[[NEW]] Caphori Password Application Thread

Started by Velspera, 21-06-2012

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Because Abby Stone is Wet.
[spoiler]Hey, you asked.[/spoiler]

No, James. I'm pregnant.


Name: Taylor

Roleplay Name: Lord Steven Bodea

Players you already know on the on the server: I do not know anyone that plays on this server.

Previous roleplay experience: I have no roleplaying experience on Terraria. I have played a lot of RPG games in general but I am intrigued about roleplaying in Terraria.

What servers have you played on, and how long: I have played on and was an admin on a server called Palace (Probably not the full name) which is now unfortunately closed down, I also play on one of the Multiblock servers on weekends.

Why would you like to join our server: I am intrigued by the idea of roleplaying in Terraria. It seems like an interesting concept that could be a lot of fun. Also, passworded and whitelisted servers tend to be a lot more fun because only people who actually want to play the game can be bothered to try to get on.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes I have read the Rules and Regulations thread.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes, I agree to follow the rules.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes, I think I can roleplay well enough to get through it.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

As Steven got up and looked around he wondered what had happened? What of his riches? Gone. He had nothing. He knew of few skills to help him to survive. But the first thing he did was go into a nearby cave that had caught his eye; hoping that he would find something to help him survive in this hostile world...

As he entered the cave bats swarmed from the roof of the cave, as Steven ducked to avoid them, he saw a small dagger. He picked it up and continued on his way into the cave. As he got deeper and his eyes grew accustomed to the dark he remembered a part of what had happened to him. He was sitting on a mahogany chair in his quarters in the keep when he heard a huge crash. Startled, he got up and went to the window to see what was happening. His confused face turned to a look of horror as he saw hundreds of goblins flooding through the walls. He then heard a yell and then darkness. He shook his head, and carried on into the cave.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Whilst he had been trying to not die in the hostile forest, finding the occasional tool in the cave, he had learned a few combat skills by training on various animals around the forest. He had also used his dagger to get the pelts and meat of these animals, storing them for his eventual return to Civilisation. He felt fairly confident that if there were any bandits he could pay them off with the pelts seeing as he thought they had some considerable value so he accepted the man's offer and they left the forest.

After a few hours of travelling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Steven, having no money, explained his situation to the bandits and asked if the pelt would suffice as payment. After taking a single look at the blood covered and badly cut skins, they refused and unsheathed their swords. Steven realised that there was no way he could take on so many bandits with just a copper dagger and asked the man if he could borrow 10 coins that he would pay back when they got to Civilisation. The man agreed and they paid the bandits and continued on their journey.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Steven, having realised that the pelts were too badly cut to be worth anything, immediately started looking for people who needed work doing to raise some money to buy some food and pay back the man who brought him there. After some time passed he saw a pickpocket rob a merchant and run for the outskirts of the town, Steven approached the merchant and the merchant said "Please! That man just stole my money. If you get it back you can have 5 coins!" Steven agreed and ran off in pursuit of the thief. When he caught up he saw that the thief had climbed up onto the rooftops. A well thrown rock brought him to the ground and earned Steven the five coins from the Merchant and two other purses that the thief had stolen containing a total of 26 coins. He paid back the man and prepared for his eventual return to his old castle.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}

The RP is fine, but we already have a player/mod named Steven. If it's no trouble, could you change your name? Thanks in advance.

I guess I can change it, would have to use TerrariaViewer though. That OK?



Roleplay Name:Alexandurs

Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous roleplay experience:Whole bunch of MMO games

What servers have you played on, and how long:Private friends-only ones, looking forward to try one with more players!

Why would you like to join our server:I've always wanted to play Terraria with other people.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Find water and shelter.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
Yes and convince him that we can cover each other's backs.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
I put my hat and my wizard robe...

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
I humbly request for a job and ask for food in return as payment.

{Denied-Extremely lacking RP section}


name: Hercalys
roleplay name: Hercalys
players i know on the server: none
previous roleplay experience: i get into SWOTR and WOW roleplay pretty deeply
how long have i played on otehr servers: i have a accumilated time of 500 hours (according to steam) on multiplayer servers
why would you like to join?: because i want to play on a secure, safe server that i can dedicate myself to
have you read the rules and regulations: yep
do you agree with the rules?: most of them are common sense, so yes
will you agree to a one week probation period: if its absolutely needed, then yeah. i will.

rp questioneir;
find a source of food and water, then try to make tools using stones or whatever i have accessible
yes, yes i would.
wait for them to get close, then attack the lowlife thiefs
find somewhere to call home and begin looking for work as a bodyguard or enforcer, this way i can make best use of my inhuman strength.

{Denied-Didnt follow the format, Rp section is severely Lacking.}


Quote from: hercalys2 on 03-02-2013
name: Hercalys
roleplay name: Hercalys
players i know on the server: none
previous roleplay experience: i get into SWOTR and WOW roleplay pretty deeply
how long have i played on otehr servers: i have a accumilated time of 500 hours (according to steam) on multiplayer servers
why would you like to join?: because i want to play on a secure, safe server that i can dedicate myself to
have you read the rules and regulations: yep
do you agree with the rules?: most of them are common sense, so yes
will you agree to a one week probation period: if its absolutely needed, then yeah. i will.

rp questioneir;
find a source of food and water, then try to make tools using stones or whatever i have accessible
yes, yes i would.
wait for them to get close, then attack the lowlife thiefs
find somewhere to call home and begin looking for work as a bodyguard or enforcer, this way i can make best use of my inhuman strength.



