[[NEW]] Caphori Password Application Thread

Started by Velspera, 21-06-2012

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Roleplay Name: Vyerella Redwood

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody

Previous roleplay experience: Mount and Blade Warband PW Mod/ Mount and Blade Warband Native Roleplay

What servers have you played on, and how long: None

Why would you like to join our server: I like roleplaying, and this looks like the best roleplaying server for Terraria.
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
She stands up, and examines her surroundings
"How the hell did I get here?", she says to herself.
She wanders around, until she finds a source of water. She then crouches down, cups some water in her hands, and lifts it to her mouth. After she drinks the water, she finds a bush with berries on it. After waiting to see if other creatures would eat it, she ripped off part of her shirt, and wrapped some berries in it. She then searched for a road.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
An old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
Old man- "What're you doing out here all alone? There are bandits in the area. I think you should come with me into town."
She glances warily at the old man and his wagon.
Vyerella- "Alright."
She takes the old man's extended hand, and he helps her get into the wagon.

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
Vyerella grabs a whip from the wagon and whips the bandits' leader's neck. As he collapses to the ground, crying out in pain, she whips the horses, and they jerk into motion. Vyerella and the old man duck to avoid the arrows, and eventually they made it out of their range.
Old man-"Thank you fer yer help, lady."
Vyerella- "No, thank you. If you hadn't offered me a ride, I could have died."

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Vyerella climbs off of the man's wagon. She walks around the town for a while, and eventually finds the marketplace. She could barely hear anything anyone was saying. All the merchants were shouting their prices and wares, some of them in languages she didn't understand. She found a vegetable stall, and waited until the farmer was distracted. She took a large, juicy tomato, and 5 carrots.
Farmer- "Hey! Guards! Stop that theif!"
Vyerella took off running. She looked behind her, and two armored men were persuing her.
-Guard "Stop, girl! You are under arrest!"
She ran through dark, narrow alleys, and wide, busy streets until finally her persuers lost sight of her. She hid behind a tavern, and ate the food quickly.
{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: Not saying. If you want to tell me something, call me Shalaron.

Roleplay Name:
Shalaron (SHAH-luh-ron)

Players you already know on the on the server:

Previous roleplay experience: Tons. Lots of Servers, lots of Websites, lots of RPGs.

What servers have you played on, and how long: The only notable one I can think of is Legend of Anthia, for a few weeks.

Why would you like to join our server:
I'd like to join your server because I love to Roleplay, and I think I'd be a great addition to your apparently already thriving community.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes, I have.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yup.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure, if you want.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Shalaron woke up, his head hurting. Looking around, it seemed that he was in a think, forested area. He stood up very shakily, to try and get a grip on his surroundings. He was indeed in a forest. Wait a minute, Shalaron thought, Where is my staff? My journal?All I have left are my robes! Panicking, Shalaron paced around in a circle. There's no way I'll last more than a few minutes if I don't have anything! he thought worriedly. After he had calmed down, a fair while later, Shalaron set off in search of an exit from the forest. On the way, he found a pool of water, some mushrooms, some daybloom, and a few leaves, which he quickly shaped into a container. Perfect, Shalaron thought. He quickly stirred the ingredients together and downed the Regeneration Potion he'd made. Bitter, but it'll keep me going, he thought as the sun started to set. Curling up in a pile of dried leaves, Shalaron quickly drifted off to sleep.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

After a few days of sticking it out in the wild, Shalaron woke up to find an old man bending over him. "Gaahh!" Shalaron called out in surprise. Getting to his feet, Shalaron asked the man what he was doing. "Well, I was makin my way through the forest when I saw ye' there, lyin' on the ground," said the old man. "I thought you were dead, so I bent over ta' look at ye'. Then ye' woke up, and went 'n' screamed at me like ah was some kind o' bandit or summat. 'Ey, speakin' of, there've been a great lot of 'em 'round these parts. If you'll make sure we get back ta' town safely, I'll take ye' in mah wagon. Whadda ye' say?" Shalaron thought about this. He didn't have his staff or any weapons at all, but then again, lying to this man was the only way to get back to civilization. "Alright," said Shalaron, climbing onto the cart. "I'll do it."
After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

As the cart traveled along, nearing the edge of the forest, Shalaron thought all was well. He was wrong. A group of bandits suddenly appeared out of the bushes, demanding ten coins from the man. The old man looked to Shalaron, who merely shrugged. The bandits then looked to Shalaron. "I-I didn't bring any coins," Shalaron stammered. "We don't like liars," said one of the bandits, a large Orc wielding a Warhammer. Thinking quickly, Shalaron took off his ornate bracelet and jabbed one of its spikes into the bandit's neck. The Orc fell to the ground and writhed with pain. The second of the two bandits was upon them now, this one brandishing a steel axe. Shalaron held up his bracelet once more. The blade of the bandit's axe deflected off of the enchanted metal of the bracelet, and the axe dug deeply into the flesh of the bandit's torso, killing him almost instantaneously. The old man just stared at Shalaron. Finally getting the courage to speak, Shalaron turned to the man. "Uh... I guess it was kind of impressive, wasn't it?" he said. "Damn well it was!" said the man. "Well, off we go," and so they did.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

