Character Sheet System

Started by Velspera, 14-11-2011

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As we need a definite way to manage how players handle putting together equipment, I have taken the liberty of putting together a Character Sheet.

This sheet should be filled out by ALL active players.  Please don't force yourself to rush through it.  I'm not going to ban you if you take a week or so, but do ensure the information you include is thorough. 

QuoteCharacter Sheet


Basic: Y or N
Demonic: Y or N



There are NO rigid class/alignments set up, however your character would incur benefits in non-pvp, roleplayed events and battles.  For instance, if you are a character with a fire-based alignment and are having an RP battle against a player with a jungle-based alignment, it would be assumed that you have the upper hand assuming that both players have an equal level of combat skill.

Feel free to use the class prop here ( ) if you want a little help in determining what items would be used in your alignment.


Try not to include ALL items in your list of proficiencies.  No character is good at using EVERYTHING and I am sure that no player USES every item they come across.   A good way to ensure you are balanced is to try not to have more proficiencies than restrictions.

If there is an item that you use all the time, on every character you make, simply because you love it, feel free to try to work that into your list of proficiencies.  If there is an item you never use because you aren't interested or simply hate it, feel free to place that into your restrictions.  You don't have to explain all of your restrictions, but you DO have to explain your proficiencies.

Your explanation can be as detailed as naming the sword you carry and describing how you obtained it, or as simple as saying that your character is speed-based, so has an aglet equipped.

Also, if there is an item in your restrictions that you decide later on that you would like to use, you CAN pursue training IC in order to be able to use that item.

If you are of a specific class, such as a knight, you really don't have to explain in detail why you carry a sword.  That is generally assumed.  But, please make sure you DO list it in your list of proficiencies just to be safe.


Literacy determines whether you are able to read certain spells.  If you have basic literacy, you should be able to cast the Waterbolt spell.  However, you MUST have an explanation as to why you are capable of reading a demon-based language in order to utilize the Demon Scythe spell.  And yes, you CAN be completely illiterate if you'd like.  This question MUST be answered by mages.


As a player and the creator of your own character, you should be able to list your own class.  But, do explain WHAT this class entails if it is not something basic like a mage, knight, assassin, etc.

Basic Items

Basic can be used by ANYONE, and include:

  • Weapons, Tools, Bows, and Armor up to Gold
  • Wooden Boomerangs
  • Spears and Tridents
  • Blowpipes + Seeds
  • Arrows - Wooden and Fire
  • Grappling Hooks
  • Buckets
  • Purification Powder
  • Mining Helmets
  • Breathing Reeds
  • Diving Helmets
  • All Watches
  • Depth Meters
  • Magic Mirrors
  • Shackles

Vanity items can be used by all with no need for explanations.

Accessories do need to be listed in either proficiencies or restrictions and do require explanations as to why your character has them equipped unless they are listed in the basic items list above.


Any potion can be used by any player at any time they wish.

However, not all potions are allowed to be crafted by any player.  The following potions can only be crafted by a Mage or Chemist.  Otherwise, you must either find one underground, buy one from another player, or obtain them from your major/minor faction leader.

And yes, you MAY list specific potions in your proficiencies list if they are something your character would have gone out of their way to learn to craft.  However, I don't want to see this entire list copied and pasted into your character sheet.  Mages and Chemists do not have to list potions as it is assumed you already know how to craft them (unless you want to say that you don't).

  • Invisibility Potion
  • Gravitation Potion
  • Obsidian Skin Potion
  • Spelunker Potion
  • Shine Potion
  • Thorns Potion
  • Featherfall Potion
  • Ironskin Potion
  • Water Walking Potion
  • Archery Potion
  • Battle Potion
  • Hunter Potion
I'll upload an example character sheet in a little while.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to post them.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Character Sheet

Name: Ophelia Auschweine
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Alignment: Shadow
Class: Knight + Demon Charmer

After watching an army of demons invade and destroy her home land while part of the Oraian army, Ophelia dedicated her life to eradicating any and all demons she crosses paths with at any cost, even going as far as learning a form of magic that allows her to temporarily charm and manipulate the dark creatures.  Ophelia's training mostly lies in using swords and bows.  She prefers lighter swords and more often than not will fight with a rapier before taking up anything larger since her specialty is in speed.  She is capable of utilizing shadow and demonic weapons and magic due to her time spent in the Oraian army, which was known moreso for their paladins than their basic swordsmen.  Though she never took the oath, she was still blessed and the remnants of this warding magic is more than enough to keep her from becoming 'corrupted'.  Her time around her guardian, Sunny, has also helped her build up a tolerance for high temperatures.

