1000 Things we learned from stalker READ B4 POST

Started by Turkey, 31-05-2010

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1- after discovering who you are, they still call you marked one
2- radioactivity everywhere, except in the reactor itself
3- barkeep has extreme strong legs, he always stands
4- there only is one song on the radio
5. This game is extremely difficult. In the beginning I had barely any ammo to fight the enemy and most of the time I just run for it.
6. NPCs are relaxed. You can shoot their buddy in the head and as long as they don't have to watch it, they don't care.
7. marked one must stink, cause he's the only one who has no compagnions to travel with
8.Sidorovich is a freaking criple. Can you sit on one chair for...4 weeks for example ?
9. Some NPCs just don't know who they are and how precious they are...sometimes your mission failed just because the NPC you need to protect is too reckless and brave to get in the front line shooting enemies without knowing their ability which later makes them die and VOILA ! MISSION FAILED
10. Of all the people in the Zone 95% are bandits. Endless waves of bandits attacking the same worthless building/car graveyeard over and over again.
11. russian is hard to understand
12. the snorks practice "break-dancing"
13. Talking about snorks: A man with a cut of gas mask can roar like a lion.
14. It's really funny to throw dead bodies into anomalies like vortex or fruit punch.
15. STALKERs is one of the most mod friendly game I've ever seen.
16. I learned that sun shadow is pain in the ass
17. you have alot of suits, except a suit that looks like that of strelok in the cutscenes xD
18. Marked One reload so relaxed...Especially when using rifles...See COD 4, how furious is the player when reloading his gun...
19. only the player gets drunk of wodka..
20. Every NPC, except a handful of STALKERs, are insomniacs!
21. STALKER's are very brave or suicidal, unmodded, the AI doesnt run from grenades.
22. crows are immortal in the zone
23. no bugs in chernobyl
24. the guys in the bar are real alcoholics, thery never leave it
25. radiation kills
26. You can wear a lot of suit, but almost every of them are missing the main thing needed in radioactive zone = Gas Mask(not talking about Lexxs antigas armor )
27. The words "Get out of here, Stalker..." really are worth killing over.
28. This game isnt perfect. (sorry guys )
29. Where other games ask "Shall we conduct business?", STALKER has "What are you? Are you deaf? What are you here?"
30. The C-Consciousness employs many Zone wardens to keep all barrel fires continually alight.
31. you can find 100 cigarets lying on the floor, but you'll never see someone smoke one ^^
32. Every dude in chernobyl wearing that one type of suit,became a snork(all the snorks seem to be wearing the same stuff)
33. You always wonder how do the snorks eat their victims, when they have a gas mask on (do they use the mask's cut tube as a straw and suck blood and guts through it? )
34. Metal bucket keeps nightmares away.
35. chernobyl npc's are from the zoo, ( wolf, fox,sparrow....)
36. Doc is the only person who calls you Strelok.
37. The Wish Granter's voice is really annoying. Can't believe anyone would be drawn to the NPP because of it....
38. NEVER piss off Duty if you want to see Barkeep again....
39. Them scientists is crazy.....
40. Major Kuznetsov needs to STFU and die. Oh, wait.....
41: The Zone can always surprise you.
42: He's insane, he belongs in an asylum.
45. there are very few ecologist (scientist) in the zone
46. monolithian is a combination of a sect, muslim styled praying, getting in trance, and the use of a very sick mind ^^
47. izloms are the most boring mutants
48. No matter what hi-tech sci-fi suit you wear, your fingers are still bare.
49. There is a dress code for rookies, everybody wear exactly the same outfits.
50. There is a dress code for bandits, everybody wear exactly the same outfits, except for master bandits, who again have exactly the same outfits.
51. All AKS-74U (5,45x39mm) in the Zone are equipped with wrong magazines (AK-47/AKM 7,62x39mm).
52. Vodka bottles are unbreakable.
53. Nobody drinks water, only vodka and energy drinks and nobody takes a pee.
54. Everybody eats but nobody shits.
55. Everybody except you have unlimited ammo.
56. Only your weapons jam and only you have to repair your weapons and suits.
57. There's no smoke from the campfires in the Zone.
58. You can open a can and eat it in a second.
59. You can apply bandages/medkits and get well in a second.
60. Your "Sport Billy" backpack can hold many rifles inside.
61. No matter how experienced and notorious you became, everybody treats you like a rookie.
62. How the hell those blind dogs know whether you have exoskeleton or a leather jacket, or whether you have Makarov pistol or a semi-auto shotgun? Seems that those mutants are experts in weaponry and equipment!? And how the hell they know whether you're rookie or some bad-ass stalker?
