This has gone on long enough.

Started by Poopship, 29-04-2011

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This Frozen Fire guy has pulled the last straw, he actually killed me "OOCly". For using my storage box. Admins if you look at the console you will see it.

Evidence ^

I honestly don't care about if he gets banned or not, do whatever, he's been doing stupid shit in general forever. I have already heard admins contemplating taking actions.


looks like metagame to me.


By the way, he made his thread to reply to my thread, fail.


Okay poopshit, This is me you are talking about, and i am not flameing i just want to state a few things.
1. You mingehopped there, and i found about 25 ant meat and you said it was me.
2. You said the admins said i was an "A-Hole"
3. You do not say "Trolololo" In chat.
4. You just want me banned, and if you look at your inapropiate name, it says something.
5. That evidence shows nothing.
6. You double posted, when you could of modified.
7. You cannot run and put stuff in the box when i said "Can i get my ak you owed me from the admins owing you one?"
8. I was trying to help you by lending you an ak for the time being, but you just hide it...
9. Do not be like this, i take that offencive:[OOC] Thomas Busteed: lol@britfag
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\city\citadel_cloudhit2.wav", file probably missing from disk.
That is all,

"When in doubt, mumble."


Quote from: mxh24 on 29-04-2011
Okay poopshit, This is me you are talking about, and i am not flameing i just want to state a few things.
1. You mingehopped there, and i found about 25 ant meat and you said it was me. No I didn't
2. You said the admins said i was an "A-Hole" Maybe because you are an asshole?
3. You do not say "Trolololo" In chat. Reread it, I didn't say it in chat.
4. You just want me banned, and if you look at your inapropiate name, it says something. I want minges to be banned. As do others.
5. That evidence shows nothing. Pretty sure it shows you admitted to rdm.
6. You double posted, when you could of modified. Not double post if someone posted after my first post.
7. You cannot run and put stuff in the box when i said "Can i get my ak you owed me from the admins owing you one?" Yeah I was going to until you charged 50 caps and pulled your sledge oocly. No /me might I add.
8. I was trying to help you by lending you an ak for the time being, but you just hide it... Yeah, then you charged me for something OOC.
9. Do not be like this, i take that offencive:(o) [OOC] Thomas Busteed: lol@britfag
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\city\citadel_cloudhit2.wav", file probably missing from disk.
By the way I am pretty sure that everyone knows people that use 4chan terms call brits, britfags. Learn your memes.

That is all,


And, Poopship, I find that offensive. I couldn't give two shits if 4chan says it. Just because a group of foolish people say it doesn't mean you can go calling people by it.

Learn to be civilized.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT another of these? Post in the fucking ban area.

Good lord you 2 are childish. "Ololol this does more damage no this no that". God forbid you fucking RP and shit instead of constantly whining about getting better guns/gear/caps. And I don't see anything ban worthy in those logs at all, where exactly does it show him killing you OOCly? Grow up please. It is not hard to ignore people and it's also not difficult to not instigate. If he wants to call himself a trader who the fuck cares? Jesus you guys are like 5 year olds.

And yeah if people find it offensive, then don't say it. I realize 99% of HGN has no idea what "respect" means but I still feel like it's my duty to try and beat some sense into you retards on occasion.