The Gentleman's Guide to Roleplay

Started by Spades_Neil, 07-06-2011

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Because apparently some people need it. Even some of the "veteran" RPers here. Feel free to suggest things to add to this list, but if you're just going to be a jackass and flame, we'll only make fun of you. If you think something is wrong, explain how to fix it.

Now, without further adue, here are the things I've learned over my years of roleplaying:

The Idiot's Gentleman's Guide to Roleplay
By Spades Neil

1. Never Godmod!! This is the biggest rule of all roleplay anywhere. Also known as powergaming, auto-hitting, auto-dodging, knowing stuff in-character you only learned out-of-character (metagaming), pulling abilities or weapons out of thin air (asspulling), changing information or background about your character on the spot to benefit you, or whatever else is just unreasonable and doesn't make sense in this manner. There is absolutely no reason you should be 100% indestructible, or have one tiny flaw that can be exploited that no body knows about or has access to. Otherwise, why the hell would we RP with you? Let me give a fine example in Fallout RP before it was fixed: Tesla armor. It deflects lasers and it's bullet proof. Although plasma weapons can easily--ohwaitaminute NONE OF US HAVE PLASMA WEAPONS DO WE? So this is powergaming. Another lovely example are the band of morons with "Chinese Stealth Armor" (no idea where the hell you dopes got it from) who are all 'lolninja' around the map. You're not invisible, you just look like an idiot. Finally, and possibly the most common example, YOU CAN'T DODGE BULLETS. This is very true. However, the shooter can also miss. This causes a quagmire. If you give the other player zero opertunity to react or defend themselves or whatever else, and it's not a shootout battle where both characters are fairly gunning to kill each other, it's powergaming. Don't be surprised if people disconnect with you if you pull this shit off.
- Advice from experts: Never godmod unless both players have already agreed to the outcome of a roleplay, and you're just writing your way there. However, in Gmod RP where you're forced to RP with anyone who walks your way, it is often not so, and two players oppose each other's plans. When in doubt, /roll! Most roleplaying communities have a /roll command for this very reason, so EVERYONE has a fair chance. This is great in situations like if you're being held at gunpoint, and your only hope is a quick-draw of a pistol. Talk in OOC to the other player about performing the /roll. If they agree, set up some REASONABLE guidelines for it. Like in this situation, out of a 100 roll, if I score above my opponent, I successfully shoot him. If you want to get even more complex, you could say, "0-30 is a failed attempt to quickdraw, and the person is shot to death. 31-60 is a successful hit, but not enough to save the victim. 61-90, the shot severely wounds the attacker and allows the victim to escape. 91-100, headshot. Instant kill on attacker." You guys get the idea? Good. Now start using this more often. ALSO, AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, if you are confronted with a godmodding idiot, even if it's an administrator (because we -have- had some admins fuck up in the past who have since lost their jobs), disconnect. Be SURE to save the logs before you do to use as evidence, because it is possible you will get mistakenly banned for RP avoid. If so, forward the information to a higher admin, or even the one who banned you. If the Godmodding douche was also an admin (which used to happen a lot, but not anymore thankfully), and they themselves ban you, they are ALSO abusing their powers as an administrator.

2. See rule 1. Because it's that important.
- Advice from experts: Don't skim it or skip rule one because you're too ADD to read it. If you are, stop roleplaying and go play a normal video game. Thanks.

3. Canon content is always an option. Canon means the official lore surrounding any fan-based RPs. However, the lore can be bent to a certain extent. Try your best to fit within the boundaries of canon content, but don't go too strict on it either or you're just going to kill it for everyone you try to roleplay with.
- Advice from experts: If you want to roleplay a *perfectly* canon world that 100% fits the Fallout universe, GO PLAY FALLOUT. At the same time though, don't be the moron who walks into a Fallout roleplay acting like you're the leader of the (insert most powerful faction here) and start bossing people around or shooting up the place. Because not only will we avoid getting into an RP with you, we'll probably also shoot you just to put you in your place.

