What you got for christmas

Started by whyku, 24-12-2011

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Bl★ck Star

I also enjoy Bf3 and it's mainstream too.


Call of Duty is a good story telling platform, but Infinity Ward executes it poorly while Treyarch does it the best. Their story lines are generic, and generally boring, but it can be enjoyable. Call of Duty isn't enjoyable anymore because they made it too ridiculous, and unbalanced. While the older Call of Duties were more believable, as they didn't make you 'speshul.'

Call of Duty is bad because Infinity Ward fails to support their community, and it has a terrible community of screaming twelve year old children who don't know how to do anything besides rush in and die.

Mr. Pink

Why the fuck is everyone so spoiled? I got pity money because my video card died, some socks, two t-shirts, and some candy...

Also, on the topic of CoD: It died when it went mainstream. Reason being: Kids under the age of 15 becoming the main playerbase. I mean seriously... They shouldn't even have Xboxes or Ps3's, let alone M Rated games...
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


Pajamas...Lots and lots and Pajamas.

Also Pink die in fire, JK but yeah mw3 is only decent if you play it on consle. Also all games basiclly have the same community just like GMOD its just bunch of kids screaming at each other then /me shoots in face.

All I can say is....Neil with it.

Silver Knight

New laptop
Darksiders game - PingPong :D

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Room-mate wanted to buy me some of these new, unbalanced and silly easymode games... was it Bf3 or Mw3?
anyways, i got socks.