The REAL problem with FORP. It's more simple than you think!

Started by Spades_Neil, 16-08-2011

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Quote from: lolKieck on 17-08-2011
I'd say that Jake didn't want to conquer the bunker, since he was the Samuel guy and Pfc. stands below Sgt.

He just wanted to inflict ooc pain to poor little wastelanders! Just kidding...

I am calling bullshit on this one!

"When in doubt, mumble."


I chatted with Jake. He didn't plan on attacking the bunker at all apparently, though that's what it looked like. He expected to run into the steel door I normally put up and be like, "Oh well," and leave.

So yea. Can we not derail this thread?


Quote from: Plunger on 17-08-2011
Copying SRP is not the way to go though.
That is what silver thought of doing with the ECR and the Red Militia and we all saw how that went.

My ideas for the new factions. My faction that got some decent feedback New Duxbury. The culture is based off 1700s-1800s America and they make cash by growing agriculture (Wheat, Barley, Hops) and making beer, because everyone likes to get wasted in the wasteland. The goverment is a republic so only certain people can have a choice on the Governor (leader) and there is also many job opportunities such as lawman, farmer, Merchant, Barmanetc.

Second idea, a tribal group that came from a vault. So everyone wears like ragged vault jumsuits and have spears and shit. Maybe something like Arroyo.

Those are my ideas.

I think the New Duxbury is a good idea since the place will take place in Boston.
Another thing is, I think what can be cool is two trueneutral factions. The way you would pick the faction is based on either which culture you like better or icly idealogy.

Also I think to fix FoRP we need a new canon which includes new factions so I am for making new factions.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 18-08-2011
Quote from: Plunger on 17-08-2011
Copying SRP is not the way to go though.
That is what silver thought of doing with the ECR and the Red Militia and we all saw how that went.

My ideas for the new factions. My faction that got some decent feedback New Duxbury. The culture is based off 1700s-1800s America and they make cash by growing agriculture (Wheat, Barley, Hops) and making beer, because everyone likes to get wasted in the wasteland. The goverment is a republic so only certain people can have a choice on the Governor (leader) and there is also many job opportunities such as lawman, farmer, Merchant, Barmanetc.

Second idea, a tribal group that came from a vault. So everyone wears like ragged vault jumsuits and have spears and shit. Maybe something like Arroyo.

Those are my ideas.

I think the New Duxbury is a good idea since the place will take place in Boston.
Another thing is, I think what can be cool is two trueneutral factions. The way you would pick the faction is based on either which culture you like better or icly idealogy.

Also I think to fix FoRP we need a new canon which includes new factions so I am for making new factions.

I like the New Duxbury idea myself.

meetdadoom we have a solution or are we just going vent about the problems and not get anything done?



Quote from: meetdadoom on 19-08-2011 we have a solution or are we just going vent about the problems and not get anything done?
Seems that way.


Quote from: Ragolution on 19-08-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 19-08-2011 we have a solution or are we just going vent about the problems and not get anything done?
Seems that way.

sigh.... we all end up getting these awsome ideas and sadly nothing gets resolved. I think the main problem is because silver wants nothing to do with fallout



Quote from: meetdadoom on 19-08-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 19-08-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 19-08-2011 we have a solution or are we just going vent about the problems and not get anything done?
Seems that way.

sigh.... we all end up getting these awsome ideas and sadly nothing gets resolved. I think the main problem is because silver wants nothing to do with fallout

Or Minecraft. Or Caphori. Or SRP, anymore.


Quote from: meetdadoom on 19-08-2011 we have a solution or are we just going vent about the problems and not get anything done?

Naw I think we got a solution out of this. Jake and I are working on it.


"When in doubt, mumble."


Well I hope we do get this solved because personally Fallout rp has a lot of potential and due to the more flexible conan of Fallout rp, it provides more opportunities for interesting roleplay's.

In suggestion, I believe we need to invite more people and advertise it more. Stalker Roleplay gets people only because it has people constantly online, I personally try to be online Fallout RP even when nobody is on, try to stir the population a bit guys! Nobody said it will be easy!


Quote from: Kassendraw on 24-08-2011
Well I hope we do get this solved because personally Fallout rp has a lot of potential and due to the more flexible conan of Fallout rp, it provides more opportunities for interesting roleplay's.

In suggestion, I believe we need to invite more people and advertise it more. Stalker Roleplay gets people only because it has people constantly online, I personally try to be online Fallout RP even when nobody is on, try to stir the population a bit guys! Nobody said it will be easy!