4. - To roleplay is to ROLEPLAY. I can't believe I have to tell you people this. Yes, there are RPG elements to this server, and yes we have guns, but it's not an RPG or a deathmatch server. It is a roleplaying server. That means you're not here to shoot up the fucking place, you're here to roleplay shooting up the fucking place. Though at the same time you don't need to kill everyone to have fun. In fact, you'll probably get banned if you try that, and you'll have more fun if you don't try it.
- Advice from experts: Just because we are given guns doesn't mean we have to use them. I know it seems silly, but when you kill someone, you don't have to *actually* kill them because if you do they'll lose their gear. Even if it's a gear-return RP, they lose any ammo they were carrying, which sucks. Ask your partner if it's a gear-return situation, "IC kill or OOC kill?" And assuming you followed rule 1, the RP should go smoothly from there. Remember to use the /roll function if needed.

5. Don't be an asshole unless your character is an asshole. Though your character will probably get killed pretty quick so remember that too. But don't be an asshole out-of-character, because then people will go out of their way to piss you off.
- Advice from experts: Be polite. Do I really need to elaborate further? If your character is an asshole, then that's fine. Just realize the consequences it comes with. If you are an asshole outside of your character though, then everyone is going to hate you. So, OOCly, don't be an asshole. ICly, by all means, just know what the consequences are.

6. Don't metagame! I know I mentioned it in the first rule, but I must repeat myself again to elaborate. Don't use OOC information ICly. I'll give an example, someone types into the chat, "[OOC] Wastelander Joe: Oh wow! I just found the most epic laser rifle sitting under a desk!" Meanwhile, Raider McDumbass reads this and runs along and confronts Joe like, "I'M ROBBING YOU, K? LOL." That is called metagaming.
- Advice from experts: Don't do it! Just disconnect if some prick does this, because they broke a big rule. Save the logs and report it to administrators too.

7. Do NOT avoid roleplay! This is the one situation where you NEVER disconnect. If a roleplay isn't going your way, too bad! The thing about Gmod roleplay compared to text-based roleplay is you're not allowed to just quit on the spot because you're losing.
- Advice from experts: Unless they're breaking a rule, you're stuck with them. Sorry. If you disconnect anyway, you'll get banned for a long time. If you NEED to get going, like it's an emergency, let them know. If you took any gear from them, return the gear and void the RP. If you were the one who was going to lose your gear, you better just give them the bloody gear. Unless it's a friend of yours who you -know- you'll be able to RP with on a later date to finish off, avoid disconnecting all together like this.

8. Write normal. not liek dis u dibshits
- Advice from experts: Use proper spelling and grammar. In this case, for our server, also speak English.

9. Placeholder I'll think of more stuff to add to this later.
- Advice from experts: Post suggestions.

I hope this helps.

P.S. I'm not the only "expert" here. I'm just echoing what I've been told over the years. You guys should do the same and post suggestions.

Oh, and another thing, "Spades, why are you bitching so much?" Because I'm sick of this shit. Especially powergaming. Knock it off. All of you.

Edited the title to be more comical on first glance.


Here's advice. Don't call yourself an expert when you don't have a Ph.D in English.


Quote from: Poopship on 07-06-2011
Here's advice. Don't call yourself an expert when you don't have a Ph.D in English.

Why would you need a Ph.D in English to roleplay? English professors don't roleplay! Smartass. :P Lol

In all seriousness I should add a bit about typing proper English...

EDIT: All set.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 07-06-2011
There is absolutely no reason you should be 100% indestructable
Francis is. So shut up.
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 07-06-2011
What about leet ninja xena lesbian ninja assassins wielding only a katana?

But, this guide is actually helpful due to the LARGE amount of chinese assassins we somehow got.
funny gifs


tl;dr, you really think idiots can read all of this?

Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Quote from: GeneralGold on 08-06-2011
tl;dr, you really think idiots can read all of this?


They'll read what's in red. Good enough for me.
funny gifs


Quote from: Poopship on 07-06-2011
Here's AN advice. Don't call yourself an expert when you don't have a Ph.D in English.
Same as you pal.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 08-06-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 07-06-2011
Here's AN advice. Don't call yourself an expert when you don't have a Ph.D in English.
Same as you pal.

Same as you, pal.

Anyway, post this in the guide section where guides are supposed to be posted, please. It makes much more sense since this is infact a guide.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Quote from: GeneralGold on 08-06-2011
tl;dr, you really think idiots can read all of this?


Touche`. To them I say:

"Then don't roleplay. Bye now. Go back to normal video games."