Quote from: CPftw on 04-02-2013
Quote from: hercalys2 on 03-02-2013
name: Hercalys
roleplay name: Hercalys
players i know on the server: none
previous roleplay experience: i get into SWOTR and WOW roleplay pretty deeply
how long have i played on otehr servers: i have a accumilated time of 500 hours (according to steam) on multiplayer servers
why would you like to join?: because i want to play on a secure, safe server that i can dedicate myself to
have you read the rules and regulations: yep
do you agree with the rules?: most of them are common sense, so yes
will you agree to a one week probation period: if its absolutely needed, then yeah. i will.

rp questioneir;
find a source of food and water, then try to make tools using stones or whatever i have accessible
yes, yes i would.
wait for them to get close, then attack the lowlife thiefs
find somewhere to call home and begin looking for work as a bodyguard or enforcer, this way i can make best use of my inhuman strength.

This case is special, he requires immidiate 'accepted' logo.


I really don't know why people don't read the other applications and learn from them
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


Quote from: the_grub on 04-02-2013
I really don't know why people don't read the other applications and learn from them

I guess they figure that if actual work is required it's not worth it.
Or maybe they're poopid.



Roleplay Name:

Players you already know on the on the server:
At the moment I don't know any people on this server.

Previous roleplay experience:
Actually none. Though I do read a lot of science fiction and fantasy; and I've always wanted to try to roleplay but I've never really gotten the time to do it.

What servers have you played on, and how long:
Currently, I only played on a server I made myself for me and my friends. I've checked out several random Terraria servers but lost interest instantly. Due to hackers, spammers, griefers etc. very common.

Why would you like to join our server:
As I mentioned earlier in the text, I want to try something new. Try to see a new perspective of things in the world of Terraria. Not just farming endlessly until you get what you want, instead try to see a reason behind everything.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Yes, of course.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Yes I do.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:
Of course.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

*Sap instantly opens his eyes.*
Sap: What the hell?
*Only birds and crickets respond to his rage. Realizing his situation, he decides to ready himself for combat by using the resources of his surroundings. Sap was very cunning and finding enough resources for a weapon wasn't going to be hard.
After crafting a weapon Sap wanders of, hoping to stray by the culprit responsible for this madness.*

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

*Sap looks with his meany eyes towards the old man.*
Sap: Bandits never bothered me much. I've seen worse.
*The old man nods respectfully while looking worryingly into the ground. Sap climbs aboard the wagon.*
Sap: And now that you got me with ya, you don't have to worry about any bandits. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.
*The old man turns his head toward Sap and nods again, this time full of confidence. They ride off.*

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

*Sap climbs off the wagon and take a few steps towards one of the bandits.*
Sap: What you do not see right now is that me and this man up on that wagon over there, made a deal. If he takes me to civilization, I'll protect him from scum like you. I'll give you two options: you'll either give the man his money back or I'll take it back from your cold dead hands.
*Saps cold eyed stare made the bandits confused and horrified. Was this man really capable of taking down a pack of bandits? The bandits threw a bag of coin to Sap.
Bandit: Here, take it. We're sorry about all of this. Please don't hurt us.
*Sap opens his eyes wider and looks down upon the bandits. The bandits back off into the forest.*
Sap: Pathetic.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

*Saps belly was aching. He knew he had to take care of it. His eyes caught a glimpse of a stall selling roasted pigeons on a stick. He knew exactly how to work his ways towards a free meal.
Sap: Mr. Salesman, would you be so kind as to give a roasted pigeon on a stick to a humble man like myself?
*The salesman looked arrogantly towards Sap.*
Salesman: Go away beggar!
*Sap reaches his hand to grab the merchants throat, drawing him closer to Sap.*
Sap: Again, would you be so kind as to give a roasted pigeon on a stick to a humble man like myself?
*The crowd of people around the market looks horrified onto the ongoing what seems to be robbery. The salesman is horrified and agrees to give him a pigeon. Sap lets him go, walks away with his roasted pigeon on a stick and suddenly it seemed like nothing had ever taken place.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}
I believe whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you...stranger. - Joker


roleplay name: Brunderson
players i know on this server: none
previous roleplay expererience: i have played a lot of skyrim, morrowind, portal, ect
why would you like to join: to be a helpful part of the community
have you read the rules and regulations: yes
do you agree with the rules: o.o
do you agree to the one week probation period: i never had it but sry and yes

RP questionaire
1: Look for food and water before starting shelter log setup
2: We would be working together
3: Wink extremely distictively only just before spitting a fat loogie onto my ground only to get executed
4: haggle

{Denied-Didnt follow format, Rp section is SEVERELY lacking, also o.o is not a valid answer for agreeing to the rules.}


Quote from: nickeebeecomehere23 on 04-02-2013

RP questionaire
1: Look for food and water before starting shelter log setup
2: We would be working together
3: Wink extremely distictively only just before spitting a fat loogie onto my ground only to get executed
4: haggle
I'm done
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


Quote from: nickeebeecomehere23 on 04-02-2013
i never had it but sry and yes

RP questionaire
1: Look for food and water before starting shelter log setup
2: We would be working together
3: Wink extremely distictively only just before spitting a fat loogie onto my ground only to get executed
4: haggle


Quote from: CPftw on 04-02-2013
Quote from: nickeebeecomehere23 on 04-02-2013
i never had it but sry and yes

RP questionaire
1: Look for food and water before starting shelter log setup
2: We would be working together
3: Wink extremely distictively only just before spitting a fat loogie onto my ground only to get executed
4: haggle
Dear CPftw;

I decree you Caphori's official Pfffter. Wear your distinction proudly. We will send you a sticky note congratulating you soon.