The wagon pulled up to the town, and Shalaron got off, thanking the man. After the cart had left, Shalaron recalled that he had no money, and a sharp pang in the pit of his stomach told him that he was also very hungry. Setting off toward the marketplace, hoping to sell what he had, Shalaron looked through the few things he'd managed to salvage from the bandits: a dagger, some parchment paper, and a pair of leather leggings. These should fetch a good price at the Blacksmith's, he thought. Once he had managed to wade his way through the crowd in the marketplace, Shalaron set about looking for the Blacksmith's shop. Finally, after nearly an hour of searching the enormous area that was the marketplace, he came across the Blacksmith. "Name's Grothar," grunted the Blacksmith. "I've worked this forge since I was ten. Now tell me what you want, or get lost." "I have these pieces," said Shalaron, showing Grothar his belongings. "How much will you pay for them?" Grothar though for a moment before saying, "Ten silver coins, and I won't go no higher." Shalaron considered this for a while before taking the coins. "Deal," he said, and set off for the nearest pub. After eating there, and spending all his coins on the meal, Shalaron once again set off, in search of a different city to settle down in..
{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}

Will Xisingr

Name: Will

Roleplay Name: Will Xisingr

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Well I've roleplayed a little bit here and there on games such as Runescape, but not an expert roleplayer by any means

What servers have you played on, and how long: Servers? Like Terraria Servers? I play on the Terraria Cats server and have been playing there for around half a year or so and have been playing on CFS for awhile also.

Why would you like to join our server: I love to roleplay and have had a hard time finding a good place to do so, and this sounds like a really fun roleplay experience

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes I have!

Do you agree to follow the rules?: I will follow and obey all rules

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: I will happily agree to that


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest. You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back. What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
Will would wake up feeling slightly disoriented, "Where am I?" He would say to himself slowly and quietly, Will than would notice that it was a large forest with towering trees growing all around, "How the hell did i get here?" He would mutter slowly to himself, but at least he wouldn't have to worry about getting lost, he grew up in a forest and he knew how to get across them more than most people could, he would climb the highest tree closest to him but see no civilization in sight, "Damn! This is a truly large forest" He would say quietly, He than would jump down from the tree and head opposite of the slowly setting sun into the strange forest.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
A shout would tear Will from his thoughts of what to do next, "Hey! Over here!" It belonged to a short, grubby trader in a small wagon with a thin cover over the top, "What the hell are you doing all the way out here? Not out for a casual walk I'm guessing.", Will than would explain how he woke up in the middle of a large forest, not knowing how he got there, The trader offers him a ride to the nearest city and some spare food that he has in the back of his wagon, "Well I would be one idiot to turn that offer down, sure i'll tag along, thanks!" He would hop into the back of the wagon and start swiftly eating the small, but filling piece of bread that the trader handed him, "Just a warning, there has been word of bandit activity in this area, so we need to be careful, are you any good with a blade?" "Why yes i can fight keenly with a blade if you have a spare one." The Trader would hand him a rusty iron short sword and the trader would pick up a small dagger, It looks like he has some experience with it. "Just in case the rumor is true."

After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass. The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
"Bandits!" shouts the short, grubby trader in the seat opposite of yours, "I will hand them 10 gold pieces, but in an assortment of different change and what not, when the bandits are counting them out, we strike." Will would nod slowly and grip the handle of the short sword hidden in the back of his shirt, "10 gold pieces, now, or you will be sorry" Says the bandit in front, The trader hands him the change and the bandit begins to count it all out, and luck seems to be on Will and the trader's side as the bandit does not seem to be the best at counting, he calls a tall, thin bandit over armed with a bow and he begins to help the man count. Than *Slash* *Scream* two bandits lie dead in front of the strange duo holding the small rusty blades, there seems to be two bandits left alive and they come running, yelling insults at the top of there lungs, Will would sidestep the first Bandits strike and slice his head clean off his head, but the trader was pinned under the other bandit with a knife to his throat and the dagger laying helpless, just out of his hands reach, Will would utter a strange bestial growl and jump onto the bandits back, quickly slicing his blade into the mans back. "Are you alright, Trader?" "Yes just fine, I owe you my life." "No you don't, you saved me from wondering hopelessly for days, so let's just count each other as even, ok? Also, I never asked your name." "It's Sven, the names Sven" "Nice to meet you Sven, I'm Will"

You have finally made it to Civilization! However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry. So you make your way to the marketplace. What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
Will would enter the market after giving his farewell to the trader, hoping to see him sometime in the future, he realizes that he is very hungry and has no gold to purchase it with, "Maybe i could find a small job from someone to get myself a few gold pieces for a piece of bread." He thought, A woman in distress approaches him, eyeing the small short sword that he forgot to give back to the trader, "Do you think you could help me with a little...problem?" She says in a worried tone, "And what kind of problem would it be? I would be glad to do some honest work in exchange for a little food." "Well, It is a mighty strange problem, A troll seems to have made his way into my small basement, I am afraid if i don't do anything about it soon, he may harm me and my family..Think you can take care of it? I can offer you a room for a week with full meals and all." Will knows an opportunity won't probably come up like this again so he nods agrees to the woman's offer and makes his way to the large house of the slim woman, He is than showed to the basement hearing a loud, animal like scream coming from it. Walking in slowly he sees a juvenile troll, around 6 feet tall, swinging it's fists around and smashing barrels and anything else an it's way, Will would run up to the unexpecting troll and try to jump onto it's large back, aiming for a stab to the throat, the troll turns around with blinding speed and, with his fists, slaps Will with a large amount of strength, sending him flying towards the opposite wall hitting it with a large *Smash*. His Left arm went limp and he realizes that it is broken, he than tries the same technique but this time jumping sideways at the last moment than jumping up aiming the sword towards the trolls unprotected throat, sliding swiftly through it and killing the troll instantly. "This better be one damn good meal" He muttered quietly.

Edit: Eek! Everything was jumbled up and really small at first, but this should of fixed it.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}
{Ok, In the approval queue atm :) -Will}
If you need help, I am there for you.


Quote from: Tehkoa on 13-10-2012
Name: Hunter

Roleplay Name: Tehkoa

Players you already know on the on the server: None.

