Still Water

Started by Recreas, 02-04-2011

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Still Water

Background: It all started with a few wastelanders that happend to cross each others road, they all wanted to settle down somewhere and to ensure their own safety. These men all had felt what it was like to wander around the wastes, being robbed,  to pay too high prices for an old rusty shotgun and those damn bandits that would tax you and all the other dangers the wastes brought like mutants.
They made agreements and decided to start their own small safe haven for wastelanders.
There had been a long debate about the name, everbody's position and the way the town would be governed. But after a long night full of discusions they were ready to work for a new town that one day would prosper.

Long story made short: It's a town set up by a few wastelanders, they offer a safe place with laws and economy. The only thing they want in return is slight taxing so that they can use it to develop the city and to invest in more advanced protection technology (Heavier Weapons, maybe ICLy some sort of mounted MG or things like that.)

Jobs 'n work

Govermental Work: This would include:
1. A Mayor to create laws, taxes, formal paperwork, peace treaties and etc... . So the person that does most of the paper work and makes sure alliances and treaties are made to ensure safety.
2. The law, or well the Sheriff and Deputies. They enforce the laws, lock up lawbreakers, help inhabitants with their conflicts, shoot nasty raiders, prevents raids, terminate mutants and etc..
3.Tax Collector (Maybe later when expanding town, but this could also be done by Sheriff/Mayor)
Well as the name tells you, it's a tax collector. He collects mans most feared enemy, yes indeed TAXES!

Crafting, things like mechanics, weaponsmiths and well other jobs that require crafting.

Faith, yes religion can result in money. You can be like our old beloved Christians and ask(demand) money to maintain the church otherwilse God might be angry and KILL YOU ALL! Just joking God should be all loving, right?
You can sell those weird tickets that promise your place in heaven, or well the more you buy the more chance you have. And well all the other rip-offs faith includes (no offence if you do believe in something,  but I don't.)

Farming and stuff, this will include scavanging. I have no idea if farming will ever be added to the gamemode but well I guess you can roleplay your pretty farm, just use your imagination...
Anyways you can plants crops, go out and scavange or well all the other ways  in which you gain items (yes this includes robbery). And well you can sell these items to caravans or maybe a local general store?

Trading, well this is just making caravans, gaining items, sell them and etc. No a hard job, you could make a general store where people sell and buy crops or seeds. Or maybe a restaurant, or start a small hospital sell some medical supplies and heal people? Dunno it's open for your imagination.

Form of goverment:
The town would have to be ruled one way or another, and we do this with politics. Since I'm a proud capitalist and not a Facist or a Communist (Sorry, I know right Communism ftw, because we love the working class). Anyways every now and then (at the point we actually get inhabitants) a kind of election will be held in which people can vote a person away as mayor and other govermental jobs like the Sheriff. If you have pure hate against the Sheriff you can convince others to vote against him and all. No hard deal, we'll just go around door to door and write down peoples opinion. Or they should just come to the town hall and post their vote.

Current Town Religion(s): None yet.

Brotherhood of Steel: Neutral
Enclave: ? (Not yet discovered)
Blue grass bandits: Neutral
Bandits (In General): Neutral
Frankies Republic Army: -
Kira's Arms Dealership: Neutral
Wastelanders: Neutral
Slavers: Vilivied
Caravans (In General): Neutral

No applications, everything is done IC.
To live in the town is easy, just buy or rent a house by contacting the current mayor.
Any kind of work like stated above is also gained icly, by either talking to the mayor or for example being recruited by the sheriff.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Finally. Someone has done it.
Think you could add a religion to it?
Like Church of Atom or something.


Needs more work.

Think Kentucky, do some research into the culture, add some humor, a nice backstory, dedicated characters ect.


I imagine the "Scrap Yard" is the all metal like town? Similiar to megaton? On the map that is.


Just something I did while playing with fonts and colors in lua
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Here are my suggestions where our town clould be

The town close to spawn (We will ofc make the wall completed and seal off holes)

The scrapyard

You guys could vote for it..


We already got 4 (Including me) people that is willing to make this town

Atleast a trader


That wouldn't be a town really. That would be ... no name for it.




There are two well made towns they could be used. The megaton looking one which I don't like.
And the one with the big underground complex. But , they have either enclave or bos there.
Which renders it unusable. And leaves small camps like that for taking, which is gay in my opinion.


Quote from: Agera on 02-04-2011
I always think that the best town in any Post-Apocalyptic setting I've seen is in x (The one you're supposed to reach). That thing had a council and everything.

snip your post because Silver said that he'll ban anyone mentioning it.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Dug on 02-04-2011
Finally. Someone has done it.
Think you could add a religion to it?
Like Church of Atom or something.

Of course,
As I stated in the general information but you might have missed that, there is always room for somebody to start a small church gathering money in the name of (something?) and convert people and etc.
Just making a small America - a place where everything is possible and you can make your dreams come true O_o.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


I need suggestions for a place to start the town.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Quote from: Recreas on 03-04-2011
I need suggestions for a place to start the town.

The train town.


Do it near spawn, that little shanty town in the city.


I would rejoin what I can only assume is a reincarnation of Rust Town, but I have joined up with the Brotherhood of Steel. I may make a new character for the town, possibly the sherrif if you're in need.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


I agree with the town near the spawn, you just gotta' build a few walls here and there. I'm up for deputy if the need pops up.


The town above the large underground complex was turned into Steel Town weeks ago, nearly when we first moved to that map.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Edited main post, read it if you want.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


I like the idea, becouse I like the backstory.


Quote from: Archangel94 on 02-04-2011
Here are my suggestions where our town clould be

The town close to spawn (We will ofc make the wall completed and seal off holes)

The scrapyard

You guys could vote for it..

Its a good pace for town and the spawn is good to.


Nice group name and i like the backstory.


Why the hell is Kira's Karbines marked as angry toward Still Water?

Just yesterday Kira helped all your sorry asses survive a rocket attack--and now you're making enemies out of her. Smart move. /sarcasm


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 07-04-2011
Why the hell is Kira's Karbines marked as angry toward Still Water?

Just yesterday Kira helped all your sorry asses survive a rocket attack--and now you're making enemies out of her. Smart move. /sarcasm

That's probably from before when we thought you were helping Butcher.


Quote from: ISPYUDIE on 07-04-2011
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 07-04-2011
Why the hell is Kira's Karbines marked as angry toward Still Water?

Just yesterday Kira helped all your sorry asses survive a rocket attack--and now you're making enemies out of her. Smart move. /sarcasm

That's probably from before when we thought you were helping Butcher.

Butcher is a guardian of Kira--whether Kira likes it or not. :P But yea, Kira -was- trying to explain Butcher's side of the story before you stormed in and killed him. Kira does what she can to remain a neutral party.

Everyone needs guns after all.