Quotes Thread !!!!!!

Started by Silver Knight, 02-04-2009

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Quote14:20 - |HGN-STSA| ThY - Pc hates gmod: I can kill you 72728 ways. Only with my thumb
14:20 - nK3 - Birthday :3: I bet you could do alot more with your finger
14:20 - |HGN-STSA| ThY - Pc hates gmod: GET THE FUCK OUT
14:20 - nK3 - Birthday :3: :D


[LOOC] Yuri Babikov: My Hydra... it's awfully hot in here...
[LOOC] 'Hydra': Don't even think about it.
[LOOC] Yuri Babikov: Why don't you... take off that suit?
[LOOC] 'Hydra': I can't, my hands are tied.
[LOOC] Yuri Babikov: Then... I'll take it off... for you.
[LOOC] Yuri Babikov: **Creeper stare.
[LOOC] 'Hydra': ** Rape stare.

"It's so much easier to see the world in black and white.... Gray? I don't know what to do with gray...."


Rofl, I was bsing Raven about something and I got banned.

Disconnect: Kicked by Console : "Banned for 3600 mins ( Lying about what an admin says. )".

5:57 PM - |hgn| molly ringwald <3: Ah.
5:57 PM - |hgn| molly ringwald <3: Too bad.
5:57 PM - |hgn| molly ringwald <3: I was going to help you.
5:57 PM - [VGN] Wolf: :(
5:57 PM - |hgn| molly ringwald <3: guess you died
5:57 PM - [VGN] Wolf: Nah
5:57 PM - [VGN] Wolf: We're working around it.
5:58 PM - |hgn| molly ringwald <3: Nope.
5:58 PM - |hgn| molly ringwald <3: even if you're patched up
5:59 PM - |hgn| molly ringwald <3: you not have pneumonia
5:59 PM - |hgn| molly ringwald <3: you can thank commisar sexy pants for this.

I'm a bad girl :O


QuotecannonInspector: Not telling. You'll probably tattle on me or something.


Edit; I am totally not the griefer.
I wouldn't stoop so low.


Turk now in ᴴᴰ! walks into Bobby's room where he sits and plays TF2
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! raises his 9mm pistols.
Emperor Bobby ☭ is now Online.
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! pulls back the hammer.
Emperor Bobby ☭ is idling
Emperor Bobby ☭: Ya nub.
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! pulls the trigger, THe first two shots hitting his screen.
Emperor Bobby ☭: Nuuuuu
Emperor Bobby ☭: now i canty view my items
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! continues to the pull the trigger.
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! breaks various things in the room, until only bobby is left.
Emperor Bobby ☭: Not my Slinky!
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! reloads aiming at bobby.
Turk now in ᴴᴰ!: Gobble.. Gobble. Mother fucker.
Emperor Bobby ☭ ducks
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! pulls the trigger. Missing.
Turk now in ᴴᴰ!: Oh shi-
Emperor Bobby ☭ whips out his BanHammer
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! dives backwards, Max payne like, Firing.
Emperor Bobby ☭ wonders why he is doing sf rp.
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! puts a round into bobby's leg.
Emperor Bobby ☭: Balls!
Emperor Bobby ☭ Throws his now broken slinky at you.
Emperor Bobby ☭: (one of the metal kind, so you know it'l sting)
Turk now in ᴴᴰ! falls down, Dead, From the fatal hit to the gobbler.
Emperor Bobby ☭: ah.
Turk now in ᴴᴰ!: /it A news reporter runs away to the quotes thread
Emperor Bobby ☭: ok.


[DutySuit|Modified Vin...] says "Give me a bottle of cigs."
[LOOC] S-Sldr. Stepan 'Troll' Serdjukov: A PACK
[LOOC] S-Sldr. Stepan 'Troll' Serdjukov: LOL.
Warning, this news report contains flashing images.


Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 20-02-2011
[DutySuit|Modified Vin...] says "Give me a bottle of cigs."
[LOOC] S-Sldr. Stepan 'Troll' Serdjukov: A PACK
[LOOC] S-Sldr. Stepan 'Troll' Serdjukov: LOL.

A bottle of Cigs.
That moment was fucking Epic
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


I was thinking of buying vodka, but then I remembered my char actually smokes.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


(21:41) Sgt. Krill Leren yells "UNDRESS NOW, BITCH!"
(21:41) Lieutenant-Colonel Sevastian Polyakev radios in "I turned the stationary off, Maskinsky. Seems that they're... Well, broken."
(21:41) [LOOC] Sgt. Krill Leren: Void.
(21:41) ** [Female|Bandana|RedHai...] frowns.
(21:41) ** S-Sldr. Nikolai 'Kieck' Lishvic grins.
(21:41) [LOOC] Rct. Svetlana Boginskya: oh LOL
(21:42) J-Sgt. Yuri 'Goblin' Radoslav radios in "Ours exploded..."
(21:42) S-Sldr. Leonard Maskinsky radios in "Roger... we uh.. tossed ours off the tower."
(21:42) [LOOC] S-Sldr. Nikolai 'Kieck' Lishvic: quoted
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Quote from: lolKieck on 21-02-2011
(21:41) Sgt. Krill Leren yells "UNDRESS NOW, BITCH!"
(21:41) Lieutenant-Colonel Sevastian Polyakev radios in "I turned the stationary off, Maskinsky. Seems that they're... Well, broken."
(21:41) [LOOC] Sgt. Krill Leren: Void.
(21:41) ** [Female|Bandana|RedHai...] frowns.
(21:41) ** S-Sldr. Nikolai 'Kieck' Lishvic grins.
(21:41) [LOOC] Rct. Svetlana Boginskya: oh LOL
(21:42) J-Sgt. Yuri 'Goblin' Radoslav radios in "Ours exploded..."
(21:42) S-Sldr. Leonard Maskinsky radios in "Roger... we uh.. tossed ours off the tower."
(21:42) [LOOC] S-Sldr. Nikolai 'Kieck' Lishvic: quoted

Lol.. Just lol. What i'm missing. Damn. : (  : D


Quote from: lolKieck on 21-02-2011
(21:41) Sgt. Krill Leren yells "UNDRESS NOW, BITCH!"
(21:41) Lieutenant-Colonel Sevastian Polyakev radios in "I turned the stationary off, Maskinsky. Seems that they're... Well, broken."
(21:42) S-Sldr. Leonard Maskinsky radios in "Roger... we uh.. tossed ours off the tower."