5. Don't be an asshole unless your character is an asshole. Though your character will probably get killed pretty quick so remember that too. But don't be an asshole out-of-character, because then people will go out of their way to piss you off.
- Advice from experts: Be polite. Do I really need to elaborate further?

I disagree with this. This is the lawless wasteland, I can do what ever the fuck I want to do and the weak can not do anything about it. (thats not me meetdadoom, thats coming from Jum'kabin)



Quote from: meetdadoom on 08-06-2011
5. Don't be an asshole unless your character is an asshole. Though your character will probably get killed pretty quick so remember that too. But don't be an asshole out-of-character, because then people will go out of their way to piss you off.
- Advice from experts: Be polite. Do I really need to elaborate further?

I disagree with this. This is the lawless wasteland, I can do what ever the fuck I want to do and the weak can not do anything about it. (thats not me meetdadoom, thats coming from Jum'kabin)

Good point. I'll tweak it then. I'm trying to say, OOC, don't be an asshole. IC, it's fine if it fits the character.

I mean why the hell would a raider be all gumdrops and ice cream?


I guess I am an idiot  :'( even though I don't powergame, and I play passive rp for my trader which I am mostly on...

"When in doubt, mumble."


Quote from: mxh24 on 08-06-2011
I guess I am an idiot  :'( even though I don't powergame, and I play passive rp for my trader which I am mostly on...

Yes, you are. You are quite the idiot!

No I'm kidding. :P If you can follow these steps, you'll do just fine roleplaying.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 08-06-2011
Quote from: mxh24 on 08-06-2011
I guess I am an idiot  :'( even though I don't powergame, and I play passive rp for my trader which I am mostly on...

Yes, you are. You are quite the idiot!

No I'm kidding. :P If you can follow these steps, you'll do just fine roleplaying.

Congratulations on your admin...  ;D

"When in doubt, mumble."


It would be a fine guide if: People would actually read it and use it and not read it and make funny comments; if it wasn't just another copy of our great book of rules(LIKE WHAT!?); if not this many people would make comments on it but actually start using it; if it did not have idiot in the title, I mean it's not really tempting to read right now, I rather feel like making an "asshole" comment right now and if it would used not like most of the guides just read and thrown away.

So yes, good guide but no use.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Maybe add something in there about roleplay fighting, about STM, and especially STK, about when it's appropriate, when it's not, and how to do it, because some people get this wrong.


Quote from: Recreas on 08-06-2011
It would be a fine guide if: People would actually read it and use it and not read it and make funny comments; if it wasn't just another copy of our great book of rules(LIKE WHAT!?); if not this many people would make comments on it but actually start using it; if it did not have idiot in the title, I mean it's not really tempting to read right now, I rather feel like making an "asshole" comment right now and if it would used not like most of the guides just read and thrown away.

So yes, good guide but no use.

I thought my frustration was quite comical. Perhaps not?

Quote from: Das_Uberman on 08-06-2011
Maybe add something in there about roleplay fighting, about STM, and especially STK, about when it's appropriate, when it's not, and how to do it, because some people get this wrong.

STK verses STM is always too bloody tricky, and frankly it's not a field that even in my cocky, arrogant glory, I would not consider myself enough of an 'expert' to comment on it in full detail.

When I get into conflicts, I tend to assume it's STK especially when those conflicts happen at complete random. Such as, someone shooting outside of Kira's shop and pissing her and her mercs off like a swarm of angry bloatflies. However, at the same time, I try to always go Gear Return in those situations unless some dick was intentionally shooting Kira's store.

However, you're SUPPOSED to assume all conflicts are STM. Unfortunately, the problem with that is, most people don't follow that rule because they either don't know it or they don't want to risk their enemy shooting to kill while they're aiming to miss. So this gets veeeeerrry tricky. I prefer to avoid shooting conflicts all together unless it is announced prior.

I'll leave this to another 'expert' to address. I've been roleplaying across the web for like four or five years now. I've roleplayed in Gmod for... well... as long as I've been on HGN.


Your metagaming section is extremely lacking.


Quote from: Ragolution on 09-06-2011
Your metagaming section is extremely lacking.

Heheh, care to elaborate? I know you hate metagaming as much as I hate powergaming.