Basic: Yes
Demonic: Yes

Weapons:  Naturally proficient with all types of swords and bows unless listed in restrictions.  Ball o' Hurt.  Magic Missile. Vilethorn. Able to use demon scythe spell due to immense knowledge of dark arcana and the demonic. All types of throwing weapons.
Armor: Shadow Armor, Necro Armor
Items: Demonite and Hellfire tools.  Speed and Jump Enhancers (hermes boots, rocket boots, shiny red balloon, aglet, anklet of the wind, feral claws, cloud in a bottle), Band of Regeneration, Obsidian skull

Weapons: Hellfire weapons, meteor weapons, jungle weapons, aqua scepter, blue moon, waterbolt, phaseblades except for purple, starfury, star cannon, all types of guns, flamelash, sunfury, grenades, all staff/spear weapons, all types of boomerangs, Flower of Fire
Armor:  Hellfire, Meteor, Jungle, wizard hat.
Items: Band of Starpower, Cobalt Shield, Flippers, Lucky Horseshoe, Nature's Gift

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna



Character Sheet

Name: Reign
Age: Probably in his 20s though that is only by looks...
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Class: Demonic Spellblade
Race: He doesn't know exactly where he comes from or what he is. When he was an orphan the people who took care of him basically used him as a slave and called him Evil and Demonic because of something he must of done.

Basic: Yes
Demonic: Yes, He can clearly read demonic words due to some odd connection he has with demons... The reason has to do with his past. Though hes not sure why he can.

Weapons: Blades and he can wield any dark weapon due to some demonic factor. He is not masterful with hell weapons, but can roughly use them.
Armor: Can wear shadow armor, but becomes sort of insane when he does. Can wear hellfire armor, but it is not suitable for his quick nature.
Items: May use demonic equipment and gains some unknown power when using demonic items. He can use all regular items that have no alignment such as a shackle or rocket boots.
Extra: Sometimes he can corrupt weaponry allowing him to use it to its full potential though this only happens in extreme cases of emotional trauma or when he gets some sort of extreme power boost. Once he corrupts a item it can never be uncorrupted and will slowly kill anyone who trys to weild it that isn't Reign.

Weapons: Grass blade is out of the question because he kills any grass blade he touches. He can not use bows enless demonic, but if given a hell bow he can use it to some extent. He can use items such as light orb, but they cause him extreme discomfort.
Armor: Can not use jungle armor, if used the armor will die. Meteor armor is not off limits, but he can not use it to its full potential and would rather use something else if given the choice.
Items: Can not use vine whip or nature's gift. If I'm forgeting another jungle item then he can't use that either. Also he can't use orb of light or any other light casting or something of that sort. I don't know every item so there are probably other ones too.
Extra: Items that have been purified or something of the sort can never be wield by Reign enless he somehow taps into a greater power which in that case the item would lose all its light and become full demonic.
[Under Review - Velspera

Again, be more specific.  As the 'holy' alignment doesn't formally exist in Terraria, it's hard to gauge exactly which ones you're talking about.  Especially since there are only about 3 items that are jungle-based out of the entire list.  It's safer just to list the specific items.]
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Character Sheet

Name:  Asahina
Age: Early 20s
Gender: Female
Alignment: Leaning on good
Class: Flame Caster
Race: Since in medieval times race is usually told by main body features or where you grew up she doesn't really know hers. She believes shes human, but has pointed ears which would say otherwise. So the answer is a mystery.

Basic: Yes
Demonic: Can read rough demon from going to a high class magic school which taught every student a bit of everything and taught them heavily in one class.

