[[NEW]] Caphori Password Application Thread

Started by Velspera, 21-06-2012

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Quote from: longfallgloves on 21-02-2013
Name: longfallgloves

Roleplay Name: Harold Mastropiero

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.

Previous roleplay experience: Many MMORPG games, and RP servers in Minecraft and GMod.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Bubuntuludus, World of Terraria, Angels and demons, Pokemon experience. Two months each.

Why would you like to join our server: It seems funny. Its a medieval society, right? Then it could be entertaining to be a wise and peaceful teacher (not futuristic, of course. I'm a teacher, not a scientist). Building schools, teaching geography, music, art, gym, maths... Learning in an RP could be fun.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Would be nice.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

After my last class I went to my house, played my harp a bit and went to bed. I don't remember how did I get here.
"Damn, what am I doing here? It's Wednesday, I should be at the school giving my class. OK, don't panic, let's see if I can back to the town." I said.
I was lost in a forest, very deep and with many plants. It was like a jungle. Maybe someone wanted me lost. But that was impossible... But then again intelligence will not get you through life alone. Forest, desert, mountains... There's nothing like pitting knowledge against nature.
I looked up, looking for the sun, so I could guess the time and attempt to figure out which direction to go. Then, I found some signs of life: footprits, wheel marks, broken branches and torn leather.
"Hmm, maybe I came from here. They brought me in a cart, not a chariot, from that way. The footprits tell me they were two, or three. The shoes are different. The branches, how big the cart was. This piece of leather, their clothes. Seems to be bandits', for the colour, texture and dirt." I thought. Now I knew how they brought me here, how many there were and where they brought me from. But why? Who?
"There are more Important things I should be focusing on right now, such as getting out of this accursed wilderness".

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

That man seemed to be very very old. Maybe he had at least 48 years (It's a medieval society. With no modern medicines, a 30 years old man is considered old). He was driving a big wagon. For the size of the vehicle, the color and the design, he seemed to be a merchant.
"Excuse me, young man. It seems like you've lost your way."
"Yes, I woke up here In the middle of the forest. I'm going to the north, to the city."
"Well, I'm going in that direction. Need a lift?"
After listening that man, I thought he could be my salvation.
"Yes, I will. Can I go behind?"
"No, you can't. I have my merchancy there."
"If you don't mind me asking, what are you carrying?"
"Tools mostly, but i do carry a number of other items to sell."
"Fragile statues and glass. Bottles, cups, windows..."
"Sounds like quite the haul."
"That it is. Although I swear some of the people that buy my wares seem to get the better deal in the end..."
"Good thing I'm a teacher, maybe along the way i could discuss the finer points of Trading and Mercantilism."
"Still, I can take you to the city. you can sit beside me."
"I hate the smell of a horse, but I have no choice. It's always better than walking."
"Good. But be wary, there are bandits about."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

While traveling, we were speaking about intelectual things: Economy, alchemy, politics, books, magic...
"And that's why the earth is flat. How can it be an sphere? People in the south would fall!" I said.
"Yeah, that's interesting. But I'm still thinking about what you said about evolution." said the old man.
"Yes. As Darles Charwin said, we were not created by gods, we envolved from bunnies."
"From bunnies? And where do they come from?"
Suddenly, the wagon stopped at a fallen tree.
"It's a trap!" said the old man. Hmm, where did I hear that before?
"What's happening?"
Too late for escaping, in seconds we were trapped by the bandits. They looked strong, and angry. Was not a good idea trying to be a hero and fight.
"Don't hurt me!" said the old man "I know what you want, take it!" and he gave them 10 coins.
"Good" said a bandit "you paid the tax to pass, but every man of the cart must pay".
I realized that if I had traveled behind, with the tools, I could have been hidden from them.
"And if I don't pay?" I asked.
"Then we kill you both and steal what you have."
I looked at their eyes, and suddenly I pointed to a random tree and screamed:
"Look out! A three-headed monkey there!"
They tooked behind them. I jumped from the wagon, grabbed some stones, threw them one by one to the other direction and hid under the wagon rolling over.
"Wait a bit. There are no three-headed monkeys here." said a bandit.
"Yeah, they live in the jungle, not in the forest. Hold on, where's the young jerk?" said another.
The old man understood my strategy. "Didn't you hear him? He ran away in that direction."
"Yeah, I heard him too. F***ing coward. Chase him, bring his head".
"Meanwhile, can I leave?" said the old man.
"Yes, you can. You paid the tax. Now go."
I was gripping the ledges under the wagon, so I left the zone without being sighted while they were looking for me. I couldn't hold too much, so I fell to the ground, and avoided the wheels.
I stood up and ran to the wagon. "Hey, I'm here. Don't leave me behind."