63. The controller's head is bulletproof
64. Burer has washed up his scientist suit recently
65. The sniper abakan is less accurate than the normal abakan
66. The freedomer armory guard needs to STFU
67. Even the "Come in! Don't stand there!" guy in the bar needs to STFU
68. you should all check burer reskin by abandonator
69. the rookie stalker in cordon realy like fencing
70. the stalker modders certainly pwnd! gsc !
71. Marked One can climb a 50 ft ladder but cannot climb over a 5 foot wood fence
72. Stale bread, mystery tins, and pink sausage - part of any healthy diet.73. all snorks look the same
74. scientist realy are sitting ducks for mercs
75. garik works on very long shifts
76. the other guy dies during a blowout (ol 2.0 experience)
78. you can walk at 30 km/h into a barbed wire, but no, you don't get hurt
79. the ratty things, (forgot their names ) sound more like a pig, than the flesh mutants themselves
80. STALKER is very addicting
81. What is that "Bread" you find at Borov's office? (note: it says "bread", not bread, and it's not edible)
82. when playing in the labs you realy need 3 pair of pants
83. trying to find 2 controllers in the bloodsucer village is realy hard :-\
83. The man in the hangar at the entrance to the bar would really like you to get out of there.
84. That guy in the bar has some information that may be of use to you.
85. At 33 years old, I can still scream like a little girl when something makes me jump (usually by clawing my face off).
86. You have an advanced pda that is capable of downloading information in seconds.
87. your pda can also tell you were other pdas are
88. other pdas can tell you where they are only if they are an ally or dead.
89. No one else is able to see your info in their pdas
90. Everyone is able to know who you are just from a glance. Never mind the fact you are wearing diffent suits from diffent factions..
91. Assault rifles are more accuate than sniper rifles
92. Bandits have super night vision. In the dead of the night they are able to see you when you cant see shit even with NVG on.
93. Everyone but you can shoot for ever, and yet only carry 7 bullets.
94. All artifacts give benifites to human health and life.
95. all anomalies are out to kill you.
96. stalkers are sucidal.
97. bandits and monolith are capable of teleportation
98. The marked one is incapable of holding his shear joy of sniping someone in. (OL 2.0)
99. Even when you have enemies attacking from every direction, someone will tell you to put away your gun.
100. and shortly take a bullet to the head.
101. In soviat russia, game hacks you!
102. the marked one has a sixth sense that tells him when someone is looking at him.
103. you can step into a room and have the giger counter go crazy but not get radiatated. Like wise you could be just walking around and take a leathal dose of radiation.
104. Sleeping for five hours can kill you, even in safe houses. (OL 2.0)
105. NPCs have laser guided nades. (OL 2.0)
106. there are bags and chests everywhere. but they are all empty until you kill someone.
107. The scientest must be having troubles with his telephone. "Hello Hello"
108. Kugar is a coward.
109. Unless you're trying to protect him.
110. Apparently when you turn off machines in the zone you pass out
111. And no one steals your wallet
112. When you wake back up, you have to reenact a rollercoster ride, or you are seriously tripping out.
113. and a whole bunch of people are now moved in ready to kill you.
114. And by killing you, that means hiding around corners waiting for you to pass by.
115. Monsters are also able to teleport.
116. Enemies will ALWAYS use the ammo that you are not using.
117. you never meet the guy that saved you
118. everyone has the same guitar
119. everyone plays the same songs
120. monolith are pro snipers !