Weapons: Extremely talented with flame elements due to her magical training in fire and can use most other weapons just fine. Jungle weaponry seems to "fight" back her will and water based weapons simply do not comply.
Armor: Can use hellfire, shadow, and meteor, but has issues with meteor armor. Can not use jungle or non elemental armors.
Items: Can use mechanical items like rocket boots with average control, but heavy use can cause her to be unusually warm. Can use regular non specific items to as long as in rp they do not show up as large or heavy. If they do she may not be able to handle them.
Extra: Do to her intelligence and time spent in a high class school she is able to learn all most anything and could wield it like a pro after a long period of training. Though she can become over emotional when training do to a sensitive nature.

Weapons: Blade of grass can not be used and water weapons like water bolt and water spray I think it is called can not be used due to her fire aura. Non elemental weapons can be used, but she has difficulty with them and can sometimes strain herself using them.
Armor: Due to mastery in fire jungle armor is off limits. Meteor is not off limits, but her fire aura seems to have bad effects on it. She can not use non elemental armors due to her lack in physical strength.
Items: No water such as flippers or fish helmet and any other watery item. Also no plant items such as vine whip, nature's gift, or any other I'm forgetting. She can use basically all regular items that have no specific type to them as long as they do not exceed a regular weight limit. Like she wouldn't able to handle a item like cobalt shield due to it being a shield. (Shields are heavy)
Extra: Though she can learn and become masterful at most things she puts her mind to she still has physical downfall and extreme fire aura, which means no matter how hard she trys she can't wield something of plant or water origin and can never use something of significant weight.
[Rejected Pending Changes - Velspera

Again, be more specific.  As the 'holy' alignment doesn't formally exist in Terraria, it's hard to gauge exactly which ones you're talking about.  Especially since there are only about 3 items that are jungle-based out of the entire list.  It's safer just to list the specific items.  ]
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Character Sheet

Name: Miss Safia
Age: 29
Race: Gnome
Gender: Female
Alignment: Yellow/Balance - Neutral (Was unsure of which 'alignment' you were calling for).
Class: Chemist

Basic: Y
Demonic: N (but willing to learn)

Weapons: Boomerangs, Harpoon.
Armor: Copper / None.
Items: *Flippers, **Cloud in a Bottle, ***Anklet/Aglet/Hermes

*She has lived near water her entire life, including in Caphori and New Caphori. She'd be a complete idiot if she could not swim well by now.
**As both a Gnome and a Chemist, she had access to it prior. Storywise, living in the Corruption, she was forced to learn to navigate the crags, chasms and canyons with precision or she would fall and die.
***Gnomish quickness and natural speed enhancers (potions).

Weapons: No swords. No hammers. No axes. No guns. No bows.
Armor: Nothing higher than copper.
Items: No rocket boots. No obsidian skull. No shield. No Nature's Gift. No Claws. No Horseshoe. No Band of Regen.

As her weapons are merely mid-level, her amour is low-level and her accessories are relatively varied. I do not feel this character is overpowered, but do let me know if you have a problem.

As a side note, this is pretty much how I see her for the next little while, but if roleplay calls for it she may shift her profession or even her alignment. To say she will be defined by this forever is severely limiting to roleplay and somewhat defeats the purpose of the server. Granted, if said shift does happen to occur, it will be done in a balanced fashion so that she remains out of the "OP" bracket.

[Approved - Velspera ]


Character Sheet


Basic: Yes
Demonic: No (and wants nothing to do with it)
Weapons:Bows, throwing knives, shortswords, and throwable objects
Armor:Light mainly, so he can be quiet, but still have some cover, and usually wears a camoflauged cloak
Items:invisibility potions

Weapons:weapons larger then a shortsword, and cannot use any guns other then a pistol
Armor:anything heavier then light armor.
Items: No rocket boots. No obsidian skull. No shield. No Nature's Gift. No Claws. No Horseshoe. No Band of Regen. No wings.