Sincerly, Max0596.


Quote from: CoolFeerman on 04-02-2013
I guess they figure that if actual work is required it's not worth it.
Or maybe they're poopid.
Quote from: CoolFeerman on 04-02-2013
I guess they figure that if actual work is required it's not worth it.
Quote from: CoolFeerman on 04-02-2013
I guess they figure that it's not worth it.
Quote from: CoolFeerman on 04-02-2013
They figure that it's not worth it.
Quote from: CoolFeerman on 04-02-2013
It's not worth it.
Quote from: CoolFeerman on 04-02-2013
not worth it
Quote from: CoolFeerman on 04-02-2013
Or maybe they're poopid.


Haha, with a community as nice as this, nevermind, I withdraw my application. Kind of hard to get into rp when the "experts" at it are kind of jerks about it, have a nice day!


That's ok, your rp was lacking anyway. Also never said we were experts
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


Quote from: Spacekicker on 04-02-2013

Roleplay Name:

Players you already know on the on the server:
At the moment I don't know any people on this server.

Previous roleplay experience:
Actually none. Though I do read a lot of science fiction and fantasy; and I've always wanted to try to roleplay but I've never really gotten the time to do it.

What servers have you played on, and how long:
Currently, I only played on a server I made myself for me and my friends. I've checked out several random Terraria servers but lost interest instantly. Due to hackers, spammers, griefers etc. very common.

Why would you like to join our server:
As I mentioned earlier in the text, I want to try something new. Try to see a new perspective of things in the world of Terraria. Not just farming endlessly until you get what you want, instead try to see a reason behind everything.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Yes, of course.

Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Yes I do.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:
Of course.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

*Sap instantly opens his eyes.*
Sap: What the hell?
*Only birds and crickets respond to his rage. Realizing his situation, he decides to ready himself for combat by using the resources of his surroundings. Sap was very cunning and finding enough resources for a weapon wasn't going to be hard.
After crafting a weapon Sap wanders of, hoping to stray by the culprit responsible for this madness.*

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

*Sap looks with his meany eyes towards the old man.*
Sap: Bandits never bothered me much. I've seen worse.
*The old man nods respectfully while looking worryingly into the ground. Sap climbs aboard the wagon.*
Sap: And now that you got me with ya, you don't have to worry about any bandits. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.
*The old man turns his head toward Sap and nods again, this time full of confidence. They ride off.*

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

*Sap climbs off the wagon and take a few steps towards one of the bandits.*
Sap: What you do not see right now is that me and this man up on that wagon over there, made a deal. If he takes me to civilization, I'll protect him from scum like you. I'll give you two options: you'll either give the man his money back or I'll take it back from your cold dead hands.
*Saps cold eyed stare made the bandits confused and horrified. Was this man really capable of taking down a pack of bandits? The bandits threw a bag of coin to Sap.
Bandit: Here, take it. We're sorry about all of this. Please don't hurt us.
*Sap opens his eyes wider and looks down upon the bandits. The bandits back off into the forest.*
Sap: Pathetic.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

*Saps belly was aching. He knew he had to take care of it. His eyes caught a glimpse of a stall selling roasted pigeons on a stick. He knew exactly how to work his ways towards a free meal.
Sap: Mr. Salesman, would you be so kind as to give a roasted pigeon on a stick to a humble man like myself?
*The salesman looked arrogantly towards Sap.*
Salesman: Go away beggar!
*Sap reaches his hand to grab the merchants throat, drawing him closer to Sap.*
Sap: Again, would you be so kind as to give a roasted pigeon on a stick to a humble man like myself?
*The crowd of people around the market looks horrified onto the ongoing what seems to be robbery. The salesman is horrified and agrees to give him a pigeon. Sap lets him go, walks away with his roasted pigeon on a stick and suddenly it seemed like nothing had ever taken place.
now this is an example of what we are looking for, proper format and more than one sentence for your role play sections.
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


Name: James Almasy

Roleplay Name: Leonardo

Players you already know on the on the server: (pretty much all of them by now)

Previous roleplay experience: A number of tabletop RPGs, roleplay chatting with mulitple people online/and with friends IRL. Multiple RPGs, JRPGs, AND Text-based RPGs. There's literally too many of these to properly list them.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Caphori: about 2 years now. Never did much on that other than private servers hosted by friends.

Why would you like to join our server: Because From what i've seen through the forums, it seems like a decent enough place to try out. I'm sure every server has it's Ups and Downs, but i'm willing to give everything a try.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I live, breathe, eat, and shit the rules. they're now part of my flesh and blood.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Obviously.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: I agree.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Leonardo squints his eyes at the morning sun breaking over the tops of the trees.
"This... Isn't where i fell asleep" He says with a sigh.
He gets off of the forest floor, and looks around. Dusting himself off, he notices that all of his items that he was carrying before are now missing.

