The Great Clan of Blazers (DEAD)

Started by GeneralGold, 04-05-2011

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The Blazers
The Clan of the Blazers has humble beginnings, to say the very least. A group of 'blazers' or, basically drug abusers, who, through paranoid thought and a hefty inheritance built a bunker in their four-story home, and survived the nuclear holocaust by their own stimulant-triggered paranoia.

The single thing they had going for them was a genetic mutation fostered over a few thousand years of Jet stockpiles and Psycho parties- an anomaly. The predecessor to the Blazers, one of the five paranoid Jet-huffers, was gifted with a mutation much valued in the day of the Viking; he could enter a Berserker's Trance. In his trance, adrenaline soared, melatonin skyrockets, seratonin virtually disappears and a large flow of dopamine flushes into the system at the sight of blood.

Triggered by the use of a special mixture of narcotics, this drug, known as "The Red Flame" became the basis for everything in the Blazer Clan... and the reason that only four of the ten people walked out of the basement bunker, and into the irradiated city, a rough twenty years later.

Now, in the wasteland of a future, riddled with its vice and its villany, all they can think about is getting wasted.

Though constantly searching for a trip of Jet or a bottle of Whisky, this self-abusive, addicted clan is nothing to mess with. Similar to the bloodlust of the berzerkers of olden times, the Blazers become ignorant to pain as they enter the drug-triggered "Martial Trance"

Reproduction occured, and now, in the future, all of the members of the Blazer clan are descendants of the one "Alpha Male" Blazer known only as The Keith. The Keith died many years ago, but a scrap statue dedicated to him still stands in the Blazer camp... Or, I should say, stood.

Years into thier apocolyptic sentence, the Blazers were nearly obliterated by another Raider tribe, farther to the west. Women were raped, then slaughtered, then raped again.

Only two men and zero women escaped the raids, and those two men kept The Red Flame recipe to themselves. One died, trying to steal it from the other.

So now, to the east, in the Bluegrass Wasteland, the 'Great Clan' tries again. Only their leader remains able to trigger the Trance without the aid of The Red Flame, but with the recipe in his hand, the current Tsar of the Blazer Clan is already scratching his neck and calling his chemists up, trying to get another batch of the Flame out in the field.

Faction Relationships
Wastelanders - Friendly
Eastern Central Republic - Undecided
Brotherhood of Steel - Neutral
Raiders - Strongly disliked
Mutants - Unfriendly
Leon Research - Neutral
Slavers - Strongly disliked
Undersiders - Neutral

Players List

CURRENT LEADER: 'Leaf' (Goldboy :D)






Rank Information

Current Leader: The leader of The Blazers, has multiple powers over the other Ranks, and the controller of the outpost.

Vacant Seat: The second head of charge, able to control the outpost if granted by the leader at the moment. Also has multiple powers over the other Ranks. (Earned in IC by a current player)

Chemist: The main backbone of the society, has the ability to create (IC) drugs and dispose of them around the outpost. The outpost could not survive without the Chemists.

Thrifts: A very important rank, which is a common thief that finds supplies for the Chemists operation. The Chemist is able to control him for finding items, but is unable to make him do anything else.

Guns: The defense of the outpost, more of as the common Militia rank. Without the Guns, the outpost may be destroyed once again by raiders.

Scrubs: The citizen of the outpost, un-needed to apply for for the position but must be an active drug-user and a basic roleplayer. (If a trader moved into the outpost, they would belong in this position. When putting in this thread that you want to be a Scrub, just put your IC and OOC name)

Please place an application below if you are interested in joining (You do not have to applicate to be a Scrub, just post below if you want to be.)

[u][size=12pt]Out of Character Information[/size][/u]
Steam Friends Name:
Steam ID:
Time playing on HGN:
Time playing on FORP:
Time roleplaying on Garry's Mod:

[size=12pt][u]In Character Information[/u][/size]
Drug History:
Position applying for:

Backstory(1 Para. minimum):

[size=12pt][u]Clan Information[/u][/size]
What are The Blazer's goal:
Why should you join:
What is 'The Flame':

[size=12pt][u]Roleplay Information[/u][/size]
What's the difference between IC and OOC:
What is Injury RP:
Define RDM:
Define Metaspeak:
Will you be an active member:

Do you agree that I am allowed to remove you from the clan at any time:

Applications:    OPEN

Any spam or comments below shall be removed if off-topic

If you would like to see this PBG come out of the WIP stage, you can donate caps to 'Leaf' to be put forward the group creation. I've already had money saved back, but I am short.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Wait,so you are alone in group..and applications are closed?Why?


You would think they would be open since you JUST made it... Oh well lol.

"When in doubt, mumble."


It's not ready yet. I have to do some extra work on the thread, and also get it started/ready for the actual server. Be patient. -love, goldboy.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Once I hit 50 posts, I am going to be a chemist. So, yeah go to Underside for the meanwhile. Infact, why don't you live in Underside?


Quote from: Poopship on 05-05-2011
Once I hit 50 posts, I am going to be a chemist. So, yeah go to Underside for the meanwhile. Infact, why don't you live in Underside?

I will hang in Underside for now, but not live there.  And you don't need to hit any certain ammount of posts, I just need to see that you are a good roleplayer.    Besides, you have some time. It will take a little bit to collect enough caps to get it started.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


This clan is now for gives. I have no use for it, just post below if you want the storyline and I will remove this post. I will allow you to copy and paste the storyline and etc.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active