Someone stole our FORP.

Started by Turkey, 13-07-2011

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Hello, As you may know, I am turkey, I am here to give a PSA to the people of HGN.

FORP has 4-6 players on everyday.
It's sad because we used to have such a bigger playerbase.
A lot of people stopped playing in an incidient I like to call firestorm.
What happened at firestorm was Ragolution the leader of the brotherhood of steel at the time, Was trying to fund his faction by renting houses and protect, It was silly, But we do what we must to survive. We also had ramma-chan, His second in command, Powergaming silly bastard, But he was nice to a lot of people., also these two were and still are prone to raging, [ <3 you ] And on the other side, We had the FRA, Hessen 'Asspull bombs' McGee, Cutch 'This is out land friend' McCutch and last Misha 'Business bro' Zahcahrwwatiwardov. Also at the time paintcheck was leading enclave.

So FRA decidess it would be fun to go all out on the BOS and attack them, So they start firing at them with everything they got, The brotherhood start shooting back, So the enclave is like "Fuck, Lets just kill two birds with one stone" and they totally mini-nuke the FRA and the BOS. As expected, Ragolution went on a ragefit, Deleted the boards, Mass pk'd and demanded a restart [Correct me if I am wrong]. The FRA was standing there like 'O shit calm down bro' and enclave was in the cave loling at them both. So then all the shit gets deleted and FORP becomes totally gay.

TL;DR I miss the old server, this new shit blows cock.

-Enclave; It was always there, We were always doing recon missions and other things like that, People were like "OMG ENCLAVE Y U NO DO THINGS". But holy fuck, ITs the enclave what do you want us to do, Shoot your dick off? My god, This was the greatest faction in the wasteland {probably because paintcheck led it} And It was fucking awesome

-FRA; The franks had an idea, I loved what misha was doing, But it was truely fucked up by hessen, He decided it would be a totally IRA Faction with explosive and IEDs and shit. And i dont know who decided to attack the brotherhood when the server was released 5 days ago, But they are a total fucking retard whoever it was. I enjoyed roleplaying with them as BOS Guardian, It was so fun when we had Mexican Shootouts in the town..

-BoS; Ragolution was a great leader. Ragolution was fit to be a leader, But he did it improperly, The BoS should have been blocked off with mountain props, They should have had an IC entrance that took them to the crater or something, It was way to fucking hard having the enemy on the doorstep.

-Traders; They never had a chance to really do anything because everyone was already tired of the server, They honestly had no point. ;\

-Jake And now, We got jake, A extroll who post don't get bigger then one sentence [I am one to talk. xD] leading this. Now Jake I would say has the canon knowledge to lead it, But not the common sense. During Orignal fallout RP [before gay shit] there was a talking bomb he had that was going to wipe out everyone unless the Elder defused it, It was funny at first because people kept making CSS jokes, Then the bomb started psi beaming shit and making people die. I don't know, Because I just kinda avoided it. I mean, Exile, Did you make him SV while you were drunk? Christ.

-Plunger. What the fuck did he even do to loose his admin?

-Cutch. Was probably the most helpful, Everything he did on the server was to help get it started, I'd say without him the server would have died 2 days before it did xD

I've connected to the server once after firestorm, and that was to see the admin wall and try to roleplay, It ended up finding a few guys jumping off a tower into the water and saying "aha this is fun"
So now we've moved buttfuck north west to new England and were only having two factions, Which could be a change to the best but I wouldn't doubt it.

Honestly, I'd rather play DarkRP. Thats how far is degraded too. It's sad because I used to take a big interest in the FORP, I was watching that release clock go down when it was the last 10 seconds. Now, I have to minimize the thread because, Son, I am disappoint.

Can I have my good roleplay server back pls? I miss when it was actually enjoyable, Now its just a fuck-fest of dumbshit.


I already see where this thread is going. Come at me.

The context is so ignorant and exaggerated it's amusing.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

emperor bobby

I haven't played on the server, Not after The Enclave were Just sorta, Cut out of the picture.  Before then, I had alot of fun on my enclave character.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 13-07-2011
I haven't played on the server, Not after The Enclave were Just sorta, Cut out of the picture.  Before then, I had alot of fun on my enclave character.



Quote from: Turkey on 13-07-2011
Quote from: emperor bobby on 13-07-2011
I haven't played on the server, Not after The Enclave were Just sorta, Cut out of the picture.  Before then, I had alot of fun on my enclave character.