121. money gets destroyed when an npc dies
122. nobody cares to sit in the rain
123. not much guys with beards in the zone
124. military stalkers, I fear them the most
125. If I could mug those PDA's off bodys, I'd mug every one of them, you could make a fortune on STALKERbay.
126. Sidrovich is apparently the only person with internet access in Chernobyl, THE DELL LAPTOP OF DOOM.
127. everybody likes sid, he's the only one with the acces to pRono 0.0
128. garik does not "let you go there"
129. you have to talk to barkeep by garik
130. you are one unlucky bastard, you (strelok) lose all your friends
131. never saw a mutant fish or frog, such a shame... ^^
132. Sidorovich has a hidden supply of food somewhere. (Eating a turky leg in the opening picture.)
133. Not only do you never meet the guy who saved you, you cannot visit your own death truck site.
134. There is only one reported case of ball lighting within the zone.
135. You can jam a 2 barrel break action shotgun after shooting.
136.In the freedom base,you can get a mission from the leader to kill the Stalker hunting and then stuffing animals for "art"
If you move into the next room there are two Pseudo heads -.-
137.There is a Kostya Dealer in freedom base
137- The Zone Cars have very dark tinted windows (no one can see you while you drive one)
138- The Liscence plate of the cars is registered to the Marked one (the instant you hit someone everyone knows who you are even though they cannot see you to shoot you....)
139- monolith must be really tough, once one took an RPG shell and lived!
140- This game makes spetsnaz look like pussies.
141. the sniper near the brain scorcher, ( the one near the coded door) has a deadly trap that when you walk on the platform, launches you 400 m in the air and makes you fall of the map...
142. chernobyl radiation does not make fantastic 4 !
143. if 142 would be, strelok would be dr doom B)
144. momently this game has the worst POTD's...
145. ever saw a crow on the ground???
146. strelok has partial tinitus, all those high pitched noises damn

144. crazy grenader MOD, must remember the bad guy can lob some at you, Keep happening to me I hear clink clink look down and BOOM.
148. garik work long shifts
149. no striptease bar in the man world chernobyl? damn...
150. Barman cooks a boar's head and Duty is roasting a Flesh although Encyclopedia says their meat is not eatable.
150. The Duty Trader (forget his name) totally wants some hot m4m loving action off of Strelok ... "Come over here then ... what are you after?" he asks in his most sultry voice. I think the "Get out of here stalker" dude is actually his jealous boyfriend.
151. One really fun thing to do in Yantar is go off-map, crawling around on the tops of the underground tunnels, capping the zombies in the factory courtyard from underneath. They look hilariously confused about what's happening.
152. There is WAY too much stuff to collect on the X16 'run', I'm always like crawling back to the hangar with the gang of 'lake snorks' all over my sh!t.
153. Finding the stash info for the grenade launcher for the TRS (in the garage with all the anomalies in WT) is sometimes really easy, and other times it's like IMPOSSIBLE no matter how many trips I make through WT.
154. The stash contents should've been a lot more random, and their quality linked to your experience level rather than just the location. It sucks knowing by heart what practically each one is going to have in it, and how only a few are worth going after. This simple change would've boosted replay value immensely, IMHO.
155. It is virtually impossible to have a good enough computer to NOT get little 'hitches' when playing stalker. But the better your box is, the shorter they tend to be.
156. To play with full dynamic lighting and textures on quality 4 or 5 you must have a 512MB vga card or else the game turns into a slide-show at many points.
157. Every time I play, the second thing I do in STALKER, once I raid the rookie village for supplies and grab the silenced pistol from the trailer outside rookie village is head to Dark Valley and help out Bullet so's I can grab an AK with a scope. Then I go stock it up by rescuing Mole.
158. As soon as I can get into the Bar, I go up to Army Warehouses and grab the Vintar and the ammo right above it.
159. After I do that, I hit the WT, rescue Kruglov, collect all artifacts in the area, hit the Yantar trailer, drop off all my collected (lower-level) artifacts for later sell, and head back so's I can get a TRS scope off the construction-site snipers, along with a TRS, the Family Rifle, Big Ben, and the SEVA suit (stash info from the dead 'burner tunnel' zombie).
160. By the time I head over to bust up Borov and do x18, I'm friggin armed to the teeth with way overpowered weapons for my enemies to handle.
161. Hanging out over by the train tracks in the WT (near the gang of bandits) at 12 midnight always pays off with a shining new moonlight artifact.