[Rejected Pending Changes - Velspera

Your weapons and armor sections are fine.  However, you need to be a little more specific with your items/accessories.  Check out some of the other applications that have been approved as a reference. ]


Character Sheet

Name: Khyris Percival
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Alignment: Jungle/Light

Basic: Yes
Demonic: No, Khyris vowed to vanquish any demon she came across due to a childhood event and will never turn to demonic ways.

Weapons: Any Phaseblade (Khyris just loves being surrounded by different colours), Vilethorn (It's RP'd as a cleansed Jungle item) and Magic Missile.
Armor: Jungle Armor.
Items: Orb of Light, Grappling Hook and Magic Mirror.


Anklet of Wind: Back when Khyris was 10 years old she was forced to flee from her hometown due to a demon invasion attacking, because of this she always felt she had to run the moment she felt endangered.

Feral Claws: Khyris tends to mindlessly swing her blade in a wildly way when confronted by an enemy to either kill it or scare it away.

Lucky Horseshoe: Khyris has kept hold of this good luck charm around her as it made her feel somewhat safer.

Nature's Gift: Khyris was given this flower on her 10th Birthday by her Sister and now wears it on her head (The jungle rose is being used for the showing of the flower) as a reminder of her loved ones.

Weapons: All hell, meteorite, corruption weapons.
Armor: All but Jungle Armor.
Items: Khyris cannot change any accessory she has equipped.

[Approved - Velspera ]
Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


Character Sheet

Name: Golem (Ophelia refers to him as 'Sunny')
Age: Unknown
Gender: None, assumed male.
Alignment: Lawful Chaotic
Class: Fire Golem

Basic: Yes
Demonic: No, he can communicate with other elementals though.

Weapons: Fiery Greatsword, Flamarang.
Armor: Heavy, made of pure fire-aligned elementium, an ore from the elemental plane.
Items: Any item that is fire aligned, no other elemental item can be used, no normal item can be used, both will either melt or disintegrate in his hands.

Weapons: Any weapon not fire aligned
Armor: His armor is his body, he is restricted from equipping any other piece of armor.
Items: Any item not fire aligned.

[Approved - Velspera ]


Character Sheet

Name: Hex
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Alignment: Skyfall/Purple
Class: Knight
Race: Human

Basic: Yes
Demonic: No, I refuse to allow the world to be corrupted by these fowl beasts

Weapons: Enhanced crossbow (Space Gun), Fiery Greatsword, Flintlock Pistol - As a young boy I was obsessed with guns and technology so at my first opertunity to aquire firearms I began my experiments to create the ultimate crossbow and this is my achievement!, the flintlock pistol was given to me by my late father Arcon... a master of steam work and it is the symbol of The Resistance (my soon to be created faction) at each battle or ceremony it will be shot to start it again
Armor: Meteorite armor, Silver Armor, Goggles - As a skyfall alignment I have been granted the ability to use the ore which comes down from the heavons above and simaltaniously as I worked on my weapons I attempted to create a piece of armor which through the power of ancient magic and steam to work in harmony with my guns
Items: Rocket Boots, Hermes Boots, Cobalt Shield - I have managed to create the most advanced forms of transport in mine and my father's many years so that I can get to a good vantage point to command and snipe down into the battle without being knocked off my perch (by the way the items may seem a bit OP but it is made up for by the lack of almost every single melee weapon and the low armor level)

Weapons: Melee weapons (other than Fiery Greatsword)
Armor: Necro, Shadow, Molten
Items: Magic Mirror, Orb of Light, Ivy Whip

(In regards to the original version it was because I was not aware where precisely in time the server was medieval, rennaisance, late rennaosance/pre industrail era. Thanks for the clarification)

[Approved - Velspera ]

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


>Character Sheet

Name:the assassin
Age:unknown/unsure even by him at this point.
Alignment:depends on different factors from how he came in to being.

Basic: Y
Demonic: Y  again because of how he came into being

Weapons:nights edge is my trusty sword with a strange symbol on it. flails, magic missle and demon sycthe because he liked them so he learned how to use them.
Armor:shadow armor
Items:combat sheild= side steps
rocket boots=agile
hermes boots= agile
band of regen= regenerates useing this worlds abundance of magic.
osidan skull= cool pendent he found.
flippers= he can swim.

Weapons:all other weapons
Armor:all other armor
Items:all other asscessories

any questions pm me (admins only)

[Under Review - Velspera

Too broad.  Take a look at the other applications that have been review and try using them as a base for how you fill out your own.  Specifically, your weapon and item proficiencies/restrictions need overhauling. ]


Character Sheet

Name: Mister J
Age: 47.
Alignment: Neutral (leaning on good)
Class: Mercenary( retired at age 39)

RACE: Human/Demon ( is NOT evil ).(also he hides the face that he is half demon with his special masks)

Because of his half demon heratige he was always shunned, the only place he founds acceptance was with the mercenary group that he joined up with as a young boy.

( Also because he is half demon fire and lava does not hurt him  ( im rp i mean XD) , however touching holy items, weapons, armors, ec burns him, and does twice as much damage).


Basic: Yes

Demonic: Yes ( used his small fortune from his work as a high class mercenary to learn the language.)


Weapons: murasamasa, thorn chakram , and blue moon.

Armor: RP wise he does not use armor, his toughness comes from the many years of intense physical and mental training.

Items: Ivy whip, orb of light, magic mirror.
       Herms boots. ( His most comfortable set of shoes, he always has these on)

       Cloud in a bottle. ( A good luck charm given to him by a friend before he died, always carries it with him)

       Feral Claws. ( Because of his training he is a very fast attacker.)
       Cobalt shield. ( His Training allows him to keep himself from being knocked over.)

       He has also learned how to make iron skin featherfall and Invisibility Potions during his work as a mercenary.


Weapons: All short swords, bows, crossbows (every type of gun), magic weapons( such as magic staffs/wands/rods, or spells such as waterbolt/demon scyth), meteor weapons, starcannon, harpoon, phaseblades, all boomerangs, Flower of Fire, vilethorn, all staff/spear weapons, flamelash, starfury.

Armor: Can not use armor as it restricts his movement.

Items: Mister J cannot change any accessory that he has equipped.

[Approved - Velspera ]


Edited main post to add 'Race' to the character sheet.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Character Sheet

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Darkness Druid
Alignment: Green/Black
Class: Mage/Archer

Basic: yes
Demonic: yes, her grandmother teached her the arts of black magic. PumpkinPie try her best to be caring, helpful and good even tho she has this feared power in her palms.
Weapons: Bow with wooden/unholy arrows- Her best friend crafted this bow for her, then he trained her with it. PumpkinPie's grandmother saw how good she was with the bow so she granted her the ability of unholy arrows.
Waterbolt and Death Scythe Spells- Her grandmother teached her the arts of casting from the moment PumpkinPie learn to read.
VileThorn and Thorn Chakram- PumpkinPie used her skills in Nature, Crafting and Enchanting to create this two weapons.
Aqua Scepter and Poisioned/Throwing knifes- She found this weapons in the jungle. Thanks to her skills at casting and magic the Scepter was a piece of pie to her. Then thanks to her abilities with the bow she learned quickly how to use the throwing/posioned knifes.
Armor: Jungle armor- Given to her by the Nature Godess at her hour of need.

Items: Potions ( except shine, night owl and invisibility potions)- She is an amzain alchemist.
Dirt Rod, Staff of regrownth (not for fighting), Nature's gift, Lucky Horse shoe, Rocket boots- This items (like jungle armor) were given by Tanria, the Nature Godess, to PumpkinPie in her hour of need.
Band of Star Power and Anglet of Wind- At her birth PumkinPie's Parentes left her this to objects as a reminder of them.

Weapons: Every other weapon
Armor:Every other armor
Items: PumpkinPie doesn't have intrest in gems. She cant touche light items- jester's arrows and orb of light

*I forgot to put that she can use demonite based tools, her bow is a demon bow and she cant touch silver stuff*


Character Sheet

Name: Kreall

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Super Human

Alignment: Skilled warrior.

Class: Assassin


Basic: No

Demonic: Yes

Weapons: Silver Shortsword, Muramasa, Throwing Knife, Shuriken, Enchanted Boomerang, Flintlock Pistol, Flamelash, Silver bow.

