Re: Jake is killing Fallout Roleplay

Started by jaik, 16-06-2011

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I will tell you this before you read further: this is not a quit thread.
This is a Spades' PM to Silverknight.
I am aware of the fact that this was a PM to Silverknight, but this had to be addressed to EVERY Fallout Roleplay player. I cannot change anything unless you TELL ME about it.
If the playerbase believes I am as horrible as this PM states then please tell me. I am more than happy to leave my position if this will defuse the situation. I have nothing against it.

Quote from: Last.Exile on 16-06-2011
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 16-06-2011
(Apologies in advance, because I hate to come to you every time there's something going wrong.)

This is where you go wrong. You do not inform me of what you don't like in the server and prefer to hide it, thus I can do jackshit.

To think I once believed Blake was bad--he's nothing by comparison to this! In fact I wish Blake was back controlling things again, because even when he was a raider running around in power armor, he never screwed things up on such a massive scale! I won't even humor Jake by roleplaying with him anymore. In addition, I will happily put my trial-admin position on the line for what I am about to tell you. Jake's powergaming is single-handedly killing the server.

You have the right to have your own opinion.

Oh where do I begin? Let's see.

- Tesla armor is apparently totally indestructible. It deflects lazorz and is bulletproof. (Except plasma weapons, which we're not allowed to have hurr hurr.)

We don't use tesla armor IC and there are no "official" ways to kill somebody wearing tesla power armor. -EVERYTHING- depends on the roleplay situation.

-- * Point above was recently modified. Apparently it takes 4 laser shots to get through Tesla armor's shieldling. Kind of USELESS considering a Plasma rifle to him is a one-hit-kill weapon.


- Normal Enclave power armor is bulletproof too.

Power Armor was created to withstand common attacks. This includes all of the Chinese arsenal: Hand grenades, Sniper rifle caliber, (tank)missiles. Obviously it DOES get damaged and we take decisions depending on the situation, if for example you get hit by a laser beam while wearing a standard Enclave Power Armor, you will keep that fact in mind and consider the armor damaged. We can always show with an /it that the armor was damaged. There's no difference. The reason why Enclave didn't get applications is because any idiot can apply and act however he desires.

- The Enclave (and by 'Enclave' I mean just Jake and my friend R3BooT) go around lolraiding everyone, especially the traders, just for the pure f**king meanness of it. I doubt Khorn is pleased about this since traders are supposed to help the community, and instead he's making them quit. Not to mention other people he's PKed or forced to ragequit. He PKed someone just today in fact for nothing more than running from him.

You failed to define the term "lolraiding", but as I understand you mean that we go around taking everything we can, etc.
No, that is actually not true. I want to remind you that Enclave is here to put fear into the wastelanders. I did not Permanently Kill nor have I forced someone to ragequit just for "the pure f**king meanness of it", why?
I didn't PK anyone today, Alice Flynn also known as Gamer-san killed her self -NUMEROUS- times before and I have had quite enough of this suicide spree, thus enforcing a COMMON rule about commiting suicide.

- He asspulls weapons and even fully armed IC mercenaries which R3BooT even took a screenshot of in this case. They molotov'd the shit out of the town.

This is where I have to admit that you're acting like a complete idiot. You were NOT present while this event was on. The event was a standard raider attack, everybody played by rules and the winning(Wastelander) side got plenty of loot. The molotovs were there because of Misha's(Also known as Fatdan) request.

- I've argued with him over his powergaming in the forums in the past, and yet he tries to defend his position.

Ugh. What.

- People refuse to log in when Jake is playing. You may have noticed a pattern that I have recently. When I had myself accidentally banned, the server went dead. I finally learned why. Because all Jake does is Enclave assrape everyone.

That is just plain stupidity you are spitting out of your ignorant mouth. People may dislike the seriousness I approach my position and responsibility with, however I always play by the rules and (strictly)enforce them on Fallout Roleplay.I may not be the person who you enjoy having around. I hardly care about your emotions or reactions and if you think that I don't listen to nor consider your complains just because I don't reply or if the response just contains a single word you're incorrect. I admit I may not be a pleasant person to talk to most of the time.

Jake once said he's going to quit if Blake gets his position back. Frankly, I am begging you to hurry up with it and reinstate Blake or anyone else. The way things are going right now, it's no wonder FORP is dying.

The broken economy is fixed from what I can see. Provided it's not buzzing about and thriving, but it shouldn't. This is post-apocalyptia. The economy is good now. Roleplay meanwhile is on the rise. People (at least for a little while) had begun logging in again. As one person noted, "Oh my god, more people in Fallout than Stalker!" I want to see this trend continue--and Jake is murdering it.

Jesus. Is that all you care about? Roleplay always matters to me more than the player count, it's a fact known to any experienced serious roleplay provider and manager.