So you played only on your Enclave characters. End of story.
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I can't read most of Turkey's post because that orange font disagrees with my phone, however I will say that it was very frustrating to spend a lot of time and effort on my faction and then have it removed for no reason while the abusive Bos got to stay. Will have more to add when I get home and can read the whole first post.


Quote from: lolKieck on 13-07-2011
Quote from: Turkey on 13-07-2011
Quote from: emperor bobby on 13-07-2011
I haven't played on the server, Not after The Enclave were Just sorta, Cut out of the picture.  Before then, I had alot of fun on my enclave character.

So you played only on your Enclave characters. End of story.


emperor bobby

I had 2 other characters. a vault dweller, (who was actually a Canadian who got accepted into the vault.) and His Sister who ended up working at the bar in frankie's.


I've only been on this server for a week today, and I have to say that it doesn't appear as bad as your example, but the RP can occasionally be lacking. I'm not really at liberty to say much else seeing as I wasn't around during the 'firestorm' but I think you should give it another try.
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader

Silver Knight

To put it short, FRP was borrowing srp's playerbase. The 4-6 you are talking about is frp's real own playerbase. FRP has not got a large playerbase of it's own and is not likely to do so with the tons of other shit frp servers that are up pushing it under and out of view. Even with a FP thread it fails to get the publicity it deserves and needs.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Well what would you suggest, Exile? As I said I'm a new guy but for the most part I love the place.
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


Quote from: Last.Exile on 13-07-2011
To put it short, FRP was borrowing srp's playerbase. The 4-6 you are talking about is frp's real own playerbase. FRP has not got a large playerbase of it's own and is not likely to do so with the tons of other shit frp servers that are up pushing it under and out of view. Even with a FP thread it fails to get the publicity it deserves and needs.

... Hey, if you guys give me the go-ahead, I can go all-out with publicity. I can name three places where I can draw in a lot of attention. One of three I'll probably not bother with ( >_>). The other two will work nicely though.

But that's just it. FORP's playerbase is its own playerbase--and it's active even if it's small.

Quote from: Turkey on 13-07-2011
-FRA; The franks had an idea, I loved what misha was doing, But it was truely fucked up by hessen, He decided it would be a totally IRA Faction with explosive and IEDs and shit. And i dont know who decided to attack the brotherhood when the server was released 5 days ago, But they are a total fucking retard whoever it was. I enjoyed roleplaying with them as BOS Guardian, It was so fun when we had Mexican Shootouts in the town..

Turkey, I swear, that is the one thing you've ever said that I recall that I totally fucking agree with. Frankie's Republic was a great idea. I didn't know who the person was who militarized the hell out of the faction, but if that was Hessen, then good riddance. We need a faction like this again. Something easy to join, not too bloody serious, and enjoyable for the players who get into it.

As for BoS, I felt the downfall truly occurred when Anton got power hungry. Sure, Rag was fucking insane a little nuts, but really Anton is the one who buried us. I bailed out of the BoS by just not playing at the time, waiting for the crap to end, and Rag ordered me to log onto BoS on threat of banning me. Then he PKed/Charbanned me without even being courteous enough to give a legitimate reason. Now that the Brotherhood is back, activity in the server has been slow--but it's not an empty wasteland (forgive the pun) anymore. We actually HAVE a small playerbase.

Now we just have to work off of it. The bullshit we had to deal with before is gone. No more abusive admins, no more assbombing wars, and after that 'Firestorm' as you call it (I'll be borrowing that term from now on) we know what to watch out for.

There's still much work to be done, but the amazing thing is that we're making progress. Just one short week ago, NO ONE logged into FORP. Now, we have at least 6 regular players, and I remember toward the end of last week we had three days in a ROW where we had over 10 players at a time logged in for several hours at a time. I've been gone visiting people last two days in particular, but Sunday we had a steady number of 5-6 players online all night long until like 4:00AM (my time) while SRP went dead for the night like six hours earlier.

Like I said, progress is being made. We just have to keep at it. If you guys want publicity, I can get you publicity.


