlord, a boastful and burly man who has little thought in his head. Singing for his supper and finding a warm bed with a stranger a necessity for survival, he makes a name for himself in the court and becomes a bard. The land itself is often thrown into disarray by violent spasms of war between the rival self-styled king of the neighboring fief. Every few years they will steal the prize cattle of the other, and every year it is bloodshed, like clockwork.

While Elan has a handsome face and a good voice, he discovers he had a talent for friendship and double-talk which suits him better. For a while he finds himself in one court or the other of these very minor nobles, stealing this for one or finding information on the other. Despite honing his craft he soon cannot resist the call of the road any longer. The silver crow coin in hand, he sets off once more to find his father, to find his fortune, to find whatever luck may bring.


Writing this, and not even being accepted? You sir, get a brohoof.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


*Brohoof intercepted with another Brohoof* DENIED
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


*Mod bro hoof disintegrates the hooves of the others until he has an Adam and God moment*


Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


*Brohoof evolves into Legendary Brohoof and slams into the planet turning everything into pony awesomeness*
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


* Rambo simply gives him a high five. Saying "Good job"


Also where did the official background topic go?
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Down a few pages down the road? I KNOW WHERE IT LIVES! LOL! I AM M@STER! jk, like I sad a few pages back.
I'm not an asshole, I just play one on TV.

Put me in coach I'm ready.