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

I was so hungry after that, but I didn't have time for dinner, because the classes at the music school were about to start. I went to my house first, took my harp and two apples that were eaten while I ran to the music school.
I arrived 5 minutes late.
"Hello, pupils. I'm sorry about not coming to the school this morning." (there were two, the normal school and the music school) "It's a long story. So, take your harps, bells and drums, open the sheets and lets start."
Two hours later, we finished the two songs: "La puta de la cabra" and a Skrillex theme. (In a Medieval/Fantasy server. Really?) Well, that was for the lol.
Two hours later, we finished the three songs: "A brave hero returns home after long travel", "Forgive these sinners, lord" and "Fire and lava on the water".
"Better. Second harps, very good. Keep practicing, the concert is in two months."
I went back to my house, ate the dinner and sleeped. I was so tired. God, I hope not to wake up at the forest tomorrow again. Bandits could be still looking for me.
"Now, I have to think more about who left me at the forest, and why. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

Would be too much powergaming that distraction and sneaking?
Out of boredom I've attempted to actually show what would be better/preferred.
Corrected, combining and explaining. And thanks for the grammar corrections.


Quote from: Orphaniel on 21-02-2013
[snipped words and things]

It's good, but... Demons on this server have been waaaay overdone.

That is quite fine, it is hard to know what is overplayed and not; I shall default to something more mundane until such a time as you all consider me worthy.

I suppose I just like demons.

(I know I'm supposed to PM the mod that looked at my app, but I dont know who it was! the edit is unsigned)

Just PM James Almasy, aka me if it doesn't show who edited it.
The signature is like a post's Butt.


Real Name: Matthew Tangerman

Roleplay Name: Mortimer Shellsmith

Age: 20

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: TES Morrowind, World of Warcraft, Various MUD's, Minecraft, and Pokemon.

What servers you play on: None so far other than a private server of a friends.

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: I do not.

Why would you like to join our server: I am interested in taking the game to a new level, a level only achieved through community cooperation, a level unattainable through NPC.

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.): I sit up and listen. The shriek of a passing hawk attunes me to the situation. My stomach is throbbing from hunger so I decide to look for food. I spend hours searching and find nothing. Finally I come upon a single, fleshy orange mushroom. I know eating the wrong kind could be fatal, but I have to take this chance, the forest has taken its share and left me with nothing else. The first bite is bitter. I take another bite, then another. Waiting for side effects, I only feel less hungry, I sleep.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.) Thank you sir, but I rather prefer to walk, if you say bandits are about, it would be wise not to offer transport to strangers.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.): In a nervous fashion I search my person, lacking coin I instead offer my pocket watch, the leader, a rugged yet beautiful woman, is appeased. Before we are let off, she asks of my foreign accent. I tell her of the recent days spent in wilderness and the far off land from where I came. In an act of mercy she hands the watch back. "They call me Juvenile Jennifer, I can't stand the greedy men that travel these roads," she explains, "you are not from here and you are not one of them."  Graciously I accept the watch. "Leave now, before I change my mind." she growled. We left in a hurry though I wanted to stay.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.) I offer service to the old man for pay, I tell him I will run his shipments for food and a few copper. He gladly accepts, no longer wanting to deal with the bandits. I only hope to run into her again.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Quote from: Weajiin on 24-02-2013
Seeing as I am the only one taking this application process seriously, I am taking my interest elsewhere. This has been a colossal waste of time. Thank you to Sxasxuxkxe for actually replying to me though, Kudos.

You really couldn't wait for the password for more than an hour?
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


Quote from: Weajiin on 24-02-2013
Quote from: the_grub on 24-02-2013
You really couldn't wait for the password for more than an hour?

I could wait for an hour, I waited like twenty-seven actually. First the name Jiub wasn't good enough because it was from another game called Morrowind...I read that people try to get on here with names like Superman57. Okay so I change it to make whoever didn't sign the application edit happy. I wait till the next day and finally get accepted, I was excited to play. "Your application has been accepted!" Sweet, I did it!. Now all you have to do is join the group. Okay so hopefully he will click accept on the group while we are both sitting here, I pm'd him very politely asking if he could just do it really quickly. No reply. If you are going to have an application process, do not make it painfully slow or leave inconsiderate people in charge. Don't let my passion mislead you though, I would have been a pretty good addition to the server, but I'm not waiting two days, for someone who is online, to click accept.

My impatience only shows when trivial matters stand between me and enjoyment.
Who did you PM, I can still accept you now if your still wanting to join. But that's up to you. Also when i say you couldnt wait more than an hour, i was refering to the time gap from when you got accepted, to when you decided to write about how much of a waste of time this was. I don't know who you pm'd to get accepted, and i can't speak for everyone, but i have things i have to do throughout the day. I can't be monitoring the forum group all day, its just not possible. Sorry for wasting your time.
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


Roleplay Name:
Jadens Nightgale
Players you already know on the on the server:
None, But id like to know many people.
Previous roleplay experience:
I have Roleplayed on Minecraft, Actually i have quite alot....But never on terraria this will be new to me.
What servers have you played on, and how long:
a minecraft server, <dedi.roleplaycraft.net> Ive played on it for 3 months and have very good rank.
Why would you like to join our server:
Because, I would like to break from minecraft and try RP in terraria, Seeing the icon there gave me the idea.
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:
Ill take it, Why not?
You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Gather some twigs, pebbles, and string, make a little hatchet and try my best to hack down a tree, make a shelter and go on like that for a bit and fine a few shiny stones, i put them in my pocket and wait for help.
Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

I look at them, making sure they know im not to be messed with, and throw the shiny stones i found in the woods <read above> they then let us pass.
You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
I would go, and humbly ask a pedestrian for enough coin for a slice of bread and i would get a cup of water from the well.

{Denied. RP too short.}


Quote from: Rawry67 on 24-02-2013
a minecraft server, <dedi.roleplaycraft.net> Ive played on it for 3 months and have very good rank
That server doesn't count as an RP server at best it's a survival server with ranks. Just saiyan...

Elden the White

Name: Daniel Conry

Roleplay Name: Elden the White

Players you already know on the on the server: none.

Previous roleplay experience: i've done roleplay on Runescape and Minecraft, this will be the first Terraria roleplay for me.

What servers have you played on, and how long: a few years ago before i moved to America, i played this one server (cant remember the name of) but could not find it again.

Why would you like to join our server: i would like to try out the roleplaying experience, as i love roleplay!

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: yes i have.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes I do agree, and I will follow them to my best.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: yes, though as my friends say "the sooner the better."


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.): *wakes up from an unconciouse slumber* "w... wh... where am I?" *starts to sit up when a sudden pain in my head hits* "Oww... w.. wh... why does my head hurt?" *rubs the back of my head and starts my way to my feet in a slight daze* "woah... ok little dizzy... so now where am i?" *looks around* "well... it looks like im in a forest in the middle of no where!" *looks up* "Thanks a lot big guy" *said sarcastically* "well... i guess i should find some shelter, i dont have any tools so i cant build one." *looks around and looks to a tree with peeling bark, and then to the ground with lots of stones* "BINGO!" *picks up a rock and uses to peel away the bark, spots some dead grass and some vines* "i can make a stone hatched." *picks up a sharp triangular piece of stone and sharpens the edge a little more, grabs some vines and a large sticker and ties the rock titly tot he stick* "ok that should do it" *starts to chap at the larger branches* "time to start the shelter" *as branches fell so did leaves the size of a grown man* "i can use the leaves for warmth" *starts build a shelter out of leaves, branches, vines and bark for insolation* "all done, now for the fire" *grabs some bark, dead grass and two stones to start the fire* "ok now ok bark... grass... LIGHT!" *fire starts* "ok, im tired time to get into bed." *yawns* "ZzZzZzZzZz..." *snores loudly scaring all wild life*



Name: longfallgloves

Roleplay Name: Harold Mastropiero

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.

Previous roleplay experience: Many MMORPG games, and RP servers in Minecraft and GMod.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Bubuntuludus, World of Terraria, Angels and demons, Pokemon experience. Two months each.

Why would you like to join our server: It seems funny. Its a medieval society, right? Then it could be entertaining to be a wise and peaceful teacher (not futuristic, of course. I'm a teacher, not a scientist). Building schools, teaching geography, music, art, gym, maths... Learning in an RP could be fun.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Would be nice.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

After my last class I went to my house, played my harp a bit and went to bed. I don't remember how did I get here.
"Damn, what am I doing here? It's Wednesday, I should be at the school giving my class. OK, don't panic, let's see if I can back to the town." I said.
I was lost in a forest, very deep and with many plants. It was like a jungle. Maybe someone wanted me lost. But that was impossible... But then again intelligence will not get you through life alone. Forest, desert, mountains... There's nothing like pitting knowledge against nature.
I looked up, looking for the sun, so I could guess the time and attempt to figure out which direction to go. Then, I found some signs of life: footprits, wheel marks, broken branches and torn leather.
"Hmm, maybe I came from here. They brought me in a cart, not a chariot, from that way. The footprits tell me they were two, or three. The shoes are different. The branches, how big the cart was. This piece of leather, their clothes. Seems to be bandits', for the colour, texture and dirt." I thought. Now I knew how they brought me here, how many there were and where they brought me from. But why? Who?
"There are more Important things I should be focusing on right now, such as getting out of this accursed wilderness".

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

That man seemed to be very very old. Maybe he had at least 48 years. He was driving a big wagon. For the size of the vehicle, the color and the design, he seemed to be a merchant.
"Excuse me, young man. It seems like you've lost your way."
"Yes, I woke up here In the middle of the forest. I'm going to the north, to the city."
"Well, I'm going in that direction. Need a lift?"
After listening that man, I thought he could be my salvation.
"Yes, I will. Can I go behind?"
"No, you can't. I have my merchancy there."
"If you don't mind me asking, what are you carrying?"
"Tools mostly, but i do carry a number of other items to sell."
"Fragile statues and glass. Bottles, cups, windows..."
"Sounds like quite the haul."
"That it is. Although I swear some of the people that buy my wares seem to get the better deal in the end..."
"Good thing I'm a teacher, maybe along the way i could discuss the finer points of Trading and Mercantilism."
"Still, I can take you to the city. you can sit beside me."
"I hate the smell of a horse, but I have no choice. It's always better than walking."
"Good. But be wary, there are bandits about."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

While traveling, we were speaking about intelectual things: Economy, alchemy, politics, books, magic...
"And that's why the earth is flat. How can it be an sphere? People in the south would fall!" I said.
"Yeah, that's interesting. But I'm still thinking about what you said about evolution." said the old man.
"Yes. As Darles Charwin said, we were not created by gods, we envolved from bunnies."
"From bunnies? And where do they come from?"
Suddenly, the wagon stopped at a fallen tree.
"It's a trap!" said the old man. Hmm, where did I hear that before?
"What's happening?"
Too late for escaping, in seconds we were trapped by the bandits. They looked strong, and angry. Was not a good idea trying to be a hero and fight.
"Don't hurt me!" said the old man "I know what you want, take it!" and he gave them 10 coins.
"Good" said a bandit "you paid the tax to pass, but every man of the cart must pay".
I realized that if I had traveled behind, with the tools, I could have been hidden from them.
"And if I don't pay?" I asked.
"Then we kill you both and steal what you have."
I looked at their eyes, and suddenly I pointed to a random tree and screamed:
"Look out! A three-headed monkey there!"
They tooked behind them. I jumped from the wagon, grabbed some stones, threw them one by one to the other direction and hid under the wagon rolling over.
"Wait a bit. There are no three-headed monkeys here." said a bandit.
"Yeah, they live in the jungle, not in the forest. Hold on, where's the young jerk?" said another.
The old man understood my strategy. "Didn't you hear him? He ran away in that direction."
"Yeah, I heard him too. F***ing coward. Chase him, bring his head".
"Meanwhile, can I leave?" said the old man.
"Yes, you can. You paid the tax. Now go."
I was gripping the ledges under the wagon, so I left the zone without being sighted while they were looking for me. I couldn't hold too much, so I fell to the ground, and avoided the wheels.
I stood up and ran to the wagon. "Hey, I'm here. Don't leave me behind."

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

I was so hungry after that, but I didn't have time for dinner, because the classes at the music school were about to start. I went to my house first, took my harp and two apples that were eaten while I ran to the music school.
I arrived 5 minutes late.
"Hello, pupils. I'm sorry about not coming to the school this morning." (there were two, the normal school and the music school) "It's a long story. So, take your harps, bells and drums, open the sheets and lets start."
Two hours later, we finished the three songs: "A brave hero returns home after long travel", "Forgive these sinners, lord" and "Fire and lava on the water".
"Better. Second harps, very good. Keep practicing, the concert is in two months."
I went back to my house, ate the dinner and sleeped. I was so tired. God, I hope not to wake up at the forest tomorrow again. Bandits could be still looking for me.
"Now, I have to think more about who left me at the forest, and why. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

Would be too much powergaming that distraction and sneaking?
Why this Application is not getting accepted: It's basically the same problem over and over. You don't RP well enough in Character Depth. This application is purely ridiculous, and repeatedly posting the same thing over and over again isn't helping. You need to FEEL your RP. I stay silent most of the time about a lot of things, because I hate being dickish to players. But i really have to say this.

You need some Practice on your RP.

I'm sure that there are a few people who would be willing to teach you the finer points of Roleplay if you would ask.



Roleplay Name: Igeku Somrazunta (my OC :D)

Players you already know on the on the server:none, but that's part of the reason I'm joining, so that i can meet new players :)

Previous roleplay experience:roughly 5-8 years in all. 4 years in forums RPing and then 5-8 (at the same time) RPing in games like runescape, Minecraft, Gmod, some light Halo RPing. also some Roblox RPing when i was younger, the like other than that.

What servers have you played on, and how long: none in terraria before so it will be a new experience and I'm curious to see how it works here :)

Why would you like to join our server: as i stated in the previous question i have never done a Terraria RP before so i am curious and would like to see how its done here

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:I am actually reading that while i type this up so i guess noyes would be my answer. though by the time you process this i should already have read it.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:yes. not following the rules is something that ruins an RP.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: not entirely sure what this entitles but as long as it is only one week and not something more exorbitant and egregious then i have no problems


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

i find the nearest tree and start punching the first pieces of wood to build my survival castle with-- wait no that's minecraft.

i look around and decide the best course of action is to find shelter. after this i begin searching, after finding a rather dank looking cave with a suitably sized stream nearby i begin to fish for supper, though i feel like i could eat a horse.
i fail horribly at catching the fish but, luckily, yet, disgustingly, i find some bugs and berries in a rotted out tree trunk, i sit down to my first meal hoping ill get out of this before too long.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

No because traveling with him may cause attention to me, a reply with a polite "no thank you good sir, but do you know the direction to the next town?" after receiving them i thank him as he leaves. afterwards i set off in that direction, almost getting caught by these bandits, however they see the old man and focus their attention on him, allowing me to make my escape, hoping he will be fine.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

I find the nearest pub and walk in, slightly exaggerating my weariness to help sell my story. I go to the owner and ask him to give me a loaf of bread, some cheese, and a mug of ale and say that i will pay it off by working for him as long as is required. after he agrees i sit down to a long needed meal.