Previous roleplay experience: Vindictus, Minecraft, Dragonsnest, and a Terraria server that isnt as big as this one(4-6 players)

What servers have you played on, and how long: None, New

Why would you like to join our server: I'm a great Rper and I would like to see how it would turn out for me on this server.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I have.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):
(I shake my head and look around not sure of what happend) I knew they were no good...(He stands up and dusts himself off) Well...I'ts getting dark, might as well try to make a some decent shelter(He goes to get some wood and vines)

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
(Glances up at the old man surprised that there is some life out here) H-hello stranger, Is everything alright?(The old man exsplains to me about the bandits and offers me a ride) And youre shure that we will be ok?(I hop aboard and the old man asks for my name and why I am where I was) Well..You see, I guess I must of gotten with a bad crowd. My name is Tehkoa.(Teh-c-oh-uh)

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):
(I reach into my pockets to realize that I've had nothing) I'm sorry. But I have nothing.(The bandits give us a small smirk and reply"Well thats to bad isnt it?" One of them lunge at me with there daggers. In the blink of an eye I used his own force to throw him into his companion knocking them both out. I jump down at there bodies and take back the coins that were just stolen) Here you go sir.(I gave the man his coin, and what coin the bandits already had, And doing so the old man replied" Im rich! You really are stupid kid." And he sped off) Well...Luck isnt on my side(I pressed on fallowing the trail the man had left)

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
(My stomach grumbles) Not again...(I look around and see no signs of"Help wanted" and sighs deeply. Hey youngster what took you so long? A familiar voice said.)Huh?(I turn around to see the old coot who had left me a few hours priar) What do you want?(I said rather annoyed) I feel bad for leaving you kid, and I wanted to make it up to you.(He tosses me a small peice of bread just enough to satisfy my hunger for now) Thanks I guess...(I eat it with out delay and whipe my face) You can work for me, and ill even give you a place to rest.(surprised at the Mans kind offer) Y-yes! But, I have yet to get your name sir.(The man whistles and chuckles softly. He takes off his hood and replies) You can call me King.
\\There probably isnt any Kings in Caphori and if there is I highly doubt they would say it to me. But like you guys said Rp it so I did and this is kinda how I imaged it.//

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}
You need to get a bit more of a feel for your rp.

What do you mean?

It's just a bit... off.
also, please learn how to use the forum's Modify Button, at the top right of your comment.
Helps keep things...cleaner.


Ok i have tryed about 6 times now with the app it keeps giveing me an error so if i can get a face to face with someone that would be lovely these copy and paste Applications never worked for me even for minecraft. other then that i follow rules and i never troll cause am alone 99% of the time. Maybe this will help a bit.

replay to this if you care if not all move on have a nice day :)


Roleplay Name:

Players you already know on the on the server:

Previous roleplay experience:

What servers have you played on, and how long:

Why would you like to join our server:

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:

Do you agree to follow the rules?:

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)


Name: BattleFish

RP Name: Fai Ming Tsun

Players you already know on the server: None

Previous role play experience: Vindictus, Perfect world, Forsaken world, Ragnarok online

What servers have you played on and how long: Forgot the server names. been playing for 10 years

Why would you like to join our server: Playing a specific role in the community with limited resources sounds fun

Have you read the "rules and regulations": Yes i have

Do you agree to follow the rules?:  I agree and will abide by them

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes I will take the 1 week probation period


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Fai Ming Tsun: Well that experiment went bottoms up. Guess making gold out of wood just throws you in the woods.
I gotta get out of here......... which way was east? Oh a stick got to start somewhere if i'm gonna trek though here

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

Fai Ming Tsun: Gah i'm tired i don't think i'm going the right way. this place does not look familiar.

Old Man: Boy you look troubled. Your not from around here i take it?

Fai Ming Tsun: Oh a person finally. Old man which way is east?

Old Man: ..... Sorry son i'm not that smart and I have no time to know way is east. But if your that lost
how about coming along with me. I'm sure someone in the city will help you there.

Fai Ming Tsun: Ugh... oh well guess it's better then just wonder around aimlessly

Old Man: Glad to have come along with me. going around these parts has been awfully dangerous as of late

Fai Ming Tsun: What?

Old man: Oh nothing just mumbling to myself boy just sit back and enjoy the ride.

After a few hours of traveling,bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Bandit: Look yellow belly the Old man has payed his way though what about you?

Fai Ming Tsun: Ummmm iI don't have anything on me

Bandit: Then i guess you can DIE!

Fai Ming Tsun: Wait wait wait I have tons of gold where i'm going and I need to take it back with me.
How about i pay you triple when I come back with it. ;D

(Bandits gather to talk among each other)

Bandit: No it's gonna take too long. DIE!

Fai Ming Tsun: Ah look a beautiful naked lady

(Bandits turn to look)


You have finally made it to Civilization!However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.So you make your way to the marketplace.What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Fai Ming Tsun: Hello anyone here looking for a assistant?

Black smith: Wat'cha want boy?

Fai Ming Tsun: I'm starving and looking for work

Black smith: Well if ya got the skills to make sword your more then welcome.

Fai Ming Tsun: I can't make a sword

Black smith: Armors?

Fai Ming Tsun: Not that either

Black smith: get out

Fai Ming Tsun: But I can....

