Alex Micler

Started by HitMan5523, 24-06-2012

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Alex Micler

Alex's full hunting gear(Just make the entire thing a little bit more dark green)
(Thought of Demonizer's avatar picture in Aceon.)
       Alex grew up up in a isolated part of Caphori II. He almost always talked to his family since his family lived isolated except for the occasional traveler going through the dangerous woods. He had a family of four including himself. His sister,Ashley, was born five years after Alex.His mother,Becky, was thirty-eight when Alex was born and his father,Jack, was thirty-five when Alex was born. They lived on a farm and didn't need to trade since they were able to live on their own resources.

      They lived a peaceful life, not having any of the wild, dangerous animals attack their little farm since they lived in a valley that was rarely visited by animals. There was one downside to having a isolated home. That was having Jack go out of the valley to hunt for animals to eat with his bow and homemade arrows. Alex's father, Jack, was an excellent hunter and killed many animals. Most of the time Alex's family didn't go hungry.

      Alex grew up under his father, Jack, hunting down animals at the age of ten with his father while his sister and his mother worked on the farm. Alex always looked up to his father when they went on hunting trips every other day. They hunted deer and various other animals. When Alex started hunting with his dad, the meat doubled for the family. This continued until he was twenty.Everything changed when a strange man in a black robe came by the little farm. He said he was looking for a place to stay since he was tired from the long travels. It was pretty rare to have people stop at the cabin, but they usually said yes to people staying in their cabin. The man lowered the hood on his robe and it revealed a old man with a long grey beard. The old man took interest in Alex's dad and they talked the entire night. Alex thought he saw some fire come out of his palm as if it was magic. Alex didn't believe his eyes when he saw that and basically shrugged it off.Alex went to bed and fell to sleep while Jack and the old man were talking.

     In the middle of the night, Alex heard screaming from a man outside  and got up from bed, grabbing his bow and a pack of arrows. He rushed outside and saw the old man carrying his father. Alex jogged towards them, trying to shoot the old man. He missed almost all the shots except for an arrow that hit the man in the leg. The man looked at Alex and said "Your old man will pay for that, young man."

    The man then disappeared in plain sight with Alex's dad. Alex stood there for a moment, staring at where they just were. After a couple minutes, he went back into his house like nothing happened at all. He went into his mom's room and woke her up. He told her about what happened and she ended up crying. His sister came into the room and was worried about the crying. Alex told her about what happened to his dad. They cried for a long time while Alex just stood there emotionless. Alex still hasn't actually believed what happened.Alex ended up going to bed with both of them crying.

     In the morning, Alex got up talked to his sister and mother, telling them that he was going out to try to find his dad. Alex told Ashley that she would need to hunt to get meat while Becky would tend to the farm. Alex told Ashley everything that he knew before leaving the farm and heading toward the populated area of Caphori II to find clues on how to find his dad. While walking toward the populated area, he realized how magic destroyed his life because of the old man who took his dad.

Alex Micler in his normal outfit.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!