The format is a bit off, but it works.
{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}

Elden the White

Quote from: Elden the White on 25-02-2013

Do you know of any free build servers?
Plenty. Filled with griefers.
When I say Denied, I really mean try again.
I really need to start making that clearer.


who do i message for the password?

Click on the link on your accepted application and join the group.


Name: Alexandre Schryburt

Roleplay Name: Arktosa Tanelorn

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: DND 2.5 and 3.5,Dayz Rp whitelisted, Minecraft (I own a private Semi-RP server called Tales Of Tanelorn), Neverwinter nights 1 & 2,Everquest 1 and 2,Gmod, L.A.R.P Entertainer & Co-Manager

What servers have you played on, and how long: Hosting Private server with my friends for a year but they all gave up

Why would you like to join our server: (Wow At first I didn't saw that one sorry for the edit) Uhhh yeah that's the kind of question I don't like to answer. Actually, I just want to have fun with everybody else and help new players getting into their character.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Of course who wouldn't ?

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes i do

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: I consider this my chance to proove what I'm capable of


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

*Arktosa wakes his self up, yawn and rub his eyes to get a little remembering of what happened. After an hour of trying hard to remember anything, he shrugs and starts to scavenge for stuffs.*
*In a desperate action, he breaks down a tree to get a stick to help him walk and defend his self in case of attacks than starts to hunt down animals.*
*2 hours laters : He starts to get somes big leaves together and tries to do a pot with it to gather water*
*After a succesful attempts, Arktosa leave in direction of the sun heading : East (from what his trainer told him) in an attempts to find civilisation.*

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Edited :

*Arktosa see an old man travelling with his wagon. A beautiful black horse and strong horse riding the front of this wood construction. He askes for the old man to stop for a minute and listen to him.*
Arktosa : "Hello to you old man, I see you are traveling alone and I've been lost for hours into this forest with no gears, nothing at all. Not even a simple ration of food to feed my hunger or water to satisfy my thirst."
Old Man : "Oh hello to you young man. How can I be at your service ?"
Arktosa : "If it's not too much asked, I would like a ride to the next town or city in this area. Could you help me please ?"
Old Man : "I could surely give you a little ride but we have to be careful, recent reports tells that bandits scout the area in order to satisfy their purse."
Arktosa : "If it's only bandits, it shall not be a problem old man."
Old Man : "I wouldn't say so but still I am willing to lift you to the next city."
Arktosa : "Even though its bandits, I'm glad to finally hear voices. I though I was stunk alone forever in here. I am sure we will find a way to deal out those bandits sir."
Old Man : "If you say so, I will attempts to drive you to civilization."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Bandit Leader : "The taxes is 10 coins per each person to pass this area"
*Old Man stay silenced and pays the coins to continue with his wagon*
*The bandit leader turns to Arktosa and tells him the same thing*
*Arktosa refuse to pay the tax as he seems the crime happening right into his face*
Arktosa : "I rather fight my way to death with all of you instead of giving up my rights to some scumbag bandits of your kind."
*Arktosa starts to lift up his fists and charges to attacks the bandit leader, Even if he doesn't have a weapon he's not affraid of
death or to be injuried to defend his own rights."

Edited :

*In a desperated attemps, he bring up his right fist and smack right between the bandit leader's eyes for a knock out.*
*With all out his rage, he continue to bring a left and right punches into the bandit leader's face. Screaming his madness out for all that has been done.*
10 seconds has pasted as Arktosa doesn't realise that all the bandits are watching him beating their leader. All the things that has happened in the past hours got him so raged that right now
he's just killed the bandit leader and continue to punch the dead corpse and fainted from all of this rage.
*The bandit starts to flee as they see their leader dead as the wise old man grab the body of Arktosa and carry him fast into his wagon. Direction : Civilisation*

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Edited :

*Arktosa walks around the marketplace to look around at what peoples sells : Weaponry, Armoury, Food, Skins, Pottery. Wandering around and knowning he can't buy anything he ask
a guard the direction of a tavern.*
Guard : "Turn left to the end of this street. You can't miss the sign*
*He begans to walk into the direction given, still looking around at stall in a temptation of stealing. All those beef or cow steaks, the rabbit legs or even a simple cabage look delicious to his mouth. Even a rat could had been a luxery dinner for himself. But his codes refuses
those kind of actions. He knows that if he steals or attack for food he will loose his title of knighthood...
He turns left to the street than enter the tavern looking for a job.*

I would just like to say : Sorry if this is full of typing mistakes. Like my name says I am french but still I try my best to speak/type English. Thanks you for reading

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}
Je suis un mirshann del aphyon
Mirshannen whispering chath, nau velendev F'sarn dro Sa'lakun harl F'sarn xunor xuil l'groova ulu ussta varash doer


Character Name: Xachar

Roleplay Name: Xachar Strobbe

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody

Previous roleplay experience: Cortex Roleplay on SCII, Forum Roleplaying, LARPing, Neverwinter Nights, DnD 2.5 & 3

What servers have you played on, and how long: I only recently got Terraria, so none.