162. Forgetting to actually LOAD the grenade launcher after you've activated it ... often gets you killed.
163. For some reason, the snorks right outside of the x16 emitter are like the most dangerous enemies to me, outside of the NPP.
164. It's always better to cut across the Red Forest than it is to take the road.
165. The Vintar BC is the funnest weapon in the game.
166. It's really annoying that the grenade launcher doesn't fit on the GP37 even though it SAYS it DOES.
167. The 'repair man' in the little junkyard (across the road from where Max and the boys hang out) should give you a TRS-type scope, not an AK scope. There's NO WAY you don't already HAVE one of those by the time you reach him. So that was a LAME choice for a 'prize'.
168. In early patches, the Freedom guys used to ALWAYS take out Skull's gang at the Farmhouse without my helping them, but the newer patches it's just the opposite. And that mission is STILL bugged to this day, despite 6 friggin patches, and the fact that people have been saying it's bugged like FOREVER.
169. If I DO take out Skull and company by helping these (recently turned into) pu$$ies from Freedom, and then proceed to go turn off the Brain Scorcher, I can then go back to the Bar without Duty being pissed off at me anymore.
170. Carrying exploding barrels should've been part of the vanilla game.
171. Carrying dead bodies, on the other hand, is pretty useless.
172. For some reason, carrying around 50.1KG makes you like 25x more tired then carrying 50.0KG.
173. I almost cried when I discovered that the mama's beads at the beginning of DV were gone in patch 1.0004 (or was it 5, I forget now). Eventually I found where they'd been moved to, and all was right in the world again.
174. The voice of the Wish Granter is THE MOST ANNOYING THING IN THE FRIGGIN WORLD. The part from where it starts to where it finally stops takes FOREVER to play through, too. "TOLKA-A-JEEM" 2 you 2 motherf*cker.
175. If this game was just BETTER after Pripyat ... it would seriously have been the greatest game EVER. As it is ... well, it's only the greatest game ever.
176. It's pretty funny when snorks come rambling towards you through mid-air in the x16 factory courtyard.
177. It's really stupid how all of a sudden in the end of the game, monolithians can suddenly teleport in to attack you, with absolutely no explanation (nor does it make sense that they can float up beside you in mid-air when you're on the roof of a building, but I suspect that is at least just a bug!). Teleportation, I'm SORRY, just does not make any sense in the context of this game.
178. It's funny, even though I think I've TRIED just about everything there is to TRY in this game over the past year+ it's been out, I just cannot bring myself to join Duty in an assault on the Freedom base. I guess that I'm just too much of a hippie to stomach it.
179. Pseudodogs can sometimes launch you 20ft vertically in the air when attacking you.
180. ze goggles! ze do nothin !! ^^
181. well the shotgun is useless, unless you want to shoot noob bandits with dart
182. When using OL 2.0, NEVER go in the tunnel in garbage to get the modified hkmp5 (viper) when you are chased by bandits with ak's and there is a blowout about to occur.
183. it's kinda hard to fight at controller, 2 burers, 2 zombified freedomers and a bloodsucker at the same time, while you stand between 4 anomalies
184. desert eagle sucks... hard...
185. there are 2 scientists in, like what? the hwhole zone??
186. There is a guy in Dark Valley in a building east of the banditcamp who doesn't move, even if you kill the bloodsucker.
187. money vanishes when a stalker dies
188. when doc knocks you out;.. where is his dog??
189. you can sprint into the barbed wire, but holy wonder! not hurt!
190. you purge the area of mutants 300 times, but I'VE never seen that tourist!!!!!
191. the monolith looks like a lamp
192. the monolith can talk !
193. garik FTW!!
194. the stalker near the pig farm does not realy have a gauss rifle
195. some mutants realy look like my family members...
196. where is the difference between bandits and mercs except there looks?
197. The Groza modded to fire AK ammo is as powerful as a normal G36
198. The fake Gauss rifle at Pig farm is a weird parody of item scamming in MMORPGs.
199. all of the Controllers wear just jeans... probably trying to show some body.
200. at the freedom base the chair is you best friend for getting past the guard to the armory.
