The Enclave and You

Started by Paintcheck, 14-03-2011

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For fuck's sake people the server has been up for like 4 days and I am already very low on both pistol and laser rifle ammo due to the amount of you idiots walking into the Enclave camp like we're best friends. We AREN'T. If you see people in Power Armor, chances are you should avoid them because they very likely want to kill you. If you see people in NCR models NEXT to someone wearing power armor they also want to kill you (although they are also all inactive as fuck and likely going to get roster wiped due to playing on HL2 exclusively even when there are 5 BoS members on attacking Pownisher and me but that's beside the point).

I am tired of people going "ZOMG y u k1ll m3?", tired of people going "Oh hey person in glowing power armor just shot 3 people in the head let's go investigate!1!1one" and very tired of people flocking to vertibirds when I RP them coming to drop off supplies or whatnot. I swear I have killed everyone on the server at least once or twice by now. I don't really  have a problem with doing so other than ammo being expensive but it would be nice for me to be able to RP with my troopers and brief them without having to stop every 4 seconds to chase a wastelander away. It's not like we're setting up in the middle of the map near a spawn teleporter so there's really no reason you should be wandering off into the wastes to seek us out. The only thing that will result in is your death.  I feel like I am already being rather nice by letting you keep your gear and NLR but if it would keep people away I would be more than happy to start taking shit.


Well I noticed the enclave near giant ass windmill proceed to get better looks then got executed with no fuss.
I feel cooperative


If BoS didn't rob people of their possesions and FRA didn't draft people , it would be different.
Not that I went close to Enclave, but I've seen too many times both BoS and FRA killing wastelanders,
just like that. People have no where to go, the map doesn't satisfy their needs of a safe place to go.
The "Rusty Town" is hardly safe at all.

Hence why they tried approaching you.


That's true.

Any form of roleplay ends in a fight to the death (mainly because that's the simplest way to make cash.)

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


It's even worse that FRA taxes people to enter to the damned town.


You do realise that is only one aspect of the FRA, all of your complaints above  about the FRA are most likely about the Costa's because my McCrorys family doesn't tax anyone, we don't shoot wastelanders for money but we make them buy a shitload of alchohol.

And I guess you'll just have to make a doomfort to keep everybody out, put a sniper on the roof and scare away everbody that gets near. Kinda like what the military is supposed in SRP.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Quote from: Recreas on 15-03-2011
And I guess you'll just have to make a doomfort to keep everybody out, put a sniper on the roof and scare away everbody that gets near. Kinda like what the military is supposed in SRP.

Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Dug on 15-03-2011
If BoS didn't rob people of their possesions and FRA didn't draft people , it would be different.
Not that I went close to Enclave, but I've seen too many times both BoS and FRA killing wastelanders,
just like that. People have no where to go, the map doesn't satisfy their needs of a safe place to go.
The "Rusty Town" is hardly safe at all.

Hence why they tried approaching you.

You do realise when you walk up to a BoS member saying "Hey I got some rockets." You aren't going to get a very friendly response. BoS are supposed to be technology nuts and do value technology and the sort more than some wastelanders life. But, if you want to continue that discussion further, take it to the BoS complain thread please.

Most people who approach the enclave are idiots and should be shot. I guess you just gotta keep shooting them until they get it in there mind that there is nothing to be gained by going near them. Eventually you should start just taking there gear if the same person approaches a third time or second time.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


It's their own fault, if the wastelanders want or need a safe place to go then they should band together and form more settlements and towns. Alternately someone or a group could set up a lawbringer group who just generally keep the peace around the place, probably won't work, but it's worth a try.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Quote from: Dug on 15-03-2011
If BoS didn't rob people of their possesions and FRA didn't draft people , it would be different.
Not that I went close to Enclave, but I've seen too many times both BoS and FRA killing wastelanders,
just like that. People have no where to go, the map doesn't satisfy their needs of a safe place to go.
The "Rusty Town" is hardly safe at all.

Hence why they tried approaching you.

So their logic is "I hate paying money so I'm going to go get shot instead?"

* Paintcheck facepalms hard.

Well my point is you have all been warned.

And Pink! you approached us THREE times yesterday and each time it resulted in your "death" (reflagging) and no one took any of your precious items, we needed to kill you to maintain operational security (it also didn't help your case that Turkey was paranoid as fuck from running from the BoS). Sorry you felt excluded but given that we were in the middle of trying to safely extract a very valuable prisoner/defector it shouldn't have surprised you that we were shooting everyone within 100 yards. If you keep insisting on trying to visit the Enclave camp then we will start STKing you and stealing your stuff. The same goes to anyone else who doesn't get the memo after the second or third time. I appreciate that people want to RP with the Enclave but most people don't do a good job of it and even more don't seem to understand that the Enclave are better trained than anyone else in the wastes in terms of close combat and are professional soldiers (that is not to say we're unkillable but it took 3 BoS troopers in Power Armor to take down me and Pownisher and only after I had severely damaged the head guardian's armor and landed some solid hits to the Elder himself. ICly we're scary). That means no, you are not going to be able to sneak up to a vertibird and sabotage it while an entire flight crew and three soldiers are nearby. So don't try.

We are slowly working our way to being slightly more visible and once I get a fuller crew we might be able to do some other stuff with wastelanders other than putting 10mm holes in their foreheads but for now please just use common sense.