Why would you like to join our server: I love roleplaying, and yours got the most +'s

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I have read the Rules and Regulations thread

Do you agree to follow the rules?: I agree to follow these rules

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: I agree



You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Xachar wakes up, he is unsure as to what happened to him, or how he got to this forest. From his lack of equipment, it was likely he was robbed. He scans the trees, trying to see any signs of civilization. He takes a few moments he absorbs his situation.

"I'm going to need food" he says.

He gets to his feet, and proceeds into a random direction into the forest, hoping to spot either something edible, or someone to help him find his way.


Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.):

Xachar approaches the old man, waving his hand.

Xachar says, "Greetings sir! Could you help me in finding my way to the nearest town?"

"I would be glad to help you, but it will most certainly be dangerous, you see, bandits have been working the roads lately, even more than usual" Says the old man.

"Bandits? Well nevermind that, i'm rather lost, you see, and I just want to find my way, and if bandits stand in my way, then so be it." Xachar speaks proudly.

The old man says, "Very well, climb in and we will be off, I didn't want to stop for too long anyways, gives them more time to find us, you know?"

Xachar climbs into the wagon, and the old man continues along the road.


After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

A group of masked, armed men approach the wagon, and order it to a halt. The old man grows wary and whispers to Xachar,

"Just do what they ask, and they will let us go, alright? Just do as they say"

Xachar nods his head in agreement as one of the men walks in front of the wagon, his hand on the hilt of a sword at his side.

"Ten coins." Announces the bandit loudly.

The merchant reaches into a pouch at his side, and hands the bandit a handful of coins, "Here you go sir." He speaks shakily.

The bandit then looks towards Xachar, "From each of you" He says.

Xachar reaches for his pocket, only to remember he has nothing, not even a coin. He says, "I don't have any money."

The bandit raises and eyebrow, before saying, "Then we will take everything you have left, remove your clothes and hand them over!"

Xachar looks to the old man. The old man says "I will pay for him, no need to harass him." The old man pulls another ten coins from his pouch and hands it to the bandit.

The bandit gives a loud chuckle, before punching Xachar in the face, he says, "Next time, you won't be so lucky. I hope you learned your lesson about not carrying extra coin with you." He then turns and walks off into the trees with the rest of his gang.


You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.):

Xachar walks into the market, holding his stomach as hunger begins to pain him. He walks up to a nearby fruit merchant and says,

"Greetings, do you think you could spare a little food? I will work to pay you back, I promise you, I just need a little food"

The merchant thinks for a moment, before handing Xachar an apple, "I won't make you work for that, but I can give you a job if you need some money."

Xachar ponders the idea for a moment before saying, "Yes, that would help very much so, and you are very kind for this, thank you, thank you oh so much. Just tell me what needs to be done, I won't let you down!"

The merchant is caught off guard by his enthusiasm and says, "Well eh, alright, let's get you to work then. I can't run the stall and pick the apples from my orchard at the same time, so if you could do that for me, I will be more than willing to pay you for your time"

Xachar nods rapidly and says, "Just point the way!"
{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Edited it back : Sorry for the lack of missing information. Seems I was way too much tired last night to type anything good
Je suis un mirshann del aphyon
Mirshannen whispering chath, nau velendev F'sarn dro Sa'lakun harl F'sarn xunor xuil l'groova ulu ussta varash doer


Name: Jay

Roleplay Name: ShadowJudge Nexus

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody yet ^^

Previous roleplay experience: Used to be a heavy roleplayer on multiple website a few years back then decided to take a break. I plan to get back into the swing of things :)

What servers have you played on, and how long: None that I remember.

Why would you like to join our server: To meet to people and re-awaken my roleplaying potential

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I have indeed.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of Course.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

The Judge gazes around, scanning his surroundings before setting off in search of a safe haven.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

He looks up at the man perched atop his wagon, "I need to find shelter sir, do you know where I can find some?"
The old man scratches his beard and smiles warmly, "I can't point it out, heh. But I can certainly show you if you hop aboard. Mind you..These forests are notorius for bandit raids..Nowhere is 'safe' anymore.."
"No matter to me.." Nexus replies blankly, "I need target practice.."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Nexus jumps down from the wagon and looks across from one bandit to the other two, examining them.
The bandit leader grows tired, lunging forth and attacking with his blade, in reaction, The Judge steps aside and knees the bandit in the stomach.
The bandits copper blade flys into the air and is caught by Nexus, the tip pointed fiercely towards the other two as he kicks the first over, "10 coins each for wasting my time!"
The first bandit dops his pouch and scuttled along the floor, disappearing into the trees in fear as his lackeys follow.
"Hm..What have we here.." He leans down and picks up the pouch, searching and finding 36 copper coins. Reaching inside he removes 10 copper and hands it to the old man.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Looking at the signs hanging from the beams, Nexus heads towards the tavern. Pushing the huge oak door open he walks in and up to the bar, "How much is a room?" He asks before handing over the relevant copper from the stolen pouch.
{Denied-Rp section too short, try again, you can do better}


Can someone check my app it is on page 6.
Hey Scotty, Jesus Man.