This, basically. A while back we did a little invitation campaign and brought up our server population for a good few weeks with the game regularly reaching 12-15 players. Not as much as SRP, but still a good amount. The problem was it all collapsed due to some player/player drama (and admin/admin drama... this bit was my fault) and the players just left.

Now, most of the drama has been cleared up. Jake and I were bickering for instance, and after realizing how much fault I really had in the debate, I've done my best to sort my shit out with Jake--and the two players that had been going at it had been dealt with as well. At least the player half of drama we can deal with. Sadly this sort of thing is unavoidable in any RP community, but it depends more on how the administration deals with it.

With all of this crap straightened out, now we're back to the real work of getting FORP back up. However, I do need the players to do their best as well. I've noticed many differences to the success of SRP and the failure in some aspects to FORP. FORP is a much more relaxed atmosphere while still keeping the wasteland perspective.

The Zone of STALKER is filled with criminal men in one way or the other who illegitimately found their way into The Zone for their own wealth or to serve their country in the military. Ecologists are the only exception to this, and Monolith are just batshit insane religious nuts. Point is, NO ONE is trustworthy. EVERYONE is shady.

Now, the Fallout wasteland is different. No shit it's still dangerous, and no shit there are bad people in it, but no one chose to come to this wasteland. Everyone is stuck with it. That means these are just regular people trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. That means these people have morals more-so than a STALKER would. They won't always be driven to such extremes. They don't -want- to rob anyone. They don't -want- to kill anyone. Provided bandits and raiders still exist, but it shouldn't consist of EVERYONE. The big problem I've had as an admin is trying to police what is acceptable when it comes to banditry and raiding. Still, it's a problem on any RP server, where items are more important than the RP. That being so, it can be dealt with. I plan on conversing with Jake over the solutions. So far we've fixed just about everything else with FORP. Those who come to play with us rarely have any complaints about the roleplay except from a few of the oldfags just trying to bust our balls over it.

EDIT: I should make something perfectly clear. Banditry and raiding isn't a real problem. The problem lies with the players who only give a shit about items instead of roleplaying. Those are the people we need to deal with when they come around. Bandits and raiders add an element of fear RP that most players enjoy.

The only issues left to solve now are the playerbase issues and to solve that we need to get factions up and running again. We also need to advertize and bring friends who are willing and able to roleplay properly on the server instead of just minging around. That's not something I can do myself. I'm relying on every other player in FORP to get it going again. Invite a friend, stick around, and roleplay even if no one else is on. Need an admin? Contact me. I'm not very busy until school actually starts.


Banditry and raiding is not against the server rules, It never has been and never will be against the rules, to do so would be stupid and would make the problem a zillion times worse.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 26-08-2011
Banditry and raiding is not against the server rules, It never has been and never will be against the rules, to do so would be stupid and would make the problem a zillion times worse.

So far it's been the least of our issues anyway. It's when someone is obsessing over items instead of roleplay that pisses me off. Khorn used to do lots of raider events before his raider became an hero. People miss his events.

Like I said though, the banditry is not a major issue. Shit happens. When someone wants items more than roleplay though, there are usually a long list of other reasons they eventually leave anyway. Mainly when their luck runs out and they lose all their shit, they ragequit. So I don't care.


Hey, I have plans for more wide scale events, but I just can't connect. I don't know why.

I think I stopped being able to connect a few days before I installed new parts in my computer.

I tried a few fresh installs. I tried lowering graphics. I even tried SRP's server 2 and was able to connect.

I can"t connect to SRP 1 or FORP.

So until its solved, I won't be making any haappy fun time events.


How to fix FO in 3 easy steps:

1. Remove server box's plug from the outlet it is connected to
2. ?
3. Profit

Alternatively get the admins active so the server isn't empty and have a shit ton of events ready to go. The second any new players join start bombarding them with things to do so they stay. Make sure those events are cool in and of themselves and not just "Kill NPC, receive item" because all that does is contribute to the "Money and gear are the only thing that matters" attitude.

Personally I think option 1 is the way to go, it's pretty obvious the entirety of the admin team doesn't give a fuck and neither does HGN.


I'd love to get on the sever and do something to better FoRP, but at the moment all I can do is sit back and watch since Gmod is being a bitch to me.

Mr. Pink

As far as admins go Spades is probably the only very active one... I know Khorn would be but as he said he's having Gmod issues... I think possibly adding on one or two more FRP admins who would be regulars may help the situation. With a few more admins we'd be able to get alot more done than with just Spades. Not saying he's bad, but he has to do alot of crap on his own...
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


Quote from: Mr. Pink on 27-08-2011
As far as admins go Spades is probably the only very active one... I know Khorn would be but as he said he's having Gmod issues... I think possibly adding on one or two more FRP admins who would be regulars may help the situation. With a few more admins we'd be able to get alot more done than with just Spades. Not saying he's bad, but he has to do alot of crap on his own...

