Sally, just Sally

Started by Das_Uberman, 08-06-2011

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*You find a small bloodstained diary on the floor of a cabin, and open it to the first page*

Page 1:
Well first page, I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Sally, just Sally. I found this diary in a crate, since it hasn't been used, I guess I'll put it to use. I live on a farm with my parents, they're old and grey. They say I'm about twelve, they don't know for sure. They found me abandoned by a water pump as a baby, and decided to take me in, they're very nice.

Page 2:
Just another typical week at the farm, tending the brahmin, watering the corn and wheat, and altogether boring tasks.

*The next few pages are about the same as the second, but the seventh page has something different on it*

Page 7:
I saw a boy today, out on the hills by the farm, he was good looking I guess, but I didn't get a good look at him, he was far away, but he could see me, he had a pair of binoculars, I could tell because they glinted in the sun while he was looking through them. I wonder who he is.

Page 8:
No sign of the boy today, I went up to the hill I saw him on, there was nothing there except for some boot prints leading off away from the farm, strange, I wonder what he was doing there.

Page 9:
It's been a week since I saw the boy, I haven't told mama or papa about him, it would just make them worry, they do that whenever something strange happens. I remember one time we had to hide in the basement because papa saw a group of men and women walking along the hills, nothing happened though, they just kept on walking until they disappeared behind the hills. Of course that didn't stop papa from making us stay in the basement until the sun went down, and after that we had to sneak out of the cellar, around the side of the house, up the porch, and into the house. I suppose you can see why I didn't tell them.

Page 10:
I had my birthday party today.Well it's not really my birthday, it's celebrating the day mama and papa found me, I don't know how they can tell, but it's always on the same day every year, I always ask them how they know, and they always say "parental instinct", and we all laugh. This year we had brahmin steak, which is rare, because it means we have to kill a brahmin, but it is a special occasion after all, and as a present, papa gave me his old binoculars, because his eyes aren't good enough to use them now.

Page 11:
I played with my new binoculars today, I went up on the hills, and started looking at the wasteland with them, mostly just a bunch of dirt and rocks, but I did see a few animals in the distance.

Page 12:
I started drawing today, and I learned that I have a gift for it. So I went around drawing lost of things, the house, the barn, the corn, the brahmin, and other stuff, but my best picture is of mama and papa, that I drew at the table during breakfast.
*Tucked between the pages is a detailed drawing of an elderly couple with kind eyes sitting at a table, smiling*

Page 13:
I was sitting on a hill outside the farm, the one where I'd seen the boy, and I saw a patch of black out in the distance, so I looked at it through my binoculars. It was a group of men, too far to tell exactly what they looked like, but I could see the gleam of their guns. They were heading in our direction. I was so scared I ran down the hill and told papa, he took me back up the hill, and squinted through my binoculars. After that he told us to gather our stuff, and get in the basement, while we were gathering, he grabbed hid old hunting shotgun from on top of the high shelf in the kitchen and loaded it, then we rushed out the door, and into the cellar, barring it from the inside, there was a tiny hole in the door you could peek out of, and papa watched through it, gun at the read, telling us to get some rest, so I'm gonna lie down now, I hope I can sleep.

Page 14:
*The page is covered in splotches where tears fell and smeared the ink*
The men, they... They broke in, I woke up to the sound of papa crying out as bullets from their ripped the cellar door apart, and tore through papa. His blood... It sprayed everywhere, it stained my clothes, the floor, the walls, this diary. Mama started screaming, but I was to scared to, I couldn't even move. The men hammered the door open with their guns, and burst in. Mama wouldn't stop screaming so one went over with a big knife, and he... He... Cut her neck, and when she fell to the floor, he started laughing, saying that would shut her up. That was when I started screaming, and this other onecame over to me, and drew back a fist... Then I woke up in this cage covered in a blanket, alone with my diary, and a big bump on my head, alone, so alone...

Page 15:
I'm still in the cage, and it's moving, like it's on a cart or something, the cage is still covered with the blanket, so I don't know what's happening. Every once in a while on of them will bang on my cage, taunting me, asking if I missed my mommy and daddy. I'd just stay curled up in the center of the cage, away from the bars, quietly sobbing.

Page 16:
We got to the camp the men live in, when we got there they tossed me in a cage, open at the top, three sides are walls, one has bars on it. This place reminds me of a zoo, like the ones mama used to read me as a baby. Lots of mean looking men walk by, occasionally one will stop to spit at me, then keep walking. I stay curled up in the back right corner, only venturing out to grab the food they give me, the food isn't horrible or anything, I've heard talk of them selling me, so I guess I have to be kind of healthy.