"Son of a Bitch!" Leo yells, kicking nothing but the dirt in front of him. He proceeds to look around the forest, hoping that a few items of his may have been dropped near. After an hour of searching aimlessly, he comes across the remains of a traveler who got lost in the forest; albeit by the state of his sun-bleached bones, it must have been quite some time ago. "Well... this doesn't look good for me at all." Leo says in a nonchalant tone, as he searches the body for anything useful. He finds a small bag of coins, a rusted shortsword, and a map of the area. "It seems like this adventurer didn't get lost after all..." Leo thought to himself. Feeling somewhat satisfied by his findings, no matter how useless it may be in the end; He gathers stones from around the area to give the traveler some sort of a proper burial.

By the time he was finished, the sun was reaching the other side of the forest."Oh crap. I need to find some sort of shelter." Leo could have sworn that he saw a small crumbling keep near where he got the last few stones. He retraces his steps hoping to find the keep, and hopefully find some sort of way out of the forest.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

The last few days have been a pain in the arse for Leonardo, but it seems that the small keep was on the map the dead traveler was carrying. By the looks of the land, a war coursed through these lands about a hundred years ago. There isn't much to see what's left of it, other than decaying ruins and arrows still stuck in some trees.

On the bright side, the keep still had a small garden in the courtyard to keep Leo's appetite sated. While exploring the keep itself, other than a few walls with holes and rotted timber, it seemed to be still very sturdy. He found a small library, most of the books have been destroyed or taken...
"Crap, I was really hoping to find a larger map of the area" Leo said as he leaned on a barren stone wall. A small click is heard, and the wall swings open to reveal a hidden room. "Well, wasn't expecting that... Wait a second." He says with an excited tone. A large table decorates the middle of the room, and upon it are some chess pieces displayed in a pretty interesting pattern. He smiles, then blows a bit of dust off of the table. It was Exactly as he thought it was, a war room. Getting a piece of parchment that wasn't too singed from the other room, and grabbing a quill and inkwell from one of the shelves; he creates a makeshift map of the area. The closest thing to his area was a small community of traders.

"I guess this will do." He says with a smile, before noticing a bit of parchment sticking out of the table itself. He runs his hands along the underside of the table, flipping some sort of switch and dislodging the not so secret compartment. "The bearer of these papers shares my blood, and by divine right and my blessing... oh." Apparently this was a land title deed, writ by the previous occupant of the castle; also in the compartment was a ring displaying an insignia that was also stamped on the wax seal, and a small map of the castle... And all of its secrets. "Woah. I should wake up in strange places more often." Leo says to himself in a joking manner.

He checks only one of the secret rooms out. The Hidden Vault, where all of the gold, jewels, and other odd items of wealth would be contained. To his luck, it has not seen the light of day in a very long time, and seems to be completely intact. "I'm going to leave this here for now" He says quietly, before bringing the hidden door shut once more. He leaves the keep, now a sort of home for him and sets off down a road which he wasn't able to see previously, but the makeshift map seems to make it perfectly clear, even if it is overrun with weeds and covered once more by the forest.

He marks a tree with the rusted blade, signifying the place where he will return, as a merchant passes by in a wagon. "Oy there lad! What are yeh doin?" The merchant says in a raspy, but knowledgeable voice. "I woke up in the woods a few days back, and I have no idea how i got there. I was lucky to find a bit of things around to at least survive." Leo says, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "Well, alrigh' then. Here lad, come join me on this wagon 'ere, i'm heading for Ainslef, a small Merchant hub around these parts." The merchant extends his hand out to help Leonardo up on the wagon, and they set off for Ainslef.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

"Yeh see the spires of the town righ' over that hill there?" The old merchant asks Leonardo with a pleased look on his face. "We might be extremely lucky today, lad. We aven't run into any vagabonds or bandits..." As soon as the old man spoke those words, a number of men in makeshift armor begin running out of the forest, surrounding the Merchant's wagon. "Well, shit. There goes the last of mah coins and goods. I'm gonna be bankrupt!" The merchant says in a slightly angry tone.

The Leader of the group of bandits approaches Leo first. "Alright lad, I don't want to be doing this sort of thing, in all honesty. But we've no choice. We will survive." The bandit leader really seems sincere in his own disgust that he has to do this. Thinking fast, Leo hatches a plan to at least save the Old merchant's hide... And his buisness. "Alright, lemme handle this, Pops." Leo says out loud, then whispers quietly to where the old man can hear. "When I say something about a Wyvern in the sky, whip those horses as hard as you can, and get the hell outta here." The Merchant nods in reply, and sits motionless in the wagon.

"Well, lemme see what we've got here... I mean, even if we're gonna be robbed, i'd prefer to keep a record of what profits we've lost." Leo says to the Bandit leader, who nods in approval. "Ah, wise lad. A shame we'll be taking all of your cargo." Leo begins counting some of the crates in the back, when he jerks his head back towards the road they just traveled from. "Get down! That Wyvern is still chasing us!" Leo yells as he hits the ground, and a small number of the bandits retreat into the woods, probably to save their own lives. The Merchant takes off, not even losing a piece of cargo in the process.

