Quotes Thread !!!!!!

Started by Silver Knight, 02-04-2009

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Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


crusader :D

Never tell your password to anyone.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
12:13 AM - silver......shadow: There is a very evil person on steam:


His name is I_RAPE_CATS. Obviously this distrubed individual should be locked up for the protection of cats and possibly other species.

His profile description is paticularly vile.

I strongly suggest that you report the "person" to valve and the police authorities in your country.

You might also with to report his poll on http://isitnormal.com/story/i-rape-my-cat-5555/ or post on our page at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/hatecatrape for questions.

Pls perhaps share this video with him DON'T RAPE CATS!!!!

Make sure you tell others about this monster and get them to take positive action.

This sicko must be stopped - remember: block, report (valve, police), educate, spread and hate are the appropriate responses.


-- update: he is also a pedophile - he is a member of a child rape group - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ChildRape (report that too)
-- update: he reponded like a troll in a comment "Looks like some people are upset"
-- update: people are reporting him but it isn't succeeding - as well as reporting his profile, you need to send a support ticked to valve, create forum posts and contact police:

UK 0800 555 111 - Crimestoppers
USA 800-78-CRIME 
World https://tips.fbi.gov/

Let's get this rapist / pedophile stopped


BREAKING NEWS!! His pedophile group for raping kids has been closed by Valve. Keep reporting him to Valve / police.
12:14 AM - Crusader: who
12:14 AM - Crusader: the
12:14 AM - Crusader: hell
12:14 AM - Crusader: are
12:14 AM - Crusader: you
12:14 AM - silver......shadow: you got a special licence for being so damn stupid.
12:14 AM - Crusader: thanks.

((Not the chat)): Not sure if I should eh.. get rid of links or what?


inb4 forum ban
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what the fuck




02:11pm) ** 'Hydra' violently sodomizes Corocan, blood and semen pouring from his every orifice.
(02:11pm) [ 5'9|SlungLR|Kabar|Ur...] says "5.56x39 ammunition?"
(02:11pm) [LOOC] 'Hydra': 'void
(02:12pm) ** 'Sunshine' enjoys it.
(02:12pm) [LOOC] 'Sunshine': Voided.
(02:12pm) [LOOC] 'Hydra': hah
(02:12pm) [LOOC] Ivan Barsukov: I dont want to void it.


** [Lived 22 years alread...] shits his pants in scarces
Akim Belotserkovsky says "He isn't worth it, Vasoline."
Akim Belotserkovsky says "Oh shit."
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Your right he doesn't deserve the-"
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "What"
Akim Belotserkovsky says "Something smells very bad."
** Akim Belotserkovsky squints.
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "What smells.."
** Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev sniffs
Akim Belotserkovsky says "Hey, rook."
Akim Belotserkovsky says "Did you fart?"
Akim Belotserkovsky says "You smell like shit, man."
** Akim Belotserkovsky looks down, noticing the bulge in his pants.
[Lived 22 years alread...] says "Uhh..."
** Akim Belotserkovsky's eyes widen to their full extent.
[Lived 22 years alread...] says "I've dont have a shower"
Torik removed prop_ragdoll
(/) [OOC] Sldr. Evard Brilev: BRB
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Right.. Right."
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Why dont you waddle on over to the campfire..I was just kiddin'."
[Lived 22 years alread...] says "Okay"
** Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev watches
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev whispers "Yeah, he shit himself."
(/) [OOC] Torik: cool
** [Lived 22 years alread...] puts the turd in the fire fastly
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Ah.."
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Are you burning shit in our fire?"
** [Lived 22 years alread...] takes the crap and throws it 20 yards
(o) [OOC] Cherkove Malkovich: Later g2g
** It hits Leshiy's Seva
Akim Belotserkovsky says "Je-"
Torik removed prop_ragdoll
Akim Belotserkovsky says "What the -fuck.-"
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Did..did you just throw shit."
[Lived 22 years alread...] says "Uhhh...."
Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom radios in "Adam, take Akim , Vasili and Perp out on a little patrol. If that guy's being annoying, kick him out."
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev radios in "He just threw shit."
** [Lived 22 years alread...] shits again in scares
Akim Belotserkovsky says "You know what."
Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika radios in "LETS GO."
Akim Belotserkovsky says "Go eat it."
[Lived 22 years alread...] says "Uhh..."
Akim Belotserkovsky says "Pick it up, I mean."
** [Lived 22 years alread...] shits again in scares
Akim Belotserkovsky says "Jesus."
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev radios in "He shit himself..Again"
[Lived 22 years alread...] says "Oh"
Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom radios in "What?"
Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom radios in "Kick the creeper out."
Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika radios in "That's three times."
Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom radios in "Into the swamp."
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev radios in "Four now."
Akim Belotserkovsky radios in "I think we're going to need HAZMAT suits."
Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom radios in "KICK. OUT."
Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika says "Leave the base."
[Lived 22 years alread...] says "Uhh..."
Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika says "Now!"
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Take your shitty self elsewhere"
(-) T.Eh Wally AP has disconnected from the server.
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Wait"
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Wait!"
Vasilli Vasoline Nikolaev says "Lets send him to Duty"
** [Lived 22 years alread...] shits him self in scares


