Quotes Thread !!!!!!

Started by Silver Knight, 02-04-2009

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|HGN HA| Major Fluffy: Hey, ever head of that Alien Infestation thingy?
|HGN-DEV|PistolKid: yus
|HGN-DEV|PistolKid is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
|HGN-DEV|PistolKid is now Away.
|HGN-DEV|PistolKid is now Online.
|HGN HA| Major Fluffy: Read the thread and see my last post
|HGN-DEV|PistolKid: Which one out of the 700+ Threads?
|HGN HA| Major Fluffy: lol
|HGN HA| Major Fluffy: What is Alien Infestation?
|HGN-DEV|PistolKid: Idk
|HGN HA| Major Fluffy: lol, This is going in quotes


Doomburger: Can I promote cruits to primates?
Doomburger: I mean privates
|HGN| Assassinator1097: ROFL
|HGN| Assassinator1097: RPF:
|HGN| Assassinator1097: QUOTED


Doomburger: don't PK plox.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Was epic PK.
Doomburger: Epic kill.
Doomburger: Not PK >_>
|HGN| Assassinator1097: EPIC PK IS EPIC
Doomburger: EPIC KILL IS EPICw
|HGN| Assassinator1097: ROFL I already told him it's not PK.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Should quote this.
Doomburger: lulcake


Like A Boss!: Why u gotta go and act liek that?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Cause you tried to help it.
Like A Boss!: But it waz friendly faice
Like A Boss!: I HATE U
Like A Boss! Cries
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Lol.
Like A Boss!: You never ever let me have anything good?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Quoted, lol.

Sorry for triple post.


|HGN| Assassinator1097: YAYAZ
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: waht
|HGN| Assassinator1097: You're online now.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: So you can check my TU app.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: yes
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: denied
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: for asking
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I didn't ask.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: There was no question mark.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: yes u did
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Nope.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: |HGN| Assassinator1097: So you can check my TU app?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Faked.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: STEAM_0:1:19169462
|HGN| Assassinator1097: So you can check my TU app.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: No question mark.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: |HGN| Assassinator1097: So you can check my TU app?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Was a comment.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: NOpe.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Faked.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Ravanger supports meh.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: no
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: u
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Acept it.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Accept(
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: no
|HGN| Assassinator1097: NOwz
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Or demotion.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: ur forcing me
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x denies it.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Demotion for joo.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: demotion in what?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Iz what I tell my soldiers.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: im not ur soldeir
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Doesn't work if you're not in military. Q_Q
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: and i never will be
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Accept it nowz.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Yas.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: NO.
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: FUK
|HGN-STTA| Ness Tea sfrp pl0x: U
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Quoting.


[OOC] |HGN| Assassinator1097: That's a raid.