201. CHICKEN BRICKEN is something terrible thats bandits yell...
202. Never play new games on old computers, it lags like hell.
203. Skinflint is the only stalker in the entire zone that wears glasses
204. An NPC with a sniper rifle - in fact any gun - is much less accurate than with a grenade.
205. Parking your vehicle will not stop an unarmed zombie. He will just shove it out of his way like the badass guy he is.
206. the mercs are pore homeless guys (--> no base ! )
207. A wooden house can save you from a nuclear blow out...
208. right! and a wooden house cannot be penetrated by a bullet of a fn2000 XD
209: Explosive barrels are made out of powerball rubber (and launch you 30m into the air when you try to roll them..)
210. borov is the only faction leader with a real bureau..
211. We are spamming to much
212. Barkeep thinks he is cool, but he is actually an old guy with strange tatoo's.
213. you do not have much ammo
214. after four times sayin " aroezejo brauch" people hit you .. :s ^^
209: You are invisible to all enemies when in a car as long as the doors haven't fallen off.

210. Sidorovich is very frustrated with his internet connection.
Seriously, anyone noticed how he always seems to be saying "Damn dial-up!" Every time he's using his laptop?

211. npc's like warming their ass in the campfire
212. marked one FTW!
213. dwarves are quite big, for being..; dwarves
214. People don't mind bodies outside their house.
215. Work Accidents include being stabbed in the neck by a mentally ill STALKER
215. npc have laser guided bullets, they can look away from you , but still shoot you
216. npc have x-ray vision. they can shoot u through thick brush while i cant see em at all in broad day light.
217. I wasn't aware how many "weaponry experts" there are until I start playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
218. this game will be epic
219. the mercs should have been much more powerfull
220. This game refreshed the single player FPS concept.
221. There should be an online Zone, something like WoW.
222. Who supplies the Freedomers and how? They're surrounded, aren't they?
223(5.56). Some people think that 223(5.56) is omnipotent.
224.Seriously, don't drink vodka.
225. Chief made them used to pigs for breakfast. Good guy.
226. why do we even have bandits? they are the most common, and doesn't everyone murder steal and fights each other?
227. ever wondered how those guys piss with such suits?
228. wodka FTW! that way you can piss!
229: The Barman based his menu on a Monty Python sketch.
230. people rob each others grave
231. Stalkers don't mind to eat next to their dead buddies.
232. Stalkers don't mind to play some music while looking at the roasting corpses in the campfire.
233. After all of his friends are bloody massacred by mutants, zombies and vampires in the middle of the radioactive Zone in dark rainy night with thunders and everything..., the sole survived rookie stalker (wounded several times by bandits) has the nerve to pick up his guitar and play! Now, that's the spirit! (or maybe Vodka is very strong...)
234. all stalkers bought the same guitar
235. Zombies do not respond to head shots as you would expect.
236 There is nothing funnier then watching a rampaging razor head running head first into a whirlygig anomaly.
237. stalkers can drinkg through their gasmask
238. You can go on a murderous rampage, killing everyone you find, seemingly without any repercussions, simply by stabbing them in the face. (OL 2.1.1)
239. the steam version can't be downpatched
240. Sidrovich ages noticibly in the opening sequence. When the Stalker brings in the Marked One Sid is bald but after the body is laid on the desk he has a buzz cut and facial hair.
241. After you have amassed 4.5 million RU, the game gets really pointless but is still addictive.
242. Best game ever made that doesn't have an SDK - Damn it!
243. There are some wierd places in the ZONE....
243. There is a pistol in the game that is more powerful than most of the machine guns.
244. yantar is fucking scary
245. blood suckers are camera shy
246. the svum2 is the most accurate weapon in game, its better than the gauss.
247. snork's like to headbang
248. abandonator is a good stalker, but lacks in maths xD
249. you got to hate whirglings
250. we are halfway
251. STALKER BSODs like shit for me
252. amraam was a bit pissed when he found the issue of his BSOD cheers mate
253. How do Stalkers take a shit in a high radiation zone with there suit?
254. Why waste bullets when you can heard a dumb npc into a whirgling.
255. Flesh mutants mostly attack you when you jump on them.
256. Marked one doesn't get alchohol poisioning after drinking 15 bottles of vodka, Just the spins.
257. Hitting a dead body while driving fast makes your car fly through the air.
258. If you hit someone fast enough in a vehicle you can imbed them like a hood ornament.
259. You always have to aim low with a scope to hit anything. Apparently Strelok is too dumb to adjust his sights to point of aim. (is there a way to fix this btw?)