Name: Kurtis

Roleplay Name: Cheshire Brooksby

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Minecrafters.nl , Samp rpl

What servers have you played on, and how long: exploration server, The terrazone. About 2-3 months

Why would you like to join our server: I love roleplay and terraria is great game for it

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
-awaken dazed and confused- Look for hints of other life

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
uhmm, I would love a ride. but sir I have no gold I'm terribly sorry

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
-Puts hands up- I'm not after any trouble I have no gold on me please have mercy

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
-walks up to market and asks people if errands can be run for a bit of gold-
{Denied-RP section too short, try again}


Name: Chris

Roleplay Name: Tobias Dribble

Players you already know on the on the server: Feerman, JamesAlmasy, some others probably

Previous roleplay experience: Couple of years on minecraft and schoolyard games

What servers have you played on, and how long: Aceon for just over a year, some other minecraft servers

Why would you like to join our server: Why not? Seems like it could be fun

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yep

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yep

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yep


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

A burning sensation spreads throughout Tobias' forehead as he slowly gains focus on the world around him. He coughs and retches bringing up a foul mixture of bile, blood and ale (an average Sunday morning). A rather drastic change is that of where Tobias is waking up. He looks around and sure enough he is not in a comfy tavern bed but in a desolate woodland. Tobias gingerly stands up and retches once more before brushing himself down and setting off eastward. After several hours of walking with no sign of civilization Tobias finally comes to a road where he collapses from exhaustion and awaits rescue from a passing traveller...

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Tobias surfaces once more from unconsciousness, this time without the headache and an old man shaking him. With a groan Tobias murmurs "Water?..." The old man smiles gently and brings a skin of water to his lips quenching Tobias' thirst. After a brief rest on the roadside, Tobias and the old man, Roger, were sitting side by side on the wagon telling tall tales of past exploits with the fairer sex as they made their way to town.

After a few hours of travelling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

As the two men turn a corner they are brought to a halt by an overturned wagon similar to the one they are seated in. Roger hails the men standing around the fallen cart "Ho there friends! You be needing some help?" As one of the men approaches he smiles and says "Ent think tha'll be necessary grey hair. You see I go' a righ' mind to be takin' yer wagon" the man quickly draws a vicious looking dagger and presses it to Rogers groin. "Now yer can either gimme ten shiny gold pieces each OR I can shove this 'ere dagger down into yer nuts and kill yer friend there before stealin' yer wagon. Yer choice". With a look of great pain Roger hands over ten gold pieces before looking guiltily at Tobias "Don't got enough gold for you too Tobias... Sorry friend." Tobias frowns for a moment before smiling with pity in his eyes "Ent go worryin' yerself abou' it Roj" With that Tobias grabs Rogers head and slams it forward into his knee, he takes Rogers small dagger from the old mans hip and plunges it into Rogers back. "Righ' then, tha' should cover me an' the wagon" Tobias says as he pushes Rogers body of the wagon and gestures at the still half full coin purse "'ave a nice day gents". Tobias flicks the reins and continues along the road.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Tobias finds the nearest stable and sells the nag and wagon for a pittance of their price. He wanders through the market before he sees a dark alley with the huddled forms of beggars lying in the dinginess. "You poor souls! 'Ere let me give yer some help" As he reaches to place some coin into a beggars cupped hands, he strikes a hard fist into the vagrants mouth and follows it through with a jab to the sternum. With the poor beggar incapacitated Tobias rummages through the tattered rags and finds a small collection of gold "Why thank yer kindly sir, never though' to be so warmly welcomed to this fine town" Tobias heads back into the market with a smile on his face and wink for the ladies.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}



Roleplay Name:Chaos

Players you already know on the on the server:none as of yet

Previous roleplay experience:iv been roleplaying for about four years now

What servers have you played on, and how long:my old computer had a list of what servers i played on but its dead but id say iv been playing on servers for about 2-3 years now

Why would you like to join our server:well its been hard to find a good terraria RP servers and this one looks like its very good

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread? yes:

Do you agree to follow the rules? yep:

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:yea


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

i get up shaking my head wondering what just happen i first think i got knocked out and robbed i was on a sky ship before how i ended up here puzzles me and i walk around looking for signs of life or my air ship when  i come across a small slime creature at first it seems harmless until it jumps at me trying to dissolve my arm i smack it away and run in the other direction occasionally tripping over a few roots or small bumps until i believe i have lost it but through my frenzy of running i am now quite hungry i look around for something to eat i walk for about a  40-50 minutes until i found a shroom i remember my mother always told me not to eat the mushrooms but i was hungry and was willing take a chance i took a small bite first it tasted awful but i was hungry and began to eat the rest until there was nothing left but crumbs and i continue walking to find a settlement then at dusk when i was about to give up hope i saw a light i ran to it as fast as i could jumping over a slightly large hole then kept going but what i saw was no man made light heck it wasn't even light made from lava or crystal it was a flying ball of light a fairy from old hollow myth it saw me and flew right at me and i began to run away until i knew i had out ran it i began to again look for signs of life