"...and shot it. Multiple times."


Quote from: Sharrock on 21-02-2011
Paintcheck you just think it's boring because You can NOT passive, it requires you to actually RP, not just come up with false theories to make something you want sound better.
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Lol, fucking stationary radio not working.


Quote from: Dug on 21-02-2011
Lol, fucking stationary radio not working.

That thing made us rage for fucking hours, and then afterwards when we figured out it didn't work, Ace still tried to tell the person on the other end through the stationary that they were demoted... Silly Ace.


|HGN|ISPYUDIE: Oh god, some trenchie is trying to sell milk in my bar
|HGN|ISPYUDIE: to various people
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: LL
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: LOL
|HGN|ISPYUDIE: [Merc patch | Merc sui...] says "Special offer"
[Merc patch | Merc sui...] says "Only today"
[Merc patch | Merc sui...] says "Allright not then"
[Mask[ON]|BandagedLimb...] says "Okay, now shut the fuck up."
[Merc patch | Merc sui...] says "You do buy it?"
[Merc patch | Merc sui...] says "Just kidding"
[Merc patch | Merc sui...] says "Wont sell you"
[Merc patch | Merc sui...] yells "You"
[Merc patch | Merc sui...] yells "Yes you"
** Andrey Chornovyl sighs, facepalming
[Merc patch | Merc sui...] yells "you look like a person who wants to buy my milk?"
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: LOL.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: HOLD ON
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: OUT OF MILK
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: NEED MORE
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: *trenchy goes into back room*
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: *Fap sounds*
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: *trenchy comes out*
|HGN|ISPYUDIE: ** [Merc patch | Merc sui...] winks "only today"


Pfc. Ramirez [506th PIR]: I have something to tell you.



That's because I don't play on any of HGN's servers currently because Crussaria is always empty and I harbor possibly unhealthy amounts of hatred for 2 of the admins on SRP and it is more or less becase of them that I decided to stop admining and quit the server. If you around before all of this happened you would understand why that is an astonishingly stupid statement.

Quote from: Kieck on SF
|HGN| thekicek: Paint can I ask you a favor?
*Immediately logs off after finishing that sentence

Uh sure I guess? It would probably help if you stayed online long enough for me to respond to your SF.

I don't know, I always find it amusing when someone asks me something and then immediately logs before I can answer.


QuoteIf you around before all of this happened

I heard you left because you were a shitty admin.


I heard you were an obnoxious troll also. The difference between the two statements is that mine is true and yours is false.

If I was such a shitty admin I probably wouldn't have been the longest admin HGN ever had (continuous at least. Nitro got his admin around the same time but he has spells of inactivity. Locke has been around a while too but again not continuously) nor garnered several votes in the HGN Community Awards for "Best Admin" (among "Best Roleplayer", "Best Character", and "Best Overall" as well in the last two topics) nor would I have been a CSV for a while (only stepping down from that to go to college) nor would I have spent 800+ hours in the server.

In short, I don't feel like I need to justify myself to you since you are only looking to troll. I've been a member of this community for coming up on 2 years this March, have donated to it, have done some work on the sweps and economy and countless other things over that long stretch that have garnered me much respect from many members here. Who, exactly, are you to be calling me out?


Quote from: eroticduck on 22-02-2011
QuoteIf you around before all of this happened

I heard you left because you were a shitty admin.

You DEFINITELY heard wrong.

Quote from: Paintcheck on 22-02-2011
I heard you were an obnoxious troll also. The difference between the two statements is that mine is true and yours is false.

If I was such a shitty admin I probably wouldn't have been the longest admin HGN ever had nor garnered several votes in the HGN Community Awards for "Best Admin" (among "Best Roleplayer", "Best Character", and "Best Overall" as well in the last two topics) nor would I have been a CSV for a while (only stepping down from that to go to college) nor would I have spent 800+ hours in the server.

In short, I don't feel like I need to justify myself to you. But I did anyway.



Quote from: Paintcheck on 22-02-2011nor garnered several votes in the HGN Community Awards for "Best Admin" (among "Best Roleplayer", "Best Character", and "Best Overall" as well in the last two topics)

winning the special Olympics

you're still a retard if you do so


Quote from: eroticduck on 22-02-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 22-02-2011nor garnered several votes in the HGN Community Awards for "Best Admin" (among "Best Roleplayer", "Best Character", and "Best Overall" as well in the last two topics)

winning the special Olympics

you're still a retard if you do so

Sure thing killdead, What ever helps you sleep at night.


Quote from: eroticduck on 22-02-2011
QuoteIf you around before all of this happened

I heard you left because you were a shitty admin.

We can stop the flaming, thank you. This has already been reported, I hope your stay here was a nice one, because it's about to be cut short.


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 22-02-2011
Quote from: eroticduck on 22-02-2011
QuoteIf you around before all of this happened

I heard you left because you were a shitty admin.

We can stop the flaming, thank you. This has already been reported, I hope your stay here was a nice one, because it's about to be cut short.