260. Anyone can shove you aside no matter how hard you try to stop them, but forget about getting someone to move out of a doorway if they want to stand there all day.
261. Freedom faction love and praise Bob Marley.
262. Marked one can run faster then a mutant wolf while carrying 110 pounds of gear.
263. People don't mind if you kill someone. Duty soldiers do though.
264. No one leaves the bar because they do not want to hear that guy say, "Don't just stand there, come in!"
265. If you can avoid getting owned by the helicopter's rockets, you can easily shoot it down with a grenade launcher or RPG.
266. Don't get too attached to Wolf or Fox, they will more than likely be killed by a pack of dogs, or kill themselves by sitting in a fire.
267. Specters have no scientific or conventional use, and killing them is a waste of money.
268. Chef is a skeevy stoner.
269. 90% of stalker players here don't know or read the 'readme'
270. Most of the time a new OL2 release will require a new game. It's in the readme!
271. Snorks can kick you and take 50% of your health off, even when you're wearing heavy armour! WTF? It's just a mutilated man!!!
272. snorks are masters in martial arts
273. CS his date has been moved twice already..
274. if we would cal it a DONOTREADME! , people would actualy read it
275. The guard in the Bar doesnt seem to mind letting anyone through once the marked one has passed him. he just takes off for a vodka break
276. The Marked one always has his gloves on which you start off with at the beginning of the game. Even if he's wearing an entirely different suit, they're still there.
278. a single stab with your knife can do more damage than a bullet to the head
279. izloms can spot you from very damn far! (like 200 metres away from me they already start running, that realy freaks me out because i see my spotted meter getting up, and i don't know were the threat is!)
280. marked one is one a W-W-W-W-W-Wicked sick!
281. in OL 2.2 izloms are completelly oblivious to you.
282. 87 % of people in the Zone are addicted to hiding stuff in the most peculiar places.
283. Items are not in a certain place until you read someone's PDA giving you the location of the item in the SAME F*****G place you checked an hour ago in the same SAME F*****G back pack that you checked and turned out to be empty.
284. Only one type of box can be broken, all others are invincible.
285. dont even bother to heal a wounded stalker, he wont do the same for you
286. The Monster on the Box Artwork isn't even In-game.
287. The guard in the bar who tells you cant go behind there when you jump over him he just moves aside to let you out and doesnt say GET OUT or anything. Why even bother saying you cant go there?
288. npc's their flashlights have wallhacks they just shine through a wall
289. Likewise to jumping over Garik you can jump on snitch and start moving towards the counter and jump at the same time. You will shake/bounce for a little bit then jump over an "invisible wall".
290. At least one person in every group can play the Guitar.
291. Everyone hates Mole so he leaves after you go in the underground in apro.
292. Snorks want to learn how to fly (glitches and bug people!)
293. If you try, really really really hard, you can park your car right outside the bar.
294. In Pripyat, the Monolith used extension ladders to get into their apartments through the windows, cause there is sure as hell no stairs.
295. If you shoot people in the face with a really loud .50 desert eagle noone will notice.
296. Voronin apparently is paralyzed because he kepts his hand behind his back 24\7
297. Blowouts can cause serious problems to your vacation plans
298. A pack of 30 dogs and 15 psuedo-dogs > Marked one
299. A mob of 40 rats with said dogs > Marked one
301. Shooting a snork is always preferable to engaging in a knife fight to the death with it.
302. If you press left click with the knife but then right click it will count as a stab but be as fast as a slash, I do this for boxes but it works well with beasties.
302. PKM > MG3.
303. Minigun > PKM + MG3
304. VSS vintorez > all
305.There are apprantly like 50 Kunestovs or however u spell it becuase ive killed like 30 of em and they all happen to be a Major and wear the same clothes with the same face.
306.There are random pipes in the middle of nowhere behind rocks and they have suits in them.
307.You can wipe out an entire miltary base by sitting in a room with a shot gun and wait till the soliders come in the room.
308.How the fuck were the Flesh pigs at one point?
309.There are random zombie looking people hanging in cities all over the zone.
310.Some stalkers are jumping on trucks and other various objects to make random stashs on roofs.
311.Theres a gas mask on the stalker suit but no one ever uses it.
312.Bandits will fight all day for a worthless car park with all the cars broken or and old factory with holes through out the roof.
314.There is no law enforcement at all and no one is growing weed fields out there (wtf?)
315.You constantly will get information on secert stashs but theres never anything in them.
316.The Zone would be a great place to hold a Metal Concert.
317.There are random graves all across the zone.
318. You see packs of cigarettes laying around everywhere yet no one in the zone seems to smoke.
319. Mutant rats are dumb, if you jump on a object that is 1 foot off the ground or higher they'll just run around in circles infront of you.
320. Why can't Duty and Freedom just get along and expand creating a great faction of whoopassness?
321. Even the most experienced stalker frequently falls prey to managably small packs of mutant dogs, because of their unyielding devotion to standing there and taking it rather than running.
322. Russians speak english even though noone in Ukrainian zone actually knows english
323. Helicopters likes to shoot at you exclusively. Never mind the monolithian on the roof with an RPG lets shoot at the guy who's cowering in a truck with almost no armor and no gun
324. Enemies like to aim at you exclusivly. Forget that exoskeleton soilder with an AS val let's shoot the guy in the rookie armor with a sawn off.
325. When enemies actually shoots someone other then you neutrals and friendlies seem to die much more faster while in exosuits, having powerful weapons, in comparison to that bandit with a sawn off.
326. When enemies actually shoot mutants they never can beat even a flesh.
327. All of the mutants attacking to the marked one. They attack to npc's so rarely.
328. Marked One cant fucking jump over The Zone border. He cant escape from there because of 1 meter barb fences?
329. You cant play guitar but npc can >:/
330. Theres no bloodsuckers,snorks or zombies around bar. Only 7-8 pseugods.
331: Never trust a green hologram, you'll end up sent out with no memory and a pda entry advising you to kill yourself.
332: There are no women in the zone, despite this, stalkers seem to respawn endlessly. The possibilities this brings to mind are too hideous to mention.
333. Marked one is a servent to all, he follows orders blindly and doasnt say a damn thing.
334. The army are complete dongs who hide valuable stuff in roofs.
335.no one in the zone speaks ukrainian. odd dont you think!
336: There are no duty in the 100 rads bar except for one which i think is the drunk one.
337: Fox always seems to be waiting for someone (i.e guide)
338. Dead bodies are not out of the ordinary
339. Zombies know to turn on their flash lights when its dark
340: zombies also got smart enough to use guns
341: (OL mod) blowouts get more deadly as you get closer to the nuclear reactor
342: controllers can give you a headache
343: Never piss off a hoard of Bloodsuckers
344: I think God wants you to die in the Zone
345: The Bandits will always be assholes
346: AI start freaking out in the Bar for no reason ( sometimes )
347: The Freedom Guys are too damn relaxed considering where they fucking are
348: The Bar greater ( the guy that says I said come in ) has to be retarded and starved to death from just standing there/ pissing you off every time
349: Bandits will never figure out that they can NEVER TAKE THE DAMN CAR PARK AND HOLD IT
350: Loners are kinda creepy when the just stare at out when you walk by ( they are like OMFG who is he, i never saw him, I HAVE TO STARE AT HIM UNTIL HE KILLS ME )
351. loners are faction too... why are they loners than?
352. loners don't walk alone..
353: "Get out of here STALKER", PISSES ME OFF.
354: In OL2.2 the Duty guys wont fucking back off even though you pay the Barkeep to keep an "accidental" Duty killing hush hush.
355: If they hate the Zone so fucking much why don't they just jump the fucking fence.
356: Psuedogiants eat too much
357: Psuedogiants can kill you even if you're 20 feet high.
358: Controllers are sad when they die
359: No female people in the zone even though in a folklore story they say that there are woman scientists
360: The xbox 360 suck balls. Oh and Hillary Clinton tried to ban this game because it had no women.
361: NPC's will cry out for med kits instead of using med kits you just sold them.
362: All NPC's are experts bouncing bullets around cover to score minor damage.
363: The gun characteristic meters are misleading, the viper machine gun is more accurate then other guns shown as having a much higher accuracy.
364: Of the armors that have 90% radiation protection, two are exactly the same except one is twice as expensive (no durability difference) and looks different.
365: Armor durability can only be discovered/compared by clever use of the save/load game.
366: Marked one is reckless with money despite the scarcity in the zone (ie. likes to buy armor without really knowing the armor's features before purchase.)
367: No matter how high your reputation points, some factions never offer you membership, or consider marked one to be faction leader.
368: Trader attitude seems to be unchangeable and does not affect item prices.
369: Unable to give med packs to injured enemy units to turn them back to neutral.
370: Alot of nearly finished content was dropped from final game, can be found by hopping fences in bar, and NPP.
371: You can get inside the NPP with virtually no enemy resistance by using the curb to hop up to the cement platform and then hopping the fence and approaching the NPP along the left side of NPP.
372. Stalkers are undercover safari-tourists. They just walk or shoot or party near a camp-fire !
373: Money isn't as scarce as you'd think in the zone (I aquired 5,1940 rubles :O)
374: You can't buy a helicopter with said money.
375. I learned that radiation is not good for your body (mutants)
376. Zombies have intestinal problems (sounds)
377. Pig meat makes me glow in the dark (flesh meat)
378. Anomalies are not so deadly (100% resistance)
379. All stalkers are either gay or totally disinterested in women (no females)
380. Scientists love to repeat themselves (yantar - hello, hello)
381. Military is corrupted (cordon)
382. I can't jump over a 1.5m fence (level end)
383. Invisibility does exist (bloodsucker)
384. Sun does not exist (always bad weather)
385. Grass grows only where i walk... :P i'm a god! (grass distance)
386. Flashlight has a small electrical anomaly which gives it inifinite power source ( E-Inside! )
387. If i repeat my weapon, the bullet is always in the barrel (draw weapon)
388. NPC never have any bladder (always standing)
389. To get into Duty, you must drink a lot of alchocol (the guy in the bar)
390. Bandits are pretty dumb (behaviour)
391. A lot of stalkers get in, and then they say that they can't get out of the zone, how? (dialogue)
392. I learned that Vintorez is the greatest sniper rifle of all time
393. Stalkers are on diet (tourist's delight)
394. Death trucks actually delivers bread (i found a stash full of bread once WTF?!)
395. Snorks would be profitable in a circus if i wanted nice acrobatics
396. Pseudogiant's legs would make some nice baked ham..
397. Stalkers really stink, they never change their clothes
398. Time in the zone has stopped for infinity
399. I would like to visit Chernobyl Area (real one) one day...
400. It is good to be a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
401. you can avoid a psuedogiant stomp by jumping.
401. Poltergiests never have to use the bathroom (exposed intestines)
402. There were alooot of dogs in cheyrenobl
403. CoD4 style pripyat was more immersive than STALKER pripyat
404. In priboi story you can fly a helicopter
405. Having faction wars is fun
406. NEVER interrupt a bloodsucker while he's eating,
407. Bloodsuckers just want to give you a kiss
408. Nobody ever wants to leave the zone
409. The military likes to shoot at marked one rather then the psuedogiant charging at them.
410. Cats are really really annoying. And for some reason more scary then the bloodsucker.
411. Each mod is good in its own way. But OL is not the best.
412. two bloodsuckers together can send you flyby over a 2m fence
413. never run out of ammo during a huge firefight
414. A single psuedodog can launch you 90 feet into the air if you jump at the same time it attacks you.
415. All of the Stalkers in the zone play the same exact songs.
416. Somebody out there has a fetish for putting bodies in flaming barrels (this happen to anyone else?).
417. putting bodies in to a virlgig anamoly is always satisfying.
418.. No matter how many times a single person shoots you hiding behind that rock isn't going to do any good since they never run out of ammo.
419. Everyone except you has thermal imaging (everything being able to see you in the dead of night).
420. It's fun to go on raids with other STALKERS. (Like the farmhouse STALKERS in army warehouse when they go to raid the bloodsucker village)
421. kruglov became a veteran with only a pistol
422. So, it's liddlemonkey who's dropping dead bodies into a fire.

Bl★ck Star