Rp_Salvation Map Texture Problem

Started by Skybroke, 24-06-2011

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Well as for me I can not see approx of 50% of the textures the map uses such as purple and black squares, wireframe outlines, or invisible all together. I am not sure if this problem is specific to me but I know I am not alone in this problem so if anyone knows how to fix this please post or if you are having similar problems please post also to help determine the source of this problem seeing as this is going to be our settled upon map.

I currently have Half Life 2, Hl2:ep2, Lost Coast, Cs:s, DoD:s. I do not think the problem lies with Episode one because this problem is only for this map to me but I will still investigate further.


It is a problem with EP1.
On my second account,I had exactly same games like you,until I bought Episode 1,I got errors too.


I wish I can get the textures and other things from ep1 without buying it :(

"When in doubt, mumble."


It's a win, you get a great game for like 7.99. Great deal.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Thanks Jake, if this works I am going to jizz in my pants.


Salvation now? Map changes errywhere

Fallout roleplay
Name: Trevor West
Occupation: None
Age: 28
Status: Alive

Name: Pvt. Richard McKay
Occupation: Enclave
Age: 33
Status: Alive


Quote from: TrevorWest on 24-06-2011
Salvation now? Map changes errywhere

We've only changed it once. From GM_atomic to RP_Salvation, I mean we did look at the other maps but that's not really changing permanently.


Atomic blows. It's too simple.

On another note, sorry about the texture fuck up guys! >_o I'm the one who suggested the map in the first place, but I didn't realize it required EP1 to play. But fortunately Jake has a backup for that.