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
after a few days i may have survived but i began to lose hope of finding life until i heard a call
Old Man John:"Hay AHOY you look troubled young fella" he says with his odd crooked smile i began to run towards him he seemed startled at first but saw i had no weapons and allowed me to run towards him
Chaos Me:FINALY!" i scream with joy "i have found someone! iv been trapped in these woods for 3-4 DAYS!
Old Man John:oh well i was just off to a nearby town yours welcome to accompany" he said with the raspy trusting voice that all old men seem to share
Chaos Me:REALLY!?" i yell excited
Old Man John:woah calm down your going to give me a heard attack" he says what a joking manner "but there are elf bandits around here... so your going to have to stay sharp... sharper then an orcs blade" he says with a more serous tone
Chaos Me:...got it" i said i was not too sure about this but at this rate i was willing to try anything

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
as the bandit looks at me i get tensed up
Elf Bandit:"10 gold..."Please"" he said with a demanding tone but had a sarcastic tone at the word "please". i continued to panic in my head i had no money and was likely to now either kill me and sell my organs or sell me into slavery or some crap like that
Elf Bandit:before i die of boardem" he says again with that sarcastic tone
then when i thought i was going to die the old man gave the elf 10 gold
Old Man John:thats to pay fer the lad" the elf nodded like all bandits we wasn't about to refuse money
Chaos Me:...i owe you.." i said as i felt guilty i had cost this man 20 gold when if i did not go with him it only would have cost him 10
Old Man John:nay no debuts.." he says quickly and firmly

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

i look at the food there with a growling stomach there was fish of all kinds bread Fruits Veggies milk cheese meats of all kinds thats when i heard some one call out

Butcher:HAY of your not going to buy something then get out!" he yells well isn't he the brightest ray of sunshine i thought as i walked away then a woman called me about in her 40 if i had been near her age id be in love for sure
Betty:oh my you look starving!" she says with concern as she pulls out an apple "here take this oh and this" she says as she gives me a loaf of bread "i know how starving feels i was once a poor person... i still am but least i can afford my house food and taxes now"
i quckly eat the whole apple even the core i was so hungry thats when i remember she was there
Chaos Me:..thanks" i say as she walks away
Betty"thank nothing of it" she says as she walks away

{Where the hell is your punctuation man, fix that and change your name to something besides chaos, its not really a name for a fantasy Roleplay character.Other wise its pretty good.}


Stop renaming the god damn Subject.
Aka thread name


Sorry, I didn't mean to include the "Edited by" section.
-Insert clever signature here-


Quote from: knife_cz on 03-03-2013
Stop renaming the god damn Subject.
Aka thread name


-Insert clever signature here-


Name: Aizuaka

Roleplay Name: Nova Blackheart

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Plenty of open forum roleplays, MMO server roleplays, Roleplays with BYOND games, as well as rping with friends. :P

What servers have you played on, and how long: None so far, I hope this will be my first server. xP

Why would you like to join our server: It seems interesting out of most that I've seen. :) It'd be great if I am accepted.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I did. x3

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course I do.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Nova wakes up with a thumping headache, the sun blinding him a bit,
"Urgh... The sun..." He sits up and looks around curiously, "...A forest...? This doesn't seem right. I wasn't drinking ale, was I...?" He climbs to his feet and stumbles a bit, sighing in an annoyed tone, "Great... I guess the only way back to civilization is through this forest.. Looks like the first thing I'll want to get is some food.. Don't know how long I'll be walking." With that, Nova sets off to find food of any kind."

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
As Nova is approached by the strange, old man, he gives him an awkward look, "...Who are you?" As the elderly man replies with his name, Nova simply shrugged, "I don't think I will take you up on your offer. You are traveling on the road with a wagon, filled with who knows what kind of supplies.. And if I remember correctly, that is what attracts bandits. As tempting as resting my feet on your wagon sounds, I must decline. I hope you make it through though." With that, Nova smiles, bows his head, and continues on his way, avoiding the main path for obvious reasons.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
(I did not travel with the man.) Nova simply pulls out a bag of coins, claiming that there is 10 for each of them inside. Upon handing one of the the purse, he reaches for their weapon, snatching it from their belt or hand, and attempts to take out as many as he can while avoiding their attacks. If he becomes overwhelmed, he will retreat.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
  Nova enters the marketplace, glancing around at the different stores and taverns. He approaches every shop he can, asking if he can perform small jobs for money to eat. If he finds a job, he works a bit and uses the money to feed himself. If not, he decides to think of another way to survive.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}