|HGN| ThY: Here i can get angry.
|HGN| ThY: What the fuck did i do wrong?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Wut?
|HGN| ThY: eh?
|HGN| ThY: you expect me to wait while you /me yourself out?
|HGN| ThY: you think a bloodsucker is passive?
|HGN| ThY: you think im a noob.minge?
|HGN| ThY: you think i cant rp?
|HGN| ThY: you think i diddnt do it fair?
|HGN| ThY: fucking speak.
|HGN| ThY: im not done
|HGN| ThY: dont try make me look bad ok?
|HGN| ThY: i did exactly what i needed to
|HGN| ThY: and im inchage of suckers for a reason.
|HGN| ThY: >:(
|HGN| ThY fucks off.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Back.
|HGN| ThY: read thatif you ere afks.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I did.
|HGN| ThY: explainationz pls
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I don't think you should be incharge of 'suckers if you can't RP without your SWEP.
|HGN| ThY: i did diddnt
|HGN| ThY: i?
|HGN| ThY: look. ive been in a event
|HGN| ThY: for 2 hours
|HGN| ThY: killed no one
|HGN| ThY: just been dmed
|HGN| ThY: im pissed off
|HGN| ThY: im trapped in a cage
|HGN| ThY: with a milli
|HGN| ThY: that im trained to kill
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Yes.
|HGN| ThY: everyone knows i would win
|HGN| Assassinator1097: You can ROleplay it.
|HGN| ThY: so why couldent i speed it up?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I was going to talk to you.
|HGN| ThY: i DID!
|HGN| ThY: well how did i fucking know?
|HGN| ThY: eh?
|HGN| ThY: im not physic
|HGN| ThY: seriosly.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: That's like me walking up to your 'sucker and says me trys to shoot you.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: and th en shoot your head off.
|HGN| ThY: yes
|HGN| ThY: but i waited w secs
|HGN| ThY: ;\
|HGN| Assassinator1097: You don't understand what I'm saying.
|HGN| ThY: 3
|HGN| Assassinator1097: YOU DON"T RP WITH SWEP
|HGN| ThY: You dont understand me either
|HGN| ThY: Ok then
|HGN| ThY: How would you of odne it?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: You don't just kill me.
|HGN| ThY: done it*
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I rp things.
|HGN| ThY: and i did holster it then!
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I say /me tries to slash.
|HGN| ThY: I did.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: And I don't slash OOCly.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I don't kill the person.
|HGN| ThY: Look
|HGN| ThY: bloodsuckers are here to make peole scard
|HGN| ThY: give a bad enviroment
|HGN| ThY: if they walked up, diddnt to ic things
|HGN| ThY: ..
|HGN| Assassinator1097: And to roleplay in a raoleplay server.
|HGN| ThY: yes
|HGN| ThY: :O
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Sorry, you just can't really understand the serious RP side.
|HGN| ThY: assasinator, your the bloodsucker. tell me what you would me
|HGN| ThY crawls to the gate
|HGN| ThY: im not insulting you, dont insult me ok?!
|HGN| ThY: so fuck you.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I'm not insulting you.
|HGN| ThY: Actually its my opinion if its insulting
|HGN| ThY: If it hurts me
|HGN| ThY: It is
|HGN| ThY: You could call methy
|HGN| ThY: and if i find it offensive
|HGN| ThY: ..
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Constructive Criticisim hurts but it's not an insult.
|HGN| ThY: look, shut the fuck up.
|HGN| ThY: it hurt me ok?
|HGN| ThY: i count it as a insult.
|HGN| ThY: now fucking hurry up.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Stop swearing at me, please?
|HGN| ThY: no i fucking wont.
|HGN| ThY: that was just for a laugh
|HGN| ThY: anyway
|HGN| ThY: no
|HGN| ThY: you make me seem like the bad one
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Listen closely, please.
|HGN| ThY: IS*
|HGN| Assassinator1097: There is no commander of 'suckers?
|HGN| ThY: Not commander
|HGN| ThY: uhm
|HGN| ThY: ooc leader
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Why do they need one?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Anyways, this is off the point.
|HGN| ThY: no, you asked the quaestion
|HGN| ThY: if i wasent here
|HGN| ThY: all suckers would be friendly
|HGN| ThY: if not, all dm
|HGN| ThY: no rules.
|HGN| ThY: no /mes
|HGN| Assassinator1097: People can't RP properly as a friendly.
|HGN| ThY: ..
|HGN| ThY: and im stopping this
|HGN| Assassinator1097: So they shouldn't be allowed enless tested.
|HGN| ThY: yes
|HGN| ThY: exactly
|HGN| ThY: and im stopping it
|HGN| ThY: but i cant if i get blamed
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I don't think theere's such a thing a thing as a tame Military killing
|HGN| ThY: and moaned at
|HGN| Assassinator1097: 'sucker*
|HGN| ThY: nore do i
|HGN| ThY: but i get so much blame
|HGN| ThY: by u guys
|HGN| ThY: i just give in
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Then quit it.
|HGN| ThY: im under so much fucking stress
|HGN| ThY: .
|HGN| Assassinator1097: If you can't handle it you should maybe hand it over. :)
|HGN| ThY: no, i want to see a goodsucker enviroment one day
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Not to me.
|HGN| ThY: is that a hint?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: No.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: This is off topic.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Point is, when I RP with my 'sucker, I do every /me and don't use my swep excpet for screams.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I was begining RP and then you did a quick /me and sliced me.
|HGN| ThY: so howd u kill em if u rp it?
|HGN| ThY: look
|HGN| Assassinator1097: In the end I suck blood and let them do the death RP.
|HGN| ThY: my console does not go back to far
|HGN| ThY: but i was told
|HGN| ThY: i dont do /mes
|HGN| ThY: by nines
|HGN| ThY: ok?
|HGN| ThY: but i did
|HGN| Assassinator1097: ....
|HGN| ThY: fucking ask him
|HGN| ThY: or was it alek
|HGN| ThY: i dunn
|HGN| ThY: one of em
|HGN| ThY: please, every day i get blame. and every day i get flamed etc
|HGN| ThY: i dont like it
|HGN| ThY: but im so determined
|HGN| ThY: but people like you, trying to humiliate me
|HGN| ThY: by saying it in ooc
|HGN| ThY: making me look bad
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Nines denies it.
|HGN| ThY: and critizing cus i acting like a sucker.
|HGN| ThY: :\
|HGN| ThY: ill ask him
|HGN| Assassinator1097: It's a roleplay server.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: YOu roleplay.
|HGN| ThY: yes
|HGN| ThY: my role was sucker
|HGN| ThY: and i played it
|HGN| ThY: and i did mes
|HGN| ThY: .
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Witout spamming SWEP.
|HGN| ThY: i diddnt kill
|HGN| ThY: look
|HGN| ThY: if i wanted
|HGN| ThY: i could of killed quicked
|HGN| ThY: quicker
|HGN| ThY: i used inv
|HGN| ThY: i teased you
|HGN| ThY: but what the hell?
|HGN| ThY: i thaughy
|HGN| ThY: thaught
|HGN| ThY: why rp a one sides fight?
|HGN| ThY: its wasting ur time
|HGN| ThY: and mine
|HGN| ThY: no one was watching
|HGN| ThY: and alek stopped half way
|HGN| ThY: so.
|HGN| ThY: :O
|HGN| ThY: What i see here
|HGN| ThY: is
|HGN| ThY: you wanted me to wait more seconds
|HGN| ThY: so you could speak to me
|HGN| ThY: but. i cant see into future
|HGN| ThY: so ok?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: That's why you don't swep spam.
|HGN| ThY: i diddnt know u were going to speak
|HGN| Assassinator1097: That's why you RP without just killing stuff with your SWEP. :)
|HGN| ThY: so its none of our faults ok?
|HGN| ThY: so lets end it at that
|HGN| ThY: we both have our stories
|HGN| ThY: opinions
|HGN| ThY: lets drop it.
|HGN| ThY: but im fucking anoyed now. thanks for making my day worse



