Re: 3/H/4-2 After Action Reports (AAR'S)

Started by assassin8909, 21-12-2011

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Those involved (By Rank):
1LT. Gold

SPC. Negron
PVT. Alson
PVT. Anderson
PVT. Shielman

1 Wastelander


1LT. Gold

SPC. Negron
PVT. Shielman

Description of Conflict:
Enclave units SPC. Negron, PVT. Alson, PVT. Anderson, and PVT. Shielman were led by 1LT. Gold, 1LT. Gold gave the units to lead an ONSET on White Chapel. Shortly after, Many casualties were reported, Including 1LT. Gold and a few other Units. One mutie wearing Enclave Power Armor, was spotted in the town engaging the other Units. The units reported dead are, 1LT. Gold, SPC. Negron, and PVT. Shielman. I PVT. Alson, managed to take down a waster under heavy fire, and escape unharmed.


Those involved (By Rank):
SPC. William Negron
PVT. Nathan Alson
PVT. Kevin Shielman



Description of Conflict:
A large mutant bear attacked our patrol at aproximatley 3:50 PM, 01/05. It charged our group, knocking us all over. No major wounds were recieved. We shot it in it's behind as it retreated. While returning to base it came back for another fight, this time knocking PVT. Alson out. I then proceeded to drag Alson back to base. Alson regained conciousness upon our return to base. I and Shielman were not wounded in any major way, perhaps a few sore limbs.



Those involved (By Rank):
SPC. William Negron
PVT. Edwin Kyrn
PVT. Nathan Alson
PVT. Archer Brown



Description of Conflict:
On a patrol a few gung-ho mutants decided to take shots at us, unloading at us. Attempting to keep a non-aggressive nature, we fired near them, forcing them into cover. Their attacks became more violent, one unloading on PVT. Alson's armor, no injuries were sustained though. We tactically withdrew, not wanting to draw too much attention, keeping a base of fire. Some shots hit the water tower looking structure, though it already looking decrepit.

Specialist William Negron.


Those involved (By Rank): SSG. Greyson, Vincent
CPL. Marshall, Denis
PVT. Shielmen, Kevin
PVT. Alson, Nathan

Kills: 22 biotics
2 near-humans

Deaths: N/A

Description of Conflict: We where ordered to go to the "White Chapel" in order to find anything of value for command. Once we reached the town, we saw a mutie, as I ordered Kevin to keep him to the wall as sarge searched to gas station. Me and Nathan continued to search the near by building, when sarge found a woman passed out from "fear". He gave the woman to Kevin and he took him to the other mutie on the wall. Once I was done searching the back of the town with sarge, I went into the gas station, to find a man in power armor pooping out bits of metal into the toilet. He yelled at me saying, "Close the door the dogs are coming!". I decided right there that the man needed to die, as I shoot a burst from my rifle into his face. He had 3 knifes, a box of buckshot, and a standard combat shotgun. After this, there was an attack on the town by some ant like mutants. All of them where killed without any problems. I noticed that there was one house we didn't search, as me and sarge went to investigate it. There, we found a doctor, and a female. I tied up the female, and attempted to execute the doctor before sarge interrupted me. He suggested that I not shoot the doctor, but rather go against the LT.'s orders and let him go. Once the LT. told the sarge that we must kill the man, I shot him once in the back of the head. I told Kevin and Nathan to search the men at the junkyard. We took the female back to base, putting her in the shack and waited for the privates. The privates said they searched than killed the men at the junkyard, but did not specify the amount. They also brought back another female, and put her in another shack.