*shits himself in scares*

the permaban queen.


because he was really serious about it.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


|HGN| Kieck: lol
|HGN| Kieck: you cant smoke drugs in freedom
|HGN| Kieck: kinda lame
|HGN| Gonztah: They're all bigger asses than Duty anyway
|HGN| Kieck: yeah
|HGN| Kieck: ironically people prefer freedom
|HGN| Kieck: lol
|HGN| Kieck: SRP players are like women
|HGN| Kieck: assholes are hot for them
|HGN| Gonztah: lol


My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic - Season 1 Ep.1 (Mare in the Moon) you can skip the intro starting at 1:30 to 2:00
22:09 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Even I dont like the intro lol
22:09 - |HGN| Gonztah: I have a baad feeeling about this
22:09 - |IGC| Knife_cz: ...
22:09 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Its the mother fucking internet
22:09 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Live with it lol
22:10 - |HGN| Gonztah: Gnfg
22:10 - |HGN| Gonztah: My brains cannot take this
22:10 - |IGC| Knife_cz: ...
22:10 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Watch it
22:10 - |HGN| Gonztah: Dragon thing waht the fuck
22:10 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Till half
22:10 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Yeah I was ftw at that too
22:11 - |HGN| Gonztah: Wtf telekinetic horn
22:11 - |IGC| Knife_cz: ITS MAGIC OBVIOUSLY
22:11 - |HGN| Gonztah: 4 minutes
22:11 - |HGN| Gonztah: Im
22:11 - |HGN| Gonztah: Not...
22:11 - |IGC| Knife_cz: ...
22:11 - |IGC| Knife_cz: WATCH IT TILL HALF
22:11 - |IGC| Knife_cz: I command you
22:12 - |HGN| Gonztah: I cannot take it anymore
22:12 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Half
22:12 - |IGC| Knife_cz: To half
22:13 - |HGN| Gonztah: I'm glad the dragon thing exists
22:13 - |HGN| Gonztah: Something to concentrate hate on
22:13 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Yep lol
22:13 - |HGN| Gonztah: Aren't these ponies
22:13 - |HGN| Gonztah: Bitchy
22:13 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Just only one
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: Gnfgfgf
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: Flying
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: Cart
22:14 - |IGC| Knife_cz: So at what part- lol
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: Engine:
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: Ponies
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: Slavery?
22:14 - |IGC| Knife_cz: BUT THEY ARE PEGASUS
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: SLAVERY
22:14 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Royal guards bitch
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: THIS SHOW
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: IS
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: ENCOURAGING
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: SLAVERY
22:14 - |IGC| Knife_cz: eaf.kneafhukehgf
22:14 - |HGN| Gonztah: They don't even talk?
22:15 - |HGN| Gonztah: This is racist
22:15 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Yeah the guards are mute
22:15 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Like british royal guards
22:15 - |IGC| Knife_cz: You see they steal alot of ideas from Britain
22:15 - |HGN| Gonztah: 7:30 I must last......
22:15 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Oh come on, watch it till ending atleast :P
22:15 - |HGN| Gonztah: OH GOD MURICABRONY
22:16 - |HGN| Gonztah: Everypony
22:16 - |HGN| Gonztah: Gnghg
22:16 - |IGC| Knife_cz: :>
22:16 - |IGC| Knife_cz: every pornie
22:16 - |HGN| Gonztah: Appleponies
22:16 - |HGN| Gonztah: I
22:16 - |HGN| Gonztah: Dnt
22:16 - |HGN| Gonztah: even......
22:16 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Its the apple family
22:17 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Dem be like peasants
22:17 - |HGN| Gonztah: Let me thin-
22:17 - |HGN| Gonztah: NO
22:17 - |HGN| Gonztah: TINY PONIES
22:17 - |HGN| Gonztah: NO
22:17 - |HGN| Gonztah: RESIST
22:17 - |IGC| Knife_cz: ...
22:17 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Remember
22:17 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Its the damned internet
22:18 - |HGN| Gonztah: 10:30
22:18 - |HGN| Gonztah: So close to halfway
22:18 - |IGC| Knife_cz: 11:30 till ending eh
22:18 - |HGN| Gonztah: No
22:18 - |HGN| Gonztah: No
22:18 - |HGN| Gonztah: No
22:18 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Yeup
22:19 - |HGN| Gonztah: Dem voices
22:19 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Wait the voices are okay
22:19 - |IGC| Knife_cz: Check the names in credits, they are known these people
22:19 - |HGN| Gonztah: My brain is being corrupted.
22:20 - |HGN| Gonztah: Why can't I
22:20 - |IGC| Knife_cz: ?
22:20 - |IGC| Knife_cz: What can't you
22:20 - |HGN| Gonztah: st
22:20 - |HGN| Gonztah: op