Armor: Ninja Shirt, Ninja Pants, all Necros.

Items: Magic Mirror, Grappling Hook, Silver Pickaxe, silver Axe, Iron Hammer, Hermes Boots, band of starpower, cloud in a bottle, invisibility potion, 100 musket balls, 400 jester's arrows.


Weapons: Exery other weapons

Armor: Every other Armors

Items: Every other items


Character Sheet

Name: Abby Stone
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Alignment: Queen's (I think blue)
Class: Mage/Chemist

RACE: Sexy human

Basic: Yes

Demonic: Yes (had sex with one, imagine the rest)


Weapons: Enchanted boomerang, water bolt, demon scythe (thanks, Mr J).

Armor: Wizard hat, golden armor (no helmet) (thanks, Mr J).

Items: Bands, Aglet, Anklet of the wind and Shackle. All kinds of potions (mage, remember?) (thanks, Mr J).


Weapons: All short swords, guns, starcannon, harpoon and phaseblades.
Armor: Molten armor.

Items: Cloud in a bottle, feral claws, nature's gift, flippers and shiny red balloon.


Name: Clueless55
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Alignment: Well trained swordsman and half magician.
Class: Dark knight

Basic: N
Demonic: Y

Weapons: Night's Edge, Muramasa, Flamelash, Waterbolt, Demon Scythe, Dark lance, maybe a Musket.
Armor: Shadow Helmet, Shadow Scalemail, Shadow Greaves.
Items: Healing potion, Mana potion, Band of starpower, Feral claws, Nature's gift, Cloud in a bottle/Rocket boots, Wood, wood wall, glass, bed, door, torches, musketballs.

Weapons: Other weapons
Armor: Other Armors
Items: Other items


Character Sheet

Name:Fade (an alias, he has forgotten his old name.)
Age:(he has forgotten that as well but he appears about 27-29)
Race:corrupted human.

Basic: yes
Demonic: yes as he was a well educated man and studied just about anything he could get his hands on, and as a result learned quite a bit of demonic.

Weapons:his weapon of choice is the harpoon, though he knows some magic from his studies.
Armor:he wears a jacket with silver plates sown in. and the goggles that he always wears that conceal his eyes.
Items:hermes boots* grappling hook** cloud in a bottle * shackle*
* his natural speed and agility amplified by the corruption.
** its not much different from his harpoon, so he decided to keep it in case of emergencies.
*** he studied almost anything he could find, though he is not the best as makeing potions, so they have a tendancy to backfire...explosively.

anything demonic as it makes the voices in his head grow more powerful, and he risks losing his mind.
Weapons:any weapons other that a sword and harpoon and the flail,, the latter he simply swings around blindly.
Armor:demonic armor
that one guy, with the face.


Character Sheet

Name: Leonardo
Age: Unknown (Looks about 20-21)
Class: Architect/Inventor/Scholar/Explorer (prefers referring to himself as Architect.) -Soon to be head of Merchant's Guild-
As a man with many Talents, Leonardo prefers to try out anything that piques his Interests. Prefers to do work at his house, but usually goes for a stroll to converse with others. His Loyalty to The Queen is Unwavering, as he has offered his home to be a refuge in times of need.

Basic: Yes, Loves Books of any Language/Era
Demonic: Yes as well, Learned In the Three Years he spent left in the Demonic Lands. (Strange as only A single month passed since the Exodus.)

Weapons: Katana of Unknown origin, Harpoon,Technological Items (mainly studied, Rarely used.) Magicks (Dirt Rod, Magic Missile; Used for fun) Demon Scythe (Prefers not to use, as casting the spells in the book are verbal, but unheard by human ears. Also may bite his tongue/cheeks during casting)
Armor:Currently wears Necro Armor, Hides under decorative Armor/Clothes.
Items: Rocket Boots/Hermes Boots/Depth Meter/Feral Claws/ Cloud in Bottle/Demonite Pick/

Weapons: Rarely uses anything other than his Katana and Harpoon. May use thrown weapons.
Armor:Doesn't wear Jungle Armor, as he doesn't want the smell of fresh earth following him around everywhere, Hellfire Armor causes him Discomfort from being too hot.
Items:Many Odd and Rare Pieces go through Leonardo's hands, May be tempted to try a strange item out. Usually with Hilarious Results.