"Aw, dammit! Why did you have to do that! The bandit leader says in an angry tone, as he pulls out a noble looking Longsword. Leonardo steps back, pulling the old sword out of it's scabbard. As they circled around, studying each other's stance and looking for a weak spot; Some of the bandits realized they'd been tricked, but decided not to get into the fight themselves.

"Very noble of your men, for a group of bandits." Leo tells the Bandit leader, not letting his stance waver for a minute. "You have no idea the hardships we've gone through, lad. Our fathers were honest men, but due to what has happened in the past few centuries, we've been forced into this. I respect you lad, but I will do what I must to protect my Kin." The bandit leader says almost without any emotion in his tone, as he lurches forward swinging his blade in a horizontal sweep toward Leo's head. Leo Parries with his blade, but the blade falls off of the hilt. "Oh shit" Leo exclaims as the bandit leader swings his sword in an overhead arc, planning to cleave Leonardo in twain. Leo chunks the sword's hilt at the bandit leader, knocking him off balance; as he uses the bandits own weight against him an an almost juvenile tactic, flipping him over onto his back and taking his sword.

"Yield, unless you want to have your men without a leader" Leo says in a menacing tone, trying to prove that he isn't joking around. But the bandit leader isn't looking at the blade in his right hand, he's looking at the ring that Leo is wearing on his left hand. "Where did you get that Ring!?" He says with a hurried voice. "I've had this ring for a short while. It seems to be important." Leo says without lowering his new sword. The bandits surrounding Leo begin to take out their swords, and Leo begins to realize his demise is near. Or so he thought, as the bandits plunge their swords into the ground and kneel before him. "Our king has returned." They say in unison, as the bandit leader himself drops to his knee and hangs his head. "We didn't know, my lord. We have long been waiting for your return." The bandit leader says in a hushed tone. "What is your name, my Leige?" Leonardo lowers his blade, and offers his hand to the Bandit Leader "My name is Leonardo. And you?" He asks with a honest, almost noble voice. "My name is Alberich, son of Helstauff." Alberich takes his new leader's hand.

"Pack whatever you can, and you'll see a tree marked with three lines. Wait for me there." Leonardo commands his new Vassals, as they disperse into the woods, he begins his walk into the town of Ainslef.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

"Dear god, lad! Are yeh daft?" The old merchant yells as soon as Leonardo walks into the town square. "Maybe. Anyways, I solved your bandit problem. Permanently." Leo says to the old Merchant with a smirk, as the old merchant begins to sob. "I Honestly thought i was done fer. I... I owe you a lot more than i can pay." The old man sobs happily onto Leo's shoulder whilst hugging him. "Well, If you insist on repaying me, i'm going to need a merchant caravan before too long... And i can at least promise a bodyguard or six to guard you on your travels." The old man stops sobbing and looks up at Leonardo. "Yeh serious!?" The old man says with his eyes wide. "Yep." Leo says without another word. The merchant happily scribbles down on a good bit of parchment, turning over his services and his caravan to Leo's care.

"I only have one more thing to take care of now..." Leo thinks to himself after bidding the old man goodbye. He proceeds to the Cathedral on the edge of town. As he knocks on the door, a young man opens the door; as if expecting him. "Ah. Yes, I need to prove my Heritage as the grandson of the old keep a few miles out of Ainslef." Leo says while presenting his ring and the deed to the lands surrounding the keep, the only things he has of his "Heritage".

The young man, the Chaplain of the Cathedral; looks over the seal, the deed, and the ring with a scrutinous eye. "Well, it's legitimate; if you're about to ask." the Chaplain says without lifting his eyes from the deed. "Although, there may be one minor problem... You see, this City of Ainslef is built under the domain of your land, whilst it declaring itself a free land..." Leo seems to understand the problem. "Well, i did keep one of your merchants from getting robbed, and stopped a bandit threat for good not far from your gates. I can also now promise safer travels to anyone heading this way" Leo says with the intent of goodwill to the town, if it accepts him as their leader or not. "Well, I guess it's up to the people. But, by divine right... these are your lands, to do with them as you please." The Chaplain stands up, says a prayer of some sort; more than likely a blessing, and hands Leonardo his Ring and Heritage papers...

"What happened next, Grandpa?" A young boy sitting under the covers of his bed asks his grandfather. "Well, see it for yourself out your window. Ainslef has become more safer and wealthy due to King Leonardo, and many people flock to our lands in search of a new life. But as for the story? Well, only time will tell, mah boy." The old man stands up, and grabs his Knapsack. "Maybe one day, you'll get to see this story unfold." The old man laughs. "Good night, mah boy." The boy snuggles into his blanket. "Goodnight, Grandpa Alberich..."

I was bored, so i decided to throw an application in here for the hell of it.
{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}
(XD I might have to do this too, it seems like fun!)

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: James Almasy on 04-02-2013
Name: James Almasy

Roleplay Name: Leonardo

Players you already know on the on the server: (pretty much all of them by now)

Previous roleplay experience: A number of tabletop RPGs, roleplay chatting with mulitple people online/and with friends IRL. Multiple RPGs, JRPGs, AND Text-based RPGs. There's literally too many of these to properly list them.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Caphori: about 2 years now. Never did much on that other than private servers hosted by friends.