Page 17:
I saw the boy today, the boy I saw on the hills outside the farm, he was sweeping the floor. I put it together that he lead them to the farm. I screamed at him, called him horrible things, screamed how what happened was his fault. He just stood there staring at his feet, after I had yelled at him for about two minutes I saw tears starting to fall from his face, and I stopped. He quietly walked away dragging his broom behind him, quietly sobbing. In spite of everything, I felt sorry I screamed at him.

Page 18:
I saw the boy again today, I didn't scream this time, but he didn't talk much. He wouldn't even look at me, but he did mutter that he was sorry, but didn't say anything else. Later he started scrubbing the floor, and a passing man kicked him, he yelped, and the man started laughing at him, then kicked him again. I get the feeling he isn't here by choice either.

Page 19:
*This page also has tear smudges on it, along with spots of blood*
I was sitting in my corner like always, when two men came into my cell. They said they were going to have some fun with me. One of them pinned my to the wall by the neck, while the other started tearing my clothes off, then he... He touched me. I didn't like it, I screamed for help, but no one came. They started laughing, saying no one could hear me, and I started crying. That was when one slapped me in the face, it shocked me so much that I shut up. Then one started undoing his pants and... He... He started raping me. I started screaming again, but he only laughed. I pleaded for him to stop, but he only went faster, I started to hurt, and I could just see blood running down the inside of my legs. I started flailing with my arms and legs, hitting and scratching. He growled, and called me awful things. He stopped and threw me to the floor. Last thing I remember after that is his boot coming toward my face. I woke up later, my clothes in shreds, and blood all over me. I just want to go home. I wish my mama was here, then it wouldn't hurt so bad.

Page 20:
I guess there's justice after all, as it turns out those men who raped me got executed. That's what Bobby told me. Bobby is the boy, the one who cleans the floors. I know he was telling the truth because I heard the shots, appearently, after he kicked me in the face, Bobby saw, and got the other guards, they dragged the men off, and stuck them in cells until the boss decided what to do with them. He decided they were guilty of "damaging merchandise" and were executed for it. Bobby says they have people who are interested in buying me, so they will be here soon to inspect me.

Page 21:
I got to leave my cell today, they put me in the medical bay. They treated all my wounds, including the ones I got when those two attacked me in my cell, and the ones I got when I was kidnapped. The man who treated me was actually nice to me, he didn't shout, or yell, and he was smiling most of the time, maybe they're not all bad.

Bobby said that the men who want to buy me will be here in a few days time. I guess that's why they've been feeding me well. Booby also got to come into my cell to clean it, so we got to talk in private. He told me how he got here, he was taken like me, bu no one wanted him, so he stayed here nd worked for them. He also told me about this place, how it actually was a zoo before the Great War, about how the slavers took it over, and used it as a base. Of course he couldn't clean where I was, I don't like being touched anymore, not after what happened.

Page 23:
The men arrived today, the ones who wanted to buy me, they all wore fancy clothes, and stern looks. They asked about my health, my age, stuff like that, then they came into my cell to look me over. They made me take my clothes off so they could inpect me. I said no, and one in a white suit slapped me, and yelled that I'm not to talk back. So I took off my clothes, and they surveyed me like a slab of meat. One of them said I would do nicely, and he wasn't looking at my face, but I had to stand there, but on the inside, I hated him. Another one who was older, wearing a red suit said that I was too old, that he liked them younger, and thats when I knew what I was being sold for. I'm afraid now, I don't want what happened to happen again.

Page 24:
The men are gone, they went back to get their money, so they could bid on me, like I was property. Bobby has been saying he can break me out, that we can run together, but I have little hope, but he says I have to decide soon, the men will be back soon, a matter of days. I don't know though, I don't want anything to happen to him because of me.

Page 25:
I've decided. I'm going to go with Bobby, better to die for freedom, than live as a slave. We are making plans for escape, the best time will be during the auction, most of the guards will be there to keep an eye on the bidders, in case they try anything. Bobby is going to steal the keys, and a gun if he can, then we'll run for the exit. I hope this works, I've been saving food in my corner, they give me a good ammount because they want me looking health for the bidders, but I'll be in my cell during the auction, they are going to take another look at me before the bidding starts. God, I hope our plan works, I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't.

(To be continued)




QuoteI saw the boy again today, I didn't cream this time

What a shame, i thought that'd be pretty kinky.

Pretty good work, though it is pretty generic.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Quote from: Longlostblake on 11-06-2011
QuoteI saw the boy again today, I didn't cream this time

Fuck, let me fix that.