The Firths

Started by Picto Wolf, 04-05-2011

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Picto Wolf

The Firth's

Linfirth is a place up on a hill and run  by a waste lander called James Patterson. It does not have any defenses except from the people who live there. Oddly the settlement has had no trouble so far with raiders or any kind of other threats.
The town has five metal houses and one wooden shack along with a general store.
The settlement is small but plans are for this to grow into a thriving town.


Lindfirth chief
'James Patterson' | Picto Wolf

Leader of Firth Guardsmen

Steve Ray | Chrono

Citizen of Lindfirth
Jerry Jefferson | Alex4576

Faction Relations

      Brotherhood Of Steel: N/A

      East Central Republic: N/A

      Leon Resarch: N/A

      The Boone's: Friendly

      The Firth's: N/A

      Wastelander's: N/A

      Raider's: Feared

N/A - Not Applicable, who knows what they are?
Allied - Allied, If you're in trouble call these people to help. Treat them like you would treat your Brother.
Friendly - Friendly, these people are friends, respect them accordingly, they may even help you if you're in trouble.
Neutral - Neutral, take an odd glance at these, but nothing over the top.
Unfriendly - Keep a close eye on these people, have your weapon close.
Hostile - Hostile, these are hostile. You should try to stay away from these and not openly engage them.
Feared - Hostile and feared, always try to run away or stay clear of these.

Settlement Rules

1) No murdering or robbing inside the settlement
2) No vandalism or arson
3) Be polite and people will be Polite back
4) Don't bring trouble to the town
To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation to those who refuse them.


Hmm, interesting name.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Was the incredibly famous author name on purpose or by accident?

Picto Wolf

oh i never new so that would be an accident.
To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation to those who refuse them.


Oh lol, I thought maybe it had to do with the faction like they read his books or something.