Why would you like to join our server: Because From what i've seen through the forums, it seems like a decent enough place to try out. I'm sure every server has it's Ups and Downs, but i'm willing to give everything a try.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I live, breathe, eat, and shit the rules. they're now part of my flesh and blood.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Obviously.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: I agree.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Leonardo squints his eyes at the morning sun breaking over the tops of the trees.
"This... Isn't where i fell asleep" He says with a sigh.
He gets off of the forest floor, and looks around. Dusting himself off, he notices that all of his items that he was carrying before are now missing.

"Son of a Bitch!" Leo yells, kicking nothing but the dirt in front of him. He proceeds to look around the forest, hoping that a few items of his may have been dropped near. After an hour of searching aimlessly, he comes across the remains of a traveler who got lost in the forest; albeit by the state of his sun-bleached bones, it must have been quite some time ago. "Well... this doesn't look good for me at all." Leo says in a nonchalant tone, as he searches the body for anything useful. He finds a small bag of coins, a rusted shortsword, and a map of the area. "It seems like this adventurer didn't get lost after all..." Leo thought to himself. Feeling somewhat satisfied by his findings, no matter how useless it may be in the end; He gathers stones from around the area to give the traveler some sort of a proper burial.

By the time he was finished, the sun was reaching the other side of the forest."Oh crap. I need to find some sort of shelter." Leo could have sworn that he saw a small crumbling keep near where he got the last few stones. He retraces his steps hoping to find the keep, and hopefully find some sort of way out of the forest.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

The last few days have been a pain in the arse for Leonardo, but it seems that the small keep was on the map the dead traveler was carrying. By the looks of the land, a war coursed through these lands about a hundred years ago. There isn't much to see what's left of it, other than decaying ruins and arrows still stuck in some trees.

On the bright side, the keep still had a small garden in the courtyard to keep Leo's appetite sated. While exploring the keep itself, other than a few walls with holes and rotted timber, it seemed to be still very sturdy. He found a small library, most of the books have been destroyed or taken...
"Crap, I was really hoping to find a larger map of the area" Leo said as he leaned on a barren stone wall. A small click is heard, and the wall swings open to reveal a hidden room. "Well, wasn't expecting that... Wait a second." He says with an excited tone. A large table decorates the middle of the room, and upon it are some chess pieces displayed in a pretty interesting pattern. He smiles, then blows a bit of dust off of the table. It was Exactly as he thought it was, a war room. Getting a piece of parchment that wasn't too singed from the other room, and grabbing a quill and inkwell from one of the shelves; he creates a makeshift map of the area. The closest thing to his area was a small community of traders.

"I guess this will do." He says with a smile, before noticing a bit of parchment sticking out of the table itself. He runs his hands along the underside of the table, flipping some sort of switch and dislodging the not so secret compartment. "The bearer of these papers shares my blood, and by divine right and my blessing... oh." Apparently this was a land title deed, writ by the previous occupant of the castle; also in the compartment was a ring displaying an insignia that was also stamped on the wax seal, and a small map of the castle... And all of its secrets. "Woah. I should wake up in strange places more often." Leo says to himself in a joking manner.

He checks only one of the secret rooms out. The Hidden Vault, where all of the gold, jewels, and other odd items of wealth would be contained. To his luck, it has not seen the light of day in a very long time, and seems to be completely intact. "I'm going to leave this here for now" He says quietly, before bringing the hidden door shut once more. He leaves the keep, now a sort of home for him and sets off down a road which he wasn't able to see previously, but the makeshift map seems to make it perfectly clear, even if it is overrun with weeds and covered once more by the forest.

He marks a tree with the rusted blade, signifying the place where he will return, as a merchant passes by in a wagon. "Oy there lad! What are yeh doin?" The merchant says in a raspy, but knowledgeable voice. "I woke up in the woods a few days back, and I have no idea how i got there. I was lucky to find a bit of things around to at least survive." Leo says, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "Well, alrigh' then. Here lad, come join me on this wagon 'ere, i'm heading for Ainslef, a small Merchant hub around these parts." The merchant extends his hand out to help Leonardo up on the wagon, and they set off for Ainslef.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

"Yeh see the spires of the town righ' over that hill there?" The old merchant asks Leonardo with a pleased look on his face. "We might be extremely lucky today, lad. We aven't run into any vagabonds or bandits..." As soon as the old man spoke those words, a number of men in makeshift armor begin running out of the forest, surrounding the Merchant's wagon. "Well, shit. There goes the last of mah coins and goods. I'm gonna be bankrupt!" The merchant says in a slightly angry tone.

The Leader of the group of bandits approaches Leo first. "Alright lad, I don't want to be doing this sort of thing, in all honesty. But we've no choice. We will survive." The bandit leader really seems sincere in his own disgust that he has to do this. Thinking fast, Leo hatches a plan to at least save the Old merchant's hide... And his buisness. "Alright, lemme handle this, Pops." Leo says out loud, then whispers quietly to where the old man can hear. "When I say something about a Wyvern in the sky, whip those horses as hard as you can, and get the hell outta here." The Merchant nods in reply, and sits motionless in the wagon.

"Well, lemme see what we've got here... I mean, even if we're gonna be robbed, i'd prefer to keep a record of what profits we've lost." Leo says to the Bandit leader, who nods in approval. "Ah, wise lad. A shame we'll be taking all of your cargo." Leo begins counting some of the crates in the back, when he jerks his head back towards the road they just traveled from. "Get down! That Wyvern is still chasing us!" Leo yells as he hits the ground, and a small number of the bandits retreat into the woods, probably to save their own lives. The Merchant takes off, not even losing a piece of cargo in the process.

"Aw, dammit! Why did you have to do that! The bandit leader says in an angry tone, as he pulls out a noble looking Longsword. Leonardo steps back, pulling the old sword out of it's scabbard. As they circled around, studying each other's stance and looking for a weak spot; Some of the bandits realized they'd been tricked, but decided not to get into the fight themselves.

"Very noble of your men, for a group of bandits." Leo tells the Bandit leader, not letting his stance waver for a minute. "You have no idea the hardships we've gone through, lad. Our fathers were honest men, but due to what has happened in the past few centuries, we've been forced into this. I respect you lad, but I will do what I must to protect my Kin." The bandit leader says almost without any emotion in his tone, as he lurches forward swinging his blade in a horizontal sweep toward Leo's head. Leo Parries with his blade, but the blade falls off of the hilt. "Oh shit" Leo exclaims as the bandit leader swings his sword in an overhead arc, planning to cleave Leonardo in twain. Leo chunks the sword's hilt at the bandit leader, knocking him off balance; as he uses the bandits own weight against him an an almost juvenile tactic, flipping him over onto his back and taking his sword.

"Yield, unless you want to have your men without a leader" Leo says in a menacing tone, trying to prove that he isn't joking around. But the bandit leader isn't looking at the blade in his right hand, he's looking at the ring that Leo is wearing on his left hand. "Where did you get that Ring!?" He says with a hurried voice. "I've had this ring for a short while. It seems to be important." Leo says without lowering his new sword. The bandits surrounding Leo begin to take out their swords, and Leo begins to realize his demise is near. Or so he thought, as the bandits plunge their swords into the ground and kneel before him. "Our king has returned." They say in unison, as the bandit leader himself drops to his knee and hangs his head. "We didn't know, my lord. We have long been waiting for your return." The bandit leader says in a hushed tone. "What is your name, my Leige?" Leonardo lowers his blade, and offers his hand to the Bandit Leader "My name is Leonardo. And you?" He asks with a honest, almost noble voice. "My name is Alberich, son of Helstauff." Alberich takes his new leader's hand.

"Pack whatever you can, and you'll see a tree marked with three lines. Wait for me there." Leonardo commands his new Vassals, as they disperse into the woods, he begins his walk into the town of Ainslef.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

"Dear god, lad! Are yeh daft?" The old merchant yells as soon as Leonardo walks into the town square. "Maybe. Anyways, I solved your bandit problem. Permanently." Leo says to the old Merchant with a smirk, as the old merchant begins to sob. "I Honestly thought i was done fer. I... I owe you a lot more than i can pay." The old man sobs happily onto Leo's shoulder whilst hugging him. "Well, If you insist on repaying me, i'm going to need a merchant caravan before too long... And i can at least promise a bodyguard or six to guard you on your travels." The old man stops sobbing and looks up at Leonardo. "Yeh serious!?" The old man says with his eyes wide. "Yep." Leo says without another word. The merchant happily scribbles down on a good bit of parchment, turning over his services and his caravan to Leo's care.

"I only have one more thing to take care of now..." Leo thinks to himself after bidding the old man goodbye. He proceeds to the Cathedral on the edge of town. As he knocks on the door, a young man opens the door; as if expecting him. "Ah. Yes, I need to prove my Heritage as the grandson of the old keep a few miles out of Ainslef." Leo says while presenting his ring and the deed to the lands surrounding the keep, the only things he has of his "Heritage".

The young man, the Chaplain of the Cathedral; looks over the seal, the deed, and the ring with a scrutinous eye. "Well, it's legitimate; if you're about to ask." the Chaplain says without lifting his eyes from the deed. "Although, there may be one minor problem... You see, this City of Ainslef is built under the domain of your land, whilst it declaring itself a free land..." Leo seems to understand the problem. "Well, i did keep one of your merchants from getting robbed, and stopped a bandit threat for good not far from your gates. I can also now promise safer travels to anyone heading this way" Leo says with the intent of goodwill to the town, if it accepts him as their leader or not. "Well, I guess it's up to the people. But, by divine right... these are your lands, to do with them as you please." The Chaplain stands up, says a prayer of some sort; more than likely a blessing, and hands Leonardo his Ring and Heritage papers...

"What happened next, Grandpa?" A young boy sitting under the covers of his bed asks his grandfather. "Well, see it for yourself out your window. Ainslef has become more safer and wealthy due to King Leonardo, and many people flock to our lands in search of a new life. But as for the story? Well, only time will tell, mah boy." The old man stands up, and grabs his Knapsack. "Maybe one day, you'll get to see this story unfold." The old man laughs. "Good night, mah boy." The boy snuggles into his blanket. "Goodnight, Grandpa Alberich..."

