*EVENT* The Forest Temple *EVENT*

Started by CAMaera, 28-02-2012

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The Forest Temple
Some know of a mysterious temple, past the east desert and under a hill that is more than dotted with trees. This heavily forested temple filled with an eerie yet inviting glow of green has been hardly disturbed, with explorers saying that treasure and chests lay inside. Sadly, the entrance seems to be locked with a magical blue barrier, and even within, a guardian inside the temple guards the chests and the temple's plant life with his own. A group of unlikely treasure hunters are set to enter the temple, as it seems the barrier is down, if only for a short time.

After around 5000 years, the temple's secret is about to be revealed.

A green world, of trees and vines
Yet still of bricks and pillars,
An underground forest,
An underground dungeon,
The night has fallen, the stage is set;
To unlock the ancient secrets in this place.


Date: Saturday, March 3rd
Time: 3:00 PM CST(Central Standard Time)

Forest Temple made by Rukino(max0596) and Zubael(VonXeno)

We'd love it if you joined us, and with all the loot involved, you would too!

If the above time does not work for you, please request a time in the form of a post below. Same with the date, we are flexible. Don't know your time? Use these sites. UTC-6 is CST, or the time format we will be using. On the second site, Saskatchwan is a province in Canada that uses CST. Also where I am, as irrelevant as that is.


NOTE: This event is being put on By not just I(Rukino), but VonXeno(Zubael) and Sxasxuxkxe(Syl). Thank them too!



I will definitely try to be there!- Barus


I do want to go. Even though I want peace. Yet I am in the mood for adventure! Count me in! - Garagan

(OOC: American Eastern TimeZone. EST? I'm not all familiar with the time zones so can you like convert to what time it would be?)


Redbark, I posted some sites for those purposes. It would be 4:00 for you, using New York.(Which is in EST)

And I hope to see you there, Barus! :D



I can be there. I'm not sure if I'll be at my dad's or not so if I come on I'll be either Vir, Dwarf Engineer, or Reign, Demonic Guy.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Either will be fine, I believe. SO here's a questoin for all of you; would you like one single great prize for one person, or smaller individual prizes for all? Or an combination?


Small prizes for everyone
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


I'll be there as fade if at all possible. setting an alarm on my phone as I type this...which is supriseingly difficult...
that one guy, with the face.


Im sure Ill just barge in touch the shiny stuff, talk about dead people and them grab a prize at the end, then walk out whining about my itchy toe or something. count me in ~Grayzar
I'm not an asshole, I just play one on TV.

Put me in coach I'm ready.