Black smith: Get out

Fai Ming Tsun: Give a chance to finish what i'm saying gorilla i can make other things except a sword

Black smith: Oh and wat is it you can make that brings more gold then a sword & armor

Fai Ming Tsun: Give me a day to make it and judge for your self

Black smith: very well but if it sells less then a sword and waste my materials your gonna be working for me for free

(As the day went by i built the clock and sold it to a rich noble men, payed the black smith for his materials and scoffed my face with food) :D  (Oh and open a alchemy stool in the market)

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}



  • name- Zens6006/ Stan
  • Roleplaying Name- Virzan
  • Players you already know on the server- none
  • Previous roleplay experience- Minecraft, Singleplayer Terraria
  • what servers have you played on, and how long- I have played on no servers, for 0 hours
  •   why you would like to join our server- I would like to join a server, and this one seemed like a good start, and i am a fan of roleplay
  • have you read the "Rules and Regulations" Thread- Yes i have
  • Do you agree to follow the rules: I shall follow all the rules
  • Will you agree to a one week probation period-  Yes, I'd like to prove myself worthy of Caphori
RolePlaying Questionaire

  •    You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
    You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
    What would be your first course of action? - (Virzan): where am I? What happened to my tools? At least I can find something to help me survive.
*finds rock and sticks, Begins to sharpen sticks*
(Virzan): This should be a good weapon for now, until i get back to civilization.
*looks around, sees a rabbit, and impales it with makeshift weapon*
(Virzan): This Should be good enough food for now.
*Virzan Uses rocks to light a fire, and cooks rabbits over fire*

  • Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
    A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
    He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
    Would you travel with this man?-  (Old Man): Well? Are you coming?
(Virzan ): What, do you think I'm Crazy?
(Old Man): You've got nothing to lose! Literally.
(Virzan): No! I'm Good in the forest on my own, I'll get to Civilization on my own!
*Old Man takes Virzan's Arm and drags him into wagon in the back.*

  • After a few hours of traveling,
    bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
    The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?- (Virzan): I have no coins to give!
(Bandit #1): If you have no coins, you shall not pass.
*Virzan takes 12 coins out of Old Man's Pocket*
(Virzan): Oh wait, here you go!
(Bandit #2): You may pass now.

  • You have finally made it to Civilization!
    However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
    So you make your way to the marketplace.
    What action(s) would you take?-
(Virzan): What? I had like 2 more coins here! what happened to them? And I'm out of rabbit!
*Virzan finds hole in pocket*
(Virzan): Wait a minute... is that a marketplace?
*Virzan loots just enough food to hide in a satchel he took from the Old Man*
*Virzan sneaks off*

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: HyperSpireWolf

Roleplay Name: Paedon

Players you already know on the on the server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Lots. I played lots of RP games, and i used to play on a couple of MC RP servers.

What servers have you played on, and how long: I didnt play on any servers

Why would you like to join our server: Caphori seems like an interesting server.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):After waking up, Paedon first started trying to find food. After that, he found a trail that travellers used. Fortune smiled on him, for he met a man in a wagon that offered to give him a lift.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.): Paedon accepted his offer, and started talking with the man about the recent troubles. The bandits were growing in numbers, he said as they were sitting in the wagon. They robbed any traveller that met, he said."Be careful" Paedon said to the old man. "Wake me if you see any troubles."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):With a strong leap, he landed from the wagon next to a bandit and grabbed him. One of the other looters had a crossbow. He shot the nocked bolt and wounded the bandit Paedon was holding. Using the mess he caused, he started running as fast as he could. He knew how to move through woods quickly, because he was skinny and light, wasnt wearing any armour and he lived in a forest similar to this one. Eventually the bandits gave up the chase." Those fellows will be in some trouble if militia comes here." he thought as he was running.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.): Paedon stole some food by sneaking to the food stall. Luckily, he wasnt caught in the act, and afterwards went to look for any jobs he could get.

The main reason i haven't accepted this, is because of the bandit scenario. Even if you did flatten a bandit on the ground, and ran into the woods; would it not be possible for at least one of then to have a bow with a quiver full of arrows? The other part is running through the woods. Is it part of the Strange Forest you woke up in, which you have never seen before; or is it woods that you used to live near, maybe when you were growing up? If you can clear these two things up, i'll give you the greenlight.

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}
Hey Scotty, Jesus Man.


Roleplay Name:
Dr.Valken Oosterheim
Players you already know on the on the server:
Previous roleplay experience:
DnD,Nwn2 rp servers,main 2 several others however.
What servers have you played on, and how long:
Terraria wise? Odd one here and there mostly my own, none have been rp.
Why would you like to join our server:
General building and RP, other servers are too aggressive and don't like passive people liking to just have fun building and such.
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:
Twice so far.
Do you agree to follow the rules?:
Yes, Trick question?
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:
Considering How someone can simply be removed easily enough, I don't see the need for one. However I will agree to such.

You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

*Wanders through the woods unknowing, Staring at the ground looking at the foilage*
*Stomach growls*
*Bends over and scrounges in some bushes*
"mmmmm, nothing but some poisonous mushrooms here...Ah but this bark has restorative powers"
*Takes a bite as his face twists from the taste*
"BLEH! Not the best tasting but at least my stomach has settled."
Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

"Greetings, I accept your offer as long as you have no qualms about my lack of payment. At most I could give you a physical" *says so with a slightly maniacal voice as the old man looks away with suspicion*
*Crawls into the wagon and looks around*
"Mind If I borrow one of these cloths for the ride, its a bit nippy outside, my elderly body finds this cold pierces me to the bone."
After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

*Turns pockets inside out*
"Unless you want the clothes off my back I haven't much else to offer"
*watches as the bandits eye him up*
"I could examine your sick if that pleases you?*
*Gets grabbed by the bandits and bound*
You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

(At the bandits hideout in town)
*stomach growls, as he hears the moans of injured men*
*towards a nearby bandit*"W-w-would you happen to have some food? I can't work very well due to my age, and hunger just makes this worse"
*picks up a piece of moldy bread that was throw towards him, and gobbels it up"
"Thanks...."*bandit looks at him in disgust, then turns away and leaves"

