Funny Moments in Roleplay

Started by Syndraell, 10-01-2013

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Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 22-01-2013
Shock and awe tactics involving Hitman dancing at the front gate during STK fights with Freedom.
Best part was that it worked.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!



Quote from: themutatedman on 22-01-2013
but i was there

hence mike goldburg

Funny moments in roleplay: mutatedman trying to roleplay.


This morning is going to be a double feature. . .

First story. . .

So at the time MrTasker was freedom leader, I believe this was after Tommy left with Nikki so Joel was my freedom guy, so anyway, we had lots of really silly things going on in freedom, from Dug and Rook Cyber babies that lead to Freedom base being attacked constantly, to people shooting eachother over name calling. It wasn't neccecarily Taskers fault, (Well kinda) but Sharrock and Goose didn't find him to be to good of a freedom leader, especially since we didn't fight Duty or Military enough for their tastes. So they started brewing up this plot to over throw tasker and they roped me in too because at the time I made big deals out of little things and over reacted. SO AT THE TIME I thought "WOW THIS IS A GOOD IDEA I REALLY FUCKING HATE STUPID DRAMA SHIT SO RATIONALLY THIS IS A GOOD IDEA" In retrospect there was probably a better solution. So this was the plan, Me, Sharrock, and Goose would lead Seth out on a "Patrol" into Duty sector and to a House where we'd get "Attacked" by mercs in a house, once Tasker got into the house he would get ambushed by Commisars clay more wielding Scotsman and would get impaled, thus PKing him and allowing leader to be tossed down to someone else. "Gee I hope this isn't an elaborate assassination plot" -Seth Gecko as we where leading him to the house. So we got there everything went to plan except we had to shoot him in the face. Then I felt bad right after killing him and Tasker was a lil' peeved, so I was like "Look Commisar buddy, Goose and Sharrock, I feel bad now so this stuff is void cause in retrospect its pretty stupid" they wheren't pleased at the time but I convinced Tasker to step down in exchange for waving the PK, and that worked. So at the time the plan was to get one of Freedoms officers like Sharrock or Goose into lead, but what happened was, I had people poking me to go into leadership to prevent Goose or Sharrock from getting lead, and I had SILVERKNIGHT poking me to go into Freedom leadership "HURR HURR YOU SHOULD BECOME FREEDOM LEAD, CAUSE PEOPLE TOTALLY WON'T TRY TO ACCUSE YOU OF BEING BIAS WHEN YOU TRY TO CRITICIZE THEIR FACTIONS, OR DO ANYTHING ELSE EVER." I stupidly said "Yeah sure. . . Okay. . . I don't really want to be leader. . . but okay. . ." and so I put up a vote between Me, Sharrock and Goose, and some other guy and everyone voted for me because I was an admin. At the time I was like "Woo hoo. . ." but I found I really hated being a faction leader, and I especially hated being a faction leader who was ALSO an admin because every decision I made was me "Trying to give freedom an advantage" or some shit.

Second story.

So After I became leader we switched from Redemption to Chernobyl, and Freedom took over Yantar because Monolith was turned into an event only faction or wasn't even active or some shit. So Yorty joins freedom with Yuri Babikov. Apparently before he joined freedom he found a stash before some merc did and the merc paid some flap jack asshole some money for this stash location like somewhere between 1000-5000, at least thats how I remember it, it was an amount that was very small if I recall correctly which is why it made me so upset when an army of mercs came up to freedom base while 3 of us where online and stomped around like babies. So this merc that Yorty "stole" from was in a platoon of fucking retards "professional mercenaries" called "Orion Platoon" which was ran by Doomburger. These guys came running up to the gate like "We want to speak to the leader of freedom" so they ALL walked into my office, every single last one of those angry angsty kids and Doomburger told the merc (I think he was Gearhead) to talk to me, and it was almost like I was watching an 80s Tv show where a kid is like "HE CALLED ME FAT Q_Q" except in this case its "HE TOOK MY STASH Q_Q" and I think I told them to go fuck themselves or something and I think Gearhead was like "WE COULD START WAR!!!!!" and stomped around and gritted his teeth like a 3 year old, and if I recall correctly since they had EIGHT men online to my three I kinda was in a position to pay them so I payed them a little bit, Which caused Gearhead to stomp around like a 3 year old some more, but I got the last laugh, I put out a bounty for every Orion Platoon member proven dead you got something like 2000 rubles or something like that, Also Goose was on a war path with them for a while. THAT and they got a bad reputation with traders by. . . SURPRISE acting like dickbutts, so they where kinda stuck working for Duty or Military (Which pissed me off a bit since the faction had mostly Dutiers and Military people in the faction)
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Steven :D


orion platoon was fun
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway