The Story of "True" Freedom Fighters

Started by Das_Uberman, 09-05-2011

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*A story from a group of convoluted raiders, who believe they are fighting for freedom*

I am Billy, and I am a freedom fighter. I am part of a group who fight against the oppressors. The oppressors kill us because we take our medicine, which lets us see through their lies. We are the underdogs, we have few weapons, makeshift armor, but we make up for it in numbers.

I suppose I should start with the medicine, when we take it it makes us see clearly, which angers the oppressors. We don't know how to make the medicine, but a few trusted individuals produce it for us. We also need the medicine to survive, I remember one time I forgot to take it and I started to get the shakes. One time, one of the elders took five doses of medicine at a time, his eyes grew wide, like he could see everything clearly, like he could see it all. Sadly he died shortly after, those knowing eyes staring into space, not long after, someone claimed his eyes, hoping to gain the power of the sight the man had. Moderation is best I suppose, but sometimes, I take two doses of medicine at a time, it makes me see things in ways you could never imagine.

Next I suppose I should talk about the oppressors, they kill us because we take our medicine, which lets us see past their lies. When they enter our territory they kill all in their path, and loot our bodies for medicine. But we have strength in numbers, they learn to fear our war chant, and the oppressors flee to their walled villages and hide from us. But when night comes, we creep up to their village, scale their walls, and  unleash our might upon them, we take no prisoners, and spare no children. After they're dead we take their weapons and reclaim our medicine, and then burn the place to the ground. Sometimes one of the oppressors will wander into our territory, if that happens, we make sure they suffer before they die.

I once saw an oppressor get tortured, I'll spare you the gruesome details, but it involved a machete, a baseball bat, fire, a rusty knife, and a grenade. When they were finished there wasn't enough of him left to bury, not that we would. Despite him being one of the bad men, I couldn't help feel sorry for him, he died in a world of pain. I never torture anyone though, I end it quick, well quick-ish anyway. Some of the elders actually are aroused by torture, they live for the blood, long for the screams, and yearn to inflict pain.

When we are old enough, we can choose a woman for a mate, this pretty much means we have a sex partner. I chose Tirana, she is more shy and quiet than most, which meant she was a target for older males, who would try to, well, force themselves on her, when I chose her as my mate, all the ones who didn't stop got my machete through their chest. Unlike most mated pairs we actually like each other, which is not very common, so we are happier than most, and have more sex. Anyone else touches her, and I kill them. I'm not the strongest in the group, but I'm good with a blade.

Next I should probably explain the group, we are close to a hundred strong, what we lack in weapons, we make up for in numbers. We use armor from scavenged materials, like tires, car hoods, and things like that. There are often fights for leadership, mostly unarmed, unarmored, combat, not usually to the death. You can't be leader for more than ten minutes without being challenged. This ritual ensures that the strongest is the leader, but as a result they are usually more like animals than men. I stay out of the fights, I have Tirana to look after. There are also fights for weapons and extra medicine. We go on regular quests in to oppressor territory, taking weapons, and reclaiming medicine. I am somewhere in the middle, maybe a little towards the top in terms of status in the group, and I had to fight to get there.

Well, thats pretty much my life, killing, looting, taking medication, and things like that. Overall an exciting life, but it gets boring sometimes, like when the oppressors get wise and move far away from us, but they always come back. Well this is it, I'm going to go get some medication, I'm starting to get the shakes, hope it was a good read.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Thanks, I made it more about the culture than the person.