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}


Name: kenji

Roleplay Name: kinerath
Players you already know on the on the server:no one
Previous roleplay experience:pen and paper games

What servers have you played on, and how long:none
Why would you like to join our server:i love to rp and this one looked friendly
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?:yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?yes

You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):kinerath gets up surveys his surroundings. starts to look for food and water. sees a rabbit and chases it until he catchs it. starts to look for shelter once he finds shelter starts to make a fire to cook rabbit.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)yes but first ask if everything is ok. if he states the bandits i say if we come across them i will follow your lead. do i need to pay you? now geting on the old mans cart and takes a seat in the back

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):considering that i  have no weapons and i woke up in a forest i ask the old man for coins saying i will repay him then give the bandits the coins so me and the old man stay somewhat safe
You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)head to the market to see whats there. once there i would look at the different vendors to see what they sold. once i find something i want i ask the vendor how much. after   i ask the vendor if i can work for him to buy the food and make ten coins to pay the old man who gave me a lift

{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"}  It's acceptable, even if the format is a bit scratched. Please look over your application, if any changes are to be made; let me know.


Osiren was a holy knight back during the crusade but days after a seige on a castle named Drakthul that day he changed he came under a illness that made his skin turn to a blood red shade. his hair turned compelety white. everyone laughed at him like he was a big joke. that very day he went to the Corrupted Town Priest. "what do you want crusader i have no quarrel with you." The Priest said Angerly. "i know your the one to come too the's town folk laugh at me cause my skin is red and my hair is white no woman even wants to look at me." Osiren Said Beggingly. "Hmm. pay me 100gold and ill see what i can do to get you revenge on these mortal souls"The Priest said with a evil smile. Osiren hands him the gold. "thank you now follow me into the back of the church there's something demonic that i must show you." Osiren Follows the Priest. The Priest opens the door to a hall with statue's of skeletons on each pillar. the pillar has pictures of screaming heads all inbeded into the stone and on a throne sitting there motionless is a suit of dark demonic armor with a sword leaning againest the throne. "What is that..." Osiren says curiously. "It Is Your Revenge....Put on the armor and you will become a force of destruction. people will kneel at a snap of your finger." The Priest said Evily.
Osiren walks up slowly then touchs the helmet and puts it on the entire ground goes with a boom and the helmets red visor lights red. Osiren's voice turns into a dark demonic sound of pain and torment..."Bow Before Your Lord." The Priest Worshipps Osiren. "The End is Near........"
Race: Demi God
Full Name: Osiren WolfBanner
Strengths: The Night,Sword Fighting,Life Stealing.
Weakness: Holy Weapons. Magic. Normal Weapons.
Age:50000 years.

Character is too overpowered. Also, Please use the format.


Quote from: Osiren on 24-10-2012
Osiren was a holy knight back during the crusade but days after a seige on a castle named Drakthul that day he changed he came under a illness that made his skin turn to a blood red shade. his hair turned compelety white. everyone laughed at him like he was a big joke. that very day he went to the Corrupted Town Priest. "what do you want crusader i have no quarrel with you." The Priest said Angerly. "i know your the one to come too the's town folk laugh at me cause my skin is red and my hair is white no woman even wants to look at me." Osiren Said Beggingly. "Hmm. pay me 100gold and ill see what i can do to get you revenge on these mortal souls"The Priest said with a evil smile. Osiren hands him the gold. "thank you now follow me into the back of the church there's something demonic that i must show you." Osiren Follows the Priest. The Priest opens the door to a hall with statue's of skeletons on each pillar. the pillar has pictures of screaming heads all inbeded into the stone and on a throne sitting there motionless is a suit of dark demonic armor with a sword leaning againest the throne. "What is that..." Osiren says curiously. "It Is Your Revenge....Put on the armor and you will become a force of destruction. people will kneel at a snap of your finger." The Priest said Evily.
Osiren walks up slowly then touchs the helmet and puts it on the entire ground goes with a boom and the helmets red visor lights red. Osiren's voice turns into a dark demonic sound of pain and torment..."Bow Before Your Lord." The Priest Worshipps Osiren. "The End is Near........"
Race: Demi God
Full Name: Osiren WolfBanner
Strengths: The Night,Sword Fighting,Life Stealing.
Weakness: Holy Weapons. Magic. Normal Weapons.
Age:50000 years.
You need to follow the layout of page one to apply for the password. Go to page one and copy and paste the application into your reply and fill it out to the best of your ability and an admin will read through it and decide whether to accept you. Also don't use black as people can't really read it, just stick to white putting in fancy colours doesn't make your application better than someone with no colours, it's down to the content of the application and the way you roleplay the scenes.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive



Roleplay Name:

Players you already know on the on the server:
No One

Previous roleplay experience:
In Minecraft as a human.

What servers have you played on, and how long:
None I'm New :D

Why would you like to join our server:
It seems to be a nice server.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:

Do you agree to follow the rules?:

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Put on the Clothes.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)


After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

Beat them up?

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

Beg for food.

Please extend your RP, it's too short.