Took me long enough, eh?

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Note: Please be aware that alignment is referring to an elemental alignment, not faction choices.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Character Sheet
Name:Jacques Vanguard
Age:Unknown looks about 23-27
Class:Ranged Warrior
Basic: Yes He has learned the basic language because he did get an education when he was younger since he was a noble( he does not like to say he was a noble before)
Demonic: Yes He has adventured to hell many times and has extracted info from the demons he has killed
Weapons:Any bow or "crossbow" tends to use his enchanted crossbow "Phoenix Blaster" He also uses a flail to keep his enemies at bay"Sunfury"Armor: Necro Armor it gives him the power of "fire" and let his weapons do more damage
Items:Hermes Boots He has learn how to escape his opponents quickly Rocket Boots He has learned how to magically levitate after intense training Lucky Horseshoe He has fell so many times he has learned how to avoid fall damage Cobalt Shield He doesnt get knocked backed by any monsters anymore because he has gained a resistance to it and a Cloud in a Bottle He can double jump because he took intense training to learn how
Everything else


Character Sheet

Name: Aravele d'Aravois
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Alignment: Gray
Class: Captain

Basic: No (Aravele is from a foreign nation that speaks a different language and she hasn't learned Caphori's written language yet.  Otherwise, she is very educated.)
Demonic: No

Weapons: All swords (magical and mundane) besides phaseblades, all firearms (to be RP'd as crossbows), spears, harpoons, grenades.  Aravele has had a noble's access to combat training since youth and, combined with her soldiery, is an expert at using a variety of weapons.
Armor: All non-magical armor (Silver armor and below, jungle armor, anything non-magical to come in the new update), goggles.
Items: Grappling hooks, any mechanical item, rocket boots, shiny red balloon.

Weapons: 'Heavy' weapons (hammers, axes, flails), magic, all throwing weapons (including boomerangs) besides grenades, demonite and hellfire weapons, bows.
Armor: Magical armor, anything demonic or otherworldly in nature.
Items: Shields, cannot use potions besides healing potions, feral claws, obsidian skulls, any 'evil' accessory, demonite and hellfire tools.

Before coming to Caphori, Aravele was an officer in her nation's army.  She performs best when in command of others.



Character Sheet
Name: Leona Reinhardt
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Alignment: Fire/Grey (Neutral, pretty much.)
Class: Dragonknight

Basic: Yes. She read a few books on Caphori's language.
Demonic: No.

Weapons: Mainly swords (magical and non-magical) except phaseblades, spears (magical and non-magical.), and Fire spells ( Except Cursed Flames. ).
Armor: All plain armor (E.g. Iron, Silver.) , Molten Armor, Adamantite Armor and Hallow Armor (Melee).
Items: Grappling Hook, Band of Regeneration, Hermes Boots

Hermes Boots : Heavy armor reduces her speed, so she uses these.

Band of Regeneration : For quick healing in the middle of battle.

Grappling Hook : To get out of sticky situations and the like.

Weapons: Bows and Guns (Boomerangs, Throwables and a few guns, she can use.)
Armor: Necro ( She doesn't like too light of an armor. )
Items: Most Obsidian Items ( except shield and skull ) and Demon Wings. ( She hates the color and she despises obsidian. ) 

Caphori - Leona Reinhardt
Iseyu - Lyssa Velidrei (MIA), Leona Reinhardt, Lynnethe Myrith
Leikell - Leona Reinhardt, Leone Secare
Safehaven - Silveria R.

I still don't have my bloody Caphori award.

Also, yosakoi.


Name: Garagan
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Goblin
Alignment: Gray

Basic: Yes. He knows the humanoid language and speaks very fluently.
Demonic: No.

Weapons: Mostly swords and rifles
Armor: Anything that's cloth like.
Items: Grappling hook, potions,

Weapons: Boomerangs and bows.
Armor: Heavy armor.
Items: Anything that is from a meteor or corruption.