Even R3BooT (who is I believe his only Enclave lackie) thinks Jake has gone too far now. Hence the screenshot you see above. Jake seems to think that this server belongs to him and he can do whatever he wants. Khorn has noticed such problems in his behavior as well in regards to his handling of T-flags. He doesn't even consult other admins for their opinion. I doubt he has consulted you on any of this.

I always consider what's best for Silver and then the playerbase. I give out T flags to traders, is that an issue at all? Do I have to ask an admin if I could give trader flags to somebody who already applied and got accepted?

Like I said, this desperately needs to end. The powergaming needs to stop, and the Enclave aren't lolraiders, and they're not bullet proof. You are, however, the only one who is capable of telling Jake "NO" at this point. He won't listen to anyone else--because he feels like he doesn't have to.

Oh, and before Jake uses the excuse, "Oh Kira lost her guns so he's butthurt about it." No, it's a LOT more than that. I watched him rob other people in observe mode and it pissed me off. I watched him rob Garret and then shot him in the foot and it pissed me off (I even recorded it this time on Fraps).

I rob people in observer mode? I really have no comments on that statement. I took a -SINGLE- energy cell from Garret (as known as FrozenFire) and shot him in the foot because he did not want to give me the energy cell.

Like I've said, to prove a point, I'll put my administrative rights on the line to see this through and hopefully as a means of proving to you that I'm not just bullshitting you because I don't like Jake. I didn't like Blake for a long time either--but one day when the playerbase ICly rose up against his character Jon, I noticed he humbled a bit, and I regained respect for him.

Your feelings towards another hardly matter here.

In conclusion, please help us. Seriously. Jake is ruining everything, and there's nothing anyone else can do to stop it. I'll even petition the playerbase if it means proving to you that none of us are happy about this.

Read the first paragraph of this post

Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Steven :D

Spades is seriously mad.  Jake does his job good, you just cant begin to comprehend what Jake is exactly doing, but its working.



Exile told me this is the proper location to put this sort of thing. Done. Now go discuss it there.

Edit: I also found it quite despicable that you posted a private conversation in public. But if you want to play politics, I'll play politics. Any further responses will only be made where they should have been in the first place: In the link I posted.

You'll notice that the version in the link is edited from above. No shit. R3BooT for instance didn't want anything to do with this. Second, certain opinions I would have kept with Exile and let this quarrel be between only us and not our friends who are inevitably going to get involved now. You've only served to split us further.


As I said to Spades and Jake in Steam chat, all this OOC drama seriously needs to stop. The server is for RP, not to BAWWWW all the time, even about the slightest things. Point is, we need to deal with shit properly. Because every single time, it's always stuff like this. Nobody wins, everyone hates eachother.

Fallout roleplay
Name: Trevor West
Occupation: None
Age: 28
Status: Alive

Name: Pvt. Richard McKay
Occupation: Enclave
Age: 33
Status: Alive


Quote from: TrevorWest on 16-06-2011
As I said to Spades and Jake in Steam chat, all this OOC drama seriously needs to stop. The server is for RP, not to BAWWWW all the time, even about the slightest things. Point is, we need to deal with shit properly. Because every single time, it's always stuff like this. Nobody wins, everyone hates eachother.
funny gifs


Quote from: R3BooT on 16-06-2011
Quote from: TrevorWest on 16-06-2011
As I said to Spades and Jake in Steam chat, all this OOC drama seriously needs to stop. The server is for RP, not to BAWWWW all the time, even about the slightest things. Point is, we need to deal with shit properly. Because every single time, it's always stuff like this. Nobody wins, everyone hates eachother.

Hence why this should have been kept in private. Instead now we'll have a nice little political war and in the end nothing will get solved.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 16-06-2011
Quote from: R3BooT on 16-06-2011
Quote from: TrevorWest on 16-06-2011
As I said to Spades and Jake in Steam chat, all this OOC drama seriously needs to stop. The server is for RP, not to BAWWWW all the time, even about the slightest things. Point is, we need to deal with shit properly. Because every single time, it's always stuff like this. Nobody wins, everyone hates eachother.

Hence why this should have been kept in private. Instead now we'll have a nice little political war and in the end nothing will get solved.

Talking to you resulted proved pointless. Unfortunately you keep seeing the things you way, there's absolutely little something I can do about it.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 16-06-2011

Edit: I also found it quite despicable that you posted a private conversation in public. But if you want to play politics, I'll play politics. Any further responses will only be made where they should have been in the first place: In the link I posted.

I find it despicable that you weren't mature enough to speak to Jake like an adult. This kind of shit is poison to any server. There's no rule that admins have to like each other but you do need to work together and fucking communicate. Whining to Silver without bringing your issues to the attention of the person you are complaining about is childish and leads to worse drama (as evidenced in this post).

Congrats on making things about 50 times worse than they need to be, Spades.


Looks like Jake..
*puts on sunglasses*
Just got ratted out by a snake..

I am just kidding, Spades is not a snake, look you are just not used to it, Enclave tend to push people around, especially if there is no one standing up for it. Start recruiting minutemen. Outnumber them.