Name:just degg
Roleplay Name:degg

Players you already know on the on the server:Nune

Previous roleplay experience:to many runeskape ddo and many more

What servers have you played on, and how long:this is my first

Why would you like to join our server:it looks friendly adn appeling

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:yes

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:yes


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?:

degg wakes up in a strange forest he looks around and now knows why hes hear thouse damned theifs took the loot and left me to die!
degg makes a bow and a few arrows adn he kills a rabbit and cooks it.
degg gode to sleep and wakes up with a sudden snap of a twig!
degg found a intruder.
degg almost shot when there was a cry in the distance.
degg*where am i and who the hell are you?
old man* who the hell am i?... (after long time of thinking) who are you?
degg*...im degg? now who are you?
old man*im a old merchant that is hungry adn smelled something good so i found you and though you woulden't mind.
degg*you want some stew? i have plenty(best way to cook it saves the juses and adds flaver)ok i think i can spare sume.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?:

i look at the old merchant and think he seams nice to me but i better be on my gaurd.
degg looks at the cart adn think where will i sit?
old merchant* well i think i can get you to groldamer the nearest town.
old merchant* do you have any money?
old merchant*ehhh... the stew was good enough
degg wanted to look in the back but was stoped by the old merchant.
old merchant* theres nuthign nfor you bacjk there degg.
degg thinks my name reeked int he air for abit to long i think ill go now.
but as that though passed though deggs head a bandit jumped out.
After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?:

bandit* give me ya gold foo...
degg shot him
more bandits jumped out to attack
degg shot three more but was out of arrows he reached for a his sword but it wasnt there!
old man* ok...ok... hears my money just let me go please!
degg looks at the old man rage in his eye and he sees something.
a peace of of a sword!
he grabs it and stares at it with astonishment!
it was gold leafed scabbered looked if it was worth as much gold as is in the keep...or was.
degg drew the sword and sliced though he light lether shield adn killed the man intantly he went for a second and so on he was on a rampage and then whoooo a arrow was hin his legg he fell to the ground adn lost all sence of fealing in his legg then whooo another but this one hit a bandit.
degg finaly saw the heed on the figure...it was a knight.
knight*can i ahev my sword back? or do i need to kill you?
degg *here take it.
knight*you know i will have to take you in for robbing the keep.
degg*can we go to the market first i think ill eat some bread and meat adn thenn ill face my jail time
degg*ok or i can slit you thought and leave still eat the meat and the bread and not take any jail time...your chose.
knight* no!
degg slits the knight thought and gose to the market for some food.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?:

for a long time degg stood still but he was still thinking for some time.
degg* hey jenny!
little girl* (jennys dughter)yes?
degg*your not jenny never mind
little girl* do you mean my mom?
degg*is your mom named jenny and look like you?
little girl*yes
little girl*folow me
jenny* close the door!
little girl*ok mom!
jenny* whos this?
degg* its me.
jenny*oh your hear?
degg yes im hear.
jenny*down in the celler
degg*thanks also you have a nice little girl hear you did good
jenny* did they folow you.
degg* look out side and see for your self
jenny* is it the comotion or the bodies?
degg* i killed 3 knights getting hear
jennys dughter*who is he mommy?
jenny* a friend
jennys dughter* whens daddy geting home?
jenny* sone
degg finaly takes his hood down and looks at his new home.
jenny* why did you kill the knights?
degg*they got in my way
jenny*so youll kill me if i stand at the door and say you cant leave?
degg*jenny you wuldent do that
jenny* ok you cant leave.
degg* ok do you know who has my stuff?
jenny*the king has it as a tropie.
degg*why didnt he kill me?
jenny*you'll leave bye sun set!
degg*ok and if theres no king tomorrow dont come asking*
jenny* whats so valuble?
degg* the dagger in the back pocket of the green cloke i wear, its the last thing i have of my dad.
jenny*oh im sarry 'and hugs degg'
jennys son* who is the man in the celler?
jenny* i cant tell you and dont tell any one or hell haev to kill them adn you.
jennys son* i can take him!
jenny*no you cant.
jenny* in the old days event the king adn his troups couldent take him they had to unite with the gustustions to put him in the forest but the gustustions told them to let him live but at the gates of hell!
jenny*they did that he was left in a forest with nuthing.
jennys son*where?
jenny*at the gates of hell
jennys son* i still think i can kill him with out a sweat.
jenny* dont try or hell kill you and the kin...
jennys son* mom are you alright?
jenny*hes not hear is he?
jenny gose in to her cabnit adn puls out a sword
she gose downt he celler steps and finds it empty
jenny*ugg im to late.
jennys son* whats with the sword?
jenny* its mine.
jenny* i ahve to go now!

[ps]:im sarry for makeing him over powered adn godlike but it sort of helped the story.

but my ingame name is degg.
and i would like to be a scribe/story teller/mag if it is real.


ok i am sorry for takeing up your time.


Role-play name: Gokun Soun

Players i already know on the server: None

Previous role-play experience: Skyrim, minecraft,League Of Legends, Dragonfable. Not so much server role plays.

How long have i played other servers and how long?: I played many Minecraft servers and i know the mechanics of a server rules, behaviour ect.

Why would i join your server : I want to come back Terraria again after a year now , but the problem was that i have already unlocked all the content and it's not getting updated anymore. So i found this server thread and i wanted to try roleplay experience as well playing with others.

Have i read the "Rules and Regulations?" : Indeed i have.

Do i agree to follow the rules?: Yes i do. Very though  out and smart.

Will i agree to one week of probation?: Yes.

After a few hours of traveling:
As the bandits grabbed the money from the old man. One of them turned to me with his sword pointing at me. 
Bandit: And you. Give me your Gold! I had little resources and no money. Only thing i had was my clothes and a sharp rock. I pretended to reach for money and took the rock. The bandit started to get impatient.
Bandit: Hurry up! Or you want your blood spilled all over the place!
He raised his sword and i seized the moment. I  lunged at him cutting his neck. The bandit fell screaming in pain dropping his sword. I picked up the sword and the other two bandits charged at me. I dodged one of the attacks, but the other barely cut me in the leg. I countered both their attack with my sword and rock, cutting them both in the neck. Both died and i took the money back from the corpses. I turned to the old man.
Me: Here this is yours and a little extra from past stolen gold.
Old Man: Outstanding. You must be an Expert swordsman. Wait a moment  your hurt!
Me: Don't worry it heal fast. I showed him my cut. It visually healed.
Old Man: I see you have hero in your blood.
Me: Let's get going before sunset.       