Doomburger: I'm a sad panda.
Doomburger: Everyone is getting into king's squad </1
Doomburger: </3
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Wut?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: What squads?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: WUT
Doomburger: ....
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I WANT A SQUAD
|HGN| Assassinator1097: MOMMY
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I MEAN RADEK!!!
Doomburger: You're the leader of the support squad and you don't know?
Doomburger: http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/index.php?topic=2530.0
Doomburger: lulz
|HGN| Assassinator1097: WHAT THE FREAK
Doomburger: "Dis message sekrit-Assassinator"
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I Need to kill Radek.
Doomburger: WHY
Doomburger: I'M STUCK IN CAPS.
Doomburger: ROFL
|HGN| Assassinator1097: HES CHEATING ON ME
|HGN| Assassinator1097: FOR...
|HGN| Assassinator1097: YOU
Doomburger: LOLOLOL
|HGN| Assassinator1097: O DPM
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I DON"T KNOW WHAT I SAW IN HIM
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I needs quote this.
Doomburger: Go ahead olololol


He wants it, bad.


"|HGN| Assassinator1097: Acce--
|HGN| Assassinator1097: You're... playing... CSS...
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: im his friend
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Accept Andrew Carter.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: What?
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: its not radek playing right now
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Huh?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Oh, lol."

Assassinator is very unstable..

"|HGN| Assassinator1097: Radek.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: You needs to see something?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Please.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Answer me.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: If you love me.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: http://www.neosoft.se/dev/advicedog/advicedog.php?line1=Join+Military&line2=Pwn+Stalkers
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: ...
|HGN| Assassinator1097: What?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: I thought you love me
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Wow... That was sooooo important.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: );
|HGN| Assassinator1097 cries.
|HGN| Assassinator1097 runs away sobbing.
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Duty has the same thing
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: But it says JOin Duty
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Why can't you ever appreciate me!!!
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Lol
|HGN| Assassinator1097 cries more.
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Eeh...
|HGN|Radek Zelenka Pat's Assassinator on the shoulder.
|HGN| Assassinator1097 cries and runs away.
|HGN|Radek Zelenka Grabs his rifle and Shoots Assassinator in the leg.
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Stop running!
|HGN| Assassinator1097 ignores injury RP and continues running.
|HGN|Radek Zelenka Runs after assassinator and eats him.
|HGN| Assassinator1097 are ded
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Mmm... Chiken.."