Of course even I've been FUBAR with shit to do lately. -_-

Mr. Pink

Quote from: Spades_Neil on 27-08-2011
Quote from: Mr. Pink on 27-08-2011
As far as admins go Spades is probably the only very active one... I know Khorn would be but as he said he's having Gmod issues... I think possibly adding on one or two more FRP admins who would be regulars may help the situation. With a few more admins we'd be able to get alot more done than with just Spades. Not saying he's bad, but he has to do alot of crap on his own...

Of course even I've been FUBAR with shit to do lately. -_-

Precisely. We need more admins.
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


Quote from: Mr. Pink on 27-08-2011
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 27-08-2011
Quote from: Mr. Pink on 27-08-2011
As far as admins go Spades is probably the only very active one... I know Khorn would be but as he said he's having Gmod issues... I think possibly adding on one or two more FRP admins who would be regulars may help the situation. With a few more admins we'd be able to get alot more done than with just Spades. Not saying he's bad, but he has to do alot of crap on his own...

Of course even I've been FUBAR with shit to do lately. -_-

Precisely. We need more admins.

It'd help. Admins that aren't minges that is. I mean, I got on for all of maybe one hour today. Then Jake hopped on. The server count went from zero to like ten or fifteen in a matter of minutes. Hell even Jake dragged some Enclave buddies on. Provided that bothered me at first, because I don't want the Enclave always going after wastelanders when they log on, but eventually they found something else to do for their own little event and everyone RPed happily while the Enclave had fun shooting things/eachother.

That's what I want to see. More activity from factions both playerbased and official. The Commonwealth of Eden is coming along nicely too. People aren't even in the actual faction--but the town is still active. Now one good improvement we can make with factions is get them to fight. But when I say fight, I don't mean randomly shooting and murdering each other, because we might as well just play Counter Strike... No, I mean well planned events. That's one of the flaws we still have. If we can plan events better, we'll be all set.

Ideally I'd like to see the Enclave get a permanent base of operations in FORP--but that may be easier said than done. It's not built like the SRP map where each faction has their own entire section of the map. Hopefully we can find a decent mapper to solve that problem. I'm not asking for anything massively fancy, but something interesting would be nice. The benefit of having one's own base is it means you can passive RP without there needing to be an event or some shit going on by hanging out in your base. BoS enjoys such luxury. Enclave doesn't. The only time we see Enclave are as boring (though admittedly terrifying) two-dimensional bad guys who are obviously coming to fuck shit up. It makes the Enclave less fun to play as when you're not doing an event.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 26-08-2011
How to fix FO in 3 easy steps:

1. Remove server box's plug from the outlet it is connected to
2. ?
3. Profit

Alternatively get the admins active so the server isn't empty and have a shit ton of events ready to go. The second any new players join start bombarding them with things to do so they stay. Make sure those events are cool in and of themselves and not just "Kill NPC, receive item" because all that does is contribute to the "Money and gear are the only thing that matters" attitude.

Personally I think option 1 is the way to go, it's pretty obvious the entirety of the admin team doesn't give a fuck and neither does HGN.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Me drivning around in a Ddoom buggy got players attention rather well.

Hopping out and firing shells toward them to scare them worked well enough to give the the feeling of being in fallout.

I was trying to put fear in the wasteland, and it worked. But since summer ended, people left.

Mr. Pink

Quote from: Khorn on 28-08-2011
Me drivning around in a Ddoom buggy got players attention rather well.

Hopping out and firing shells toward them to scare them worked well enough to give the the feeling of being in fallout.

I was trying to put fear in the wasteland, and it worked. But since summer ended, people left.

But, as was indicated by yesterday's brief session, the summer isn't as big of a threat as we initially thought. We had a good 15 people on for a few hours last night. This all happened because me, Caso, and Spades decided to hop on. Once we got on, then a few people joined. When they joined, more people joined. We soon got an event going and people kept showing up, it was great. The key is merely to get a few people on to begin with. Once that happens the number will just keep increasing. One thing that disturbed me though, as soon as Spades left everyone else left... When an admin is online people for some reason want to play. Perhaps it is the hope that the admin will place items. Or, as I believe, it is the belief that admin=events, which is usually the case. This brings us back to the topic of the need for more FO admins.
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


Give me a solution to my problem, I'll give a solution to yours.