I was bored, so i decided to throw an application in here for the hell of it.

give me title now max

(Title request denied; you critiqued it wrong. The way to critique this is to stare blankly at your screen for a few second then offer the writer a gold star. So pffft (Yes, 3 f's, not 2.) to your critique.)


I apologize if I'm simply being impatient, and do recognize that the forum moderators for Caphori have lives outside of applicant review, but having submitted an application two days prior to this message I was curious as to whether I could get feedback on what should have been improved? I'm given to understand that if the application is left blank then it either hasn't been reviewed or any corrections that need to be made are readily apparent, but I'm drawing a blank as to the editing necessary for reapplication aside perhaps from expanding on the RP sections. If that is the case, could I get a notification in that regard? My original application is at the bottom of page 12, for future reference.
"I'm afraid I don't see things like you do. I mean it: I'm afraid. What if the things I find beautiful drive you mad? What if they hollow you out like clever little squirrels getting nuts for the winter, except the nuts are your eyes, and winter is, I don't know, maybe the Rapture or something? And I'm just smiling while your face gets ripped apart because I think it's beautiful?"




Name:ian martin

Roleplay Name: miser okra drake
Players you already know on the on the server:none

Previous roleplay experience: losts of wow

What servers have you played on, and how long: none but i hope to start out on a good note

Why would you like to join our server: I love to rp and you are from what i hear one of the best :D

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yep!

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Of course

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: i dont know what that means but yes w/e it is Cause ik what probes mean


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
first i would try to find a few bits of rocks and flint as well as some twigs to make a spear to hunt with and set up camp near a water source. after a few days of exploring i would make the next step, making a break for civilization...

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
I would turn down his offer but stow away somewhere private-like in his wagon and steal some of his supply's afterwards till he is near his bit of bandits

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

i would keep quiet as he passes by my stealthy hiding spot in the mans luggage as he inspects it for extra gold happily grinning
to keep quiet...but let out a quick but quiet laugh out the old man cringe's at this but shrugs off thinking it as nothing.
You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
I rush to the nearest shady little ally and attempt to find a nearby fence...After a while I find the fence. I sell all the trade goods i swindled from the old man and rush back to the market to buy some food and some gear.

{Denied-RP section is lacking}



Quote from: Ragolution on 05-02-2013
Quote from: CPftw on 05-02-2013


Name: Feerman

Roleplay Name: Alexander Anatio

Players you already know on the on the server: Probably more than one, don't care to name them.

Previous roleplay experience: Aceon, DnD games, etc.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Aceon, a year or so.

Why would you like to join our server: Played on Aceon, thought I might try out the sister server.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Why not.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

*Alexander jerks up in a quick motion, a puzzled look on his face.*
I suppose this was my doing... wouldn't be the first time. I don't... don't quite recognize this forest...
Surely the barkeep didn't do this... Surely.
*stands up, and questioningly scratches his chin, then proceeds to steadily sprint east*
I won't find out much by standing here, doing nothing. I suppose I'll find myself somewhere, sometime soon I hope...

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

*stares up at the wandering old man a little bit skeptical*
And you'd do this for free?
"Well, yes, you seem quite a bit tired, and I am already on my way toward the nearest town. Merely trying to do my daily deed, I suppose."
I... guess so. But what of the bandits? I have an idea...
*Alexander quickly takes out his old knife for protection*
This might hold them off if this plan doesn't work...
*Alexander goes over to a moderately thick tree, and starts to chop off some kindling, then lights it on fire, losing no time*
This might divert them long enough for us to high-tail out of here. Let's be off, then, old man.
*Alexander hops onto the cart, and prepares for a short trip*

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Well, dear sirs, as you can see by my... unsightly look, I've been without food, money, and clean clothes for a while.
*Alexander motions to himself a little comically*
But! I'll tell you what, I have a very... expensive... shiny bracelet that will probably fetch an okay price. Here.
*Alexander pulls out a brass bracelet, hoping to fool the bandits of it's value*
A family heirloom, it's worth a lot more than ten coins, but for my life, it's worth it. *hands the bracelet to the lead bandit*
May we pass?
"I suppose so, you fool of a traveler. Remember this: we are the owners of this forest, none else! If you travel here, you will pay or you will die. Next time, don't mock us by coming here so... unwealthy. Move on, and don't speak a word of this to any soul, or you'll be dead, you hear me?"
*Alexander and the old man hurry off, hoping the bandits don't prove the wiser"

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

*Alexander spots a small market stall, ran by a dwarf, he guessed. He strides over there, in his mucky and shite smelling clothes*
Ah! Hello, dear dwarf... I see you're selling some fish. Smells like salmon... I'll tell you what, if you give me one of those salmon, I'll operate the stall for you, for a day or two, that's all I ask, just a fish.
"I suppose that's acceptable. Security is tight around here, so if I find out you've so much as stolen a bite of fish, heed me, a BITE! The guard will be on you with a sword through your cut before you can scream for your mother. Now, I must be off. I've recently found myself having some extra time to do, well... Whatever I damn please! Foolish humie..."
*the dwarf walks off, and Alexander starts to munch on his fish, helping market-goers and selling a plethora of different fish all day*
If you can't tell I half-assed the last one. I guess it's acceptable, but eh. I probably could've done better.

I was bored, so i decided to throw an application in here for the hell of it.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}