|HGN|Sharrock: Did you attempt to strangle a bloodsucker but it made u insane?
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: I never attempt..
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Moahaa.
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Anyways whyz?
|HGN|Sharrock: dis the real radek?
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Mabye.
|HGN|Sharrock: is it or not :O
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Depends on what you mean with you.
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Define you...
|HGN|Sharrock: the real radek
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Define the "real" Radek.
|HGN|Sharrock: well if its not the real radek who wouldnt mine if i blew up his time
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: huh...
|HGN|Sharrock: damn my typing
|HGN|Sharrock: Refrase
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Touch?
|HGN|Sharrock: Well if it's not the real radek he won't care that i blew up his town last night
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: ...
|HGN|Sharrock: :3
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Basterd..
|HGN|Sharrock: my bandit was tinkering with explosives :3
|HGN|Sharrock: its the real radek :D
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: Lies!
|HGN|Radek Zelenka: I'm God!
|HGN|Radek Zelenka Runs away.
|HGN|Sharrock: wut"
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Doomburger: I hear nothing.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Wut?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: You see duh picture, thos?
Doomburger: yes
|HGN| Assassinator1097: 'Kay.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: It's supposed to be playing song loop.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Say!    Hit the road, Jack and don't you come back no more no more no more. Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Lolz.
Doomburger: Lolwat.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Iz song.
Doomburger: On my server we used buttons that disconnected players,permabanned them and then sent them to a homo server.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Hit the road Jack!
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Wut.
Doomburger: Oh.I had my sound off.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: LOL
|HGN| Assassinator1097: LOL
|HGN| Assassinator1097: LOL
|HGN| Assassinator1097: MUST QUOTE
Doomburger: Go away </3

Dark Angel

|HGN| ThY: Nah, im quite racist.
|HGN| ThY: SLAVERY = Gets shit done
|HGN-STTAl  ダークエンジェル: I'm not totally
|HGN-STTAl  ダークエンジェル: I like Blacks under sauce , Europeans with noodles and i kill jews in gas Chambers
|HGN| ThY: i <3 YOU.


Me and strelok have many an epic chat

Also, RP song. Me and kahn were working on one.


"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Bl★ck Star

Sarah Hensfield | |HGNPT| Cloud [BACK !!!] [LOOC]: shoo leave
Billy 'Connor' Summers | Churro [LOOC]: im thre guard and im ooc lol
Taras Petrov | |HGN| Ganendor [LOOC]: hello? finished dave?
Taras Petrov | |HGN| Ganendor [LOOC]: or cloud
Sarah Hensfield | |HGNPT| Cloud [BACK !!!] [LOOC]: i want to rape him :/
Billy 'Connor' Summers | Churro [LOOC]: LOL

Brandon Ortiz Spawned models/props_c17/door02_double.mdl
Sarah Hensfield | |HGNPT| Cloud [BACK !!!] [LOOC]: joking
Billy 'Connor' Summers | Churro [LOOC]: psycho nurse
Billy 'Connor' Summers | Churro [LOOC]:
Taras Petrov | |HGN| Ganendor [LOOC]: if u want.... im still unconcious lol
Taras Petrov | |HGN| Ganendor [LOOC]: as long as ur char isnt dog ugly my g-
uy doesnt care
Sarah Hensfield | |HGNPT| Cloud [BACK !!!] [LOOC]: Taras:"HAHAAHA im soon d-
eath but i got a women to fuck ebfore i die hahahah *die sounds* ..... *is d-
Billy 'Connor' Summers | Churro [LOOC]: lol

Bl★ck Star

later before a patrol .....

