[[NEW]] Caphori Password Application Thread

Started by Velspera, 21-06-2012

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Name: Dwight

Roleplay Name: Bulrim

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Roleplaying on Minecraft servers, and a roleplaying Website

What servers have you played on, and how long: I've played plenty of terraria and minecraft servers and I tend to stay on for an hour or so on weekdays, but on weekends i tend to play for most of the day.

Why would you like to join our server: Because ever since my favorite roleplaying website shutdown i've been looking a good roleplay server with great critisicm, and yours seems to fit the quota.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes I do

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

I begin to look around for items that would help for my survival if I am to make my home here, once i have acquired all of the items that I need for my survival, I then begin to make my home. once I am all nicely settled in, and well armed and protected, I then begin exploring more to see the surroundings outside of my home and see if i can find any means of human life or civilization.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.):

I ask the old man why he is so troubled, he tells me that he has precious cargo and believes there are bandits after him. I offer him my help, as long as we get to civilization. He agrees to my terms and we prepare to head off once I have packed up all of my items needed to make a new living in civilization and for our protection against bandits.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?

I tell the bandits that i am unwillingly going to give them my coins and that they have no rights to demand unsuspecting people for coins. They then come at me with force, I being a dwarf however, am able to dig holes at a fast rate, creating a deep hole for the bandits to fall in without harming them, they fall in and cry for my help, I say "Don't worry, help will come your way once I get to civilization, and the people who come to help you will have you locked up." The Old Man and I continue onwards to civilization as we hear the bandits' swears grow quiet as we continue away from them.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.):

I Thank the old man for his help and go around town asking people if there is work needed around here. After a while a man offers me a job as a blacksmith, I agree and let him know that I will be able to make very good armor and weapons with my dwarf expertise. He laughs and gets me working right away. After the day is done, and I am now very hungry, the man gives me a plate filled with meat and bread, along with a mug of ale. He says "I noticed while you were working you looked famished, so instead of paying you, here is the finest food in town, and you seemed to enjoy this job so much, how would you like to work here full-time?" I was very grateful and agreed to work for him, once i had finished my dinner, he bought me a room in the nearest inn and wished me good night. Once I was in bed, I looked out my window and was grateful for my new life. But i also wondered about my old life in the forest...
{Denied: when you do your rp segments, dont tell me what you would do, instead RP the segment. thanks }



Jimmy McCallion

Roleplay Name:


Players you already know on the on the server:


Previous roleplay experience:

I am a player of MUD type games that are purely text based and I have a great deal of experience role playing.  I have been playing role playing games since I was 10, so about 19 years worth.  I would love to be able to play RP on Terraria, but had no idea that it was possible until I saw this.

What servers have you played on, and how long:

I have only played on my friend's server for about 5 minutes before I got killed and nobody helped me.  It was PVP.  :(

Why would you like to join our server:

I would love to join your server because the ability to roleplay on a game that I love that has become boring playing alone is wonderful!

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:

Yes, and I agree to it.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:


Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:

I would love to prove myself during the probation period.  I think these are vital to maintaining consistency in a game.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

I don't know where I am, but I know that I need to find shelter.  The light is slowly beginning to fade and I am sure that there are wild animals around.  Looking about the area I see that there is a small cave that would provide some sort of shelter from the elements.  As I walk over to the cave I start to realize that it might be inhabited.  I decide to wait a few hours outside in a tree, but notice nothing coming or going from my possible shelter.  Luckily I know how to start a fire using flint and wood, and quickly grab some up.  I start a small fire and collect branches from around the area to provide a covering for the cave entrance.  Hopefully I will be able to last the night until morning comes and I can figure out what to do.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

I smile at the man and ask him why he looks troubled.
"Hello, young man, I have had a bit of trouble with bandits lately," he says,"  I was wondering if perhaps you'd offer me company on my trip?  I can take you to the nearest town."
I agree with him and tell him, "I will keep you company.  Perhaps if there are two of us they will be dissuaded to take us on." 
I hop on the wagon and we start off, hoping and praying that we do not encounter any trouble along the way.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Knowing well that I have no money and no way to possibly pay the bandits, I think back to when I first got lost in this area.
"I'm sorry that I have no money.  However, I do have a camp a few miles back that you might be interested in.  There is a fire pit, food, water, and even bedding.  If you would take that as payment, I am sure that it will make up for the 10 coins that you need from me."  Hoping that they will accept this, I wait. 
The lead bandit talks to his men, "I'll accept your offer granted that you give me exact directions and wait here while one of my men check it out."
I agree and wait with the leader while his men check out the site.  They are surprised that it has so many items in it and agree to let us go, granted that we give them coins later on if we see them again.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Knowing that I have no money, I do know that the man I came with does.  I ask him if he would be willing to give me any money to get started and I would provide him with an escort each time he leaves town.
At first he is a bit wary because he really does not know me, but I did accompany him.  He agrees that it would work well.  I help him unload his items and he gives me a few coins.  This allows me to buy some clothing and food, and then we hit the road again to the next place he has to go.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Roleplay Name: Seon Devlin
Players I know on server:None
Previous Roleplay XP: MC
Servers Played on and hours: Sereenlingo 3 hours
Why I would like to Join your server: I love Terraria and I like RP
Read Rules: Yes.
Agree to Rules: Of course!
Will I Agree to 1 week probation?: Yes.

You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?

-As Seon woke up he found he was all alone... As he recalled it he was with his family in a small cottage feasting at Thanksgiving. Seon purged himself into water and drank and drank and drank some more. After vomiting most of what Seon had just engulfed down, he noticed how odd that he woke up not hungry, or tired but instead terribly thirsty. Seon thought "Dark magic...."

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?

As Seon was cutting wood he encountered a man with a deathly afraid look on his face, on a wagon. Seon- "Hi there," Stranger- "W-Well H-Howdy there stranger, d-d-do you m-m-maybe wanna r-r-ride?" Seon-"Well thank you, whats your name?" Stranger- "L-L-Luke....K-Kwana" Seon- "Well Mr. Kwana lets be off" As Seon gathered his supplies and packed them, getting on the wagon he had a feeling that there was trouble ahead.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?

Bandit- " YOU!!!" pointing at Seon "GIVE ME 10 MORE GOLD COINS" Seon- "NO!" Bandit- "What did you just say?!?!?!" As the Bandit is stunned Seon kicked him down, slicing his neck open with his fathers dagger. Bandit 2- "Wha--" Seon throws the dagger into the other bandits neck. Kwana is on the Ground screaming while this is happening Kwana- "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Seon- "CALM DOWN I KILLED THEM ALL!!!!" Kwana jumps to his feet -"L-L-Lets get o-o-outa' here before more come!" Seon just knew there was gonna be trouble...

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?

As Seon gets off the wagon he asks Kwana for a job. Kwana-"Well.... I-I Guess I could use a body guard..... O-O-Okay then you get 1 silver coin per half hour" Seon- "Thank you so much Mr.Kwana how could I ever repay you?" Kwana- "By guarding my shop!"


{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}
Z-Zombies? Dead Rising? I can take em'. Project Zomboid? RRRUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!


Name: Peter

Roleplay Name: Bayhas

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Pen and paper roleplaying since AD&D 2nd Edition, Roleplayed for many years in the Red Dragon Inn (AOL Chatroom), RP characters in various MMOs I've played throughout the years.  At 32 years old, at least half my life has been roleplay.

What servers have you played on, and how long: None through Terraria.  Looking for a good home.

Why would you like to join our server:  Combine the customization of Terraria with a great community that will allow me to immerse myself in my character and his work?  Yes please.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

The man sat up and braced himself on one arm while the other rubbed the back of his head.  "How in blazes did I get here..?"  He spoke aloud, but softly and only to himself.  "Wait.. where is here?"  He rose up slowly, albeit a little shaky and leaned carefully against a tree.  Eyes lifted as a rumble rolled across the sky, "I need to get somewhere safe.. and here doesn't seem to be it.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Bayhas glanced over the man and his wagon briefly, "If ya don't mind, I'd rather walk if you can spare pointing me in the right direction.  Well, that'd be greatly appreciated as I can use the exercise."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Bayhas looked to the bandits and then to the man, "When you took me on, I advised you I had no money.. if you can pay my way through these gentlemen this time I will make sure to pay you back through work or trade."

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Grrrraalll.  His stomach let him know that much time had passed and there was no food within it.  Bayhas sighed as he walked passed stalls of meats and other foods, haste losing out to desire as he nudged one person into another for a commotion to initiate while procuring a small apple from another vendor and walking away whistling.
{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}

The Engineer

Name: The Engineer

Roleplay Name: Dustan Hache

Players you already know on the on the server: none.

Previous roleplay experience: 2 years of roleplaying, some In Runescape, Some in a Elder scrolls themed Minecraft server.

What servers have you played on, and how long: TES: Era of the Vanguard Minecraft server.

Why would you like to join our server:Because I am always looking to try out and learn different styles of Roleplay, regardless of the source. I also enjoy playing Terraria as much as I do Minecraft, and would like to start off with a community that I favor.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes, I have.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes, I do.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: I understand the reasoning for it, and will.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
*after standing up and checking that he is not injured, Dustan proceeds to seek out the nearest source of food water and shelter, or the nearest road accordingly. he would scavenge anything of value, be it coins in case he returns to civilization, or charcoal from his fire to  mark his travel paths to and from wherever he camps*

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
*he would gladly accept the offer, eager to return to some form of living he knows to be better in some cases, and offer to defend the man's cart if the man had a spare weapon.*

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
If he found any money at all: *being unfamiliar with the coinage, he would take it out of his pockets and hand it to the bandit, saying that it was all he could find and that he is not from this land* If he had no money at all: *he would sigh, and show them that he had no money to spare, and plead to cross regardless, or at the very least to spare him and have him work to pay his toll to them*

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
*he would quickly begin searching around for anyone who would require an assistant of any sort, and ask for a job with them in exchange for coin to buy food with. if he was unable to find any, he would then resort to begging, and if he was starting to die from it, theft.*

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: John

Roleplay Name: Sugar

Players you already know on the on the server: None ;_;

Previous roleplay experience: Not very much, I've done two or three in on-line chat rooms and I enjoyed them. I am more into writing short stories / novels / etc.

What servers have you played on, and how long: No Terraria servers.

Why would you like to join our server: I love to roleplay and I love Terraria. I don't see how it can go wrong.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Of course.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Sugar wakes up, confused and disoriented. Mostly confused. He pinches himeself to make sure this is not a dream, which, much to his surprise, it isn't. He looks around and realizes he has nothing. No money, no knife, no rope. Nothing. Looking around he can see lots of tools. Well, not tools, but rocks and sticks which can be turned into tools. He takes a decent sized rock and a dagger-sized stick, and grinds the stick to a point. With his new stick-dagger he feels like he can conquer anything. But mostly squirrels and small animals. After he makes his weapon of choice, he starts to work on a fire. He clears a spot on the ground, then makes a circle with rocks. He starts rubbing two dry sticks together, and thinks to himself: "I'm gonna be here awhile."

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

The old man looks down at him. "Well, say something, boy! I haven't got all day."
"U-uh, yes! Thank you for the offer, sir. I would love to catch a ride with you!"
The old man grunts and scratches his beard.
"Was that so hard to say, boy? Are you slow in the head or something?"
"No, sir! I am just surprised, and-and excited!"
The old man grunts again. "Get in," he says.
He happily climbs in the wagon and sit next to him.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Sugar's face instantly flushes red with embarrassment and fear. "I-I have no money," he says.
"I was lost in the woods and I had no-"
"ENOUGH!" one of the bandits, seemingly the leader, screams loud enough to leave a slight ringing in his ear.
"I have no time for your sob stories, kid. If you have no money, we can't let you past. Your nice friend can go whenever he wants. Stop being so rude and get your ass out of the goddamn wagon."

Sugar scrambles out of the wagon and say "Thank you for taking me this far, sir!" to the old man, to which he replies with nothing but a grunt and continues on his way.
The bandit leader stares daggers at him, then said to the biggest, dumbest-looking bandit: "take care of him." Words which strike fear so deep into your heart you almost faint. With that, the bandit leader does a strange hand signal to the other two bandits, and the three of them walk off into a side road, which Sugar assumes leads to their headquarters.

The big, stupid looking bandit stares at Sugar for awhile, then says "I was told to take care of you," in a deep, stupid voice.
Sugar smiles and says "Yes, well.. uhh.. Hey, your shoe is unbuckled!"
The bandit looks confused for a moment, then bends down to buckle his shoe, without checking to see if it actually was unbuckled. Sugar sees this opportunity, grabs a heavy rock from the ground and smashes it into the back of the huge, stupid-looking bandit's head with more strength than he knew he had. The bandit crashed to the floor, and Sugar ran down the road as fast as he could, before the leader returned.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Sugar looks around the urban area, empty pockets and an empty stomach. He thinks back about beggars and how much he hated them, he figures he would rather starve than beg. He looks around the market and saw all this wealth, all this food, and none of it for him. He decides the best course of action would be to go against what he was taught since he was a small child: to steal. He casually walks around the market for awhile, when a shop catches his eye. There are a few people lined up, and Sugar waits for the owner to be busy with a customer. While the owner is dealing with a customer, Sugar casually walks past the stall, grabs a loaf of bread and slips into a nearby alleyway. He looks behind him to see if anybody saw, but all he sees is the shop owner looking around frantically. And on that, he ran as fast as he could down the alleyway with the bread still in his hand, through seemingly an eternity of mazes, and eventually came out on some street he didn't recognize. He sat and leaned on a wall and ate his bread, thinking about how strange it was to have woken up in the middle of a forest in the first place.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori", change your ingame name though, thanks}



Name: Bronco

Roleplay Name: Kapu, The Star Thief

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.

Previous roleplay experience: I've done a lot of roleplaying in my life, and I like to take it seriously. My latest roleplay experience was in Minecraft, playing a medieval roleplay. I just got back into Terraria.

What servers have you played on, and how long: I've played on many roleplay servers (on a lot of games). Usually I play for years, even, if the server stays up.

Why would you like to join our server: I just got back into Terraria via xbox edition. I've kinda self-roleplayed by my self, but it is not as fun as having more players.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

The sun is beaming down on my back and the water in a nearby pond is glimmering with life. Goldfish swim around frantically in the fresh, cool water. I take careful look at the landscape around me. Massive oak trees tower over me, scraping the clouds and almost asking for harpys to nest. Hills sway up and down, glowing with silky green grass. I turn and look at the sun, which burned my eyelid as I quickly pulled away. I have a long day ahead of me. Midday. I conjure up a makeshift stone club to cut down small trees. Good, enough wood to set up a small shelter. This should last me long enough until I can find civilization.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

"Listen good sir, the land as far as I can see is sweet with gold and silver. What seems to be the matter?" I ask, not to make a harsh impression.

"Aye, it is. 'Tis why you must be careful! Bad men have roamed these parts, though nature may nurture your soul, it cannot calm the haste of mankind." The wise old man wheezed. His breath shallow. He even looked sick, bags under his eyes.

"Deal. For I am Kapu! A star thief! A mage! The master of magic whom screams among the gods and rules the vast open universe." I joked, pulling out my haphazardly crafted wooden sword plastered with slime ooze.

"Hop in, Kapu. A long travel awaits."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

I study the bandits faces and look at the small group of men. Bah, nothing I can't solve.

"Well, fine day isn't it?" I smile.

"Yes, yes it is. Fine day to die." The bandit leader growls.

"Why, I would enjoy this day if not for the group of zombies following close behind." I look around.

"But it is daytime, peasant!" He growls once more. Looking around as I do.

"Agreed, they have changed their hunting pattern. They hunt for precious coins to add to their collection. They only kill men who are rich with the most precious metals."


I grabbed a knife and shook it, "They almost got me too. I must thank you for taking my coins, sir. They won't follow us any more."

The man looked at me, and grimaced at the group. The bandit leader was not pleased with the news. "Pack up men! We are moving. No undead monster shall hunt us for our booty! Keep your stupid coins."

"Oh! But sir!" I pleaded, faking. They kept walking...

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

I enter the town hastily and look around. Small vendors selling this and that, and food shops spread all around. My first point of action is to sell all my crummy tools and whatever treasure I found in the caves I've explored. I check my bags, two emeralds and a good bit of copper. That would be enough to get me some bread and water. The bread is very dry and most of it flakes away, but you get what you pay for I guess. With my other ten or so silver coins, I buy a cheap copper pickaxe and axe. The rest can go for an over-night place to stay.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: longfallgloves

Roleplay Name: Johann Sebastian Mastropiero

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.

Previous roleplay experience: Many MMORPG games, and RP servers in Minecraft and GMod.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Bubuntuludus, World of Terraria, Angels and demons, Pokemon experience. Two months each.

Why would you like to join our server: It seems funny. Its a medieval society, right? Then it could be entertaining to be a wise and peaceful teacher (not futuristic, of course. I'm a teacher, not a scientist). Building schools, teaching geography, music, art, gym, maths... Learning in an RP could be fun.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Would be nice.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest. You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back. What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Dammit, what am I doing here?
*Looking arround for someone*
One thing is clear: I don't have to be here.
*Walks away* *Notices something* *Hides*
Damn, a wolf. If he sees me, I'm a dead man. Let's see if I can avoid it.
*Licks finger* *Raises it*
The wind blows at the opossite direction, he won't smell me. I must be sneaky.
*Walks slowly, trying to not make noise*
Good. Now, where the hell am I going? If I remember, commercial roads are to the north. Let's see.
*Looks at the sun*
Right arm points to the east, where the sun rises, and you look to the north. But wait, thats in the morning. What time is it?
Also I remember, moss grows to the north.
*Looks for moss* *There is no moss*
'Rayos y centellas', I'm lost. Wait.
*Notices the shadow of the trees on the floor*
Maybe this will give me a clue.
*Grabs a stone* *Puts it in one shadow*
There. It will tell me if it's morning or afternoon.
*Climbs a tree, looking for fruits* *Eats some pears* *Looks at the shadow, moved*
Afternoon. Then the left arm points to the sun and you look at the north. There.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival. A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization. He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area. Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
*Eats some more fruit*
There, the roads.
*Sits aside* *A wagon aproaches* *Makes wagon-stop* *It comes*
-Hi, young man.
Hi, sir. Look, I'm lost here, I need someone to take me to the city.
*Takes his gun and points me* *Hands up*
-Another bandit, huh?
No, sir. Calm down. Look, I have no weapons here.
*Tries to turn the pockets inside out*
-Not so fast. Empty your pockets slowly.
*Turns pockets inside out slowly*
-I believe you. Come.
*He puts gun away*
Why so distrustful, sir? You could have kill me.
-There are many bandits today, they pretend to be lost people. When a wagon stops, they take their guns and many of them come from the trees and the rocks, and steal the driver.
But you are so brave taking a gun. They could be more than 10, and you are only one.
-I'm one, but I was in the elite troops that protected the king. Regicides and terrorists are white tigers. Bandits are kittens.

After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass. The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
*Hours of traveling* *At night*
Then, the princess threw the knife to the knight, and the knight stabbed the dark necromancer. "Die, you bastard. Your monsters don't belong to this world".
-And what happend then?
Ghosts vanished, skeletons became dust, and the princess's jail opened. She was free. A month later, they married.
-It's a good tale. I love it.
My pupils too.
*Torches sighted* *Men jumps from the trees surrounding us*
+Don't move. Give us 10 coins and you'll leave here alive. Make an unexpected move and yo'll be dead meat.
*Old man throws a gold coin to one of them*
-There. Now, move aside.
+The young gay-looking too.
B...but... I don't have money.
-He's right. Leave him alone.
+10 coins per person. So better pay, c***su**ers.
-That's what your mother said last night.
*They point him with their bows*
+What do you mean, you son of b***h?
Sir, better not anger these people. They could kill us both.
-I mean that you better be careful with me, I have bad temper, ya know? I eat iron spikes for breakfast, and I pee lava. And I can hit a flea's ass from 100 ft. So better go to your house, mommy is calling you, and j*** off in your bedrooms before I break your faces like a stick.
+You asshole. Shoot him.
¡No, wait! Don't do it. Let's be reasonable. We can solve this peacefully. We can talk.
-The midget man is right. I can pay you 10 coins for head.
*Whispers me*
-Turn off the torch.
*Nods* *Turns off the torch* *Hearing many shots in the darkness* *A lost arrow almost hits my balls*
-There. Each bullet costs 5 coins. Keep the change.
*Turns on the torch* *Bandits are dead*
It has been... awesome. You are so fast.
-I told you. And they were lucky. This gun is of the old ones, that you have to insert a bullet per shot.
*Looting the bandits*
Your king must have been proud of you.
-No rocks, no weather, no tigers, no bears, no humans, no storms could kill him. Only his old age. So, Mastropiero, could you please tell me another story?
Uhh... yes. I'm a teacher, I know a lot of them.

You have finally made it to Civilization! However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace. What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

They were about to hang the poor girl in the gallows. The executioner pulled the lever, but as she fell, an arrow impacted the rope, cutting it and saving her. Another arrow right to the executioner's eye. There he was, Rick, who escaped alive from the mantis men. He jumped from the tower, throwing knives to the guards, and landed on the traitor. He took his sword and killed more guards.
-Did he saved the girl?
In the middle of the fight, Eneas, the big man, came from behind. But Rick whistled loud, and the horse toppled Eneas. Rick jumped to his horse, grabbed Susan and left the city before the doors get closed. And they escaped.
-That's a brave man. A truly hero.
Look, we are at the city.
-This is not where I'm going. You are alone from here, buddy.
Thank you for bringing me here, and for saving me from the bandits.
-It has been nothing. Also, the 10 coins you took from the corpses, they are for you. Go to the market place and buy some food, you look hungry.
Thanks again, sir.
-My pleassure. Bye.
*Leaves* *Goes to a food shop*
(From here, Terraria server writes the story)

Don't worry about my long name. My name in game will be J. S. Mastropiero.

Quote from: longfallgloves on 25-02-2013

Why this Application is not getting accepted: It's basically the same problem over and over. You don't RP well enough in Character Depth. This application is purely ridiculous, and repeatedly posting the same thing over and over again isn't helping. You need to FEEL your RP. I stay silent most of the time about a lot of things, because I hate being dickish to players. But i really have to say this.

You need some Practice on your RP.

I'm sure that there are a few people who would be willing to teach you the finer points of Roleplay if you would ask.

{My associate has already given advice that you have not followed up on, This seems to be your third time applying without much improvement. 
Quote from: Velspera on 21-06-2012

If you are denied pending changes that need to be made to your application, these changes must be made and you must PM the mod that originally processed your application to have it re-evaluated.  If the changes are sufficient, the mod should PM you the password to the server.  If they are not, you will be denied again for good.

If you had read the rules for applying as I'm sure you have, than you should know you really only get two chances to apply, Therefore I am sad to say that you are Denied for good. Have a nice day.


Name: "Koreda" or "DC Hyatt" are all you need to know.

Roleplay Name: Koreda

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: Lord of the Craft Minecraft Server, a Skyrim Minecraft server, Twitterponies, numerous forum roleplays, goofing-offs, both online and off.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Terraria-wise, JHS Terraria for a few weeks.

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to roleplay in Terraria, and share a good experience with many others.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a one week probation Period?: Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Koreda wakes to a forest with the most unusual of smells and sounds. He blinks open his blind eyes, getting into a crouch and carefully listening. Nothing. He quietly rushes into nearby shrubbery, where he wait a for hours on nothing but the sun. Nothing seems to have made him prey or a captive. Time to start surviving, then.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

"A few days but already I miss people." Koreda realizes he's talking to himself for the umpteenth time as he wanders the forest. He freezes as a wagon pulled by a donkey passes by slowly just beyond some trees ahead. He quietly weaves his way to the road to see the wagon is carrying plenty of hopes and only has an old man to lead it. He steps with a hoarse "Hello!" from soft speech only. After a slight confrontation of the man believing him to be a bandit, he is invited for a ride to civilization. Koreda rushes back to his camp, grabs his meager weaponry, and returns as a makeshift guard for, or against, the old man who may have just saved the survivalist.

After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Koreda blinks at where the bandit last spoke. "I'm a blind man with nothing but these weapons I made," he indicates the little pile of assorted hunting tools he hashed together. "I would be willing to part with them in exchange of this... tax."
He can hear the bandit as he looks at the weapons. He carefully slips his hand into a pocket and pulls out 10 coins and passes them discreetly to the old man. He winks, hoping the man saw. As the bandit backs up, he says, "All junk. Sure you got nothing of value? Either of you?" Koreda can hear the violence edging it's way in the bandit. "Here, just take 10 more coins from me for his sake." He hears the passing of the coins again, hesitation as the bandit looks them over, then... "Good. You may pass." He let's out a silent sigh as the wagon moves off again.

You have finally made it to civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

With his scrap weapons under his arms, Koreda carefully makes his way to the market, where he bargains them off for a few copper pieces. "I have these handmade weapons, crafted with nothing but my hands and nature," he says at a stall smelling of hot metal. "How much you wanting for that scrap?" the blacksmith asks skeptically. "20 copper for all of it." "You are out of your mind." He hear his clothing shift and quickly stops him. "Wait! Think about it: a blind man, stuck alone in the wilds, crafting these good weaponss with nothing but his hands and clothing? What can you learn by examining them? A whole new way to craft your own unique style of weaponry? Possibly, if you are creative enough." Silence. "Fine, 20 copper." He pounds the stall with a clang, and Koreda quickly scoops up the coins and runs off to find food for only 3 copper.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: Giel

Roleplay Name:Hienzir

Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous roleplay experience: A minecraft server, terraria (3 servers).

What servers have you played on, and how long: Probably my friends (Minecraft), I played it for 5 weeks hours total

Why would you like to join our server:I need a good roleplay server, a one where i can meet lots of people and be what I like to be. Im also a good/decent roleplayer

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:I Promise I will

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:I needed, yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Hienzir wakes up. He is stranded all he sees is a few broken branches. First thing that Hienzir thinks is survival, he sees a dirt road but ends in thick damp trees and mud. He gathers the branches and puts it beside where he had woken up. He starts the fire and the clouds form into a storm clouds. Hienzir thinks fast, he gathers many thick leaves as much as he could. He runs back to the fire, before he could reach the fire he trips over an object. He looks and sees a dagger under a tree root. He grabs the dagger and leaves and scampered back to the fire, very carefully he makes a small shelter over the fire made out of sticks and leaves. Hienzir scoops out a chunk of mud out of the ground and smothers it on a spread out pile of leaves. It starts to rain. Hienzir quickly put the blanket of mud over the fire, hardening the mud. He gathers branches, this time he cuts down big branches with his dagger. He makes shelter big enough for him to fit into. He makes some extra tools like a crude mud ball shaped for a slingshot and a few cooking tools for the fire.
Next day he wakes up to a dry mouth and cracking lips he runs into one direction and finds a tiny lake filled with tiny fish. He sees the fish travel slowly, he gathers a fish and cuts of its fins and tail, killing it. He puts the dagger trough the fish and drinks the water from the lake then puts the fish in the lake making the other fishes trying to eat it. He sprints to the fire. cooking the fish with a heated mud plate cooking about four fishes. He eats it then falls fast asleep.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.): Heinzir question the man why he is passing down this way. He answers him with a worrying look. He climb aboard his wagon and a few minutes passed. The damp trees and mud is gone! Hienzir look confused for a while silently.

After a few hours of travelling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.): Heinzir look in his pocket and back to a bandit. He offer his dagger and leaped off the wagon. He approached carefully while the bandits draw their rusty knifes to him and one of the bandits said "stay back!". Hienzir looked at the sword, it look a little...Fake! Hienzir cut down 2 of the bandits swords to an inch and shanked the bandits. One bandit took a real bloody mace and prepared for strike. Hienzir threw the dagger right in the face and the bandit dropped his mace in the middle of the strike. The mace head fell on the bandit's face sending the dagger deeply into his skull and shattering the skull with the mace. The old man watched in horror while Hienzir gathered the coins and a oil pot from the mace guy. He got at lease 143 gold coins, he gave 70 to the old man and saved the rest. The mad was silent and felt protected

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)I thanked the old man and gave 3 coins to him. He said "Ill be grateful for many years", He waved and Hienzir waved. Hienzir got hungry he saw a brewery. He walked into the place and sat down. He bought some bread and ale for celebration he told his story to the waiter and the waiter gave him a free plate of version and a loaf of bread for his story. Hienzir became a bandit slayer, killing the most wanted bandits that were sentence to death but either escaped or disappeared.

Sorry i won't be able to join, my steam account just reset itself. I can't play terraria or any of my games, thier deleted  :'(

Fix your Code.




Name: Connor Reed

Roleplay Name: Abraham

Players you already know on the on the server: No

Previous roleplay experience: Yes on my freinds minecraft server.

What servers have you played on, and how long: I played on one of my freinds minecraft servers for about a month before he shut it down.

Why would you like to join our server: Because i miss roleplaying and this seems like a good server to join.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes i have read the rules and regulations.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes i agree to follow the rules

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.): i would craft some sort of makeshift spear to hunt for animals. but while huning i would look for a place to camp and supplies to make a camp fire to cook what i caught/killed during my hunt.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.) I would travel with the old man because either your going to die in the wild or you could go to civilization and live to be an old man. But i would take i look around before getting on the wagon.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.): Assuming one of the men has a shield i would kill him a take his shield to protect myself while i attack the bandits.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.) I would check around to see if anyone would trade me for the makeshift equipment. If not i would see if anyone would give me food and shelter if i were to help them by gathering food or helping them at there shop or stand.

{Denied: Lack of RP experience}

The Terrariest

REDO: Last time I failed (in experience section i thought it was Terraria only)

Name: Zach

Roleplay Name: Justin Mekler

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: A couple of years on Runescape. (2 years at least.) A small amount of World Of Warcraft but not too long.

What servers have you played on, and how long: No Terraria servers

Why would you like to join our server: I love Terraria (I just got on PC but iv'e had on xbox) and roleplaying.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course I will.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sounds good.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

-I wake up- "Huh? Where am I" -I get up and start to explore the wooded area kind of hungry- "Ugh, I just need to lie near this tree on the grass until i have more energy." A few hours later I wake up and begin my search for goods again.
"Hmm, I really need to find some place to shelter safely so I could take a night or two safely." -I find a stick and a dull rock- I may be able to use this to craft a small ax so I could possibly cut down trees or only just tough branches. I swing my ax at a tree and no marks are made. I then swing my ax at some branches with a few chops and they are cut down.
"Nights arrival... I wonder what type of monsters could lurk in the darkness."
I set up a bunker with a layer of branches from the branches I found earlier. I mark a large stick into the ground so I know where my bunker is and I head off and find a small cave.
"Whoa this cave is damp and kind of creepy but I need to go in to find anything helpful." -as I head through the cave i find a corpse of someone who must have died in the cave- I loot the corpse and find some coins and a few smooth rocks- I leave the cave and go to shelter. I lay the stones in a circle and put branches in the center then start rubbing two sticks together. -spark- "Yes! Iv'e set up a small fire to scare monsters away." -I light some sticks on fire and stick them in the ground- I sleep in the small area of my bunker. Until next day....

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

I walk around then I find a road and sit next to it waiting for someone to pass by. -Hours later an old man passes by- "Hey! Over here!" -The man stops are stares at me and my tattered clothing- Me- "Look, I don't know how I got here but I just randomly woke up here a few days ago and life has been lucky for me not to die please let me on!" The old man seems like he is very annoyed. Old man- "Argh, Are you just another one of them bandits after me treasure?" Me- "No sir! Wait w..what?! There are bandits around here?" Old man- "Aye, They have always been trying to get me gold and take over me wagon." Me- "Well I make a small stone ax and I could tag along with you I will make sure no bandits take your treasure" Old man- "Okay  then hop on board its almost dusk beware of the bandits, one is acting homeless then snap! The others appear out of nowhere." As me and the man go north I tell him about what has happened to me so far. Then, the old man tells me a story, "And then the wyvern swooped down and wiped out the whole village!" Me- "What is that story?" Old man- "Nothing but the evil Arcas The Wyvern who has never been hunted yet." -The old man and I tell stories as we travel down the road-

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.)

"And then Arcus fought the great king and..." A man who seems homeless walks up and says. "Can you spare some money? I'm just a lonely homeless man with nothing but my bandit gang!" Many bandits come with a flash. Bandit 1- Haha! You shall not pass unless you give us ten copper coins or else we will have both your heads which is worth ten times the price each to our leader!" -The old man quickly pays his share- Me- "I'll never pay for your rotten deeds fools!" -I draw my small ax- Bandit 2- "Bring it on!" Me- "Ok I can do that!." -I charge towards one bandit and slash my ax right in his shoulder where his nerves are- Bandit 3- "Gahhhh! The pain is unbearable!" Bandit 3 falls on the ground motionless and finally dead. Me- "Who's next?" Bandit 1 charges at me and skims my arm with a sharp blade. Me- "Grr." I hold in the pain and throw my ax right into the bandits face. -Bandit 1 falls head first into the ground making the ax go even deeper in his face- Bandit 2- "Here take your money back!" He throws the money back at us and tries to run away until i just grab him. Bandit- "Wait what? What do you want now!" Me- "Your being held hostage until you become an unselfish person!" The old man and I tie a rope from his supplies around the bandit and secure the knots then we blind him with sand. Me- "Well who needs the bandit actually?" -I shove him headfirst off the cart as the old man and I venture on towards civilization-

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

-Grrrrrrrrrr my stomach growls very loudly- "Gah I need to buy some food." -I walk up to a fruit stand and hand him a few coins from the corpse I searched a few days ago- I get a small sort of bitter pear and I save the rest of the coins to rent a night or two at an inn so I can regather my money from enemies as the days go on. Old man- "Well I better be off and thanks for the help young lad take some silver coins go get yourself a job or a great feast, until next time this is goodbye I guess." I walk by the wall and see needed jobs. "Hmm. There is a needed cook at the Tavern over by the corner, I think ill apply." As night comes I go to bed at an inn and apply the next morning and luckily get the job.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Quote from: KapuStartheif on 11-04-2013

Name: Bronco

Roleplay Name: Kapu, The Star Thief

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.

Previous roleplay experience: I've done a lot of roleplaying in my life, and I like to take it seriously. My latest roleplay experience was in Minecraft, playing a medieval roleplay. I just got back into Terraria.

What servers have you played on, and how long: I've played on many roleplay servers (on a lot of games). Usually I play for years, even, if the server stays up.

Why would you like to join our server: I just got back into Terraria via xbox edition. I've kinda self-roleplayed by my self, but it is not as fun as having more players.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

The sun is beaming down on my back and the water in a nearby pond is glimmering with life. Goldfish swim around frantically in the fresh, cool water. I take careful look at the landscape around me. Massive oak trees tower over me, scraping the clouds and almost asking for harpys to nest. Hills sway up and down, glowing with silky green grass. I turn and look at the sun, which burned my eyelid as I quickly pulled away. I have a long day ahead of me. Midday. I conjure up a makeshift stone club to cut down small trees. Good, enough wood to set up a small shelter. This should last me long enough until I can find civilization.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

"Listen good sir, the land as far as I can see is sweet with gold and silver. What seems to be the matter?" I ask, not to make a harsh impression.

"Aye, it is. 'Tis why you must be careful! Bad men have roamed these parts, though nature may nurture your soul, it cannot calm the haste of mankind." The wise old man wheezed. His breath shallow. He even looked sick, bags under his eyes.

"Deal. For I am Kapu! A star thief! A mage! The master of magic whom screams among the gods and rules the vast open universe." I joked, pulling out my haphazardly crafted wooden sword plastered with slime ooze.

"Hop in, Kapu. A long travel awaits."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

I study the bandits faces and look at the small group of men. Bah, nothing I can't solve.

"Well, fine day isn't it?" I smile.

"Yes, yes it is. Fine day to die." The bandit leader growls.

"Why, I would enjoy this day if not for the group of zombies following close behind." I look around.

"But it is daytime, peasant!" He growls once more. Looking around as I do.

"Agreed, they have changed their hunting pattern. They hunt for precious coins to add to their collection. They only kill men who are rich with the most precious metals."


I grabbed a knife and shook it, "They almost got me too. I must thank you for taking my coins, sir. They won't follow us any more."

The man looked at me, and grimaced at the group. The bandit leader was not pleased with the news. "Pack up men! We are moving. No undead monster shall hunt us for our booty! Keep your stupid coins."

"Oh! But sir!" I pleaded, faking. They kept walking...

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

I enter the town hastily and look around. Small vendors selling this and that, and food shops spread all around. My first point of action is to sell all my crummy tools and whatever treasure I found in the caves I've explored. I check my bags, two emeralds and a good bit of copper. That would be enough to get me some bread and water. The bread is very dry and most of it flakes away, but you get what you pay for I guess. With my other ten or so silver coins, I buy a cheap copper pickaxe and axe. The rest can go for an over-night place to stay.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}

I cannot join the group. It says I'm still in the queue
Just give it a few days, man. Seriously, have some patience.



Roleplay Name:Josh

Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous roleplay experience: I don't usually roleplay but it seems like a good idea for terraria

What servers have you played on, and how long: IM new to terraria. Mythria,Dankria,Terraria One,2D forts.

Why would you like to join our server:It seems interesting and im looking for a good multiplayer server to use.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.): look for a road or some type of civilization

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)I have no other choice its either die alone or have a chance of making it with him.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):Show them that I have no coins.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)Do a job for the shopkeeper so I can buy food.

{Denied: Lack of RP experience, Rp section needs redone and extended.}


Quote from: longfallgloves on 11-04-2013
Name: longfallgloves

Roleplay Name: Johann Sebastian Mastropiero

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.

Previous roleplay experience: Many MMORPG games, and RP servers in Minecraft and GMod.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Bubuntuludus, World of Terraria, Angels and demons, Pokemon experience. Two months each.

Why would you like to join our server: It seems funny. Its a medieval society, right? Then it could be entertaining to be a wise and peaceful teacher (not futuristic, of course. I'm a teacher, not a scientist). Building schools, teaching geography, music, art, gym, maths... Learning in an RP could be fun.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Would be nice.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest. You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back. What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Dammit, what am I doing here?
*Looking arround for someone*
One thing is clear: I don't have to be here.
*Walks away* *Notices something* *Hides*
Damn, a wolf. If he sees me, I'm a dead man. Let's see if I can avoid it.
*Licks finger* *Raises it*
The wind blows at the opossite direction, he won't smell me. I must be sneaky.
*Walks slowly, trying to not make noise*
Good. Now, where the hell am I going? If I remember, commercial roads are to the north. Let's see.
*Looks at the sun*
Right arm points to the east, where the sun rises, and you look to the north. But wait, thats in the morning. What time is it?
Also I remember, moss grows to the north.
*Looks for moss* *There is no moss*
'Rayos y centellas', I'm lost. Wait.
*Notices the shadow of the trees on the floor*
Maybe this will give me a clue.
*Grabs a stone* *Puts it in one shadow*
There. It will tell me if it's morning or afternoon.
*Climbs a tree, looking for fruits* *Eats some pears* *Looks at the shadow, moved*
Afternoon. Then the left arm points to the sun and you look at the north. There.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival. A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization. He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area. Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
*Eats some more fruit*
There, the roads.
*Sits aside* *A wagon aproaches* *Makes wagon-stop* *It comes*
-Hi, young man.
Hi, sir. Look, I'm lost here, I need someone to take me to the city.
*Takes his gun and points me* *Hands up*
-Another bandit, huh?
No, sir. Calm down. Look, I have no weapons here.
*Tries to turn the pockets inside out*
-Not so fast. Empty your pockets slowly.
*Turns pockets inside out slowly*
-I believe you. Come.
*He puts gun away*
Why so distrustful, sir? You could have kill me.
-There are many bandits today, they pretend to be lost people. When a wagon stops, they take their guns and many of them come from the trees and the rocks, and steal the driver.
But you are so brave taking a gun. They could be more than 10, and you are only one.
-I'm one, but I was in the elite troops that protected the king. Regicides and terrorists are white tigers. Bandits are kittens.

After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass. The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
*Hours of traveling* *At night*
Then, the princess threw the knife to the knight, and the knight stabbed the dark necromancer. "Die, you bastard. Your monsters don't belong to this world".
-And what happend then?
Ghosts vanished, skeletons became dust, and the princess's jail opened. She was free. A month later, they married.
-It's a good tale. I love it.
My pupils too.
*Torches sighted* *Men jumps from the trees surrounding us*
+Don't move. Give us 10 coins and you'll leave here alive. Make an unexpected move and yo'll be dead meat.
*Old man throws a gold coin to one of them*
-There. Now, move aside.
+The young gay-looking too.
B...but... I don't have money.
-He's right. Leave him alone.
+10 coins per person. So better pay, c***su**ers.
-That's what your mother said last night.
*They point him with their bows*
+What do you mean, you son of b***h?
Sir, better not anger these people. They could kill us both.
-I mean that you better be careful with me, I have bad temper, ya know? I eat iron spikes for breakfast, and I pee lava. And I can hit a flea's ass from 100 ft. So better go to your house, mommy is calling you, and j*** off in your bedrooms before I break your faces like a stick.
+You asshole. Shoot him.
¡No, wait! Don't do it. Let's be reasonable. We can solve this peacefully. We can talk.
-The midget man is right. I can pay you 10 coins for head.
*Whispers me*
-Turn off the torch.
*Nods* *Turns off the torch* *Hearing many shots in the darkness* *A lost arrow almost hits my balls*
-There. Each bullet costs 5 coins. Keep the change.
*Turns on the torch* *Bandits are dead*
It has been... awesome. You are so fast.
-I told you. And they were lucky. This gun is of the old ones, that you have to insert a bullet per shot.
*Looting the bandits*
Your king must have been proud of you.
-No rocks, no weather, no tigers, no bears, no humans, no storms could kill him. Only his old age. So, Mastropiero, could you please tell me another story?
Uhh... yes. I'm a teacher, I know a lot of them.

You have finally made it to Civilization! However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace. What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

They were about to hang the poor girl in the gallows. The executioner pulled the lever, but as she fell, an arrow impacted the rope, cutting it and saving her. Another arrow right to the executioner's eye. There he was, Rick, who escaped alive from the mantis men. He jumped from the tower, throwing knives to the guards, and landed on the traitor. He took his sword and killed more guards.
-Did he saved the girl?
In the middle of the fight, Eneas, the big man, came from behind. But Rick whistled loud, and the horse toppled Eneas. Rick jumped to his horse, grabbed Susan and left the city before the doors get closed. And they escaped.
-That's a brave man. A truly hero.
Look, we are at the city.
-This is not where I'm going. You are alone from here, buddy.
Thank you for bringing me here, and for saving me from the bandits.
-It has been nothing. Also, the 10 coins you took from the corpses, they are for you. Go to the market place and buy some food, you look hungry.
Thanks again, sir.
-My pleassure. Bye.
*Leaves* *Goes to a food shop*
(From here, Terraria server writes the story)

Don't worry about my long name. My name in game will be J. S. Mastropiero.

U skipped mine, bro.


Quote from: longfallgloves on 14-04-2013
Quote from: longfallgloves on 11-04-2013
Name: longfallgloves

Roleplay Name: Johann Sebastian Mastropiero

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.

Previous roleplay experience: Many MMORPG games, and RP servers in Minecraft and GMod.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Bubuntuludus, World of Terraria, Angels and demons, Pokemon experience. Two months each.

Why would you like to join our server: It seems funny. Its a medieval society, right? Then it could be entertaining to be a wise and peaceful teacher (not futuristic, of course. I'm a teacher, not a scientist). Building schools, teaching geography, music, art, gym, maths... Learning in an RP could be fun.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Would be nice.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest. You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back. What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Dammit, what am I doing here?
*Looking arround for someone*
One thing is clear: I don't have to be here.
*Walks away* *Notices something* *Hides*
Damn, a wolf. If he sees me, I'm a dead man. Let's see if I can avoid it.
*Licks finger* *Raises it*
The wind blows at the opossite direction, he won't smell me. I must be sneaky.
*Walks slowly, trying to not make noise*
Good. Now, where the hell am I going? If I remember, commercial roads are to the north. Let's see.
*Looks at the sun*
Right arm points to the east, where the sun rises, and you look to the north. But wait, thats in the morning. What time is it?
Also I remember, moss grows to the north.
*Looks for moss* *There is no moss*
'Rayos y centellas', I'm lost. Wait.
*Notices the shadow of the trees on the floor*
Maybe this will give me a clue.
*Grabs a stone* *Puts it in one shadow*
There. It will tell me if it's morning or afternoon.
*Climbs a tree, looking for fruits* *Eats some pears* *Looks at the shadow, moved*
Afternoon. Then the left arm points to the sun and you look at the north. There.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival. A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization. He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area. Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
*Eats some more fruit*
There, the roads.
*Sits aside* *A wagon aproaches* *Makes wagon-stop* *It comes*
-Hi, young man.
Hi, sir. Look, I'm lost here, I need someone to take me to the city.
*Takes his gun and points me* *Hands up*
-Another bandit, huh?
No, sir. Calm down. Look, I have no weapons here.
*Tries to turn the pockets inside out*
-Not so fast. Empty your pockets slowly.
*Turns pockets inside out slowly*
-I believe you. Come.
*He puts gun away*
Why so distrustful, sir? You could have kill me.
-There are many bandits today, they pretend to be lost people. When a wagon stops, they take their guns and many of them come from the trees and the rocks, and steal the driver.
But you are so brave taking a gun. They could be more than 10, and you are only one.
-I'm one, but I was in the elite troops that protected the king. Regicides and terrorists are white tigers. Bandits are kittens.

After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass. The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
*Hours of traveling* *At night*
Then, the princess threw the knife to the knight, and the knight stabbed the dark necromancer. "Die, you bastard. Your monsters don't belong to this world".
-And what happend then?
Ghosts vanished, skeletons became dust, and the princess's jail opened. She was free. A month later, they married.
-It's a good tale. I love it.
My pupils too.
*Torches sighted* *Men jumps from the trees surrounding us*
+Don't move. Give us 10 coins and you'll leave here alive. Make an unexpected move and yo'll be dead meat.
*Old man throws a gold coin to one of them*
-There. Now, move aside.
+The young gay-looking too.
B...but... I don't have money.
-He's right. Leave him alone.
+10 coins per person. So better pay, c***su**ers.
-That's what your mother said last night.
*They point him with their bows*
+What do you mean, you son of b***h?
Sir, better not anger these people. They could kill us both.
-I mean that you better be careful with me, I have bad temper, ya know? I eat iron spikes for breakfast, and I pee lava. And I can hit a flea's ass from 100 ft. So better go to your house, mommy is calling you, and j*** off in your bedrooms before I break your faces like a stick.
+You asshole. Shoot him.
¡No, wait! Don't do it. Let's be reasonable. We can solve this peacefully. We can talk.
-The midget man is right. I can pay you 10 coins for head.
*Whispers me*
-Turn off the torch.
*Nods* *Turns off the torch* *Hearing many shots in the darkness* *A lost arrow almost hits my balls*
-There. Each bullet costs 5 coins. Keep the change.
*Turns on the torch* *Bandits are dead*
It has been... awesome. You are so fast.
-I told you. And they were lucky. This gun is of the old ones, that you have to insert a bullet per shot.
*Looting the bandits*
Your king must have been proud of you.
-No rocks, no weather, no tigers, no bears, no humans, no storms could kill him. Only his old age. So, Mastropiero, could you please tell me another story?
Uhh... yes. I'm a teacher, I know a lot of them.

You have finally made it to Civilization! However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace. What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

They were about to hang the poor girl in the gallows. The executioner pulled the lever, but as she fell, an arrow impacted the rope, cutting it and saving her. Another arrow right to the executioner's eye. There he was, Rick, who escaped alive from the mantis men. He jumped from the tower, throwing knives to the guards, and landed on the traitor. He took his sword and killed more guards.
-Did he saved the girl?
In the middle of the fight, Eneas, the big man, came from behind. But Rick whistled loud, and the horse toppled Eneas. Rick jumped to his horse, grabbed Susan and left the city before the doors get closed. And they escaped.
-That's a brave man. A truly hero.
Look, we are at the city.
-This is not where I'm going. You are alone from here, buddy.
Thank you for bringing me here, and for saving me from the bandits.
-It has been nothing. Also, the 10 coins you took from the corpses, they are for you. Go to the market place and buy some food, you look hungry.
Thanks again, sir.
-My pleassure. Bye.
*Leaves* *Goes to a food shop*
(From here, Terraria server writes the story)

Don't worry about my long name. My name in game will be J. S. Mastropiero.

U skipped mine, bro.

There judging you, you're application is a bit "hmm" since you call yourself a bit, how you say "heroic".


If you read with attention, you'll notice that the "hero" is the old man. In the third thing, he insults and kills the bandits. The only action I do there is speaking a bit and turning off the torch. Ah, and telling a story.


Lol, why do I have this avatar?


Name: Jamie Alexander Hutchins

Roleplay Name: XionJamHut ( You can call Xion if you like. )

Players you already know on the on the server: I know non ofCapphonii and look forward to meeting new people in this land.

Previous roleplay experience: Non. I wish for a new experience, a new adventure, a new life.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Non.

Why would you like to join our server: I wish to join the server for a new life in terraria of adventure, danger and mystery; to discover new thing and explore a new world.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.): As I lay on the moist forest ground, I Look to my left to see a group of men running into the dark undergrowth. With a rasp in my voice I cry, "Wait, stop!" but they do not hear me.
Weak and in pain from what ever had happened, I gather my self up and what little I have left and set out to find some sort of civilization...
{Denied: lack or Roleplay experience, didnt complete the whole RP questionnaire}


Quote from: longfallgloves on 11-04-2013
{My associate has already given advice that you have not followed up on, This seems to be your third time applying without much improvement. 
Quote from: Velspera on 21-06-2012

If you are denied pending changes that need to be made to your application, these changes must be made and you must PM the mod that originally processed your application to have it re-evaluated.  If the changes are sufficient, the mod should PM you the password to the server.  If they are not, you will be denied again for good.

If you had read the rules for applying as I'm sure you have, than you should know you really only get two chances to apply, Therefore I am sad to say that you are Denied for good. Have a nice day.

Nope, definitely not.


Quote from: incoolboy on 12-04-2013

Roleplay Name:Hienzir

Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous roleplay experience:Pretty good, but some people didn't play along

What servers have you played on, and how long: Probably my friends server, I played it for 159 hours total

Why would you like to join our server:I need a good roleplay server, a one where i can meet lots of people and be what I like to be,

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:I Promise I will

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Hienzir wakes up. He is stranded all he sees is a few broken branches. First thing that Hienzir thinks is survival, he sees a dirt road but ends in thick damp trees and mud. He gathers the branches and puts it beside where he had woken up. He starts the fire and the clouds form into a storm clouds. Hienzir thinks fast, he gathers many thick leaves as much as he could. He runs back to the fire, before he could reach the fire he trips over an object. He looks and sees a dagger under a tree root. He grabs the dagger and leaves and scampered back to the fire, very carefully he makes a small shelter over the fire made out of sticks and leaves. Hienzir scoops out a chunk of mud out of the ground and smothers it on a spread out pile of leaves. It starts to rain. Hienzir quickly put the blanket of mud over the fire, hardening the mud. He gathers branches, this time he cuts down big branches with his dagger. He makes shelter big enough for him to fit into. He makes some extra tools like a crude mud ball shaped for a slingshot and a few cooking tools for the fire.
Next day he wakes up to a dry mouth and cracking lips he runs into one direction and finds a tiny lake filled with tiny fish. He sees the fish travel slowly, he gathers a fish and cuts of its fins and tail, killing it. He puts the dagger trough the fish and drinks the water from the lake then puts the fish in the lake making the other fishes trying to eat it. He sprints to the fire. cooking the fish with a heated mud plate cooking about four fishes. He eats it then falls fast asleep.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.): Heinzir question the man why he is passing down this way. He answers him with a worrying look. He climb aboard his wagon and a few minutes passed. The damp trees and mud is gone! Hienzir look confused for a while silently.

After a few hours of travelling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.): Heinzir look in his pocket and back to a bandit. He offer his dagger and leaped off the wagon. He approached carefully while the bandits draw their rusty knifes to him and one of the bandits said "stay back!". Hienzir looked at the sword, it look a little...Fake! Hienzir cut down 2 of the bandits swords to an inch and shanked the bandits. One bandit took a real bloody mace and prepared for strike. Hienzir threw the dagger right in the face and the bandit dropped his mace in the middle of the strike. The mace head fell on the bandit's face sending the dagger deeply into his skull and shattering the skull with the mace. The old man watched in horror while Hienzir gathered the coins and a oil pot from the mace guy. He got at lease 143 gold coins, he gave 70 to the old man and saved the rest. The mad was silent and felt protected

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)I thanked the old man and gave 3 coins to him. He said "Ill be grateful for many years", He waved and Hienzir waved. Hienzir got hungry he saw a brewery. He walked into the place and sat down. He bought some bread and ale for celebration he told his story to the waiter and the waiter gave him a free plate of version and a loaf of bread for his story. Hienzir became a bandit slayer, killing the most wanted bandits that were sentence to death but either escaped or disappeared.

Duds you skipped my application...

Ragnar Lothbrok


Roleplay Name: Ragnar Lothbrok

Players you already know on the on the server: Sorry no, I really love role-playing though

Previous roleplay experience: Yes.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Not any that I have really liked and settled on.

Why would you like to join our server: Again. I love role-play

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes. I know that when you join a new server you should make a new character and not bring items with you.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.): I stand up. Almost as if I have been lying out here for days. Or have I? My back and head ache. I see not a single sign of.... Anything. My mind is filled with so much pain I cannot realize I am in the middle of no where... Memories flash in my head. Of what it was like before... But before what? Who am I? I fall down, my body makes a ground smashing THUD as I fall directly into the cold soft mud. I lie in the mud until morning.
The sun burns my eyes. I stand up, stronger than the other time. How long ago was that again? It dosen't matter. I head is filled with a pain that feels like a hot burning sand... I walk towards a noise... Water! There was a creek. All that filled my mind was that sweet taste of fresh beuty on my dry as sand face. I walk for what seemed days to this sound. I fall into it. I take gallons of water into my mouth and ears... I am suddenly hungry. I could eat a horse but it would not be enough, the pain hits my stomache like a sharp dagger. I must eat.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.) It has been a few days since.... I don't honastly know what it was. I am in better shape now. I have crafted a decent weapon, I hunt, I survive. I must kill to live now. It seems as though this land has taken me.... And forged me into a new man. I don't know my name.. I don't know what I look like. Will I ever leave this land?
It was later that day when I saw it, the wooden wagon. It's steeds made noises, some that I have not heard in days. Weeks? Years? I had forgotten or didn't even know the time... The man spots me. I hide. He steers his wagon towards me and draws a sword. I drop my rock, and spear. The man speaks up. "Who are you! What are you doing out here?!"  He is an old man. I would guess he has seen many moons. His beard is long and waves as he speaks. I reply "I don't know..." He sits in silence "Do you know these parts? These be dangerous parts!" He offers his hand to me. Welcoming me onto his carrage. He must see I am weak... Alone... I don't know if I should go with him, or run in to opposite direction. I reach for his old hand. He is stronger than he appears. We ride into the stillness of the forest... All is silent.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.): I hear sounds from a distance. I demand the old man to pull the wagon to a stop. Bandits. They are advancing with great speed. I count 7 of them. The old man and I both know that we cannot out run or fight them off. It's only a matter of seconds until the henchmen drag me and the old man off our wagon. They search it. Hoping to find something of interest. One of the bandits speaks, "You men are fools!" He seems to be the leader. "These are my parts, what bussiness do you peasents have out here?!" I awnser. "We only wish to pass sir". He kicks me. I fall. He gives his henchmen a signal and they search the old mans pouch and my pockets.
They discover that the old man has 10 gold coins. "Ah ha!" Yells the leader with excitment. "Off with you now!, if I catch you in my parts agian... I will take more than just 10 gold coins!". The henchmen shove us aside and mount onto their horses. They vanish into the darkness of the forest.
The rest of the ride is silent...

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.) The old man and I smell cooked chicken, and food... The smells take my sence of smell. I have smelled nothing this wonderful in days... The old man drops me off at the edge of the village. I thank him. I ask of his name. He replies "Edgar". I smile and wave as he passes. I need food. The dagger returns into my stomach. The pain returns... I must eat. I MUST eat.
I am wise enough to know that stealing food from the nearby market will get me in a lot of troble. It is not worth it. I walk slowly towards an old lady feeding birds. I ask for spare change. She doesn't even look at me as she passes... I notice a rather large man. Wolfing down a large amount of bread. I ask for spare change and he spits on me...
I crawl underneath a tree. Maybe my body will have a proper buriel... I gave up. I fell asleep... There was a young girl... Across the park. She was staring oddly at me. She started walking... Towards me. What was she up to? She was only about nine. She carried 2 fresh loafs of bread and a bottle of murcy water. She wasn't a rich girl. She wore a torn up dress, and had messy hair. She placed the items beside me, and took off.

That was the last I saw of  Edgar.

I never returned to those woods....

I hope you guys let me in, I am a big fan on RP. If you want me to detail this more, I can. Cheers!

I am re-posting this because I was accepted and then somehow I reported it D:     I hope you guys accept me into the server :D


Reece Ashley (Age 12)
Roleplay Name:
Janus White (Age 14)
Players you already know on the on the server:
Previous roleplay experience:
Grand Fantasia , and lost saga with my many, many friends. Also Terraria(On the Xbox) with many friends.
What servers have you played on, and how long:
Terrashock, and TGSE (terrashock, one week. TGSE,3 Weeks)
Why would you like to join our server:
To Experience role play with new people and to make internet friends
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Why wouldn't I?
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:

You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Janus started to awaken from a some sort of dream, starting to realize where he was.
"Hellooooo..." Janus yelled, "Where am I?" He was stranded in the middle of what seamed a forest that stretched out for miles. "Whoah!" Janus realized that  he needed to build a shelter as soon as possible before zombies came out to rip his flesh off. And so, Janus marked the place where he was with an x to go back there once he got his supply of sticks.
Just in the nick of time , right before the night was exposed and the zombies came out, Janus made a not to shabby shelter to survive in.
Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Three days later, Janus went out not to far from his shelter to make a wooden sword for protection, just in case if someone, or something, comes his way.
just then, a nervous old man riding in a wagon stopped in the forest to hunt for food, having none. Just then, he spots Janus putting the hilt on his new wooden sword.  "Hello there!" The old man shouts towards Janus. "Who's there!" He shouts, "I'm warning you, I have a sword!"
The man walks toward Janus to get a better look of him, making sure he wasn't a bandit.
"Oh," The old man says, relieved, "You're just a boy. My name is Alfred, and you are..."
"Janus." Janus says, sheathing his new sword. Eying the man suspiciously, he asks what was he doing here, and the story of how he ended up in this forest. Alfred replies with how he was scarce on food, and offered to give him a ride to civilization in exchange for sharing his food supply. Janus accepted this offer, and climbed on Alfred's wagon.

And the two rode off into the morning light.
After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

A few hours of traveling, the two notice a duo of odd looking people coming towards them. "Oh no..." Alfred feared, "It's them..." "Who's them?" Janus asked. "'Them' are the bandits of the rode. They will take anything they want from us, so I hope you have some money on you."
Two bandits confront Janus and Alfred. "Hey, You!" The first bandit shouts, "You betta give me and my partna 10 silver coins, or else I'll use this here Enchanted boomerang!" Alfred immediately coughs up the money, but Janus didn't. "Janus..." Alfred whispers, "Please tell me you have SOME money?" The bandit walks towards Janus with an angry face and demands you give him 10 coins. Knowing he wouldn't succeed, Janus pulls out his sword and takes the two on. He dodges the boomerang  and the gunfire from both bandits and stabs one of them. "Go get em!" Alfred cheers on, as Janus dodges yet even more gunfire as he tries to get a hit in.
BAM! another one stabbed. "Here's your money back, Alfred." Janus says happily. "Wow, you're good at sword play," Alfred admires, "You and my granddaughter would be great fighters together. "That's nice of you," Janus replies, "Tell me more about her on the way."
You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

"We're here!" Alfred explains, "Welcome to Caphori!" The two gaze at the streets, buildings, and people of the civilization of Caphori. "Boy, my stomach hurts," Janus grones with pain, "Where is the marketplace?" Alfred points in a direction south from where they were. "It's right where I'm pointing, good luck living here!" Alfred left while Janus was hoping to hear his many thank-yous.

Entering the marketplace, Janus remembered that he has no money! So, he decided to sell his wooden sword for a mere 50 silver to a little boy. Everybody around him was surprised that a child would have so much coins and that a teen would sell a sword to a child. Ashamed of himself, Janus buys two loafs of bread and a glass of water to fill him up. "What wonders will await me in this city..." Janus wonders, "Where will I live here, and what will I do here..."

I Hope You guys let me in!
Goamon was here!


Reece Ashley (Age 12)
Roleplay Name:
Janus White (Age 14)
Players you already know on the on the server:
Previous roleplay experience:
Grand Fantasia , and lost saga with my many, many friends. Also Terraria(On the Xbox) with many friends.
What servers have you played on, and how long:
Terrashock, and TGSE (terrashock, one week. TGSE,3 Weeks)
Why would you like to join our server:
To Experience role play with new people and to make internet friends
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Why wouldn't I?
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:

You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Janus started to awaken from a some sort of dream, starting to realize where he was.
"Hellooooo..." Janus yelled, "Where am I?" He was stranded in the middle of what seamed a forest that stretched out for miles. "Whoah!" Janus realized that  he needed to build a shelter as soon as possible before zombies came out to rip his flesh off. And so, Janus marked the place where he was with an x to go back there once he got his supply of sticks.
Just in the nick of time , right before the night was exposed and the zombies came out, Janus made a not to shabby shelter to survive in.
Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
Three days later, Janus went out not to far from his shelter to make a wooden sword for protection, just in case if someone, or something, comes his way.
just then, a nervous old man riding in a wagon stopped in the forest to hunt for food, having none. Just then, he spots Janus putting the hilt on his new wooden sword.  "Hello there!" The old man shouts towards Janus. "Who's there!" He shouts, "I'm warning you, I have a sword!"
The man walks toward Janus to get a better look of him, making sure he wasn't a bandit.
"Oh," The old man says, relieved, "You're just a boy. My name is Alfred, and you are..."
"Janus." Janus says, sheathing his new sword. Eying the man suspiciously, he asks what was he doing here, and the story of how he ended up in this forest. Alfred replies with how he was scarce on food, and offered to give him a ride to civilization in exchange for sharing his food supply. Janus accepted this offer, and climbed on Alfred's wagon.

And the two rode off into the morning light.
After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
A few hours of traveling, the two notice a duo of odd looking people coming towards them. "Oh no..." Alfred feared, "It's them..." "Who's them?" Janus asked. "'Them' are the bandits of the rode. They will take anything they want from us, so I hope you have some money on you."
Two bandits confront Janus and Alfred. "Hey, You!" The first bandit shouts, "You betta give me and my partna 10 silver coins, or else I'll use this here Enchanted boomerang!" Alfred immediately coughs up the money, but Janus didn't. "Janus..." Alfred whispers, "Please tell me you have SOME money?" The bandit walks towards Janus with an angry face and demands you give him 10 coins. Knowing he wouldn't succeed, Janus pulls out his sword and takes the two on. He dodges the boomerang  and the gunfire from both bandits and stabs one of them. "Go get em!" Alfred cheers on, as Janus dodges yet even more gunfire as he tries to get a hit in.
BAM! another one stabbed. "Here's your money back, Alfred." Janus says happily. "Wow, you're good at sword play," Alfred admires, "You and my granddaughter would be great fighters together. "That's nice of you," Janus replies, "Tell me more about her on the way."
You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
"We're here!" Alfred explains, "Welcome to Caphori!" The two gaze at the streets, buildings, and people of the civilization of Caphori. "Boy, my stomach hurts," Janus grones with pain, "Where is the marketplace?" Alfred points in a direction south from where they were. "It's right where I'm pointing, good luck living here!" Alfred left while Janus was hoping to hear his many thank-yous.

Entering the marketplace, Janus remembered that he has no money! So, he decided to sell his wooden sword for a mere 50 silver to a little boy. Everybody around him was surprised that a child would have so much coins and that a teen would sell a sword to a child. Ashamed of himself, Janus buys two loafs of bread and a glass of water to fill him up. "What wonders will await me in this city..." Janus wonders, "Where will I live here, and what will I do here..."

I Hope You guys let me in!
Mind fixing your format?
Goamon was here!