Status Update - Importance: Vital

Started by Ragolution, 01-04-2011

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The Brotherhood of Steel is hereby disbanded.

All heads, Elders, exiles, agents, warriors, knights, initiates equerries and all other unmentioned members of this organization are hereby removed, disbarred and disallocated from its roster.
I assume all responsibilities for any actions caused by the members.

I apologize to anyone and everyone who takes value in this post, negative or positive.




Quote from: Khorn on 01-04-2011
April fools?

No. This is real, There was a lot of complaining in the server, a shit storm, A lot of people got out while they could. :\


Wait, what did I miss?

Only problem I saw with BoS was too many members.


Shitstorm between the FR and the BoS, mainly including the FR being idiots.


Rumor has it there was a FUCKTON of admin power abuse.

I'm not a personal witness however so I'll let everyone else decide if this claim is true. I'm not naming names but I have personally witnessed more than my share of pushing the powers of an admin's rights--but nothing compared to what allegedly took place tonight.


Such as the FR getting powerarmor and plasma weapons?
oh yeah, i remember that.


As an addendum to this, I hereby also resign from my Operator position on the Fallout Server.

Edit: No debates please. This is just a news thread. Please discuss it elsewhere.


The same day I get made a TO, is the same day that I leave.  I don't really know what to think.

All I know is that Cutch has abused his powers from the very beginning in helping the FRA.  The addition of Plunger just made it worse.  The FRA has no knowledge of what IC and OOC truly mean.  They try to change what we RP and set up, with their only argument being: "NO NO NO NO NO."

TL:DR:  We are tired of the shit, bye.

To all the people in the Brotherhood, I just wanted to say that you guys are awesome, and I had a great time RPing with you.  Garret, Mason, Jameson, Spades, Bennett, Nick, and Adrian, don't forget the brotherhood we shared.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 01-04-2011
The same day I get made a TO, is the same day that I leave.  I don't really know what to think.

All I know is that Cutch has abused his powers from the very beginning in helping the FRA.  The addition of Plunger just made it worse.  The FRA has no knowledge of what IC and OOC truly mean.  They try to change what we RP and set up, with their only argument being: "NO NO NO NO NO."

TL:DR:  We are tired of the shit, bye.

To all the people in the Brotherhood, I just wanted to say that you guys are awesome, and I had a great time RPing with you.  Garret, Mason, Jameson, Spades, Bennett, Nick, and Adrian, don't forget the brotherhood we shared.

See you! Have a nice day!



Quote from: alex4576 on 01-04-2011
No no no?

I can understand this is shocking to some and, for lack of a better word "Long awaited" by others, but I can't take it anymore and neither can anyone in my upper-echelons.

Again, I apologize and take full responsibility for my faction's actions.


I was never on anyways. Sad to see it go.


From the FRA getting artillery I heard from paint that BLAKE and his vaulties got Power armor

Seeing as it is 2236 and the FRA SOMEHOW HAVING KNOWLEDGE TO FIX,REPAIR,AND USE POWER ARMOR,ENERGY WEAPONS,AND ARTILLERY PIECES is beyond me. Hell they ever fuckign rival the NCR


TL:DR Of what happened.

FRA bomb BoS with a Howitzer once, we get nuked by the Enclave, and Steel Town gets nuked too, only Hessen dies since the BoS are all in their bunker, and we're at our new base.

So then after, CannonInspector observes to Enclave we set up a cordon, he asks the Enclave to kill us all, so instead of walking back, and getting captured, he observes into his own base, skipping our cordon completely. We ignore that for the time being, and assualt their base, it all goes good until we enter the BoS's main bunker, where they claim that they've hidden some kind of invisible bomb inside of the door frame, or around it that we cannot see. So I explain to them how explosives work, and that 1.) They can't just asspull random explosives to kill us all with when they lose a fight, 2.) Cannon shouldn't abuse his observer like he did where he teleported from his base, half way across the map, then back to his base completely passing our cordon, then when he was caught just saying, "Fine void that". 3.) Making a bunch of informaiton up about how explosives work, and claiming since their an, "Elite Military Organization" that they can make up a bunch of BS items, that are completely OP.

I confront them on that stuff, and their reply is just that we came in their bunker, and that we knew we would probably die so it's fair, which is fucking bullshit, and saying we're fucking idiots, and don't know shit. So after trying to explain explosives and why their not making any sense, they ragequit the server, and Rago unwhitelists anyone, and disbands, and removes the server over something that happens on SRP like every week.


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 01-04-2011
From the FRA getting artillery I heard from paint that BLAKE and his vaulties got Power armor

The FRA got power armor that was supposedly broken (ie couldn't defend from radiation, was weaker in power) but wasn't and alien weapons and Plasma. They also got artillery.

Enclave had vertibirds, orbital satellites, etcetera. The Enclave barely has three laser rifles.

The BoS had four suits of armor, an array of laser rifles and a bunker.

So if anyone needs to personify "Fair" you can look somewhere else.


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 01-04-2011
From the FRA getting artillery I heard from paint that BLAKE and his vaulties got Power armor

Seeing as it is 2236 and the FRA SOMEHOW HAVING KNOWLEDGE TO FIX,REPAIR,AND USE POWER ARMOR,ENERGY WEAPONS,AND ARTILLERY PIECES is beyond me. Hell they ever fuckign rival the NCR

Blake's BANDIT has the power armor


Quote from: Plunger on 01-04-2011
Biased TL:DR Of what happened.

Stop whining. You've won. Leave me alone.
Even when I admit fucking defeat all people do is whine and complain.
What do I have to do to make it stop?

I'm trying my hardest to be civil about the disbandment, of my withdrawal, but it's like holy fuck;

Your arguments held no logic at all, I'm not even going to debate it here because you held as much water as a bucket with no bottom.



Quote from: RanmaChan on 01-04-2011
Don't forget the alien weapon they somehow got a hold of.

Last I heard that was given to blake, who somehow lost it.


Quote from: Ragolution on 01-04-2011
Quote from: Plunger on 01-04-2011
Biased TL:DR Of what happened.

Stop whining. You've won. Leave me alone.
Even when I admit fucking defeat all people do is whine and complain.
What do I have to do to make it stop?

I'm trying my hardest to be civil about the disbandment, of my withdrawal, but it's like holy fuck;

Your arguments held no logic at all, I'm not even going to debate it here because you held as much water as a bucket with no bottom.

Because we don't want you to rage quit over a minor thing.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 01-04-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 01-04-2011
Quote from: Plunger on 01-04-2011
Biased TL:DR Of what happened.

Rebuttal Snip

Because we don't want you to rage quit over a minor thing.

Maybe if my logic didn't force me to pile it all ontop of itself, it wouldn't be so minor in your eyes.
It's been a constantly growing issue that I just can't handle anymore. ICly or OOCly.
I'm without mental repose when the best argument people can give me for why they're not dead in a game is because I don't have the real-life-knowledge of how to set up a bomb.


Lock Thread 8)

prevent discussion


Well I got the alien weapon from blake for training him to use salvaged power armor and he got it from god knows where but he could not spawn it because only Exile can.