Hessen militarized the faction and started killing people because I was juggling work, school, and being in admin. That is in addition to being the leader of the FRA. I offered to void the entire firestorm event, and even agreed to take the fault for it and post an apology. Rag even agreed to this but Anton took the chance and wouldn't let it go.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Anton fucked it over and Silver didn't help by refusing to listen to the rest of the admin team. Instead he made all these nonsensical changes and did nothing about the root of the problem (Anton and the bos). And that caused most of the players to say fuck that shit and quit, I know plunger, cutch, and I did.

The current canon is so undesirable and fo3-like that there is no reason to rp, I would rather play the actual game. less whining, motte fun. Plus every other fo server in the world is running the same nv or fo3 canon. What makes hgn's fo stand out? It used to be the original setting between fo and fo2. Now it has nothing going for it. It's generic and empty which is a death sentence for an rp server.


Nobody ever roleplayed that it was 2236 because nobody played FO1/FO2 and neither have you, Paintcheck. I could easily tell how wrong do people roleplay their characters in 2236 hence why did I choose to change the canon, because nobody who played on the server payed attention to this important, yet forgotten and ignored part of our old canon.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Playing the game means nothing the fo wiki has all the info needed. Also since the server took place in kentucky in depth knowledge of the game wasn't needed.
Also under the old canon there were 10 plus on most times. Changing to fo 3 did nothing to help the activity. If anything it hurt activity since now the server is generic. You don't need to have played the game to appreciate the better story.

I also do own Fo 2 Jake.


Do you think anyone really spends time READING the wiki? You don't require in depth knowledge, only common sense and the want to develop your character is, because Fallout RP is post-apoc.
No, we barely had anyone playing on the server while our canon was centered in Kentucky.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


There were far more then than now and you are either blind or trolling if you think that's not true. Yes you've had a few days of 10 plus but that is nothing compared to pre-shitstorm numbers.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-07-2011
There were far more then than now and you are either blind or trolling if you think that's not true. Yes you've had a few days of 10 plus but that is nothing compared to pre-shitstorm numbers.
Silver stated - "Fallout was borrowing SRP's playerbase".
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You're implying that I am stupid because I am not pessimistic like yourself? I must admit your rude behavior is becoming rather annoying lately.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


ITT We argue that a server isn't dead, when it is.


Quote from: Plunger on 14-07-2011
ITT We argue that a server isn't dead, when it is.

Thank you for your extremely informative and helpful input like always, Plunger.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 14-07-2011
Nobody ever roleplayed that it was 2236 because nobody played FO1/FO2 and neither have you, Paintcheck. I could easily tell how wrong do people roleplay their characters in 2236 hence why did I choose to change the canon, because nobody who played on the server payed attention to this important, yet forgotten and ignored part of our old canon.

correction I bought paintcheck fallout 2 (best one) and he still hasn't played it >:(


Steven :D

Quote from: meetdadoom on 14-07-2011
Quote from: Jake on 14-07-2011
Nobody ever roleplayed that it was 2236 because nobody played FO1/FO2 and neither have you, Paintcheck. I could easily tell how wrong do people roleplay their characters in 2236 hence why did I choose to change the canon, because nobody who played on the server payed attention to this important, yet forgotten and ignored part of our old canon.
Shoulda got me it. Though I have to say, the server is -dead- but people still play on it, why? I honestly don't know, maybe because people still think it has potential and such and so on? It certainly did in the beginning, before shit happened, and I mean literally, after Paintcheck nuked FRA, shit happened.

correction I bought paintcheck fallout 2 (best one) and he still hasn't played it >:(


Hey! Where is my hard contribution to FORP. Or do you not remember Still Water, or the time I spend in trying to fix FRA but suddenly somebody decided to make the place a second enclave.

Anyways, Turkey is partially right. Though I can not say that Jake is a bad admin. I mean of course he's one of those admins that prefers other players and (Yes you do) treats those that he likes a bit better. But he's human okay? I mean teachers do that, bosses do that. That's life okay?

Though I agree that everything was way better at the start. It sucks Cutch had it busy, and please Cutch next time if you can choose between making: Me, Hessen or that Misha guy an officer. Just choose me or Misha. But you could have not know that he'd fuck it up like that.

So anyways, I know that it's improving just give it some time. And maybe it will stay stuck with only 10 players. I mean isn't it about those 10 players having fun ? Atleast there's 10 peeps. It might never be a success like SRP but it's hard for Exile to recreate a master piece like that. Though I have to say Crussaria is looking good.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves