[[NEW]] Caphori Password Application Thread

Started by Velspera, 21-06-2012

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Name: Jacob Van Bury

Roleplay Name: Vandain

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody, but I hope i meet some nice ppl here :)

Previous roleplay experience: My only rp experience was in World of Warcraft

What servers have you played on, and how long: I didnt play on any servers, discovered this game yesterday and played all night till now..

Why would you like to join our server: I was looking for some nice peacefull place to play with nice ppl, and i think i just found it ;)

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Si (yes)

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Aye (yes)

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

I open my white eyes (yes I am half blind) calm down my senses, then activate my inner strength in my eyes to see in darkness.. With my bare hands i cut down some small trees, and build something where i can cover and think about strategy how to survive.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

I didnt smelled bad intention in this man, I think I can trust him and get out of here.. If I am wrong,  I will have to kill this old man..

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

I get out of wagon, old man throwed me his wooden staff. I stand in center of bandits, closed my eyes, old man saw that, and he extenguish off his torch. When he fired it up again, all bandits was beaten up. I get back to wagon, old man didnt say anything, looks like he wasnt amazed off that?

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

I asked my old friend about any mercenary guild in city, he point me man in white hood standing near us. When I wanted to thank him, he dissappeared. Who was he? Where he get from? The guy in white hood spotted me and start to walk slowly, I started to chase him. We was walking like that about 10 min, in this time I spotted more ppl in white hoods hiding near us, when we arrived to some small old house almost on end of city, somebody hit my head hard and I lost consciousness. I woke up in dark place, but I saw everything, darkness is my fellow. I was in center of some room with ppl in white hoods, they told me they are Assasins and asked me why i chased them, I told them that I am looking for work, they laught. One guy stand before me, he was big scary guy, but I did not feel killing intent, did he want to check me? He was rlly fast, he picked up a pocket knife and attack me..

But i was faster and saw everything like in slow motion, the knife dissappeared from his hand and landed on the wooden wall.
Now they were scared, i feel this in air. The one old man, showed up from the crowd, he showed up me his face, that was the old man who gived me ride to this city!! Was they planning all this? Old man told me that he know me, and they were watching me for long time, they were looking for skilled ppl like me. After few days they gived me first job.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: Gary Turner

Roleplay Name: Mad Jones

Players you already know on the on the server: None, unfortunately, was referred here by a terraria server list

Previous roleplay experience: Did a lot of Morrowind forum roleplaying in 2005/2006, played some AoC roleplay clans and servers and sporadic LotRO roleplays in 2009-2011

What servers have you played on, and how long: Mythria, briefly, very unstable server mod applied. Not many others, just solo play

Why would you like to join our server: Looking for a fun server where I can explore the world in innocence without the urge of the "mine dig upgrade, mine dig upgrade" that is easy to fall to in solo. Having other characters creating a world my mad Jones character could interact and do whatever he wanted, according to his unique persona, would be fun and liberating to try for a change.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes, though I'm unsure of what probation on a server would mean, I suppose testing my character out before formal approval?


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

*Hmm, this isn't my forest, but I will find mine. Later. Though I don't see my hut.  I will, but in my forest, not this one. Need to stop snacking on glowing mushrooms from jungle deeps. Can't resist. Too smooth, too purple, scent is intoxicating. Must lie down when harvesting, feels better. Bah, bones are creaking. Doesn't matter, still energetic, must move on. (Sees darkglow growing under a nearby cavern ledge) Hmm, good, this will be good for now (Chews on darkglow root while pushing his way through the forest, anywhere)

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

(Stares blankly at other old man) Isn't sure what he's saying, just things like 'town' and 'people' and 'brothel'. Don't know these things. But I hate all of them. Don't want to know again, bah, get away. (Stares again at old man) This is a joke. I'm you, get away, I know this. (At this point the old man offering the lift is looking more worried about his potential partner than the other way around, stirs up the horses and rides off).

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

*Jones contemplates whether or not he's actually int he wagon ride, as he distinctly remembers the old man turning down the offer and riding away. But it was probably just his own self, so of course he's in the wagon. But if the other guy gave his money, did I already give it too? No, no I don't have money, don't need, just gems, but no gems right now... Looks intently at the brigands and begins laughing maniacally. Smoke billows from the wagon interior, almost a light blue as it rises, and as everyone coughs Jones shoves his way through and runs into the thick, dark forest.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Stray cats, delicious, also possibly witches. Must stay clear, but will catch for food. But cats eat rats, so cats are rats, don't want rats. Will get potatoes, raw, dip in turpentine and slather with daybloom leaves. Crush together with fist, eat quickly while moist. I have none of these things, must wait for hut. Must return to hut, unsure of when. (Steals a roasting chicken in town and runs towards the town wall, climbs the nearest parapet's interconnecting wooden beams and leaps over the low stone wall)

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}

Looks good for a crazy/insane character. Looking forward to your antics.


Name: (uncomfortable mentioning that kind of information)

Roleplay Name: Damian Rune Stein (D.R. Stein for short)

Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: 2 years of local text RP's and public text RP's

What servers have you played on, and how long: none of video games but i have been using DrrrChat.com to do my Role-Playing

Why would you like to join our server: i have never done a RP on a video game and would very much like to be apart of such a wonderful server, and my local RP friends can not RP due to unforeseen

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: yes, though i am not quite sure what it is, will just assume it is what im thinking it is


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

*shakes head* where am i and what happened, my memory feels weird. well im in a forest so i think i better make a shelter before things start to come and attack me *picks up wood and other odds and ends laying on the floor to build a small hut and an area to start a fire* well that should do for right now, it sure is alot harder than it appears to be to survive in the wilderness.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

no need to worry sir, i will protect you and this wagon at the cost of my life for i am indebted to you for saving my life from this wilderness

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

sir, please stand back, i will not allow such vile tempered people to take what you have worked so hard for. i hope your ready for what you have earned you selves bandits *charges at them with fist clenched and the will to protect in my head*

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

man i'm starving... *checks pockets* darn not even a ball of lint, *begins asking villagers around if they need a person or if they heard any in need of assistance until someone tells him* oh, so there is a blacksmith in the southern part of this village in need of an apprentice and he is willing to provide shelter and sustenance, *dash down south in search of the blacksmith and finds him* sir, would you please allow me to be your apprentice, *blacksmith looks at him and agrees* i will forever be indebted to you

Denied-Please extend/improve rp sections.


Real Name : will

Roleplay Name: Simon

Age: 14

Players you already know on the on the server: none I'm looking forward to meeting people

Previous role play experience: several mine craft servers for a period of about 2 years

What servers you play on: none any more i had one but it got shut down

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: no

Why would you like to join our server: because i always like role play servers i like to follow rules and build comunitys and mid-evil is my favorite time period for role play 

Have you read the rules thread?: yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):*ignore and keep walking*

i hope this application gets accepted thank you.

Denied-Please use updated format.


Name: Dante Landolfi

Roleplay Name: Asbjorn

Players you already know on the on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: Finished every quest in Skyrim with every DLC and play some Guild Wars, Neverwinter and WoW

What servers have you played on, and how long: i run my own building server with a few friends

Why would you like to join our server: Im looking for a fun map to explore and just have some fun and his looks like the perfect opportunity.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

I realize that im in lands foreign to my memory. I climb a nearby tree, and survey the surroundings. The only landmarks i see are a small pond nearby, which will be useful for clean water, and a small road several miles in e distance. I build a small wooden spear, just in case. I build a small hut in a fork of a very large tree, to be protected from the Dire Wolves that prowl these wooded regions. I start a small fire with some dry tinder and boil some water. After getting a clean drink, i rest in my hammock before working again. I create a rucksack from some skins of deer i hunt using my spear. Soon i have myself a belt with a holster for a slingshot and rock bags and a rucksack with a strap for my spear. I am ready to survive.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Kind fellow! I would be glad to travel with the likes of yourself! So kind! I take his hand and climb into the cart. I share the meat of a fresh kill and some clean water with the man. He is greatful and we become friends immediately. Then he tells me of the large number of bandits in this region. I dont have my memory, but my muscles do, and i can feel that i know how to fight. Do not be afraid! I say I shall protect you from any man who comes across our path! The man became very doubtful of my abilites untill several hours later a feral wildebeest runs by in the fields. I take the beast down with one throw of my spear. The man is becomes silent.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

I see the fear in the mans eyes. His terror sparks up my rage. I refuse to pay. I have some primal instinct to wait and counter the first attack. A man comes at me knife drawn. He strickes but i parry with my spear. I butt him in the face with the shaft of my spear and kick him to the ground. A second man shoots an arrow but i duck and roll, grabbing the first mans knife. I stand and throw the knife right into the second mans throat. Five more men approach. I know i can take them and i prepare for battle when a hearty, strong young fellow with a scar across his face breaks through the crowd. Dont you see? He says This man is my brother! All the men bow shouting apologies. The man whispers in my ear. Your welcome friend. You are not my brother, but i recognize the Mark of the Hunter anywhere. He grabs my wrist and turns my hand over. The symbol of the God Herbjorn the Hunter is exposed. He hands me back the mans money. We will leave you in peace. Go now. I return the money to my friend and we are off.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

I ask my friend the cartman to give me some information on the town. He tells me there is work for any man of my build and strength. I thank the man for his help. For the next hour i search for work until i hear  about the village Lead Hunter is old ad needs an apprentice and successor. I know im the perfect man for the job, so i seek out e man, who, with the instincs of the bear spirit for wich i am named, asbjorn, divine bear, recognizes me instantly as the next Lead Hunter. My apprenticeship beginsimmediately. We feast on the finest of venison.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}



Roleplay Name:Kael (if allowed, nicknamed "Kid")

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: GTA San Andreas RP Server, real life RP script writer (if that counts though)

What servers have you played on, and how long:Terraria: this will be the first if I'll be accepted.

Why would you like to join our server:I would like to embark my first online Terraria adventure on this cool server.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Of course! :D

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:If that what it takes for me to be able to join the server, why not? Sure :)


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

"Urgh." I groaned as I slowly open my eyes. The bright flash of light blinded my eyes, forcing them to shut. Once I regain my vision, I stood up and quickly scanned my surroundings. "Where am I?" I asked myself as I try to whack my brain trying to remember what previously happened. After I manage to make a quick recall of what happened, I figured out this place is a foreign land far from my homeland. I also figured out that this is a forest since I'm surrounded with enormous trees. Since I'm not a native of this area, I'm not sure whether I'm safe or just waiting to become lunch for wild animals. "No sense for wasting time." I said, and with that note in mind, I quickly searched for a way out of the forest...

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

It's been days of surviving in the wild. I lost track of time actually, I don't know if it's days, weeks or maybe, months. While I'm deep in thought, a wagon suddenly stopped in front of me. An old man turned and looked at me:
"Are you lost kid?" he asked.
I was filled with hope once more, it's been a long time since I saw a living face. I quickly answered:
"Sir, yes I am."
"Would you like to come with me back to the civilization.?" He asked.
So far, this is the best thing he heard in his life in the wilderness, I quickly agreed.
Suddenly, the old man face dropped, it's eye full of concern. He gave me a heads up warning.
"But I got to warn you kid, this ride might go rough, bandits everywhere in these part of the wilds"
Under normal situations, I'll be frightened. But after he gave me the warning, I just nodded and said:
"Kind Sir, I appreciate your concern. But even if I don't hike a ride on your wagon, I'll still be facing them sooner or later, this is sooner sir." and gave him a sly smile.
The old man returned me a smile and said:
"Well then kid, what are you waiting for? Hop in!"
And I climbed the wagon with hope in my heart.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

The wagon was running smoothly as dusk starts to fall, I was about to drift to sleep when suddenly our cart stops dead on its tracks. the old man and I was knocked back about a meter or two.
"Sir, what happened?" I asked.
"Remember the bandits I warned you about? They're here." He replied with fear in his voice.
Sure enough, three bandits appeared out of the darkness (or shadows, whatever). I quickly looked at them, calculating my chances if things went rough. The guy in the right is small, about 5"1 in height, but with a body of muscles. He points a pistol in my head. I might be able to use my height on my advantage. The one on the left was as tall as me, but skinny. He passes his knife left and right with his hands. With that build, I'm going to guess he's fast. The guy who worries me is the one in the middle. He's taller than me by an inch, he wears a gold (or copper) breastplate with a long spear. I was thinking the bandits were unarmed skinny people, man, was I wrong? Bandit B (guy with knife) approached the old man and said:
"I think you know the deal old man." he said, with an evil smirk in his mouth.
The old man handed out 10 coins, he's trying to look for more but failed.
"Hey, you. Your coins." Bandit A (guy with gun) said.
"Sir, if you may, please give the kid a pass for now, he didn't have coins." The old man pleaded.
"Shut up you old soot" Bandit C (guy with spear) shouted at the old man.
"Sir, please." The old man pleaded again - then wham - the Bandit C hit the old man with the butt of its spear.
My anger flared. I'm pretty impulsive when I see such violence. Without further thinking, I grabbed Bandit A's hand (the one holding the gun) with my left and pushed it up. My other hand poke his eyes. Why I didn't punched him? He's better blinded than flinched. Bandit B's about to stab me with his knife. I saw it coming though, I pushed Bandit A toward B. They collapsed. Bandit A's sheer weight definitely will stun anyone. I was about to congratulate myself when Bandit C knocked the lights out of me with the butt of his spear. I felt dizzy and was knocked to a tree behind me.
"Urgh" I groaned.
"Such heroic stunts won't save your life, you should have just paid the taxes" he said, with an evil smirk, he raised his spear and prepares to stab me. A rock flew and hit Bandit C in his armor. The bandit looked at the old man. That distraction is sufficient enough for me knocked this bandit out of the way.
"You old soot! I'll end your--OUCH!" Bandit C wasn't able to finish his sentence, I hit him in his shins two times and poked his eyes. He collapsed in pain.
"RUUN!" I yelled. I grabbed the old man's hand and together, we ran away from the scene, and near to the civilization.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

The old man and I parted ways as we reached the civilization. For everything that happened, I'm pretty hungry and forgot to ask my old friend some food. I walked aimlessly in the streets until I smelled the aroma of freshly baked bread. Such smell magnifies my hunger. I quickly made my way to the bakery and took the bread from the stand.
"Hey! You need to pay for that!" The bakery owner shouted at me.
"Sir please... I hadn't eaten for weeks... I'll do anything for this bread." I begged.
"Hmm. you may keep that bread, as long as you'll work for my bakery. Would that be alright?" He asked.
"Sir yes sir!" I agreed. And with that, I chow down the tasty bread...

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}
Loved it. One of the best RP Examples i've seen in a while. You'll fit in well here at HGN.


Name: will

Roleplay Name: simon

Players you already know on the on the server:  none but i loo forward to meeting new people

Previous roleplay experience: several minecraft servers over a period of about 3 years

What servers have you played on, and how long: none that are still active

Why would you like to join our server: because i love role play and building communities

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):i lay motionless on the ground whilst i come to my senses "where am i... oh wait no ones here to answer,
i guess i better go and build a shelter ill need some wood for that but firstly i need tools"
i spend several hours collecting wood and stone to make an axe a pick axe and a sword "ok im set to make a shelter now i better hury its nearly night time"
i construct a small hut for the night as a safe place to sleep the next morning i start looking for a more permanent place to stay, i stumble across a small cave entrance
"ah a cave better check it out looks like a good place to build il go and see how far it goes"
discovering that its only small and dose not go any where i decide to wall it in with a small hole to check when its day or night,
then i go and start to build in the cave determine to make my stay here as good as i can
" i dont know how long i could be stuck here so i might as well make the place a little bit homey"

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.) "do u know of any trouble going on around here?" (man says "yes") "what kind of trouble" (man says "bandits
, looters") "give me a minute to collect my things"

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):(if there is a group of them) pay the bandits.
(if there is only one) fight bandit and take them to town to be arrested.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)i goto the nearest shop and ask "are there any jobs avalible here?"
then if i get the job look for an inn and ask the inn keeper "how much would one nights stay cost?"

Still need to fix format, add a surname to the roleplaying name, extend RP, and clean up your spelling errors.


Name: George S.

Roleplay Name: Venrion

Players you already know on the on the server: None, but I would like to meet as much friendly persons as I can!

Previous roleplay experience: I have been RPing in World of Warcraft since 2007. I've tried some SW:TOR aswell, and some Halo: Reach. With, ofcourse Rift, Guild Wars, and all the other medieval-based fantasy games. I like RPing.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Depends. For other games, I've played on RP servers. For Terraria, I've been to a few servers, but this is the only RPing server I took note of. My time on the other servers was no more than a day, and a week (on rare occasions).

Why would you like to join our server: I really want to try RPing in Terraria. It has potential, and as I've seen around the website and all, you guys are no softcore RPers.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Aye, I have.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Ofcourse.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure, if needed.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Venrion wakes up, looking around. He is happy to see the sun shining, and quickly gets up. After he gets some of his coordination back, he finds a stick. Picking it up, he tries to look for food, and after a few hours of braving the woods, he would see a small bunny.
He takes aim with the stick, preparing it for the hit.
  -Careful... Careful...
He threw the stick... And it flew around five meters away of his target. Why? Because a god darned wolf tried to jump on the man! Venrion heard the snapping branches, and managed to roll away, while the wolf jumped. The man grabbed a stone, and took a fighting stance. After a few moments of staring eachother, Venrion taunted the wolf, with a fierce (for a human) battlecry. The wolf, taunted by the shout, jumps right on the man, just to end with his stomach deadly scratched by the narrow stone. The wolf, howling from pain, falls on the ground, with blood spilling from his stomach. Venrion quickly grabs the stone and stars hitting the helpless wolf untill it dies. By the time the battle's over, a lot of time passed. Soon night would come.
  Venrion once again entered the bushes, and soon got his pray - another bunny, a bit more skinny, but eatable. Except that, a wonderful sight was opened infront of Venrion's eyes - a warm cliff, doing a nice crack, a mini-cave, call it. On the path to there was a unlit campfire. After gathering some branches, the man uses the old method of stones and sticks to start a fire, and cook his meal. He would then take a rest from the night in the cave, unlitting the fire.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
As Venrion wakes up from the old, moist cave, he sees the wagon pass by the nearby path. Rejoyced to see someone who knows the way, after not being able to find it himself, he quickly grabs his improvised tools and runs up to the carriage. The old man offers a ride:
- Well, chap, that's quite unlucky for you, to get lost 'ere. I can take you to the nearby town, if you wish.
- Freely?
- Well, it's not like ye' have any money on ya', don't you. Though, I warn ye', there have been reports of some outlaws in the woods recently, so it's not safe.
- Gah, who cares. Just get me out of here. As for the bandits - I'll find a way to deal with them, I hope.
The old man nods, poiting at the back, motioning for the man to put his belonging in the back side of the wagon.
Venrion throws his tools, but keeps his improvised short spear with him, on the seat of the cart.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
The two hairy, smelly and sweaty bandits, armed with cutlasses and bandanas, look at Venrion with their ugly faces.
  - 'Ei, now, Johnny, look at 'im. This chap looks like he was in a bear's butthole. *chuckles*
  - Eheh, nay', the bear's butthole is like the city baths compared to this chap! *laugh*
  - Ahahaha... So, right, ugly one. Give us 10 coins and you're free t' continue.
  Venrion looks anxiously at the old man, and he shrugs at him back.
  - Ugh, right... Come back, I got my purse somewhere there.
  Venrion quickly gets down, grabbing his spear with him. He would act as he was searching for something, as adrenaline was building up inside him. The bandits grew unpatiend, untill one of them got impaled by the stone end of the spear, and the other got a kick to the kneecap. The masterly done hits were followed by a quick kick in the unimpaled bandit's face, making him screaming for pain, with a few teeth broken:
  Venrion quickly got on the wagon, and told the man to "Drive as fast as you can".
  After that, Venrion sweared never to go back into those forests, as his adrenaline was finally wearing off.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
Sniffing the tasty food, Venrion looks around with his stomach empty. He regrets parting with the old man - he turned out to be a good man. Oh, well.
  Venrion walks around, looking at the tasty food and the people. He manages to see a post for some guards.
  "I bet they would give me atleast some reward for those bandits I killed." - the man taught.
  And yet again - fortune smiles at the man. Next to the guard post, he saw '50 copper for each bandit, dead or alive. Bring proof before you come asking for your reward!'. Luckly enough, Venrion took the bandanas and the daggers of the bandits, which seemed to be the only possesion of theirs that was worth taking.
"I'll keep the daggers, and turn in the bandanas," - he taught to himself - "they could turn out to be useful."
  Venrion entered the building, and demanded to speak with the one who gives the commendations.
  Soon, the gurad captain walked in, looking with disgust at Venrion's misrable situation.
- Alright, if you don't have proof, then you should leave immidiatley or we'll -MAKE- you leave. We've dealt with enough of... Your kind already.
  Venrion would raise his eyebrow, throwin the two bandnas at the table.
- Is that enough?
  The captain looks reliefed, and takes a suspicious look at the poor man.
- That's not... what I expected, from someone with your looks. Oh, well, you did the job, these bandanas look like the ones we found on the bandits yesterday. One silver, aye? Yep. Here you go. *The Captain gives one silver to the man, and wishes him farewell.*
  Venrion takes the coin, nodding at the farewell, and leaves the guard post. He soon ends up on the market stall, eating bread with some water, holding 48 copper in his hands.
"Well, that's a start, isn't it? I guess I'll stay here for a while." He mumbles, as he ponders on where would he live in this town.
  Exactly this was the place where he met Marcus Foster, a man who would become one of his closest friends.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: Dorian

Roleplay Name: Mark Foster

Players you already know on the on the server: None. Well, I came here with Discomancer, so I suppose I know him.

Previous roleplay experience: Well, I have roleplayed on World of Warcraft for several years now, and on GTA SA:MP RP servers. Also, I played on Guild Wars, but not for too long.

What servers have you played on, and how long: I played on several normal servers for Terraria, but not for too long.

Why would you like to join our server: Well, mainly because it's a RP server, and I love RPing. It would be a nice experience to RP in Terraria.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes, of course.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Mark just laid there in the forest, unconscious, for hours and hours. After some time, a small bunny approached him, began sniffing his face. Mark felt it and swiftly woke up, scaring the rabbit away.
"...What..." - Mark spoke with a headache. He got back onto his feet, slowly regaining his consciousness; a few moments after standing up, he peered around the forest whilst dusting his torn black suit off, wondering how he ended up there in the first place. He couldn't remember, so he gave up and searched around for any objects that could be of use to him. He quickly stumbled upon a big, straight branch; something resembling a wooden spear. He picked it up, when his stomach began crumbling -- he was hungry. Mark peered around the forest once again, seeking for an animal; there were none in his vicinity, so he began wandering through the forest. After about five minutes of wandering, he spotted a rabbit nibbling on some flowers. Mark approached him with caution, and hurled the 'spear' towards the small, defenseless rabbit -- penetrating his frail body.
Half an hour later, he reached a shallow cave where he set up a fire using sticks and stones.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

It's morning. Mark slowly raises himself to sit, rather than lie on the hard stone, stretching out his neck and back. He slowly opens his eyes to find an older man staring at him at the other side of the fire.
"AARGH!" - screamed Mark.
"Oh, my deepest apologies for scaring you, young man -- I wish you no harm! I was passing by... 'your' cave with my wagon, so I decided to see it. I hope you do not mind." - calmly spoke the old man.
"W-.. Mind?! 'fcourse not! I love when people watch me sleep! Argh, so how may I help you?.."
"Yes, as I previously mentioned I am traveling towards the civilization with my wagon and, well... I was hoping you could come with me. See, these forests are not safe when you are but alone, bandits, thieves, murderers that would kill for a copper coin! If you come with me, both of us will be somewhat safer and happier. I don't believe you have any coin at all, so you may accompany me free of charge. As a matter of fact, I am the one that should be paying you, so I will give you twelve copper ones once we get there."
Mark rejoiced once again after hearing what the old man has to say; without hesitation, he agreed to come with him.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man to give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

The two bandits stood infront of Mark and the old man, laughing at them for no reason at all. One of the bandits had a crossbow while the other had a cutlass. The one with the cutlass approached the two men, ordering them to pass the coin. Once the old man gave his 10 coins, he glared angrily at Mark.
"C'mon! We ain' gut all day, sonny!" spoke one of the two bandits.
Mark looked at the old man in fear, sighing.
"Very well, there is no need for violence, my friends..." Mark slowly turned to the side, to 'reach' into his pocket. Swiftly he punched the bandit infront of him with his elbow.
"FRANKIE!" The other bandit shouted, pointing his crossbow at Mark. Foster saw that, quickly leaning forward to grab and pull back the cutlass-bandit. The crossbow-bandit already fired the bolt, hitting his bandit friend instead of Mark. Mark pushed the dying bandit, running back to the wagon for his spear. It didn't take the bandit long to reload the crossbow; Mark was standing behind the wagon so the bandit was not able to shoot him. He turned his crossbow to the old man, shooting him instead. Mark took this to his advantage, charging towards the bandit with his spear, hurling it towards his upper chest.
The bandit fell back, screaming of pain. Mark quickly ran towards the old man -- though it was too late, he was already dead.
He saw something in the distance, presuming that was the civilization the old man was talking of. Mark didn't have it in his heart to strip the old man of his belongings, though he considered looting the bandits. He took the cutlass from the bandit, spitting onto his corpse. Mark continued his way towards the civilization.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Mark finally reached civilization, smiling at all the people walking through the marketplace. A few minutes later, he approached a random person which was just leaving the guard post.
"Excuse me, but, where could I find an inn?" Mark asked.
"An inn? Oh, sorry friend, I have just arrived here." - spoke the man.
"Oh... I only just now arrived myself."
"Interesting. Say, what is your name?"
"Marcus. Marcus Foster."
"A fine pleasure to meet you, Marcus Foster. You can call me.. Venrion. Oh, there's a guard right there, you can ask him for the inn. I will be seeing you around, Marcus Foster."
Mark nodded at Venrion, peering at the guard. He walked to him, engaging into a shorter conversation.
"Excuse me, where could I find an inn?", Mark asked the guard.
"An inn? Ha! You're standing right infront of it!", the guard chuckled and shook his head.
"Oh. Interesting, well, thank you for your help." - he nodded at the guard, slowly stepping into the inn. He approached the bar to ask the bartender for the innkeeper. It turned out the bartender was the innkeeper, so Mark was in luck.
"Greetings, my good man. I was wondering, how much would a good meal, and a night cost?" Mark spoke to the innkeeper.
"Ah, that would be around, I don't know... a silver."
"Oh... well, I do not have that much. As a matter of fact, I don't really have.. anything.. why was I even as-..." Mark was interrupted by the innkeeper.
"Ah! Masterful! Listen here, I am not that good at the bar, good man, I have better things to do but to stand here all day, serving people their ales. We could come to an arrangement... you become my barkeep, and you can stay here 's long as keep workin', plus I will give you some food each day. It's a good deal!"
Mark really was in luck that day, first the old man, now this... amazing!
"Yes! Of course! Thank you, friend, I am in your debt!"

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: Perin

Roleplay Name: Davek West

Age: 22

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: Far to many to remember them all, but some of them include, Neverwinter Nights, Prologue, DCUO, Guild Wars 2, countless forums, etc.

What servers you play on: For this game? None. I play alone, but roleplaying has interested me enough to check out a server.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I do not.

Why would you like to join our server: Well, for roleplaying, really. This game has strong roleplaying aspects if done right.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Do you Agree to a week trial period?: Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Waking, Davek groaned a little. Yet another night in the middle of no where. Lucky him. He was questioning why he still drank, but it was to late to do anything about it now. Rising, he choose a direction, and began walking, making sure to keep the sun to one side of him at all times, so he didn't end up walking around in circles. It was easy enough to make out through the trees.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Davek smiles a bit at the old man, and begins climbing aboard his wagon, as it comes to a halt. "The name is Davek.  I've been wondering out here for some time, without the slightest clue how I ended up here." Bandits could be a problem, but that was a part of life.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Davek reaches down as if to check himself for coin, while the bandit walks over to take it. Trying to keep slouched, and look the least bit intimidating as he could while standing over six foot, he reached out at the bandit suddenly in an attempt to grab him by the wrist of his sword arm, twist, and disable his grasp, so that he might have a chance of retrieving the weapon, and using the wagon as cover. Even if he did pay the bandits, there was no guarantee he'd get to live.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Far to proud to have to steal food, and with a twisted sense of honor, Davek walked on through the marketplace. The last thing he needed was trouble with the local guards. Instead, he headed out towards the edge of town to find himself a puddle, and afterwards, if he was lucky, a place to chop wood for coin, a possible hot meal, and a warm place to sleep.

(Finally got on a computer I could edit my post properly with. The phone I was on before, couldn't do such for some reason.)
{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Do you Agree to a week trial period?: Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Waking, Davek groaned a little. Yet another night in the middle of no where. Lucky him. He was questioning why he still drank, but it was to late to do anything about it now. Rising, he choose a direction, and began walking, making sure to keep the sun to one side of him at all times, so he didn't end up walking around in circles. It was easy enough to make out through the trees.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Davek smiles a bit at the old man, and begins climbing aboard his wagon, as it comes to a halt. "The name is Davek.  I've been wondering out here for some time, without the slightest clue how I ended up here." Bandits could be a problem, but that was a part of life.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Davek reaches down as if to check himself for coin, while the bandit walks over to take it. Trying to keep slouched, and look the least bit intimidating as he could while standing over six foot, he reached out at the bandit suddenly in an attempt to grab him by the wrist of his sword arm, twist, and disable his grasp, so that he might have a chance of retrieving the weapon, and using the wagon as cover. Even if he did pay the bandits, there was no guarantee he'd get to live.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Far to proud to have to steel food, and with a twisted sense of honor, Davek walked on through the marketplace. The last thing he needed was trouble with the local guards. Instead, he headed out towards the edge of town to find himself a puddle, and afterwards, if he was lucky, a place to chop wood for coin, a possible hot meal, and a warm place to sleep.

(There. Nothing special. Kept the replies some what short, as one might expect to find them in game. I had to edit this post, as I was using an old application at first. The site that linked me here sent me to an old thread.)

(Actually, I can't seem to edit, so I had to make a second post.)


Name: Gordon Brew

Roleplay Name: Silvis Norm

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Various singleplayer and multiplayer roleplaying games, though very little where I had to design a character from scratch

What servers have you played on, and how long: None before now

Why would you like to join our server: I greatly enjoy Terraria, roleplaying and medieval fantasy, and this looks like an excellent combination of all three

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I have

Do you agree to follow the rules?: I do

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes, I will


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Conciousness rushes back, and with it a sharp pain in the back of my head. Through my watering eyes I can make out green shapes all around me, and as I blink rapidly I realise that I am in a forest. I sit up, rubbing the souce of the pain, trying to remember.
Ah yes, my company had been attacked by bandits so... where were my guards? A quick glance around at the corpse strewn clearing gives me my answer. I grimace in pain as I stand carefully, reaching for my sword.
However, my hand grasps empty air, and I soon discover that the bandits have taken not only my sword, but pretty much everything but the clothes on my back. Luckily, they haven't looted everything from the bodies of the guards and I am able to salvage a copper shortsword and an axe from the battlefield.
I sheath the sword at my belt and shove the axe inside an empty pack from one of the wagons. Thus equipped, I set off through the forest.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Exhausted and in desperate need of adequate shelter, I spy an old man in a wagon travelling down the road. Seeing me he slowly reigns in his horse, coming to a stop in front of me.
"I can give you a ride laddie, to the nearest settlement... if you'd like. Though I should warn you, there have been many bandit sightings recently round 'ere."
Grimacing at the memory of said bandits, I reply, "Thankyou sir, I'd be most grateful for your help. Regrettably, I have no coin on me."
"Ehh... don't worry 'bout it. Long as you're willing to take the risk... hop on."
I hasten to climb onto the wagon, and with a flick of the reigns the old man sets it in motion once more.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

As the old man hands over his coins, I assess the bandits. They don't look like much; from their weapons and garb, they look like miners of some kind... several of them even carry pickaxes as their weapons.
I smirk in derision as they turn to me and draw my sword from it's sheath. Before they have time to react I have cut two of them down, and am advancing on a third. Shaken, several of them start to flee. As I thought, I smile to myself; they're no match for me... not with the battlemage training I've received throughout my youth.
After a short fight, the ramaining bandits are routed. Trying to catch my breath, I search them for anything valuable. I bag one of their pickaxes, and also recovr the old man's coins.
Handing them to him, he grins and says, "Well, ain't you a fine one with a blade! Guess there's no more need to worry about payment then!"
I smile back as I hoist myself onto the wagon again. In high spirits after our successful encounter, we set off along the road again.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Civilization at last! As the old man rolls away in his wagon, I realise that I am incredibly hungry, and what seems like every part of my body aches from days of travel.
Searching around, I finally come across what I am looking for... an inn. Stumbling through the door,  I mumble something about "beds" and "food" to the barman.
"Well," he says, "that will be 75 copper for supper and a bed for the night." Looking me up and down, he adds, "Do you even have that much?"
Opening my mouth to reply, "Of course," I stop... and realise that I don't in fact have any money. Dispirited and still hungry, I turn to leave.
"Wait." calls the barman. I look back - he seems agitated.
"I heard you did well by my friend - a trader in these parts... I can't rent any rooms to you, but I can give you a meal at least... if you need somewhere to sleep, I guess there's the stable."
I cringe a little inside, but nevertheless thank him profusely and take him up on his offer. After all, I have no better options.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Quote from: DarkPerin on 24-03-2013
Name: Perin

Roleplay Name: Davek West

Age: 22

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: Far to many to remember them all, but some of them include, Neverwinter Nights, Prologue, DCUO, Guild Wars 2, countless forums, etc.

What servers you play on: For this game? None. I play alone, but roleplaying has interested me enough to check out a server.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I do not.

Why would you like to join our server: Well, for roleplaying, really. This game has strong roleplaying aspects if done right.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Davek carefully considers the man a moment, inspecting the scroll without touching it. A man of his statue didn't look the type to have the wealth to afford such a scroll, so Davek had too wonder where it was accquired from. "Perhaps... How much do you wish to sell it for, old man?" The raven haired male carefully stroked the stubble growing in on his chin, and adjusted himself a moment in a more comfortable position, his heavy armor rattling about.
With that fucking age I belive you should be intelligent enough to use the current updated application format.


Name: will

Roleplay Name: simon davidson

Players you already know on the on the server:  none but i loo forward to meeting new people

Previous roleplay experience: several minecraft servers over a period of about 3 years

What servers have you played on, and how long: none that are still active

Why would you like to join our server: because i love role play and building communities

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):i lay motionless on the ground whilst i come to my senses "where am i... oh wait no ones here to answer,
i guess i better go and build a shelter ill need some wood for that but firstly i need tools"
i spend several hours collecting wood and stone to make an axe a pick axe and a sword "ok im set to make a shelter now i better hury its nearly night time"
i construct a small hut for the night as a safe place to sleep the next morning i start looking for a more permanent place to stay, i stumble across a small cave entrance
"ah a cave better check it out looks like a good place to build il go and see how far it goes"
discovering that its only small and dose not go any where i decide to wall it in with a small hole to check when its day or night,
then i go and start to build in the cave determine to make my stay here as good as i can
" i dont know how long i could be stuck here so i might as well make the place a little bit homey"

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.) "do u know of any trouble going on around here?" (man says "yes") "what kind of trouble" (man says "bandits
, looters") "give me a minute to collect my things"

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):(if there is a group of them) pay the bandits.
(if there is only one) fight bandit and take them to town to be arrested.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)i goto the nearest shop and ask "are there any jobs avalible here?"
then if i get the job look for an inn and ask the inn keeper "how much would one nights stay cost?"

i really hope this one is right


Quote from: knife_cz on 25-03-2013
Quote from: DarkPerin on 24-03-2013
Name: Perin

Roleplay Name: Davek West

Age: 22

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: Far to many to remember them all, but some of them include, Neverwinter Nights, Prologue, DCUO, Guild Wars 2, countless forums, etc.

What servers you play on: For this game? None. I play alone, but roleplaying has interested me enough to check out a server.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I do not.

Why would you like to join our server: Well, for roleplaying, really. This game has strong roleplaying aspects if done right.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Davek carefully considers the man a moment, inspecting the scroll without touching it. A man of his statue didn't look the type to have the wealth to afford such a scroll, so Davek had too wonder where it was acquired from. "Perhaps... How much do you wish to sell it for, old man?" The raven haired male carefully stroked the stubble growing in on his chin, and adjusted himself a moment in a more comfortable position, his heavy armor rattling about.
With that fucking age I belive you should be intelligent enough to use the current updated application format.
I mentioned on the post right after it, that I couldn't currently edit, and put the updated half that I was missing. At seventeen, I can't believe you misspelled believe. But I know who the keyboard warrior is now.


Quote from: DarkPerin on 25-03-2013
Quote from: knife_cz on 25-03-2013
Quote from: DarkPerin on 24-03-2013
Name: Perin

Roleplay Name: Davek West

Age: 22

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: Far to many to remember them all, but some of them include, Neverwinter Nights, Prologue, DCUO, Guild Wars 2, countless forums, etc.

What servers you play on: For this game? None. I play alone, but roleplaying has interested me enough to check out a server.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I do not.

Why would you like to join our server: Well, for roleplaying, really. This game has strong roleplaying aspects if done right.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Davek carefully considers the man a moment, inspecting the scroll without touching it. A man of his statue didn't look the type to have the wealth to afford such a scroll, so Davek had too wonder where it was acquired from. "Perhaps... How much do you wish to sell it for, old man?" The raven haired male carefully stroked the stubble growing in on his chin, and adjusted himself a moment in a more comfortable position, his heavy armor rattling about.
With that fucking age I belive you should be intelligent enough to use the current updated application format.
I mentioned on the post right after it, that I couldn't currently edit, and put the updated half that I was missing. At seventeen, I can't believe you misspelled believe. But I know who the keyboard warrior is now.

Daaaaamn Kid, you got some fight in you.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Rude to admin perma ban. Lol pwned goml #$w@g


Quote from: James Almasy on 25-03-2013
Quote from: DarkPerin on 25-03-2013
Quote from: knife_cz on 25-03-2013
Quote from: DarkPerin on 24-03-2013
Name: Perin

Roleplay Name: Davek West

Age: 22

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: Far to many to remember them all, but some of them include, Neverwinter Nights, Prologue, DCUO, Guild Wars 2, countless forums, etc.

What servers you play on: For this game? None. I play alone, but roleplaying has interested me enough to check out a server.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I do not.

Why would you like to join our server: Well, for roleplaying, really. This game has strong roleplaying aspects if done right.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
Davek carefully considers the man a moment, inspecting the scroll without touching it. A man of his statue didn't look the type to have the wealth to afford such a scroll, so Davek had too wonder where it was acquired from. "Perhaps... How much do you wish to sell it for, old man?" The raven haired male carefully stroked the stubble growing in on his chin, and adjusted himself a moment in a more comfortable position, his heavy armor rattling about.
With that fucking age I belive you should be intelligent enough to use the current updated application format.
I mentioned on the post right after it, that I couldn't currently edit, and put the updated half that I was missing. At seventeen, I can't believe you misspelled believe. But I know who the keyboard warrior is now.

Daaaaamn Kid, you got some fight in you.
I just..I can't, I wont't go into this thread anymore, my faith in humanity dies from seeins such stupidity


Filipe Sá.

Roleplay Name:

Players you already know on the on the server:

Previous roleplay experience:
D&D, Storyteller, 3D&T. All with paper and dice.

What servers have you played on, and how long:
Joined the Terraria community 1 week ago, so, i didnt had time to join a server.

Why would you like to join our server:
I like the idea of roleplay. And i hope i join ASAP. Terraria has a full mechanism to make a roleplay server, as it's looks like a SNES game.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
About griefing and good conduct, yes. I didnt read all the thread, but i will make this after answering this application.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

First, see if there are no broken bones. Yes or no, take a good branch to use as a crutch (as a defensive tool, and to prevent some snakes to get me). As i awaken, start looking for some fruits, or any kind of food. Start looking for the small animals, and watch what they are eating. If it's good to them, it's good to me. Try find a river, to drink some water. After this, try find some vestiges of a trail, to make my way to civilization.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Dont have much to ignore. I want go to the city, and this wagon can be a decent and fast way to go. i take the ride, but stay alert for any noise.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Start acting like a loony, saying things of no connection, drooling a lot, to make them give up of me.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Offer my assistance to the owner shop, for little: a dish of soup, a bath, and a place to sleep and call "home" for some time. Later, try found a better occupation.


Name: Anton

Roleplay Name: Antonius

Players you already know on the on the server: noone

Previous roleplay experience: very little in russian ultima on-line server

What servers have you played on, and how long: never played on multiplayer in terraria

Why would you like to join our server: RP servers provide much more than simple gameplay, why yours? Hmm, i really can't say much, didn't seen it before or heard of it before but i hope that your server would be very fun to play.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

I woke up in the forest with no idea where am i or who am i. Only thing i know right now is that i never seen such forest before even in books. Everything was strange. I sit on the ground and tried to remember anything... nothing. I turned my head around and there was nothing anything that could help me to understand how i come here.
Sun is up and noone near. I should go further and hope to be found by someone. I even don't know what to eat. I found some mushrooms but i don't know if they edible, i get them with me but im afraid to eat them, so my stomack hurts and forest still won't end.
Maybe i'm sleeping? Maybe i'm dead? No, hope not...

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Man in a wagon, that is very very good for me. I think he had never seen such joyful person. Civilization, ofcourse i'll join you. Bandits? Didn't seen them here for several days of roaming through forest.
That was like some sort of luck. He could simply leave me, dirty and crazy-looking person here, in forest. Thank you old men, and i'll never forget your help.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Bandits... They are very bad part of travelling. No one can handle this plague. Maybe some hero could fight them but im not a hero.
Money? Are you kidding? I have only pants on me and nothing more. Arrgh, where i should get this money, eh?
- Old man, can you save me again? Will you leave me here for them, i'll work off this money. Please.
Old man was so kind and gave them 10 coins more. So now im in debt to this old man. I'll give back him much more than he lose here.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Old man said that now he have no work for me but in town there could be some. I come to marketplace and felt billions of odors reinforces the already strong sense of hunger.
I started to ask everyone to help them for food with no luck... Everyone thought that i would steal some food and then run from them or would scary customers. Bad luck.
After a while i find a men who offered me a simple job. He said that near city there is a cemetry where needs someone who would dig graves. Why not? Even such scary monster as me can handle this. I'm accepting this job, thank you!
{Denied-Extend your Rp section, you can do better}


Name: Josh

Roleplaying Name: devils1028

Players you already know on the server: none

Previous roleplay experience: minecraft

What servers have you played on, and how long: I don't remember the name, but for a few weeks.

Why would you like to join our server: I think it would be good to start playing Terraria again, and I like RPGs.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes, I have.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes, I do agree.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: I do not know what you mean exactly by that.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?

       Depending on the inventory I have at the time, I will (A) deny the toll fee, and if they do not let me pass I will find a way around or attempt to kill them then return the man's money, then keep the rest to buy food when I reach civilization or (B) pay the toll fee and move on to civilization in the hopes of finding a job to earn money for food and water, and eventually a home.

Sincerly, Devils


Sorry there was not much information, because I haven't played Terraria in awhile!

Fix application, change RP name.


Name: Steven Wince

Roleplay Name: Oribus Zormite

Players you already know on the on the server: None as of yet..

Previous roleplay experience: I have been roleplaying for years. From NexusTK to Gaia Online. Even did some roleplaying on minecraft. I enjoy roleplaying, as it creates a community and that is my favorite thing about any game.

What servers have you played on, and how long: I am new to terarria, just purchased it two days ago, actually. I have been going server to server.. I was rather disapointed at the face that you can obtain any item and transfer them server to server. I like to start with nothing, and gain my wealth. This server seems like a very good one for that.

Why would you like to join our server: Like I said  on the last question, I like to build myself up from nothing to gain everything. Plus the midevil theme would not introduce guns and "jetboots" Im guessing, so that makes me super excited. I don't know how big the community is on this server, But hopefully find an open plot of land, Make a few friends, and see how I shape my future as Oribus.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes, I did.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes, I do.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes, I will.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.): Dazed and confused I sit roll over to my back, My heads pounding. I reach my arms up and wipe the dirt and leaves from my face. I open my eyes, and all I see is darkness, I sit up and stare into the unknown, waiting for my vision to focus. I sit there for about fifteen minutes regaining my senses. When my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, I stood up.. And instand rush went to my head and I felt like I was going to fall over again.. But I regained myself and started walking. I had no idea where I was going, Where I was, or how I got there.. So, I will figure out what happened here, and find my way home.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.) The man seems to be worried about the bandits, Traveling alone at his age..  I would be too. Sense he offered me a ride, I guess I shall accompany him. Plus, I would love to get off my feet for a while.. So I hopped in.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.): Still dazed and weak from the many days in the wilderness, I knew I couldent handle a bandit, Let alone more than one.. I plead with the the man that has let me travel with him for the past few hours. He can see the fear in my eyes. I don't want to be murdered, and he knows that is what would happen. So he pays the bandits.. And I am thankful for that to this very day.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.) I walk to the market, People everywhere! However, They avoid me.. Bloody, dirty, and scraggly from my recent events. I try to talk to shop owners, Begging, Pleading to work for food. They all dismiss me. I wander all day, looking for food scraps if anything. Night approaches, I head just outside of the city walls. I run into a dead deer, almost starving, I make the choice to indulge on its cold, raw meat. This has to be... The lowest.. Point in my life.

{Denied, extend your RP section, you can do better}


Name: Dakota

Roleplay Name: Azar the Terrarian

Players you already know on the on the server: None, but I'm hoping to meet some people once I get in. One of my friends is also submitting an application, so there's that.

Previous roleplay experience: Garry's Mod, DnD, and some other games similiar to DnD. Some superhero game, I can't remember what it was called. But I've been around role playing most of my life.

What servers have you played on, and how long: None. Just got started with Terraria and thought I'd give it a shot here. I'm down for learning a new group of people.

Why would you like to join our server: It seems to be one of the best ones out there, and I enjoy role-playing. I think I'll mesh well with the community as well.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes indeed.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: I do.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Finding a weapon, because we all know you're going to run into enemies in a forest. Then try to find some sort of trail to take to a village to get some clothes and stuff. Rest up, you know.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
An old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

For sure. I would definitely keep a strong watch on his actions, the road, and whatever weapon I had acquired at that point.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Tell them the situation, and look around the wagon for any coins laying anywhere within reach. If I found any I'd give them up, and if I didn't I suppose the only thing to do would be to fight them.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Dude, I'd definitely sneak around and wait for one of the vendors to be distracted and grab every last tomato they have. If they have any dandelions I'd grab them as well. I've always wanted to try dandelion tea, and I'm sure my character would love it as well.
{Denied- Get rid of the terrarian in your name leave it as Azar thats much better, extend your RP section and actually RP the rp section, you can do better.}


Roleplay Name: Violetchoco


Players you already know on the on the server:None, im new.

Previous roleplay experience: Not much i has to say, i normaly just only play League of legends, just game back from a break to good old terraria.

What servers you play on: Well this will be my first one in a while i quited when terraria came out, bought it the first day and played for weeks untill my friends stopped, and it turned boring to play solo.

Why would you like to join our server: Well it looks awesome, and i dont like to play on these troll servers, where people griff and throw massive amount of items to each other so the whole point of playing turns to dust.

Have you read the rules thread?:Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes i will.

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction? Take it and run forest run!


jesus fuck people are retarded