The corrupt a wish game!

Started by ISPYUDIE, 18-07-2009

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Bl★ck Star

Granted and you got Raped to death

I wish i there would be a 3D Helmet for hl2 and other games xD

Dark Angel

Granted and it works! (WTF?)

I wish i had unlimited amount of real dollars!


Granted but they set fire in total randomness

I wish for pineapple


Granted, one falls on your head and you can't remember anything.

I wish for the wrench the engineer has so I can whack things to upgrade them


Granted but then you get backstabbed by a spy.

I wish for the best most epic roleplay.


Granted but you crash and can't log back in

I wish for something to laugh at


Granted, but it loses hilarity quickly.

I wish I was something above Head Admin.


Granted you rise so high in rank everyone leaves.

I wish for everyone elses wishs


Granted, you get all the crap that comes from them.

I wish for Fluffy to be my epic friend.


Granted however he becomes very clingy and you have to kill him to get relieve

I wish I had god powers :3


Granted, but you fling your finger and kill yourself.

I wish I had MP-43 Power Armor.


Granted but the suit malfunctions catching on fire and burning you alive.

I wish I had a Nano suit from Crysis :V


Granted you die from the lack of air when you get in it

I wish for lots of swords and guns and suits


Granted but they all fall from the sky and you get crushed under them.

I wish i had a Robot..
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Granted but it goes and kills all of you family slowly, then it runs at you and explodes killing you both.

I wish for epic suit for my Military character.


Off topic- If you enjoy this forum game when you corrupt a wish put:

Off topic- Epic



Granted you lose all your suits and earn the most epic of suits, Nothing at all.

I wish to be a vampire.


Granted but Murlocs run a stake through your heart.


Off topic- you dun liek it? Also.... CHAINBREAK! restarting...

I wish for tacos

Bl★ck Star

Off Topic - Chainbreak again ..... jake you didnt posted a wish

I wish the World would Explode and Kill Everyone and me too cause Black Mesa researched a ultimate Nuklear Xen bomb that absorbs the earth and only "Nothing" exist and a cell is still living reproducing to a new Earth and from the Space the Earth now has a Smiley on the West Side like this :D then the face justr andomly exploded and the Earth is gone another Time then God comes and says "LOLWUT ?" and starts randomly being set on fire and while it someone is Rapping God and kicking Jesus Ass

(ha how you want to corrupt that shit xD)


This isn't 'This or that'. It's not a wish either.

I was I had a quad-core CPU.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


(Sorry I fail too much >_>)
Granted but it ASPLODES

I wish my colour on the name was actually red :>
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Granted, we cut you and you bleed to death coloring it red

I wish I had master chief armors

Dark Angel

Granted but it's made out of plastic

I wish i was the most unhappy person in the world!


Granted but you you get strapped to a board and your eyes are gouged out. You ears are then poked through with plastic knives and you're left there to die. But they somehow keep you alive by feeding you through a tube.

I wish for epic quote.