Zithra's Guide to Combat

Started by Zithra, 14-07-2011

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So I see several type of combat going on around the server, and thought I would make an actual guide to refer to. I've never written a guide before, so please bear with me here. Let me know if I have missed anything or should reword something.

1. Starting Combat
2. Types of Combat
2a. Shoot to Kill (STK)
2b. Shoot to Miss (STM)
2c. Shoot to Role Play (STRP)
3. Ending Combat


1. Starting Combat

Worst comes to worst and lives are being threatened, it happens. You have a right to protect yourself. However, there is a CORRECT way to do this. Let's talk about some on the common mistakes being made when people want each other dead or injured. You may fire warning shots before anything begins.

1. Arming yourself without using /me
This one is probably the most common. You cannot simply pull a gun out of nowhere and start firing away. You need to use a /me command to show that you are unslinging your weapon and raising your weapon.

2. Assuming/Dictating the Combat Type
So, /me was properly used and now people are pointing their guns. DON'T START FIRING AT SOMEONE UNTIL A COMBAT STYLE IS AGREED ON. You will read more about these styles in a bit. Let each person have a say and work out the combat style. Just because you hate each other IC doesn't mean you have to be dicks OOC.

3. Not waiting your turn. (STRP  & STM primarily)
Some combat styles involve turn based combat, so don't go crazy shooting 27 times and moving up in position in one turn. Do ONE action and then WAIT for their action. One exception to this could possibly be running and shooting, but you would likely take a penalty on accuracy.

To do it well, announce that you're entering combat. This can be either through words or action, but give a sign. Think about where you are entering combat, and make sure you are willing to risk your life.


2. Types of Combat

There's more than one way you can kill someone in the harsh world of FORP. We're going to go over the most common types of combat, and how to properly pwn play one out. If no combat type is called out, IT IS ASSUMED SHOOT TO ROLE PLAY.

   2a. Shoot to Kill
Many people consider this the funnest, and douchebagiest way to play a combat scene out. This is your typical death match style combat, and you are free to aim for the head and splatter their brains all over the wall. This is generally done in real time, without waiting for turns, and thus often ends rather quickly. This is the most dangerous of the combats as well, because you are at a serious risk of dying ad being looted if it was an IC battle.

   2b. Shoot to Miss
Similar to STK in that it involves live rounds, STM combat generally ends with everyone walking away alive and kicking. To properly play out STM combat, you do NOT want to aim for someones head! I know, it's crazy, just trust me. Just shoot around them. STM is generally used to cause a retreat or combat that nobody will die in.

   2c. Shoot to Roleplay
STRP almost never involves actually using any ammunition, and the entire combat experience is done in /me and chat. An example is "/me shoots for Bob's shoulder." without actually firing your weapon. The biggest debate in this type of combat is how the receiving end of the bullet should react. You should decide beforehand how you will both do this. Two common ways are /rolling to randomly decide if you're hit, or just deciding "I am hit in the shoulder." (Don't be a dick and say every single shot misses.)


3. Ending Combat

So, you killed that dickbag worthy opponent, now what? First and foremost, CHECK YOURSELF! If you were shot in the bullet exchange, your first concern will not be, "I WUNDER IF HE DROPPD ANY GUNZ!". Make sure you aren't too injured and address your wounds depending on severity.

NOW you can check out what's on that body IF IT WAS STK. While you are able to loot, discuss beforehand whether or not you want to allow it. Don't just run over and start taking shit like an asshole. Also, branching from that, don't mingegrab! Use a /me to show that you are checking the body you prick. It's a roleplay server, so react appropriately.

The New Life Rule (NLR) is allowed, so if you are killed in combat, you don't have to make a new character. Everything that has happened that day to you is undone, however.

RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


Quote from: Zithra on 14-07-2011
If no combat type is called out, IT IS ASSUMED SHOOT TO KILL.

No, it's not.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


You don't wait for turns for shooting in STM, STM is shooting near the opponent anyway.
Also, last time I was told, aiming and shooting is in different /me's. So if the opponent shot without aiming, consider it fast shot and worse accuracy than the one with aiming.
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Quote from: Jake on 15-07-2011
Quote from: Zithra on 14-07-2011
If no combat type is called out, IT IS ASSUMED SHOOT TO KILL.

No, it's not.

Wasn't there an argument about this earlier? What is it then?
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


Quote from: Zithra on 15-07-2011
Wasn't there an argument about this earlier? What is it then?

The default combat style is strp.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Are you sure it's not CSS styled combat? I swear it normally goes down that route.


As far as I know it is just what had happened in that encounter and leading up to it, if there was something leading to it, not the whole day.

STM isn't done in turns, might I add. STM is generally all parties firing upon eachother but shooting to miss their target. You just shoot around them, it is generally used for long-range combat, retreating combat and combat that no one will die in.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


SRP Rules =/= FRP rules

I find it hard to recommend to a noob, sorry.


Quote from: Poopship on 16-07-2011
SRP Rules =/= FRP rules

I find it hard to recommend to a noob, sorry.

Haven't played on SRP for more than 5 minutes
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


Quote from: Zithra on 16-07-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 16-07-2011
SRP Rules =/= FRP rules

I find it hard to recommend to a noob, sorry.

Haven't played on SRP for more than 5 minutes

Ah, well, I won't go into detail but.. It's better.