Please follow the format.


Abby Stone is Wet


Name : Bruno
Roleplay Name : Zakai
Players i already now in the server : Anyone
Previous roleplay experience : I never played a roleplaying game :/
What servers i played on and how long : Never played in a Terraria Server :/
Why would i like to play on this server : Because i dont have any friend that like terraria and i want play multiplayer
Have i read the rules and regulations thread : Yes
Do I agree the rules : Yes they're all good.
Will I agree to a One week probation period : Yes
A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll. What is your reaction?
I don't have money, but why you want to sell it ? and why you would sell it to me ? The old man says that exists an gang looking for it. He want me with it and scape. i say no, i don't want be on that.

Please follow the format.


Quote from: Zakai on 29-10-2012
Name : Bruno Seki
Roleplay Name : Zakai
Players i already now in the server : Anyone
Previous roleplay experience : I never played a roleplaying game :/
What servers i played on and how long : Never played in a Terraria Server :/
Why would i like to play on this server : Because i dont have any friend that like terraria and i want play multiplayer
Have i read the rules and regulations thread : Yes my lord :)
Do I agree the rules : Yes they're all good.
Will I agree to a One week probation period : Yes
You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.What would be your first course of action? Find somebody or find food
Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.Would you travel with this man? Yes
After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass. The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?Give them another thing.
You have finally made it to Civilization!However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.So you make your way to the marketplace.What action(s) would you take?Ask for service.
I'm going to try and help you with this before and admin comes and denies, hopefully you'll read this and edit it before an admin looks at it. First off this is a roleplaying server which means spelling and grammar are important so you will need to reword some of your sentances for them to make sense. The roleplay section at the bottom of your application isn't even roleplay, roleplay in that part what you're doing and what you're going to do not just "Find people" or "Give them more stuff"

Please look over your application and the applications of those that have been accepted and you will see what you've done wrong. Thanks for reading

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Hey can anyone check my application it hasnt been checked for about a week.

Checked. it's got a small error that's been bugging me.
Hey Scotty, Jesus Man.


Name:Tim ArnoldRoleplay Name:Timagenidas AllutPlayers you already know on the on the server:No one.Previous roleplay experience:This will be my first time playing a Terraria RP Server.What servers have you played on, and how long:I have played on the Terranova server for about, a month now.Why would you like to join our server:I would like to experience a RP server.Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes, I have.Do you agree to follow the rules?:I, Tim Arnold, agree to follow the rules of this server.Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:Yes, I do.ROLEPLAYING QUESTIONNAIREYou wake up in the middle of a strange forest.You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):I would try to find a chest, that would hopefully contain some tools i can use to get supplies.Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)I suppose I would, if it means getting to civilization.After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass. The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.): You have finally made it to Civilization!However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.So you make your way to the marketplace.What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)I would try to work for some money, then buy some delicious food.[/b]

Follow the format, Extend RP.


Quote from: HyperSpireWolf on 29-10-2012
Hey can anyone check my application it hasnt been checked for about a week.
Try and add more roleplaying into the roleplay section if possible please it seems to short in my opinion and may get the application denied.
Remember you're roleplaying as that character so you are him roleplay accordingly e.g. (character name) (What he does such as an action) (Any talking he does)
Nathan: *Wakes up in a daze and covers his face from the sunlight with his hand before getting up* "Wh...what how did I get here?"
*The trees rustle around Nathan in the wind but other than the rustling of the trees the forest is silent*
Nathan: *Looks around* "Don't forests normally have animals in?"
There's an example of how I'd start it, but you need to make it much longer. Hope this helps

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Name: LRoleplay Name: LawlietPlayers you already know on the on the server: NonePrevious roleplay experience: In some minecraft serversWhat servers have you played on, and how long: I'm new xDWhy would you like to join our server: Becouse i lIke rpg server in all the gamesHave you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: YesDo you agree to follow the rules?: YesWill you agree to a One week probation Period?: YesROLEPLAYING QUESTIONNAIREYou wake up in the middle of a strange forest.You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.What would be your first course of action?(RP it.): Put on my clotes.Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.Would you travel with this man?(RP it.) YesAfter a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass. The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.): I run away. You have finally made it to Civilization!However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.So you make your way to the marketplace.What action(s) would you take?(RP it.) I'll steal some food.

Follow the format. Extend RP


Name: Devlin

Roleplay Name:Vaan


Players you already know on the on the server:None

Previous role-play experience:W.o.W , Runescape , Dragon-fable , Adventure Quest , R.o.t.M.G

What servers have you played on, and how long: none

Why would you like to play on our server:This server sounds like fun, and i have never played a R.P terraria server

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes

Do you agree to a one week Probation period?: Yes

                                                      ROLE-PLAYING QUESTIONNAIRE:

You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Uhhhhh my head, where am I? I thought to myself. I shout "Hello? Anybody here?", no response. I begin to walk around looking for something to defend myself with. After a few minutes I find what looks to be ancient ruins of some sort. I slowly walk into the ruins and I see a chest; I rush to open it. Inside are an Iron Broadsword, some torches, a few bottles, and a couple health potions.
As I begin to walk down to the cave beneath the ruins an odd looking man approaches me and says, "What do you think you are doing with my equipment?"
I now have two choices, kill the odd man or run. As I start running lower and lower into the cave beneath the ruins, the old man says, "Hey! Get back here!"
He starts to chase me and out of nowhere a rock falls on the odd man's head, crushing him. Now the rock is rolling towards me. I continue to run but, I am running out of breath. I have to find somewhere to hide and soon. After running for a minute I fall into some water. I begin to swim up. I look around for the rock but, it is nowhere in sight, so I look down. I see the rock has fallen deep into the water. I get up onto land, rest to catch my breath then I leave the cave to start searching for a city or town.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