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 15-03-2011
Quote from: Dug on 15-03-2011
If BoS didn't rob people of their possesions and FRA didn't draft people , it would be different.
Not that I went close to Enclave, but I've seen too many times both BoS and FRA killing wastelanders,
just like that. People have no where to go, the map doesn't satisfy their needs of a safe place to go.
The "Rusty Town" is hardly safe at all.

Hence why they tried approaching you.

You do realise when you walk up to a BoS member saying "Hey I got some rockets." You aren't going to get a very friendly response. BoS are supposed to be technology nuts and do value technology and the sort more than some wastelanders life. But, if you want to continue that discussion further, take it to the BoS complain thread please.

Most people who approach the enclave are idiots and should be shot. I guess you just gotta keep shooting them until they get it in there mind that there is nothing to be gained by going near them. Eventually you should start just taking there gear if the same person approaches a third time or second time.

Thing is, I was going to give them , hence I couldn't use them.
But then I got a rifle to my head, before I could even speak properly.


Like I told paint "Give the Enclave a sniper rifle" and shit loads of problems will be solved


I don't see why people think that FR's taxes are that bad. You get payed 10 caps an hour for doing absolutely nothing and you just have to pay 10 caps a day. Not really that horrible considering you can't really buy anything anyway.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


a) It is not 10 caps a day, it is 10 caps every time you enter.

b) Originally, Paintcheck, I had no clue what was going on. I thought you were a suit of discarded power armor, in fact. I was shot once by Turkey's Knight for being in the vicinity, and I accept that, but otherwise, I got away for the most part - only killed once IC. Then, I found you again from that firefight near the Vertibird. Generally, on FORP, I wander around the map rather than hanging in one place, a more realistic option for a scavenger, so I just happen to have the bad luck of constantly finding people.

Honestly, if you do not want people to approach, don't hop on the server? I suggested it last time.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


Quote from: Pink! on 15-03-2011

Honestly, if you do not want people to approach, don't hop on the server? I suggested it last time.

You understand what the Enclave is supposed to be doing right? We're not that much different than the Monolith on the SRP server.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 15-03-2011
Quote from: Pink! on 15-03-2011

Honestly, if you do not want people to approach, don't hop on the server? I suggested it last time.

You understand what the Enclave is supposed to be doing right? We're not that much different than the Monolith on the SRP server.

Yep Enclave see everyone else as lesser beings, and a few other things. Also its best to avoid scary people in odd power armor with expensive weaponry.


But something even worse is happening
Vault Dwellers are become some god faction.I've had this on my part and so has the BoS.
It seems like simulations,being in stasis (some how),being scared of the wasteland confounds me.
I mean they attack me earlier today,killed a man,shot me in the shoulder,beat a woman,used a 30 clip eating laser pistol with out reloading,and are dead eye marksmen


Quote from: Ravanger on 15-03-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 15-03-2011
Quote from: Pink! on 15-03-2011

Honestly, if you do not want people to approach, don't hop on the server? I suggested it last time.

You understand what the Enclave is supposed to be doing right? We're not that much different than the Monolith on the SRP server.

Yep Enclave see everyone else as lesser beings, and a few other things. Also its best to avoid scary people in odd power armor with expensive weaponry.

Alright, I concede the point.

My mistake.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


Quote from: Dug on 15-03-2011
If BoS didn't rob people of their possesions and FRA didn't draft people , it would be different.
Not that I went close to Enclave, but I've seen too many times both BoS and FRA killing wastelanders,
just like that. People have no where to go, the map doesn't satisfy their needs of a safe place to go.
The "Rusty Town" is hardly safe at all.

Hence why they tried approaching you.

Yeah, we (FRA) killed people. We kill anyone causing trouble or we would kick them out. We have the, we don't give a fuck attitude. If people start up a gun fight, we threaten to kill both parties if they don't stop and if they don't then we shot both of the parties.



Quote from: RG4ORDR on 15-03-2011
But something even worse is happening
Vault Dwellers are become some god faction.I've had this on my part and so has the BoS.
It seems like simulations,being in stasis (some how),being scared of the wasteland confounds me.
I mean they attack me earlier today,killed a man,shot me in the shoulder,beat a woman,used a 30 clip eating laser pistol with out reloading,and are dead eye marksmen

I think that was rather an unfair attack by the Vault Dwellers, personally. It was rather out of the Vault Dwellers character. If they're scared of the zone wasteland and feel threatened, they should have ran off. Not attacked.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Quote from: Pink! on 15-03-2011
a) It is not 10 caps a day, it is 10 caps every time you enter..
I am the leader of the FR, so I'm pretty sure I know that its 10 caps a day. If they are taxing you every time you enter, tell them you've already payed for the day.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Cutch on 16-03-2011
Quote from: Pink! on 15-03-2011
a) It is not 10 caps a day, it is 10 caps every time you enter..
I am the leader of the FR, so I'm pretty sure I know that its 10 caps a day. If they are taxing you every time you enter, tell them you've already payed for the day.

I do, and get asked to pay again.

Might want to clarify your policy.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


You will have to deal with it icly then most likely.


Quote from: Dug on 15-03-2011
If BoS didn't rob people of their possesions and FRA didn't draft people , it would be different.
Not that I went close to Enclave, but I've seen too many times both BoS and FRA killing wastelanders,
just like that. People have no where to go, the map doesn't satisfy their needs of a safe place to go.
The "Rusty Town" is hardly safe at all.

Hence why they tried approaching you.

I'm scarred from the number of wastelanders I've had to murder execution style who begged for their lives because they were idiots. :(


Such life in Wasteland