Christianity - Catholic

Started by geccoy, 21-04-2011

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The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church believes in the Holy Trinity, meaning the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Catholic Church teaches and believes that Jesus Christ was the messiah, the son of God.

The Seven Cardinal Virtues

The Seven Heavenly Virtues
- Chastity
- Temperance
- Charity
- Diligence
- Patience
- Kindness
- Humility

Chastity, or purity. This is refraining from sexual conduct, and keeping one's self healthy and clean.

Temperance, or justice. This is restraint and empathy. Thinking of what your actions could do to others, and how others feel.

Charity, or love. In the Catholic beliefs, it is one of the three theological virtues. Charity is love. Unlimited love and kindness towards others.

Diligence, or effort. This is the carefulness of one in their actions, such as a work ethic and loyal belief in God

Patience, or mercy. This is resolving problems, and obstacles through peaceful measures, such as speech, or intervention.

Kindness, or chairty. This is empathy, love, compassion, and good-heartedness.

Humility, or modesty. Selflessness, and giving respect to those who deserve it.

The Six things the Lord hateth, and the Seventh His soul detesteth.

The Seven Deadly Vices

Lust. This is the excessive thoughts of sex and the desire of sex. It can also be the lust for material objects.

Gluttony, or glutton. This is over-indulgence of material things to the point of waste.

Greed, or avarice. This is the pursuit of wealth and status for corruptive reasons.

Sloth or acedia. This is the neglect to take care of something that one should do.

Wrath or rage. Uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger, which lead to conflict and battle.

Envy or desire. This is the desire for excessive, material objects.

Pride or pompous. Pride is considered the original sin, and is thought to be the source of the other sins. It is thinking that ones self is more important and attractive compared to others. Pride is also associated with vainglory, or unjustified boasting.


Catholicism has only just placed its roots in Aceon, specifically in the land of the Empire. Many evangelists and chaplains have begun converting the populous of the Empire.


The High Apostle is the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church. They have divine powers

The Chaplains are the priests of the Church. They organize Sunday Mass.


To contact the High Apostle, send a letter to the Imperial city.


You're not going to be sending evangelists door to door are you?


Wow I'm impressed Geccoy, you've obviously put a lot of work in this! I think you should write a book about it, I can seriously see this catching on ;).

Hehe I see you went with an even more controversial angle in the end. I'm impressed and look forward to how this will play out, especially considering the Khajiit affiliations.


Quote from: OldManRikdo on 21-04-2011
You're not going to be sending evangelists door to door are you?

Yes unfortunately so just pretend you're already converted  ;D
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have

emperor bobby

So, what's the Church's Oppinion on the Non Humans?


Towards the Renjira Krin, they are not friendly.
The High Apostle, being the leader, will bring this to the Church and the Imperials, and they will have a meeting.


Quote from: geccoy on 22-04-2011
Towards the Renjira Krin, they are not friendly.
The High Apostle, being the leader, will bring this to the Church and the Imperials, and they will have a meeting.

Yeah well, we don't like you either so there :P. Think we break almost all of the sins in some way or another


Plus, seeing as ICly we have some of you as slaves, it would be unethical to think of slaves as having souls.


Quote from: geccoy on 22-04-2011
Plus, seeing as ICly we have some of you as slaves, it would be unethical to think of slaves as having souls.

*Arms himself with diamond weapons and armor, converts his WIP faction to atheism*


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 22-04-2011
Quote from: geccoy on 22-04-2011
Plus, seeing as ICly we have some of you as slaves, it would be unethical to think of slaves as having souls.

*Arms himself with diamond weapons and armor, converts his WIP faction to atheism*

God damn you science.


Quote from: Demonizer877 on 22-04-2011
Quote from: OldManRikdo on 21-04-2011
You're not going to be sending evangelists door to door are you?

Yes unfortunately so just pretend you're already converted  ;D

hmm... I think my new character is going atheist as well. oh well :P


This needs to die...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on

emperor bobby


Damn this makes me even more eager to join.
Lamp oil



why has this been scrapped I thought it was a pretty good idea and plus it wasn't exactly like it was a dead idea...
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Because geccoy told me to. Don't post in threads in the Dump forum.


I'm breaking the rules and nobody can stop me!


Would you like another ban, Rag?