Taras Petrov | |HGN| Ganendor [LOOC]: no vacancies.... now cloud take a roo-
m we'll be up one by one




21 August 2009
03:50 - |HGN-STTA| Ravanger: going to rape this guy
03:52 - |HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: lol
03:53 - |HGN-STTA| Ravanger: |HGN-STTA| PistolKid: Fun Fallout 3 Fact: There's an easter egg in Me- This program has encountered a problem, and needs to close. Any information you were working now will be lost.
|HGN-STTA| PistolKid is now Away.
|HGN-STTA| Ravanger: what the shit
03:53 - |HGN-STTA| Ravanger: ?
03:53 - |HGN-STTA| Ravanger: wtf
03:53 - |HGN-STTA| Ravanger: ** Henry Bakers slings his rifle
** Henry Bakers pulls out svd
Warning: Unhandled usermessage ''
Warning: Unhandled usermessage ''
Arena Official removed prop_physics
Henry Bakers: in boy
Henry Bakers: hurry

Henry Bakers Spawned models/props_building_details/Storefront_Template001a_Bars.mdl
Henry Bakers | |HGN-STTA| Ravanger [LOOC]: stay here brb something to handl-
** Henry Bakers pulls out pistol
** Henry Bakers slings svd
Henry Bakers: get on your knees boy
Henry Bakers: Like a dog
Henry Bakers: Or a little piggy
Arena Official removed prop_physics
** Henry Bakers pulls out some zip ties
** Henry Bakers ties his hands
Player |HGN| Assassinator1097 left the game (|HGN| Assassinator1097 timed o-
** Henry Bakers pulls out a bigger one
** Henry Bakers ties his legs
Player |HGN|LectricGypsy left the game (Disconnect by user).
** Henry Bakers gets behind him
** Henry Bakers begins tryign to pull down your pants
Player wormogun left the game (Disconnect by user).
Player wormogun has joined the game.
** Henry Bakers takes them down
** Neo Hikato sighs "Why is it that you lawless types always resort to this?
** Henry Bakers pulls down his own
** Henry Bakers gets ready then sticks it in...
** Henry Bakers yells out, "Squeal boy Squeal"
** Henry Bakers yells out, "WHEEEEEEE"
** Neo Hikato winces "I sware I will kill you.."
** Henry Bakers begins going back and forth
** Henry Bakers pulls it out
** Henry Bakers grabs svd
** Henry Bakers points it at his head
03:53 - |HGN-STTA| Ravanger: there you go
03:53 - |HGN-STTA| Ravanger: Squeal boy
03:54 - |HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: ROFL
03:54 - |HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: Q-Q-Q-QUOTED
Proof that Ravanger is a fudge-packer.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Upon discoverin admin room on forums-

|HGN-HA| Dj Afro: Wut
|HGN|ISPYUDIE: hl2rp- misc- [hidden]Admin Room- Wait what, im not a admin ROFL
|HGN-HA| Dj Afro: Wait, ITS VISIBLE?

|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: Wawt?
|HGN|ISPYUDIE: Why can I see sekrit admin forum....
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: DUN DUN DUN
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: Its not sekrit yet
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: Rofl


LOl I love you blake. That was pretty funny. I still rolf that I raped that freedomer neo guy. I packed him fudge pretty good. But you did not post part two. :(

Wazer Wifle

This whole freakin thread is just epicly funny, in general.


aw gawd XD you raped neo.! My teammate.. damn you :P that was pretty funny


|HGN-STTA| Plunger: So
|HGN-STTA| Plunger: Anyone who enters Mili base
|HGN-STTA| Plunger: Gets death by fire squad.
|HGN-STSV| Locke VACATION: Say what.
|HGN-STTA| Plunger: Yeah
|HGN-STSV| Locke VACATION: Well factions arent back yet
|HGN-STSV| Locke VACATION: But well see
|HGN-STSV| Locke VACATION: Im too tired to talk
|HGN-STSV| Locke VACATION: I might say or do something dumb
|HGN-STTA| Plunger: Can I haz military?
|HGN-STSV| Locke VACATION: Good try tho.
|HGN-STTA| Plunger: LOLK

Silver Knight

|HGN-Owner|сріблолица: http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/index.php?topic=3258.msg31103#msg31103
|HGN-STBA| Mr. Tea - School SUX: uhm
|HGN-STBA| Mr. Tea - School SUX: who are the candidates?
|HGN-STBA| Mr. Tea - School SUX: oh
|HGN-STBA| Mr. Tea - School SUX: now it loads
|HGN-STBA| Mr. Tea - School SUX: fail IE
|HGN-Owner|сріблолица: -1 Intelligence point for Mr.Tea

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


lol the last two make me lol.