As an old man with a cart and supplies rides up to me i prepare my weapon for battle.
I shout,"Stop or I'll kill you!"
"I mean no harm to you, it's dangerous with bandits around these parts. You see I'm heading into town so If you protect me I'll properly gear you up." The old man responded.
"Ok. I accept your offer, Where are we headed?" I asked.
The old man says, "A town by the name of Lokinstead."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the old man give them 10 gold coins each as a tax to pass.
What do you do?(RP it.):

As the old man and I head to the town gates three bandits come out of the bushes.
The biggest one steps forward and says, "Give us ten gold coins or I'll pound ya' face in!"
I calmly say, "We don't have any money; please We just want to get to town."
The biggest bandit says, "You're gonna' regret not payin' me; get em' boys!"
I thrust my sword at the biggest bandit while leaping out of the cart and then start thrashing and slicing at the other two. After killing the biggest bandit and one of the smaller ones the last bandit flees. I drink one of the health potions then begin to loot the two corpses of the bandits for gear and money. In the biggest bandits' pockets I find a couple gold and in one of the smaller ones hand i take their battle axe on the others body i take some copper armor. I stuff the Iron Broadsword into my bag and hop back on the old mans cart.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have only 50 silver coins after paying the old man for the gear and ride; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?

As I head to the market I'm greeted by a young fellow (who looks to be some sort of wizard). He says to me, "Vaan old friend, how are you these days."
I respond with haste, "How do you know me? Who are you?"
The young fellow says, "You do not know me? Well allow me to refresh your memory.  I'm Bali, the apprentice of the famous wizard Croatia. Do you remember me now?"
I reply, "I am sorry I do not remember you... should I?"
Bali says, "What happened to you?"
I begin to tell him how I awoke in a forest with no memory of how I got there or who I was. "I think Doulmagos has something to do with this. Follow me" said Bali.
After saying how i was hungry he buys me a bread and a bowl of soup then I followed Bali through the city to this tower. Bali says to me, "In here, come on." He mumbled some words and then the tower was lit up as if by magic. We begin to walk up the spiral staircase when a deep voice says, "Who goes there?"
Bali replies, "Croatia my master, it is me Bali. I have brought Vaan before you. He seems to have amnesia."
We stepped into a room filled with books two stories high, an alchemist table, a crafting table, a magical circle with symbols all around it and a crystal ball in front of Bali's master. "Welcome Vaan please have a seat. So what brings you here?" said Croatia.
I said to him, "I do not know Bali just brought me here."
Bali said, "Vaan, tell Croatia what you told me." I did as he asked of me to do and told Croatia how I awoke in a forest with no memory of how I got there or who I was.
                                                                                             --TO BE CONTINUED
{Accepted-Please join the group "Caphori"} Still a bit out there, but it's decent enough.

when am i allowed access to the password and when can i join the group caphori?


how long does it normally take to be accepted or denied

                             P.S. i agree to the "one week Prohibitation" thing


Name:Real life name, I would not like to say. Just call me rocket or something. k?Roleplay Name:[/b
GrimwulfPlayers you already know on the on the server:nonePrevious roleplay experience:Minecraft rpg games, and just random online rpg gamesWhat servers have you played on, and how long:Minecraft ones for a couple of years now, terraria for less that one yearWhy would you like to join our server:I like rpg serversHave you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:In the end I'll just say I don't grief which is true. if you want a better answer though yesDo you agree to follow the rules?:one upWill you agree to a One week probation Period?:ROLEPLAYING QUESTIONNAIREYou wake up in the middle of a strange forest.You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):*Grimwulf starts to make a spell to cut down trees and make tools.
*Grimwulf uses it and makes Excalibur, and one hamdrax
"What the f*** how did I get these and not have hollowed armor?"  Says Grimwulf
*Grimwulf makes a spell to get hollowed armor and uses it
"Thats better. Now I have to find a town are just another human." says Grimwulf.
Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)*Grimwulf sees the man and pulls out Excalibur and yells out "Who are you? If you don't answer by the time i get to you, your dead.
*The old man yells "I'm a weary merchant on a dangerous journey."
"Why are you all alone" Says Grimwulf
"Because my guards betrayed me and ran. I just hope that I don't run into a bandit." Says the old man
"Why hope is this part dangerous?" says Grimwulf with a worried look on his face.
"Very dangerous." says the old man.
"I shall protect you and your cargo then." says Grimwulf
"Thank you so much!" Yells the man in joy.After a few hours of traveling, bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass. The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):*Grimwulf says "F*** to that idea." and kills all the bandits with one slice
"Lets go." says Grimwulf putting away his sword.
*Grimwulf and the man set off towards the kingdom. You have finally made it to Civilization!However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.So you make your way to the marketplace.What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
*Grimwulf walks under the gates next to the wagon yelling "The merchant is here." at the top of his lungs.
*Everyone wonders who Grimwulf is and Grimwulf yells "I am Grimwulf. The only person that stayed and guarded the merchant out of kindness."
*Everyone thanks Grimwulf. Soon after that he is put into the army for the kingdom, after that he is the top soldier, even after that he is the king and rules the land fairly

Please follow the format, make your character less OP, Fix your RP, and just give us your first name. We're roleplayers, not identity thieves.