|HGN| Gonztah: I swear
|HGN| Gonztah: If I ever
|HGN| Gonztah: Watch one of
|HGN| Gonztah: those MLPs
|HGN| Gonztah: ever
|HGN| Gonztah: again
|HGN| Gonztah: You'll be my first victim
|IGC| Knife_cz: Alright lets be honest
|IGC| Knife_cz: Is there anything what is making you to watch MLP?
|IGC| Knife_cz: Any kind of thought
|HGN| Gonztah: I seriously
|HGN| Gonztah: Dont
|HGN| Gonztah: know why I watched that bit
|HGN| Gonztah: Curiosity?
|IGC| Knife_cz: Yeah.
|HGN| Gonztah: And now
|HGN| Gonztah: I will forget it
|IGC| Knife_cz: How did you became brony :
|IGC| Knife_cz: "The internet faze. I was curious as to what was so good about it so I watched Youtube clips and then the love began. "
|HGN| Gonztah: No
|HGN| Gonztah: No
|HGN| Gonztah: No
|HGN| Gonztah: Never
|IGC| Knife_cz: The internet faze. I was curious...
|IGC| Knife_cz: and then the love began. "
|HGN| Gonztah: Never
|HGN| Gonztah: No
|IGC| Knife_cz: love began
|IGC| Knife_cz: love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began love began
|HGN| Gonztah: I would love to quote a rude line here
|HGN| Gonztah: But I wont
|HGN| Gonztah: And I will never
|IGC| Knife_cz: Oh.Check forums
|HGN| Gonztah: Turn to the brony side
|HGN| Gonztah: NO
|IGC| Knife_cz: "One does not simply quote Kieck without being punished"
|HGN| Gonztah: FUCK
|IGC| Knife_cz: :3
|IGC| Knife_cz: On the bright side
|IGC| Knife_cz: You will become famous now
|HGN| Gonztah: NO
|HGN| Gonztah: FUCK
|HGN| Gonztah: NO
|IGC| Knife_cz: Its too late
|IGC| Knife_cz: You are brony now

|IGC| Knife_cz: Come on now :3
|IGC| Knife_cz: Watch two more episodes
|IGC| Knife_cz: Whole episodes
|IGC| Knife_cz: And ill remove quote
|IGC| Knife_cz: TROLOLO
|HGN| Gonztah: NO
|IGC| Knife_cz: And I mean that.
|HGN| Gonztah: I'd rather die
|IGC| Knife_cz turns
|IGC| Knife_cz: Enjoy the quote
|IGC| Knife_cz: sawceswuful trall is sawcesful


I would rather watch some Dane Cook standup than read this thread


** Reuben James opens his coat, and pulls out a string of pipe-bombs, duct-taped together.
Reuben James says "I make these and sell them."
** Reuben James smiles.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"



1:05 - [email protected]: hihih free gaem me frend 28 avril 2012
1:05 - [email protected]: bye
1. května 2012
1:06 - [email protected]: www.steam-gifs-freegames.tk
hurry  up only 55 games will be gifted in this link.
Don't forget to say Thanks !
1:06 - [email protected]: gogogo
1:06 - [email protected]: naw
1:06 - |IGC| Knife_cz needs a new RAM: No seriously bro
1:06 - [email protected]: free gaem
1:06 - |IGC| Knife_cz needs a new RAM: Go die


☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: Gay
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: nou
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: Brb
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: k
|HGN-FOTO| Professor Steve: k

the permaban queen.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


the permaban queen.


inb4 k is too mainstream.
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


k, let's stop.

No seriously. Let's not create a monster. <3 Or I'll have to split this and move part of it to the GVC.

Steven :D

Quote(17:19) Michael Bates says "First one."
(17:19) ** [Heavy Ranger Gear|Hea...] nods
(17:19) Michael Bates says "Theres only two up there."
(17:20) ** [Heavy Ranger Gear|Hea...] takes the key unlocking the door
(17:20) ** [Heavy Ranger Gear|Hea...] closes the door
(17:20) ** [Heavy Ranger Gear|Hea...] locks the door from the inside
(17:20) ** [Heavy Ranger Gear|Hea...] sits down begining to undress

Forp is not immune either