Barus and Jimmy, the fusion.

Started by srgghostkilla, 01-04-2012

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I was thinking of having the two chars fuse together as one with a split mind when they meet ic, I have one idea currently, they meet and Jimmy thinks Barus was apart of the bandits that raided and destroyed his village, but Barus avoids a fight and tells Jimmy that he is a double of him and the life Jimmy thinks really happened didn't, It was all a written story and it was whispered into his ears for 17 years while he slept in a dark cave, but when Barus tells him this Jimmy starts to glow and fuse into Barus's body, when this would happen i would create a new char with the same name but with a different look and put the items I want to keep into a chest

This is what it would look like.


I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


what the fuck did I just watch. But no it would not be like that, more like Jimmy turns into mist and shoots into Barus's body as he turns into what the picture looks like.