What the hell am I doing up at 5:00AM?

Started by Spades_Neil, 16-07-2011

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Playing Fallout RP, that's what.

Though I am wondering as to why the hell all the good RP takes place at this hour and during the day Jake and I get to deal with all the crap of, "HEY SPADES Y U NO SPAWN ITEMS?" "JAKE Y U SO MEAN WITH ENCLAVE?" "JAKE!" "SPADES!" "JAKE!" "SPADES!"

Yet, some time past 8:00PM, the real fun begins. People stop scavenging and bitching and start interacting in one way or another. Even with our small (but growing) community, we manage to gather ourselves up and enjoy ourselves.

Fallout RP is making a comeback. I can say that much for sure. Stalker might have more players on it at the peak of the day, but in terms of RP hours logged, Fallout RP blows Stalker out of the water. We have players virtually around the clock--enjoying ourselves long after Stalker players have ditched the server for the night due to lack of activity. While Stalker dwindles in the evening hours, Fallout thrives in the moonlight.

We also have I think another five new players who joined up this evening. I strongly recommend to all of us that we invite trustworthy, good RPing friends to come share the joys of Fallout RP. I'm proud to say Fallout is alive and rising from the ashes of the firestorm, slowly, but surely.

Or I'm delusional. It's 5:00AM so if I sound crazy, well fuck you. :D I'm tired. I had fun tonight. I had fun all week and all last week staying up to stupid-early on FORP and I'll do the same damn thing tomorrow night. So let me go to sleep happy and deal with the flaming this thread gets tomorrow. Ok? Goodnight. *passes out*

P.S. Also I stopped spamming the forums for a while. Be happy about it. I realize 90% of the shit I post is useless. So chill.


FORP is rising from the ashes after firestorm, like a phoenix being reborn into a new. Flying up into the sky with new players to join in it's wake.

p.s. I'm just as tired as Spades right now *passes out of keyboard* 'ashgk'akbnh'eignsb
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.


You're all weaklings.

I'm not tired at all.

Steven :D

Ever since I nuked those BoSCasts, other people have joined the server. Maybe because the Outcasts were more threatening than the normal BoS eh?


We are winning!
"Spades!" It's the next day get your ass on :)

"When in doubt, mumble."


Quote from: mxh24 on 16-07-2011
We are winning!
"Spades!" It's the next day get your ass on :)

FUCK YOU, I'm still sleeping. x_x

Steven :D

At least you didn't wake up at 7 AM and eat cereal.



Also, spawn stuffz plz i need capz lul
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


I got home from work at 11PM. Had to to be at work at 7AM.

That is just fucking bullshit.


Late night FORP is best FORP.

Fallout roleplay
Name: Trevor West
Occupation: None
Age: 28
Status: Alive

Name: Pvt. Richard McKay
Occupation: Enclave
Age: 33
Status: Alive


I found this thread very un-interesting. Thanks for the shit-post.


Quote from: Poopship on 16-07-2011
I found this thread very un-interesting. Thanks for the shit-post.

Get out of here, Stalker.


Wake up at 3:30AM.

Eat a bowl of clam chowder.

See this thread.

Also, poopship, you're one to fucking talk, you shitpost all over the forums you indigent manure-farmer.


Quote from: Ragolution on 17-07-2011
Also, poopship, you're one to fucking talk, you shitpost all over the forums you indigent manure-farmer.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 17-07-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 17-07-2011
Also, poopship, you're one to fucking talk, you shitpost all over the forums you indigent manure-farmer.

Only in Gay Vampire Castle.


Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 17-07-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 17-07-2011
Also, poopship, you're one to fucking talk, you shitpost all over the forums you indigent manure-farmer.

Only in Gay Vampire Castle.
Quote from: Poopship on 16-07-2011
I found this thread very un-interesting. Thanks for the shit-post.

Are you sure?